 * Elgg default_widgets plugin.
 * @package DefaultWidgets
 * Code based on the work of:
 * @link http://www.tastyseed.com
 * @link http://www.chadsowald.com
 * @links http://www.somosmas.org

 * Default widgets initialisation
 * These parameters are required for the event API, but we won't use them:
 * @param unknown_type $event
 * @param unknown_type $object_type
 * @param unknown_type $object
function defaultwidgets_init() {
	// register create user event hook
	elgg_register_event_handler('create', 'user', 'defaultwidgets_newusers' );

	// set the widget access to the default access on validation if this is not an admin-created user
	if (!isadminloggedin()) {
		elgg_register_event_handler('validate', 'user', 'defaultwidgets_reset_access');

	$action_dir = elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'defaultwidgets/actions';
	elgg_register_action("defaultwidgets/update", "$action_dir/update.php", 'admin');

	elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('permissions_check', 'user', 'defaultwidgets_can_edit');
	elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('permissions_check', 'object', 'defaultwidgets_can_edit');
	elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('container_permissions_check', 'user', 'defaultwidgets_can_edit_container');
	// @todo These submenu pages should be DRYed up
	//elgg_add_admin_menu_item('default_profile_widgets', elgg_echo('defaultwidgets:menu:profile'), 'appearance');
	//elgg_add_admin_menu_item('default_dashboard_widgets', elgg_echo('defaultwidgets:menu:dashboard'), 'appearance');

 * Overrides default permissions for the default widgets context
function defaultwidgets_can_edit($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
	global $defaultwidget_access;

	if ($defaultwidget_access) {
		return true;
	return $return_value;

 * Override the canEditMetadata function to return true for messages
function defaultwidgets_can_edit_metadata($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
	global $defaultwidget_access;

	if ($defaultwidget_access) {
		return true;
	return $return_value;


 * Override the canEdit function to return true for messages within a particular context.
function defaultwidgets_can_edit_container($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
	global $defaultwidget_access;

	if ($defaultwidget_access) {
		return true;
	return $return_value;

 * Extends the create user event to add admin defined widgets to the dashboard/profile context
function defaultwidgets_newusers($event, $object_type, $object) {

	// turn on permissions override
	global $defaultwidget_access, $CONFIG;
	$defaultwidget_access = true;

	// get the new user guid
	$guid = $object->guid;

	if (isadminloggedin()) {
		// this is an admin-created user
		// no permissions problems, so set proper access now
		// use system default access (not the admin's default access!, because that could be a personal access level)
		$widget_access = elgg_get_config('default_access');
	} else {
		// this is a regular registration
		// set widget access to public for now and reset it properly during the validate event
		// to avoid Elgg permissions problems
		$widget_access = ACCESS_PUBLIC;

	// check if it's set
	if (! empty ( $guid )) {

		// get the user entity
		if ($user = get_entity ( $guid )) {

			// can this user edit
			if ($user->canEdit ()) {

				// each of the contexts to add widgets for
				$contexts = array ('profile', 'dashboard' );

				// get the entities for the module
				$entities = elgg_get_entities (array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'moddefaultwidgets', 'limit' => 9999));

				// check if the entity exists
				if (isset ( $entities [0] )) {

					// get the widgets for the context
					$entity = $entities [0];

					foreach ( $contexts as $context ) {
						$current_widgets = $entity->$context;
						list ( $left, $middle, $right ) = split ( '%%', $current_widgets );

						// split columns into seperate widgets
						$area1widgets = split ( '::', $left );
						$area2widgets = split ( '::', $middle );
						$area3widgets = split ( '::', $right );

						// clear out variables if no widgets are available
						if ($area1widgets [0] == "")
							$area1widgets = false;
						if ($area2widgets [0] == "")
							$area2widgets = false;
						if ($area3widgets [0] == "")
							$area3widgets = false;

						// generate left column widgets for a new user
						if ($area1widgets) {
							foreach ( $area1widgets as $i => $widget ) {
								add_widget ( $guid, $widget, $context, ($i + 1), 1, $widget_access );

						// generate middle column widgets for a new user
						if ($area2widgets) {
							foreach ( $area2widgets as $i => $widget ) {
								add_widget ( $guid, $widget, $context, ($i + 1), 2, $widget_access );

						// generate right column widgets for a new user
						if ($area3widgets) {
							foreach ( $area3widgets as $i => $widget ) {
								add_widget ( $guid, $widget, $context, ($i + 1), 3, $widget_access );

	// turn off permissions override
	$defaultwidget_access = false;

function defaultwidgets_reset_access($event, $object_type, $object) {

	global $defaultwidget_access;

	// turn on permissions override
	$defaultwidget_access = true;

	// the widgets are disabled, so turn on the ability to see disabled entities

	$access_status = access_get_show_hidden_status();

	$widgets = elgg_get_entities(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'widget', 'owner_guid' => $object->getGUID()));

	if ($widgets) {
		foreach($widgets as $widget) {
			$widget->access_id = get_default_access();


	// turn off permissions override
	$defaultwidget_access = false;

	return true;

// Make sure the status initialisation function is called on initialisation
elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'defaultwidgets_init');