'Sites', /** * Sessions */ 'login' => "Log in", 'loginok' => "You have been logged in.", 'loginerror' => "We couldn't log you in. Please check your credentials and try again.", 'login:empty' => "Username/email and password are required.", 'login:baduser' => "Unable to load your user account.", 'auth:nopams' => "Internal error. No user authentication method installed.", 'logout' => "Log out", 'logoutok' => "You have been logged out.", 'logouterror' => "We couldn't log you out. Please try again.", 'loggedinrequired' => "You must be logged in to view that page.", 'adminrequired' => "You must be an administrator to view that page.", 'membershiprequired' => "You must be a member of this group to view that page.", /** * Errors */ 'exception:title' => "Fatal Error.", 'exception:contact_admin' => 'An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. Contact the site administrator with the following information:', 'actionundefined' => "The requested action (%s) was not defined in the system.", 'actionnotfound' => "The action file for %s was not found.", 'actionloggedout' => "Sorry, you cannot perform this action while logged out.", 'actionunauthorized' => 'You are unauthorized to perform this action', 'InstallationException:SiteNotInstalled' => 'Unable to handle this request. This site ' . ' is not configured or the database is down.', 'InstallationException:MissingLibrary' => 'Could not load %s', 'InstallationException:CannotLoadSettings' => 'Elgg could not load the settings file. It does not exist or there is a file permissions issue.', 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Denied access to execute privileged code block", 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials. Check the settings file.", 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg couldn't select the database '%s', please check that the database is created and you have access to it.", 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Access to privileged function '%s' is denied.", 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "There were a number of issues: ", 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg couldn't find the requested database script at %s.", 'DatabaseException:InvalidQuery' => "Invalid query", 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Failed to load new %s from GUID:%d", 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Passing a non-ElggObject to an ElggObject constructor!", 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Unrecognised value passed to constuctor.", 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d is not a valid %s", 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s (guid: %s) is a misconfigured plugin. It has been disabled. Please search the Elgg wiki for possible causes (http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/).", 'PluginException:CannotStart' => '%s (guid: %s) cannot start and has been deactivated. Reason: %s', 'PluginException:InvalidID' => "%s is an invalid plugin ID.", 'PluginException:InvalidPath' => "%s is an invalid plugin path.", 'PluginException:InvalidManifest' => 'Invalid manifest file for plugin %s', 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin' => '%s is not a valid plugin.', 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin:Details' => '%s is not a valid plugin: %s', 'PluginException:NullInstantiated' => 'ElggPlugin cannot be null instantiated. You must pass a GUID, a plugin ID, or a full path.', 'ElggPlugin:MissingID' => 'Missing plugin ID (guid %s)', 'ElggPlugin:NoPluginPackagePackage' => 'Missing ElggPluginPackage for plugin ID %s (guid %s)', 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:MissingFile' => 'The required file "%s" is missing.', 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidDependency' => 'Its manifest contains an invalid dependency type "%s".', 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidProvides' => 'Its manifest contains an invalid provides type "%s".', 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:CircularDep' => 'There is an invalid %s dependency "%s" in plugin %s. Plugins cannot conflict with or require something they provide!', 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotIncludeFile' => 'Cannot include %s for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s.', 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterViews' => 'Cannot open views dir for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s.', 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterLanguages' => 'Cannot register languages for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s.', 'ElggPlugin:Exception:NoID' => 'No ID for plugin guid %s!', 'PluginException:ParserError' => 'Error parsing manifest with API version %s in plugin %s.', 'PluginException:NoAvailableParser' => 'Cannot find a parser for manifest API version %s in plugin %s.', 'PluginException:ParserErrorMissingRequiredAttribute' => "Missing required '%s' attribute in manifest for plugin %s.", 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Requires' => 'Requires', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests' => 'Suggests', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicts' => 'Conflicts', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicted' => 'Conflicted', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Provides' => 'Provides', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority' => 'Priority', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Elgg' => 'Elgg version', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpExtension' => 'PHP extension: %s', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpIni' => 'PHP ini setting: %s', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Plugin' => 'Plugin: %s', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:After' => 'After %s', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Before' => 'Before %s', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Uninstalled' => '%s is not installed', 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests:Unsatisfied' => 'Missing', 'ElggPlugin:InvalidAndDeactivated' => '%s is an invalid plugin and has been deactivated.', 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Passing a non-ElggUser to an