"Календарь", 'tag_names:event_tags' => "Теги", 'event_calendar:optional' => "Опционально.", 'event_calendar:required' => "Обязательно.", 'event_calendar:new_event' => "Новое событие", 'event_calendar:no_such_event_edit_error' => "Ошибка: Нет такого события или у вас нет прав на его редактирование.", 'event_calendar:add_event_title' => "Добавить событие", 'event_calendar:manage_event_title' => "Изменить событие", 'event_calendar:manage_event_description' => "Введите детали вашего события. " ."Название, место и дата начала обязательны. " ."Вы можете нажать на иконки календаря, чтобы установить начальную и конечную даты.", 'event_calendar:title_label' => "Название", 'event_calendar:title_description' => "От одного до четырех слов", 'event_calendar:brief_description_label' => "Краткое описание", 'event_calendar:brief_description_description' => "Короткая фраза.", 'event_calendar:venue_label' => "Место", 'event_calendar:venue_description' => "Где это событие будет проходить?", 'event_calendar:start_date_label' => "Дата начала", 'event_calendar:start_date_description' => "Когда это событие начнется?", 'event_calendar:end_date_label' => "Дата окончания", 'event_calendar:end_date_description' => "Когда событие закончится? Будет использована дата начала " ."если не будет указано явно.", 'event_calendar:start_time_label' => "Время начала", 'event_calendar:start_time_description' => "В какое время событие начинается?", 'event_calendar:end_time_label' => "Время окончания", 'event_calendar:end_time_description' => "В какое время событие закончится?", 'event_calendar:fees_label' => "Стоимость", 'event_calendar:fees_description' => "Стоимость мероприятия, если есть.", 'event_calendar:contact_label' => "Контакт", 'event_calendar:contact_description' => "Лицо с которым можно связаться для уточнения информации, " ."желательно с номером телефона или email адресом.", 'event_calendar:organiser_label' => "Организатор", 'event_calendar:organiser_description' => "Лицо или организация отвечающая за событие.", 'event_calendar:event_tags_label' => "Теги", 'event_calendar:event_tags_description' => "Список тегов относящихся к этому событию разделенный запятыми.", 'event_calendar:long_description_label' => "Детальное описаное", 'event_calendar:long_description_description' => "Может быть параграф или больше, сколько потребуется.", 'event_calendar:manage_event_response' => "Ваше событие сохранено.", 'event_calendar:add_event_response' => "Ваше событие добавлено.", 'event_calendar:manage_event_error' => "Ошибка: При сохранении возникла ошибка. " ."Пожалуйста удостовертесь что вы указали все обязательные поля.", 'event_calendar:error_nosuchevent' => "Ошибка: нет такого события.", 'event_calendar:show_events_title' => "Календарь", 'event_calendar:day_label' => "День", 'event_calendar:week_label' => "Неделя", 'event_calendar:month_label' => "Месяц", 'event_calendar:group' => "Календарь группы", 'event_calendar:new' => "Добавить событие", 'event_calendar:submit' => "Отправить", 'event_calendar:cancel' => "Отменить", 'event_calendar:widget_title' => "Календарь", 'event_calendar:widget:description' => "Отображает ваши события.", 'event_calendar:num_display' => "Количество событий", 'event_calendar:events_type' => "Показывать", 'event_calendar:personal_events' => "Персональные", 'event_calendar:all_events' => "Все активные", 'event_calendar:groupprofile' => "Предстоящие события", 'event_calendar:view_calendar' => "просмотр календаря", 'event_calendar:when_label' => "Когда", 'event_calendar:site_wide_link' => "Просмотреть все события", 'event_calendar:view_link' => "Просмотреть событие", 'event_calendar:edit_link' => "Изменить событие", 'event_calendar:delete_link' => "Удалить событие", 'event_calendar:delete_confirm_title' => "Подтверждение удаление события", 'event_calendar:delete_confirm_description' => "Вы уверены что хотите удалить событие (\"%s\")? Это действие не может быть отменено.", 'event_calendar:delete_response' => "Событие было удалено.", 'event_calendar:error_delete' => "Такого события не существует или у вас нет прав на его удаление.", 'event_calendar:delete_cancel_response' => "Удаление события отменено.", 'event_calendar:add_to_my_calendar' => "Добавить в мой календарь", 'event_calendar:remove_from_my_calendar' => "Убрать мз моего каледаря", 'event_calendar:add_to_my_calendar_response' => "Событие было добавлено в Ваш личный календарь.", 'event_calendar:add_to_my_calendar_error' => "Событие не может быть добавлено в Ваш персональный каледарь. " ."