 * Elgg captcha plugin
 * @package ElggCaptcha


function captcha_init() {

	// Register page handler for captcha functionality
	elgg_register_page_handler('captcha', 'captcha_page_handler');

	// Extend CSS
	elgg_extend_view('css', 'captcha/css');

	// Number of background images
	elgg_set_config('captcha_num_bg', 5);

	// Default length
	elgg_set_config('captcha_length', 5);

	elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('register', 'user', 'captcha_verify_action_hook');
	elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('action', 'user/requestnewpassword', 'captcha_verify_action_hook');

function captcha_page_handler($page) {

	if (isset($page[0])) {
		set_input('captcha_token', $page[0]);

	include(elgg_get_plugins_path() . "captcha/captcha.php");

 * Generate a token to act as a seed value for the captcha algorithm.
function captcha_generate_token() {
	return md5(generate_action_token(time()).rand()); // Use action token plus some random for uniqueness

 * Generate a captcha based on the given seed value and length.
 * @param string $seed_token
 * @return string
function captcha_generate_captcha($seed_token) {
	 * We generate a token out of the random seed value + some session data, 
	 * this means that solving via pr0n site or indian cube farm becomes
	 * significantly more tricky (we hope).
	 * We also add the site secret, which is unavailable to the client and so should
	 * make it very very hard to guess values before hand.

	return strtolower(substr(md5(generate_action_token(0) . $seed_token), 0, elgg_get_config('captcha_length')));

 * Verify a captcha based on the input value entered by the user and the seed token passed.
 * @param string $input_value
 * @param string $seed_token
 * @return bool
function captcha_verify_captcha($input_value, $seed_token) {
	if (strcasecmp($input_value, captcha_generate_captcha($seed_token)) == 0) {
		return true;
	return false;

 * Listen to the action plugin hook and check the captcha.
 * @param unknown_type $hook
 * @param unknown_type $entity_type
 * @param unknown_type $returnvalue
 * @param unknown_type $params
function captcha_verify_action_hook($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) {
	$token = get_input('captcha_token');
	$input = get_input('captcha_input');

	if (($token) && (captcha_verify_captcha($input, $token))) {
		return true;


	// forward to referrer or else action code sends to front page

	return false;