ElggUser constructor!", 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Passing a non-ElggSite to an ElggSite constructor!", 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Passing a non-ElggGroup to an ElggGroup constructor!", 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "Unable to save new %s", 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID has not been specified during export, this should never happen.", 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "Entity serialisation function passed a non-array returnvalue parameter", 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Cache path set to nothing!", 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s is not a directory.", 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "Unable to save new object's base entity information!", 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() passed an unexpected ODD class", 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Entity type must be set.", 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s is not a %s.", 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Class '%s' was not found, missing plugin?", 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Type %s is not supported. This indicates an error in your installation, most likely caused by an incomplete upgrade.", 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "Could not import element %d", 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "There was a problem saving %s", 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "New entity created but has no GUID, this should not happen.", 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "Entity '%d' could not be found.", 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "There was a problem updating '%s' on entity '%d'", 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "No such entity GUID:%d", 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "No OpenDD elements found in import data, import failed.", 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Not all elements were imported.", 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Unrecognised file mode '%s'", 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "File %s (file guid:%d) (owner guid:%d) is missing an owner!", 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "Could not make %s", 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "You must specify a name before opening a file.", 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Unable to load filestore class %s for file %u", 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "No notification method specified.", 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "No handler found for '%s' or it was not callable.", 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "There was an error while notifying %d", 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "Could not get the email address for GUID:%d", 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Missing a required parameter, '%s'", 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Where set contains non WhereQueryComponent", 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Fields missing on a select style query", 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Unrecognised or unspecified query type.", 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "No tables specified for query.", 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "No access control was provided on query", 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "No entity found, it either doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.", 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s could not be found, or you can not access it.", 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Sorry, '%s' does not exist for guid:%d", 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Sorry, I don't know how to export '%s'", 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "Could not find any data.", 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "Does not belong to entity.", 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "Does not belong to entity or refer to entity.", 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Missing parameter, you need to provide a GUID.", 'InvalidParameterException:LibraryNotRegistered' => '%s is not a registered library', 'InvalidParameterException:LibraryNotFound' => 'Could not load the %s library from %s', 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "API Result is of an unknown type, this should never happen.", 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "No site ID has been specified.", 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Sorry, API access has been disabled by the administrator.", 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "No authentication methods were found that could authenticate this API request.", 'SecurityException:ForwardFailedToRedirect' => 'Redirect could not be issued due to headers already being sent. Halting execution for security. Search http://docs.elgg.org/ for more information.', 'InvalidParameterException:APIMethodOrFunctionNotSet' => "Method or function not set in call in expose_method()", 'InvalidParameterException:APIParametersArrayStructure' => "Parameters array structure is incorrect for call to expose method '%s'", 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedHttpMethod' => "Unrecognised http method %s for api method '%s'", 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Missing parameter %s in method %s", 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s does not appear to be an array.", 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Unrecognised type in cast %s for variable '%s' in method '%s'", 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Invalid parameter found for '%s' in method '%s'.", 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) has a parsing error.", 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) returned no value.", 'APIException:APIAuthenticationFailed' => "Method call failed the API Authentication", 'APIException:UserAuthenticationFailed' => "Method call failed the User Authentication", 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Authentication