(Возможно событие уже заполнено или совпадает по времени с другим событием в Вашем персональном календаре?)", 'event_calendar:remove_from_my_calendar_response' => "Событие было удалено из Вашего персонального календаря.", 'event_calendar:add_to_the_calendar' => "Довить в календарь", 'event_calendar:remove_from_the_calendar' => "Убрать", 'event_calendar:add_to_the_calendar_menu_text' => "Добавить в мой", 'event_calendar:remove_from_the_calendar_menu_text' => "Убрать из моего", 'event_calendar:remove_from_the_calendar_button' => "Убрать из календаря", 'event_calendar:added_to_the_calendar' => "Добавлено в календарь", 'event_calendar:removed_from_the_calendar' => "Удалено из календаря", 'event_calendar:add_to_the_calendar_response' => "Событие добавлено в календарь.", 'event_calendar:add_to_the_calendar_error' => "This event could not added to this person's calendar. " ."(Perhaps the event is full or is scheduled at the same time as another event in this person's calendar?)", 'event_calendar:remove_from_the_calendar_response' => "Event removed from this person's calendar.", 'event_calendar:users_for_event_menu_title' => "People listing this event on their personal calendars", 'event_calendar:users_for_event_title' => "Personal calendars for \"%s'\"", 'event_calendar:personal_event_calendars_link' => "В %s календарях", 'event_calendar:personal_event_calendars_link_one' => "В 1 календаре", 'event_calendar:users_for_event_breadcrumb' => "Personal calendars", 'event_calendar:settings:group_profile_display:title' => "Group calendar profile display (if group calendars are enabled)", 'event_calendar:settings:group_profile_display_option:left' => "left column", 'event_calendar:settings:group_profile_display_option:right' => "right column", 'event_calendar:settings:group_profile_display_option:none' => "none", 'event_calendar:settings:times:title' => "Add time as well as date to events", 'event_calendar:settings:autopersonal:title' => "Automatically add events a user creates to his/her personal calendar.", 'event_calendar:settings:autogroup:title' => "Automatically add group events for all members to their personal calendars.", 'event_calendar:settings:agenda_view:title' => "Use Agenda view", 'event_calendar:settings:venue_view:title' => "Display venue in summary view (event listings)", 'event_calendar:settings:yes' => "yes", 'event_calendar:settings:no' => "no", 'event_calendar:settings:site_calendar:title' => "Site calendar", 'event_calendar:settings:site_calendar:admin' => "yes, only admins can post events", 'event_calendar:settings:site_calendar:loggedin' => "yes, any logged-in user can post an event", 'event_calendar:settings:group_calendar:title' => "Group calendars", 'event_calendar:settings:group_calendar:admin' => "yes, only admins and group owners can post events", 'event_calendar:settings:group_calendar:members' => "yes, any group member can post an event", 'event_calendar:settings:group_default:title' => "New groups should by default have a group calendar (if group calendars are enabled)", 'event_calendar:settings:group_default:no' => "no (but admins or group owners can turn a group calendar on if desired)", 'event_calendar:settings:group_default:yes' => "yes (but admins or group owners can turn a group calendar off if desired)", 'event_calendar:settings:group_always_display:title' => "If group calendar is enabled, always display it (even if empty)", 'event_calendar:settings:region_display:title' => "Add region field to events", 'event_calendar:settings:region_list:title' => "List of regions (one per line)", 'event_calendar:region_label' => "Region", 'event_calendar:region_description' => "Select the region that this event will be held in.", 'event_calendar:settings:type_display:title' => "Add event type to events", 'event_calendar:settings:type_list:title' => "List of event types (one per line)", 'event_calendar:type_label' => "Type of event", 'event_calendar:type_description' => "Select the type of event.", 'event_calendar:all' => "All", 'event_calendar:region_filter_by_label' => "Filter by region: ", 'event_calendar:settings:first_date:title' => "First allowable date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)", 'event_calendar:settings:last_date:title' => "Last allowable date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)", 'event_calendar:enable_event_calendar' => "Включить календарь группы", 'event_calendar:no_events_found' => "No events found.", 'event_calendar:mine' => "Mine", 'event_calendar:feature' => "Feature", 'event_calendar:unfeature' => "Unfeature", 'event_calendar:agenda:column:time' => "Time", 'event_calendar:agenda:column:session' => "Session", 'event_calendar:agenda:column:venue' => "Location", 'event_calendar:upcoming_events_title' => "Upcoming events", 'event_calendar:settings:paged' => "paged", 'event_calendar:settings:agenda' => "agenda", 'event_calendar:settings:month' => "by month", 'event_calendar:settings:full' => "full