<?php /** * Blog English language file. * */ $english = array( 'blog' => 'Blogs', 'blog:blogs' => 'Blogs', 'blog:owned_blogs' => '%s', 'blog:revisions' => 'Revisions', 'blog:archives' => 'Archives', 'blog:blog' => 'Blog', 'blog:author_by_line' => 'By %s', 'item:object:blog' => 'Blogs', 'blog:title:user_blogs' => '%s\'s Blogs', 'blog:title:all_blogs' => 'All Site Blogs', 'blog:title:friends' => 'All Friends\' Blogs', // Editing 'blog:new' => 'New blog post', 'blog:edit' => 'Edit blog post', 'blog:excerpt' => 'Excerpt', 'blog:body' => 'Body', 'blog:save_status' => 'Last saved: ', 'blog:never' => 'Never', 'blog:publish_date' => 'Publish Date', // Statuses 'blog:status' => 'Status', 'blog:status:draft' => 'Draft', 'blog:status:published' => 'Published', 'blog:status:unsaved_draft' => 'Unsaved Draft', 'blog:revision' => 'Revision', 'blog:auto_saved_revision' => 'Auto Saved Revision', // messages 'blog:message:saved' => 'Blog post saved.', 'blog:error:cannot_save' => 'Cannot save blog post.', 'blog:error:cannot_write_to_container' => 'Insufficient access to save blog to group.', 'blog:error:post_not_found' => 'This post has been removed or is invalid.', 'blog:messages:warning:draft' => 'There is an unsaved draft of this post!', 'blog:edit_revision_notice' => '(Old version)', 'blog:message:deleted_post' => 'Blog post deleted.', 'blog:error:cannot_delete_post' => 'Cannot delete blog post.', 'blog:none' => 'No blogs found', 'blog:error:missing:title' => 'Please enter a blog title!', 'blog:error:missing:description' => 'Please enter the body of your blog!', 'blog:error:cannot_edit_post' => 'This post may not exist or you may not have permissions to edit it.', 'blog:error:revision_not_found' => 'Cannot find this revision.', // river 'blog:river:create' => 'published a blog post', ); add_translation('en', $english);