<?php $en = array( 'membershiprequired' => 'You must be a inhabitant of this group to view that page.', 'friends:collections:members' => 'Collection inhabitants', 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => 'Inhabitant since', 'members' => 'Inhabitants', // Custom index plugin 'custom:members' => 'Newest inhabitants', // Groups plugin 'groups:widgets:description' => 'Display the groups you are a inhabitant of on your profile', 'groups:notmember' => 'Sorry, you are not a inhabitant of this group.', 'groups:alreadymember' => 'You are already a inhabitant of this group!', 'groups:welcome:body' => "Hi %s! You are now an inhabitant of the '%s' group! Click below to begin posting! %s", 'groups:members:title' => 'Inhabitants of %s', 'groups:access:group' => 'Group inhabitants only', 'groups:widgets:members:description' => 'List the inhabitants of a group.', 'groups:widgets:members:label:displaynum' => 'List the inhabitants of a group.', // Invite friends plugin 'invitefriends:already_members' => 'The following are already inhabitants: %s', // Members plugin 'members:searchname' => 'Search inhabitants by name', 'members:searchtag' => 'Search inhabitants by tag', 'members:title:searchname' => 'Inhabitants search for %s', 'members:title:searchtag' => 'Inhabitants tagged with %s', // Notifications plugin 'notifications:subscriptions:groups:description' => 'To receive notifications when new content is added to a group you are an inhabitant of, find it below and select the notification method(s) you would like to use.' ); add_translation("en", $en);