
	$english = array(
		// hack for core bug
			'untitled' => "untitled",

		// Menu items and titles

			'image' => "Image",
			'images' => "Images",
			'caption' => "Caption",
			'photos' => "Photos",
			'images:upload' => "Upload Images",
			'images:multiupload' => "Flash Multi Upload Tool",
			'images:multiupload:todo' => "Choose one or more files for upload.",
			'album' => "Photo Album",
			'albums' => "Photo Albums",
			'album:slideshow' => "View Slideshow",
			'album:yours' => "Your photo albums",
			'album:yours:friends' => "Your friends' photo albums",
			'album:user' => "%s's photo albums",
			'album:friends' => "%s's friends' photo albums",
			'album:all' => "All site photo albums",
			'album:group' => "Group albums",
			'item:object:image' => "Photos",
			'item:object:album' => "Albums",
			'tidypics:uploading:images' => "Please wait. Uploading images",
			'tidypics:enablephotos' => 'Enable group photo albums',
			'tidypics:editprops' => 'Edit Image Properties',
			'tidypics:mostcommented' => 'Most commented images',
			'tidypics:mostcommentedthismonth' => 'Most commented this month',
			'tidypics:mostcommentedtoday' => 'Most commented today',
			'tidypics:mostviewed' => 'Most viewed images',
			'tidypics:mostvieweddashboard' => 'Most viewed dashboard',
			'tidypics:mostviewedthisyear' => 'Most viewed this year',
			'tidypics:mostviewedthismonth' => 'Most viewed this month',
			'tidypics:mostviewedlastmonth' => 'Most viewed last month',
			'tidypics:mostviewedtoday' => 'Most viewed today',
			'tidypics:recentlyviewed' => 'Recently viewed images',
			'tidypics:recentlycommented' => 'Recently commented images',
			'tidypics:mostrecent' => 'Most recent images',
			'tidypics:yourmostviewed' => 'Your most viewed images',
			'tidypics:yourmostrecent' => 'Your most recent images',
			'tidypics:friendmostviewed' => "%s's most viewed images",
			'tidypics:friendmostrecent' => "%s's most recent images",
			'tidypics:highestrated' => "Highest rated images",
			'tidypics:views' => "Views: %s",
			'tidypics:viewsbyowner' => "by %s users (not including you)",
			'tidypics:viewsbyothers' => "(%s by you)",
			'tidypics:administration' => 'Tidypics Administration',
			'tidypics:stats' => 'Stats',

			'tidypics:settings' => 'Settings',
			'tidypics:admin:instructions' => 'These are the core Tidypics settings. Change them for your setup and then click save.',
			'tidypics:settings:image_lib' => "Image Library",
			'tidypics:settings:thumbnail' => "Thumbnail Creation",
			'tidypics:settings:download_link' => "Show download link",
			'tidypics:settings:tagging' => "Enable photo tagging",
			'tidypics:settings:photo_ratings' => "Enable photo ratings (requires rate plugin of Miguel Montes or compatible)",
			'tidypics:settings:exif' => "Show EXIF data",
			'tidypics:settings:view_count' => "View counter",
			'tidypics:settings:grp_perm_override' => "Allow group members full access to group albums",
			'tidypics:settings:maxfilesize' => "Maximum image size in megabytes (MB):",
			'tidypics:settings:quota' => "User/Group Quota (MB) - 0 equals no quota",
			'tidypics:settings:watermark' => "Enter text to appear in the watermark - not for production sites yet",
			'tidypics:settings:im_path' => "Enter the path to your ImageMagick commands (with trailing slash)",
			'tidypics:settings:img_river_view' => "How many entries in river for each batch of uploaded images",
			'tidypics:settings:album_river_view' => "Show the album cover or a set of photos for new album",
			'tidypics:settings:largesize' => "Primary image size",
			'tidypics:settings:smallsize' => "Album view image size",
			'tidypics:settings:thumbsize' => "Thumbnail image size",
			'tidypics:settings:im_id' => "Image ID",

			'album:create' => "Create new album",
			'album:add' => "Add Photo Album",
			'album:addpix' => "Add photos to album",
			'album:edit' => "Edit album",
			'album:delete' => "Delete album",

			'image:edit' => "Edit image",
			'image:delete' => "Delete image",
			'image:download' => "Download image",


