0) { foreach ($users as $user_guid) { // reset the query cache. $DB_QUERY_CACHE = array(); if (!$user = get_entity($user_guid)) { continue; } $r = tidypics_migrate_user_pics($user); } //echo "Trying to grab $limit more users...\n"; $offset = $offset + $limit; $users = tidypics_get_user_guids_with_pics_in_files($offset, $limit); } return $r; } /** * Migrates all pictures owned by a user regardless of * if they're group or user files. * * @param ElggUser $user User to migrate. * @return bool on success */ function tidypics_migrate_user_pics(ElggUser $user) { global $CONFIG, $filestore; // update all entity subtypes in a single go at the end. $updated_guids = array(); if (!$pics = tidypics_get_user_pics_from_files($user_guid) OR count($pics) < 1) { return false; } //echo "{$user->name} ({$user->getGUID()}) has " . count($pics) . " pics.\n"; // get an album to migrate into if it already exists. // will create later on if it doesn't. $user_album_entities = get_entities_from_metadata('migrated_from_files', true, 'object', 'album', $user->getGUID(), 1); $user_album_guid = isset($album_entities[0]) ? $album_entities[0]->getGUID() : false; // a list of albums to randomly select a cover for on newly created albums. $new_album_guids = array(); foreach ($pics as $pic) { // check that it's not already in tidy pics if (false !== strpos($pic->filename, 'image/')) { //echo "{$pic->filename} ({$pic->getGUID()}) looks like it's already in tidy pics. Ignoring.\n"; continue; } // blank some vars $group_pic = $group_album_guid = $group_guid = false; // see if we're doing a group file migration. if ($pic->container_guid != $user->getGUID() AND $group = get_entity($pic->container_guid) AND $group instanceof ElggGroup ) { //echo "{$pic->getGUID()} is in a group!\n"; $group_pic = true; $group_guid = $group->getGUID(); // yes, this is how you get entities by container_guid. // yes, it's wrong, wrong, wrong for this function to work this way. $group_album_entities = get_entities('object', 'album', $group_guid); // get_entities_from_metadata doesn't support container_guid (or owner_guid meaning container_guid) // do it the hard way. if (is_array($group_album_entities)) { foreach ($group_album_entities as $group_album) { if ($group_album->migrated_from_files == true) { $group_album_guid = $group_album->getGUID(); break; } } } $album_guid = $group_album_guid; $group_album_guids[] = $group_album_guid; } else { $album_guid = $user_album_guid; } //echo "album_guid is $album_guid and group_pic is: $group_pic\n"; // create an album if we need to. if (!$album_guid) { //echo "Creating new album...\n"; $album = new ElggObject(); $album->subtype = 'album'; $album->new_album = TP_NEW_ALBUM; if ($group_pic) { $album->container_guid = $group_guid; $album->owner_guid = $group->owner_guid; $album->access_id = $group->group_acl; $album->title = $group->name; } else { $album->container_guid = $user_guid; $album->owner_guid = $user->getGUID(); $album->access_id = ACCESS_DEFAULT; $album->title = $user->name; } if (!$album->save()) { //echo "Couldn't migrate pics for {$user->name} ($user_guid)!\n"; return false; } $album->migrated_from_files = true; $album_guid = $album->getGUID(); $new_album_guids[] = $album_guid; // save the album guid as the users if (!$group_pic) { $user_album_guid = $album_guid; } } if (!tidypics_migrate_pic_from_files($pic, $album_guid)) { //echo "{$pic->filename} ({$pic->getGUID()}) Couldn't be migrated. Ignoring.\n"; continue; } } // randomly pic an image to be the cover for the user gallery //$album->cover = $pic_guids[array_rand($pic_guids)]; foreach ($new_album_guids as $guid) { tidypics_set_random_cover_pic($guid); } return true; } /** * Randomly pics an image from an album to be the cover. * @return bool on success */ function tidypics_set_random_cover_pic($album_guid) { global $CONFIG; if ($album = get_entity($album_guid) AND $album instanceof TidypicsAlbum) { $q = "SELECT guid FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities WHERE container_guid = $album_guid ORDER BY RAND() limit 1"; $pic = get_data($q); return $album->cover = $pic[0]->guid; } return false; } /** * Migrates a single pic from the file repo. * @return bool on succes. */ function tidypics_migrate_pic_from_files($pic, $album_guid) { global $CONFIG, $filestore; // get the subtype id. $image_subtype_id = get_subtype_id('object', 'image'); // hold which metadata on the files need to be changes // also holds the images we need to move $file_md_fields = array('filename', 'thumbnail', 'smallthumb', 'largethumb'); if (!$user = get_entity($pic->owner_guid)) { return false; } // figure out where to move the files. $matrix = $filestore->make_file_matrix($user->username); $user_fs_path = $CONFIG->dataroot . $matrix; $album_fs_path = $CONFIG->dataroot . $matrix . "image/$album_guid/"; if (!is_dir($album_fs_path)) { if (!mkdir($album_fs_path, 0700, true)) { return false; } } // change all the 'file/'s to 'image/'s in certain metadata // these are also the files we need to move. foreach ($file_md_fields as $md_name) { // $pic->$md_name = str_replace('file/', 'image/', $pic->$md_name); $old_file = $pic->$md_name; $new_file = str_replace('file/', "image/$album_guid", $old_file); if (!($old_fp = fopen($user_fs_path . $old_file, 'r') AND $new_fp = fopen($user_fs_path . $new_file, 'w'))) { //echo "Could not move {$user_fs_path}{$old_file} to {$user_fs_path}{$new_file}\n"; continue; } while (!feof($old_fp)) { if (!fputs($new_fp, fread($old_fp, 8192))) { //echo "Could not move {$user_fs_path}{$old_file} to {$user_fs_path}{$new_file} (Error writing.)\n"; break; } } $pic->$md_name = $new_file; } // update container. // this doesn't work...? //$pic->container_guid = $album_guid; // delete old one. unlink($user_fs_path . $old_file); $q = "UPDATE {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities SET subtype = $image_subtype_id, container_guid = $album_guid WHERE guid = {$pic->getGUID()}"; //echo "Finished moving {$user_fs_path}{$old_file} to {$user_fs_path}{$new_file}\n"; return update_data($q); } /** * Grabs all user IDs with images in the files repo. * return mixed. False on fail, array of GUIDs on success. */ function tidypics_get_user_guids_with_pics_in_files($offset, $limit) { global $CONFIG; //$simpletype_ms_id = add_metastring('simple_type'); //$image_ms_id = add_metastring('image'); $q = "SELECT DISTINCT e.owner_guid FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities as e, {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_subtypes as st WHERE st.subtype = 'file' AND e.subtype = st.id LIMIT $offset, $limit"; if (!$data = get_data($q)) { return false; } // return an array of IDs $r = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $r[] = $row->owner_guid; } return $r; } /** * Gets a list of images for a single user. * @return array of GUIDs, false on fail. */ function tidypics_get_user_pics_from_files($user_guid) { if (!$user = get_entity($user_guid) AND $user instanceof ElggUser) { return false; } // @todo Might have to cycle this through with standard while + foreach. return get_entities_from_metadata('simpletype', 'image', 'object', 'file', $user_guid, 5000); }