view", 'event_calendar:settings:listing_format:title' => "Event listing format", 'event_calendar:paged:column:date' => "Date", 'event_calendar:paged:column:time' => "Time", 'event_calendar:paged:column:event' => "Event", 'event_calendar:paged:column:venue' => "Location", 'event_calendar:paged:column:calendar' => "Calendar", 'event_calendar:settings:spots_display:title' => "Add a spots field for each " ."event to allow you to limit the number of people who can add the event to their calendar", 'event_calendar:settings:no_collisions:title' => "Collision detection: prevent people from adding two events at the same time to their personal calendar", 'event_calendar:settings:collision_length:title' => "How long (in seconds) should an event be assumed to last if no end date or time is specified " ."(used for collision detection). Defaults to 3600 seconds = 1 hour.", 'event_calendar:spots_label' => "Spots", 'event_calendar:spots_description' => "How many people are allowed to add this event to their personal calendars?", 'event_calendar:open' => "Open", 'event_calendar:settings:add_users:title' => "Allow event creators and site admins to add their event to other personal calendars.", 'event_calendar:add_user_label' => "Add users", 'event_calendar:add_user_description' => "Add this event to personal calendars by typing two or more characters in the above text autocomplete field to select a user. " ."You can add multiple users by clicking the \"+\" link. (You must submit this form to actually add the event to the calendars.)", 'event_calendar:settings:add_users_notify:title' => "Email users who have had an event added to their personal calendar by an admin or event creator.", 'event_calendar:add_users_notify:subject' => "A new event has been added to your personal calendar", 'event_calendar:add_users_notify:body' => "%s,\n\nThe \"%s\" event has been added to your calendar.\n\nYou can view it here: \n\n%s\n", 'event_calendar:settings:region_list_handles:title' => "The region strings above are string handles. Use the Elgg translation system to resolve them.", 'event_calendar:settings:type_list_handles:title' => "The type strings above are string handles. Use the Elgg translation system to resolve them.", 'event_calendar:settings:personal_manage:title' => "Calendar permissions", 'event_calendar:settings:personal_manage:description' => "Determines whether people can add events to their personal calendars (open), " ."need to request the event creator to do so (closed), have no option at all (private), or allow event creators to determine this for each event (by event). " ."Note if you set this to private you should probably activate the option above to allow event creators and site admins to " ."add their events to other personal calendars.", 'event_calendar:strapline' => "Опубликовал(а) %s %s", 'event_calendar:request_event_response' => "Your request to be added to this event has been sent.", 'event_calendar:request_event_error' => "Ошибка: Could not send your request to be added to this event.", 'event_calendar:request_subject' => "You have received an event request", 'event_calendar:request_message' => "%s has asked to have the event \"%s\", here: %s added to his/her personal calendar. You can manage calendar requests for this event here: %s ", 'event_calendar:review_requests_error' => "This event either does not exist or you do not have the authority to approve requests for it.", 'event_calendar:review_requests_request_none' => "There are no requests to review for this event.", 'event_calendar:request:remove:check' => 'Are you sure you want to reject this request?', 'event_calendar:requestkilled' => 'This request has been rejected.', 'event_calendar:request_approved' => "This request has been approved.", 'event_calendar:review_requests_title' => "Review requests for \"%s\"", 'event_calendar:review_requests_menu_title' => "Review requests", 'event_calendar:make_request_title' => 'Request this event', 'event_calendar:review_requests:reject' => "Reject", 'event_calendar:review_requests:reject:title' => "Reject this request", 'event_calendar:review_requests:accept' => "Accept", 'event_calendar:review_requests:accept:title' => "Accept this request", 'event_calendar:review_requests:error:approve' => "Ошибка: could not approve this request.", 'event_calendar:review_requests:error:reject' => "Ошибка: could not reject this request.", 'event_calendar:settings:hide_access:title' => "Hide event access drop down", 'event_calendar:settings:default_access:title' => "If the event access is hidden, what should it default to?", 'event_calendar:settings:hide_end:title' => "Hide end time and date fields", 'event_calendar:settings:more_required:title' => "Make all visible fields