			'album:title' => "Title",
			'album:desc' => "Description",
			'album:tags' => "Tags",
			'album:cover' => "Make image album cover?",
			'tidypics:quota' => "Quota usage:",


			'image:total' => "Images in album:",
			'image:by' => "Image added by",
			'album:by' => "Album created by",
			'album:created:on' => "Created",
			'image:none' => "No images have been added yet.",
			'image:back' => "Previous",
			'image:next' => "Next",

		// tagging
			'tidypics:taginstruct' => 'Select area that you want to tag',
			'tidypics:deltag_title' => 'Select tags to delete',
			'tidypics:finish_tagging' => 'Stop tagging',
			'tidypics:tagthisphoto' => 'Tag this photo',
			'tidypics:deletetag' => 'Delete a photo tag',
			'tidypics:actiontag' => 'Tag',
			'tidypics:actiondelete' => 'Delete',
			'tidypics:actioncancel' => 'Cancel',
			'tidypics:inthisphoto' => 'In this photo',
			'tidypics:usertag' => "Photos tagged with user %s",
			'tidypics:phototagging:success' => 'Photo tag was successfully added',
			'tidypics:phototagging:error' => 'Unexpected error occurred during tagging',
			'tidypics:deletetag:success' => 'Selected tags were successfully deleted',
			'tidypics:tag:subject' => "You have been tagged in a photo",
			'tidypics:tag:body' => "You have been tagged in the photo %s by %s.			
The photo can be viewed here: %s",

			'tidypics:posted' => 'posted a photo:',


			'tidypics:widget:albums' => "Photo Albums",
			'tidypics:widget:album_descr' => "Showcase your photo albums",
			'tidypics:widget:num_albums' => "Number of albums to display",
			'tidypics:widget:latest' => "Latest Photos",
			'tidypics:widget:latest_descr' => "Display your latest photos",
			'tidypics:widget:num_latest' => "Number of images to display",
			'album:more' => "View all albums",

		//  river

			'image:river:created' => "%s added the photo %s to album %s",
			'image:river:item' => "an photo",
			'image:river:annotate' => "a comment on the photo",
			'image:river:tagged' => "was tagged in the photo",

			'album:river:created' => "%s created a new photo album",
			'album:river:group' => "in the group",
			'album:river:item' => "an album",
			'album:river:annotate' => "a comment on the photo album",

		// notifications
			'tidypics:newalbum' => 'New photo album',

		//  Status messages

			'tidypics:upl_success' => "Your images uploaded successfully.",
			'image:saved' => "Your image was successfully saved.",
			'images:saved' => "All images were successfully saved.",
			'image:deleted' => "Your image was successfully deleted.",
			'image:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this image?",

			'images:edited' => "Your images were successfully updated.",
			'album:edited' => "Your album was successfully updated.",
			'album:saved' => "Your album was successfully saved.",
			'album:deleted' => "Your album was successfully deleted.",
			'album:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this album?",
			'album:created' => "Your new album has been created.",
			'tidypics:settings:save:ok' => 'Successfully saved the Tidypics plugin settings',

			'tidypics:upgrade:success' => 'Upgrade of Tidypics a success',

		//Error messages

			'tidypics:partialuploadfailure' => "There were errors uploading some of the images (%s of %s images).",
			'tidypics:completeuploadfailure' => "Upload of images failed.",
			'tidypics:exceedpostlimit' => "Too many large images - try to upload fewer or smaller images.",
			'tidypics:noimages' => "No images were selected.",
			'tidypics:image_mem' => "Image is too large - too many bytes",
			'tidypics:image_pixels' => "Image has too many pixels",
			'tidypics:unk_error' => "Unknown upload error",
			'tidypics:save_error' => "Unknown error saving the image on server",
			'tidypics:not_image' => "This is not a recognized image type",
			'image:deletefailed' => "Your image could not be deleted at this time.",
			'image:downloadfailed' => "Sorry; this image is not available at this time.",
			'tidypics:nosettings' => "Admin of this site has not set photo album settings.",
			'tidypics:exceed_quota' => "You have exceeded the quota set by the administrator",
			'images:notedited' => "Not all images were successfully updated",

			'album:none' => "No albums have been created yet.",
			'album:uploadfailed' => "Sorry; we could not save your album.",
			'album:deletefailed' => "Your album could not be deleted at this time.",
			'album:blank' => "Please give this album a title and description.",

			'tidypics:upgrade:failed' => "The upgrade of Tidypics failed",
