
$english = array(

	 * Menu items and titles

		'bookmarks' => "Bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:add' => "Bookmark something",
		'bookmarks:read' => "Bookmark list",
		'bookmarks:friends' => "Friends' bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:all' => "All site bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:user' => "%s's bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:group' => "Bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:this' => "Bookmark this",
		'bookmarks:this:group' => "Bookmark in %s",
		'bookmarks:bookmarklet' => "Get bookmarklet",
		'bookmarks:bookmarklet:group' => "Get community bookmarklet",
		'bookmarks:inbox' => "Bookmarks inbox",
		'bookmarks:more' => "View note",
		'bookmarks:yours' => "My bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:shareditem' => "Bookmarked item",
		'bookmarks:with' => "Share with",
		'bookmarks:new' => "Add a Bookmark",
		'bookmarks:via' => "via bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:address' => "Address of the resource to bookmark",
		'bookmarks:addnote' => "Add a note",
		'bookmarks:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this resource?",
		'bookmarks:url' => 'URL',
		'bookmarks:numbertodisplay' => 'Number of bookmarked items to display',
		'bookmarks:edit:success' => "Bookmark successfully edited",
		'bookmarks:edit:fail' => "There was a problem editing that bookmark, please try again.",
		'bookmarks:shared' => "Bookmarked",
		'bookmarks:visit' => "Visit resource",
		'bookmarks:recent' => "Recent bookmarks",
		'bookmarks:stats' => "Bookmark stats",
		'bookmarks:resources' => "resources bookmarked",
		'bookmarks:river:created' => '%s bookmarked',
		'bookmarks:river:annotate' => 'posted a comment on this bookmarked item',
		'bookmarks:river:item' => 'an item',

		'item:object:bookmarks' => 'Bookmarked items',

		'bookmarks:enablebookmarks' => 'Enable community bookmarks',
		'bookmarks:referenceadded' => 'You have added that bookmark as a reference',
		'bookmarks:referenceerror' => 'There was a problem adding that bookmark as a reference',
		'bookmarks:none' => 'You don\'t have any bookmarks',
		'bookmarks:addref' => 'Add a reference',
		'bookmarks:removed' => 'You have now removed that reference',
		'bookmarks:removederror' => ' There was a problem removing that reference',
		'bookmarks:remove:confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this reference?',

	 * More text
	    'bookmarks:widget:description' => 
	            "This widget displays your latest bookmarks.",

		'bookmarks:bookmarklet:description' =>
				"The bookmarklet allows you to share a url with your friends, or just bookmark it for yourself. To use it, simply drag the button above to your browser's links bar.",

        'bookmarks:bookmarklet:descriptionie' =>
				"If you are using Internet Explorer, you will need to right click on the bookmarklet icon, and select 'add to favorites', and then the Links bar.",

		'bookmarks:bookmarklet:description:conclusion' =>
				"You can then bookmark any webpage you visit by clicking the button in your browsers toolbar.",

	 * Status messages

		'bookmarks:save:success' => "Your item was successfully bookmarked.",
		'bookmarks:delete:success' => "Your bookmarked item was successfully deleted.",

	 * Error messages

		'bookmarks:save:failed' => "Your bookmarked item could not be saved. Please try again.",
		'bookmarks:delete:failed' => "Your bookmarked item could not be deleted. Please try again.",