except long description required.", 'event_calendar:add_to_group:remove_group_title' => "Remove this event from group", 'event_calendar:add_to_group:remove_group_button' => "Remove from group", 'event_calendar:remove_from_group:success' => "Event removed from group calendar", 'event_calendar:add_to_group:add_group_title' => "Add this event to group", 'event_calendar:add_to_group:add_group_button' => "Add to group", 'event_calendar:add_to_group:success' => "Event added to group calendar", 'event_calendar:settings:add_to_group_calendar:title' => "Allow group admins to add any existing event to a group calendar", 'event_calendar:group_breadcrumb' => "Group calendar", 'event_calendar:no_group' => "There is no such group.", 'event_calendar:generic_error_title' => "Error", 'event_calendar:error_event_edit' => "Ошибка: there is no such event or you do not have permission to edit it.", 'event_calendar:add' => "Добавить", 'feed:ical' => "iCal feed for this page", 'event_calendar:ical_popup_message' => "You can use the following URL to get an iCalendar feed of the public events from this listing page: ", 'event_calendar:ical_auth_file_name:title' => "Location of iCal authentication file on local file system (experimental - not needed for public feeds)", 'event_calendar:owner:permissions_error' => "You do not have permission to view that page.", 'event_calendar:feature_not_activated' => "This feature is not activated", 'event_calendar:show_all' => "Показать все", 'event_calendar:show_open' => "Показать открытые", 'event_calendar:show_mine' => "Мой календарь", 'event_calendar:show_friends' => "Календарь друзей", 'event_calendar:show_only' => "Показывать только:", 'event_calendar:listing_title:all' => "Все события", 'event_calendar:listing_title:open' => "Открытые события", 'event_calendar:listing_title:mine' => "Мой календарь", 'event_calendar:listing_title:friends' => "Календари друзей", 'event_calendar:manage_users:title' => "Manage subscribers for \"%s\"", 'event_calendar:manage_users:breadcrumb' => "Manage subscribers", 'event_calendar:manage_users:description' => "Add or remove events from personal calendars.", 'event_calendar:manage_users:unauthorized' => "Ошибка: you are not authorised to manage personal calendars for this event.", 'event_calendar:add_to_group_members:success' => "This event has been added to the personal calendars of all group members.", 'event_calendar:add_to_group_members:error' => "Ошибка: could not add this event to the personal calendars of group members.", 'event_calendar:remove_from_group_members:success' => "This event has been removed from the personal calendars of all group members.", 'event_calendar:remove_from_group_members:error' => "Ошибка: could not remove this event from the personal calendars of group members.", 'event_calendar:add_to_group_members:button' => "Add to all", 'event_calendar:remove_from_group_members:button' => "Remove from all", 'event_calendar:manage_subscribers:success' => "Персональный календарь обновлен.", 'event_calendar:manage_subscribers:error' => "Ошибка: не могу обновить персональный календарь.", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:open' => "открытый", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:closed' => "закрытый", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:private' => "приватный", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:by_event' => "по событию", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:label' => "Доступ к календарю", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:description' => "Определяет, может ли пользователь добавить это событие в свой календарях (открытый)," ."требуется разрешние (закрытый) или не имеет возможности добавить вообще (приватное - такм образом только вы или сайт-админ могут добавять событие в календари).", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:by_event:open' => "Open. People can freely add this event to their personal calendars.", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:by_event:closed' => "Closed. People can request to add this event to their personal calendars. You can review and approve requests.", 'event_calendar:personal_manage:by_event:private' => "Private. You or another event administrator must add this event to personal calendars. There is no way for other users to add or request this event.", 'event_calendar:settings:full_calendar:title' => "Поддержка полного календаря", 'event_calendar:modify_full_calendar:error' => "Ошибка: не могу изменить весь календарь", 'event_calendar:from_label' => "С: ", 'event_calendar:to_label' => "По: ", 'event_calendar:settings:timeformat:title' => "Формат времени", 'event_calendar:time_format:12hour' => "12 часовой (am/pm)", 