container_guid) set_page_owner($blogpost->container_guid); else set_page_owner($blogpost->owner_guid); //set breadcrumbs //$area2 = elgg_view('elggcampus_layout/breadcrumbs', array('object_title' => $blogpost->title, 'object_type' => 'blog')); // Display it $area2 .= elgg_view_entity($blogpost, true); //get the blog's access level $blog_acl = get_readable_access_level($blogpost->access_id); // Set the title appropriately $title = $blogpost->title; //set blog ownerblock if not your own if($blogpost->owner_guid != get_loggedin_user()->guid){ $area3 = elgg_view('blog/ownerblock'); } //display the read sidebar //$area3 .= elgg_view('blog/read_sidebar', array('blog_acl' => $blog_acl, 'entity' => $blogpost)); //if the logged in user is not looking at their stuff, display the ownerblock otherwise //show the users favourites if(page_owner() != get_loggedin_user()->guid){ $area3 = elgg_view('blog/ownerblock'); }else{ //a view for the favourites plugin to extend $area3 .= elgg_view("blogs/sidebar_options", array("object_type" => 'blog')); } //display archive $area3 .= elgg_view("blog/archive"); //get the latest comments on user's blog posts $comments = get_annotations(0, "object", "blog", "generic_comment", "", 0, 4, 0, "desc",0,0,page_owner()); $area3 .= elgg_view('page_elements/latest_comments', array('comments' => $comments)); // Display through the correct canvas area $body = elgg_view_layout("one_column_with_sidebar", $area1.$area2, $area3); // If we're not allowed to see the blog post } else { // Display the 'post not found' page instead $body = elgg_view("blog/notfound"); $title = elgg_echo("blog:notfound"); } // Display page page_draw($title,$body); ?>