<?php /** * Blogs * * @package Blog * * @todo * Either drop support for "publish date" or duplicate more entity getter * functions to work with a non-standard time_created. * Show friends blog posts * Widget * * Pingbacks * Notifications */ /** * Init blog plugin. * * @return TRUE */ function blog_init() { global $CONFIG; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/blog_lib.php'; add_menu(elgg_echo('blog:blogs'), elgg_get_site_url()."pg/blog/", array()); // run the setup upon activations or to upgrade old installations. run_function_once('blog_runonce', '1269370108'); elgg_extend_view('css', 'blog/css'); register_elgg_event_handler('pagesetup', 'system', 'blog_page_setup'); register_page_handler('blog', 'blog_page_handler'); register_entity_url_handler('blog_url_handler', 'object', 'blog'); // notifications register_notification_object('object', 'blog', elgg_echo('blog:newpost')); register_plugin_hook('notify:entity:message', 'object', 'blog_notify_message'); // pingbacks //register_elgg_event_handler('create', 'object', 'blog_incoming_ping'); //register_plugin_hook('pingback:object:subtypes', 'object', 'blog_pingback_subtypes'); // Register for search. register_entity_type('object', 'blog'); //add_widget_type('blog', elgg_echo('blog'), elgg_echo('blog:widget:description'), 'profile, dashboard'); $action_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/actions/blog'; register_action('blog/save', FALSE, "$action_path/save.php"); register_action('blog/auto_save_revision', FALSE, "$action_path/auto_save_revision.php"); register_action('blog/delete', FALSE, "$action_path/delete.php"); // ecml register_plugin_hook('get_views', 'ecml', 'blog_ecml_views_hook'); // Register profile menu hook register_plugin_hook('profile_menu', 'profile', 'blog_profile_menu'); } /** * Register entity class for object:blog -> ElggBlog */ function blog_runonce() { if (!update_subtype('object', 'blog', 'ElggBlog')) { add_subtype('object', 'blog', 'ElggBlog'); } } /** * Dispatches blog pages. * To maintain URL backward compatibility, expects old-style URLs like: * pg/blog/[username/[read|edit|archive|new/[time_start|guid/[time_end|title]]]] * * Without a username, show all blogs * Without an action (read|edit|archive|new), forward to pg/blog/username/read. * Without a guid, show all post for that user. * Title is ignored * * If archive, uses time_start/end * * @todo There is no way to say "show me archive view for all blog posts" with the * current URL scheme because $param[0] is the username instead of an action. * Could do something hideous like make '*' mean "all users" (since a username can't be *). * Can't change the URL scheme because of URL compatibility. * * @param array $page * @return NULL */ function blog_page_handler($page) { global $CONFIG; // see if we're showing all or just a user's if (isset($page[0]) && !empty($page[0])) { $username = $page[0]; // push breadcrumb elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('blog:blogs'), "{$CONFIG->site->url}pg/blog"); // forward away if invalid user. if (!$user = get_user_by_username($username)) { register_error('blog:error:unknown_username'); forward($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } set_page_owner($user->getGUID()); $crumbs_title = sprintf(elgg_echo('blog:owned_blogs'), $user->name); $crumbs_url = "{$CONFIG->site->url}pg/blog/$username/read"; elgg_push_breadcrumb($crumbs_title, $crumbs_url); $action = isset($page[1]) ? $page[1] : FALSE; // yeah these are crap names, but they're used for different things. $page2 = isset($page[2]) ? $page[2] : FALSE; $page3 = isset($page[3]) ? $page[3] : FALSE; switch ($action) { case 'read': $title = sprintf(elgg_echo('blog:title:user_blogs'), $user->name); $content_info = blog_get_page_content_read($user->getGUID(), $page2); break; case 'new': case 'edit': gatekeeper(); $title = elgg_echo('blog:edit'); $content_info = blog_get_page_content_edit($page2, $page3); break; case 'archive': $title = elgg_echo('blog:archives'); $content_info = blog_get_page_content_archive($user->getGUID(), $page2, $page3); break; case 'friends': $title = elgg_echo('blog:title:friends'); $content_info = blog_get_page_content_friends($user->getGUID()); break; default: forward("pg/blog/$username/read/"); break; } } else { $title = elgg_echo('blog:title:all_blogs'); $content_info = blog_get_page_content_read(); } $sidebar = isset($content_info['sidebar']) ? $content_info['sidebar'] : ''; $sidebar .= elgg_view('blog/sidebar_menu', array( 'page' => isset($page[1]) ? $page[1] : FALSE, )); $content = elgg_view('navigation/breadcrumbs') . $content_info['content']; $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column_with_sidebar', $content, $sidebar); page_draw($title, $body); } /** * Format and return the correct URL for blogs. * * @param ElggObject $entity * @return string URL of blog. */ function blog_url_handler($entity) { global $CONFIG; if (!$user = get_entity($entity->owner_guid)) { // default to a standard view if no owner. return FALSE; } $friendly_title = elgg_get_friendly_title($entity->title); $url = "{$CONFIG->site->url}pg/blog/{$user->username}/read/{$entity->getGUID()}/$friendly_title"; return $url; } /** * Register blogs with ECML. * * @param unknown_type $hook * @param unknown_type $entity_type * @param unknown_type $return_value * @param unknown_type $params */ function blog_ecml_views_hook($hook, $entity_type, $return_value, $params) { $return_value['object/blog'] = elgg_echo('blog:blogs'); return $return_value; } function blog_profile_menu($hook, $entity_type, $return_value, $params) { global $CONFIG; if (!($params['owner'] instanceof ElggGroup)) { $return_value[] = array( 'text' => elgg_echo('blog'), 'href' => "{$CONFIG->url}pg/blog/{$params['owner']->username}/read", ); } return $return_value; } register_elgg_event_handler('init', 'system', 'blog_init');