'event_calendar:time_format:24hour' => "24 часовой", 'event_calendar:all_day_label' => "Весь день", 'event_calendar:repeat_interval_label' => "Повторять каждые", 'event_calendar:repeat_weeks' => "неделю(и)", 'event_calendar:on_these_days' => "в эти дни:", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:monday' => "П", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:tuesday' => "В", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:wednesday' => "С", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:thursday' => "Ч", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:friday' => "П", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:saturday' => "С", 'event_calendar:day_abbrev:sunday' => "В", 'event_calendar:dow:full:monday' => "Понедельник", 'event_calendar:dow:full:tuesday' => "Вторник", 'event_calendar:dow:full:wednesday' => "Среда", 'event_calendar:dow:full:thursday' => "Четверг", 'event_calendar:dow:full:friday' => "Пятница", 'event_calendar:dow:full:saturday' => "Суббота", 'event_calendar:dow:full:sunday' => "Воскресенье", 'event_calendar:schedule_type:poll' => "Сделать опрос приглашенных про день/время", 'event_calendar:schedule_type:fixed' => "Установить день/время", 'elgg_calendar:send_reminder_label' => "Отправить напоминание", 'elgg_calendar:send_reminder_before' => "перед", 'event_calendar:interval:minute' => "менут", 'event_calendar:interval:hour' => "часов", 'event_calendar:interval:day' => "дней", 'event_calendar:site_calendar' => "Календарь сайта", 'event_calendar:calendar_label' => "Календарь", 'event_calendar:calendar_description' => "Календарь для этого событияCalendar for this event.", 'event_calendar:are_you_sure' => "Вы уверены в этом изменении?", 'event_calendar:basic:header' => "Общая информация", 'event_calendar:schedule:header' => "Расписание", 'event_calendar:permissions:header' => "Разрешения", 'event_calendar:read_access' => "Доступ на чтение ", 'event_calendar:web_conference_label' => "Подключить веб-конференцию для этого события", 'event_calendar:share_ownership:label' => "Добавить еще владельцев этого события", 'event_calendar:share_ownership:description' => "Разрешить следующим людям редактировать или удалять это событие, приглашать участников", 'event_calendar:settings:fewer_fields:title' => "Hide fees, contact, organiser and long description fields", 'event_calendar:settings:restricted_times:title' => "Restricted time to between 6am and 9pm (6:00 and 21:00)", 'event_calendar:add_event' => "Добавить событие", 'event_calendar:schedule_event' => "Расписание события", 'event_calendar:list_polls' => "Показать голосования", 'event_calendar:edit_form:error:missing_title' => "Ошибка: укажите название", 'event_calendar:repeated_event:week_interval' => "каждые %s недели.", 'event_calendar:repeated_event:week_single' => "каждую неделю.", 'event_calendar:repeated_event:format' => "Начинать с %s и продолжать по %s", 'event_calendar:settings:repeated_events:title' => "Разрешить повторяющиеся события (сейчас работает нормально только в режиме полного календаря)", 'event_calendar:settings:reminders:title' => "Разрешить отправку напоминаний", 'event_calendar:reminder:subject' => "Напоминане о событии: %s", 'event_calendar:reminder:body' => "Событие %s будет проходть в %s. Вы можете просмотреть страницу события тут: %s ", /** * BBB support */ 'event_calendar:bbb_server_url' => "Big Blue Button server URL (must end with slash)", 'event_calendar:bbb_security_salt' => "Big Blue Button security salt", 'event_calendar:bbb_create_error' => "Error: unable to create BBB conference, message was: %s", 'event_calendar:conference_create_error' => "Error: unable to create web conference.", 'event_calendar:bbb_settings_error' => "Error: must set conference URL and salt in plugin settings", 'event_calendar:couldnotjoin' => "Error: unable to join conference.", 'event_calendar:join_conf_button' => "Join conference", 'event_calendar:poll_suffix' => "(опрос)", 'event_calendar:resend_poll_invitation' => "Do you want to alert poll invitees that the options have changed?", /** * Event calendar river **/ //generic terms to use 'river:update:object:event_calendar' => "%s обновил событие %s", 'river:create:object:event_calendar' => "%s добавил событие %s", 'river:comment:object:event_calendar' => '%s оставил комментарий на событие %s', 'event_calendar:river:created' => "%s добавлено", 'event_calendar:river:updated' => "%s обновлено", 'event_calendar:river:annotated1' => "%s добавил", 'event_calendar:river:annotated2' => "в его/ее календарь.", //these get inserted into the river links to take the user to the entity 'event_calendar:river:create' => "новое событие", 'event_calendar:river:the_event' => "событие", ); add_translation("ru",$russian); ?>