token either missing, invalid or expired.", 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s must be called using '%s'", 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "Method call '%s' has not been implemented.", 'APIException:FunctionDoesNotExist' => "Function for method '%s' is not callable", 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Algorithm '%s' is not supported or has been disabled.", 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Cache directory 'cache_path' not set.", 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "Request method must be GET or POST", 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Missing API key", 'APIException:BadAPIKey' => "Bad API key", 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac header", 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac-algo header", 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Missing X-Elgg-time header", 'APIException:MissingNonce' => "Missing X-Elgg-nonce header", 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time is too far in the past or future. Epoch fail.", 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No data on the query string", 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash header", 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash_algo header", 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Missing content type for post data", 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "POST data hash is invalid - Expected %s but got %s.", 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Packet signature already seen.", 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Invalid or missing API Key.", 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Call method '%s' is currently not supported.", 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC method call '%s' not implemented.", 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Call to method '%s' returned an unexpected result.", 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Call does not appear to be a valid XML-RPC call", 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "The plugin name could not be found", 'SecurityException:authenticationfailed' => "User could not be authenticated", 'CronException:unknownperiod' => '%s is not a recognised period.', 'SecurityException:deletedisablecurrentsite' => 'You can not delete or disable the site you are currently viewing!', 'RegistrationException:EmptyPassword' => 'The password fields cannot be empty', 'RegistrationException:PasswordMismatch' => 'Passwords must match', 'LoginException:BannedUser' => 'You have been banned from this site and cannot log in', 'LoginException:UsernameFailure' => 'We could not log you in. Please check your username/email and password.', 'LoginException:PasswordFailure' => 'We could not log you in. Please check your username/email and password.', 'LoginException:AccountLocked' => 'Your account has been locked for too many log in failures.', 'LoginException:ChangePasswordFailure' => 'Failed current password check.', 'memcache:notinstalled' => 'PHP memcache module not installed, you must install php5-memcache', 'memcache:noservers' => 'No memcache servers defined, please populate the $CONFIG->memcache_servers variable', 'memcache:versiontoolow' => 'Memcache needs at least version %s to run, you are running %s', 'memcache:noaddserver' => 'Multiple server support disabled, you may need to upgrade your PECL memcache library', 'deprecatedfunction' => 'Warning: This code uses the deprecated function \'%s\' and is not compatible with this version of Elgg', 'pageownerunavailable' => 'Warning: The page owner %d is not accessible!', 'viewfailure' => 'There was an internal failure in the view %s', 'changebookmark' => 'Please change your bookmark for this page', 'noaccess' => 'The content you were trying to view has been removed or you do not have permission to view it.', 'error:missing_data' => 'There was some data missing in your request', 'error:default' => 'Oops...something went wrong.', 'error:404' => 'Sorry. We could not find the page that you requested.', /** * API */ 'system.api.list' => "List all available API calls on the system.", 'auth.gettoken' => "This API call lets a user obtain a user authentication token which can be used for authenticating future API calls. Pass it as the parameter auth_token", /** * User details */ 'name' => "Display name", 'email' => "Email address", 'username' => "Username", 'loginusername' => "Username or email", 'password' => "Password", 'passwordagain' => "Password (again for verification)", 'admin_option' => "Make this user an admin?", /** * Access */ 'PRIVATE' => "Private", 'LOGGED_IN' => "Logged in users", 'PUBLIC' => "Public", 'access:friends:label' => "Friends", 'access' => "Access", 'access:limited:label' => "Limited", 'access:help' => "The access level", /** * Dashboard and widgets */ 'dashboard' => "Dashboard", 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Your dashboard lets you track the activity and content on this site that matters to you.", 'widgets:add' => 'Add widgets', 'widgets:add:description' => "Click on any widget button below to add it to the page.", 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Fixed position on page)', 'widget:unavailable' => 'You have already added this widget', 'widget:numbertodisplay' => 'Number of items to display', 'widget:delete' => 'Remove %s', 'widget:edit' => 'Customize this widget', 'widgets' => "Widgets", 'widget' => "Widget", 'item:object:widget' => "Widgets", 'widgets:save:success' => "The widget was successfully saved.", 'widgets:save:failure' => "We could not save your widget.", 'widgets:add:success' => "The widget was successfully added.", 'widgets:add:failure' => "We could not add your widget.", 'widgets:move:failure' => "We could not store the new widget position.", 'widgets:remove:failure' => "Unable to remove this widget", /** * Groups */ 'group' => "Group", 'item:group' => "Groups", /** * Users */ 'user' => "User", 'item:user' => "Users", /** * Friends */ 'friends' => "Friends", 'friends:yours' => "Your friends", 'friends:owned' => "%s's friends", 'friend:add' => "Add friend", 'friend:remove' => "Remove friend", 'friends:add:successful' => "You have successfully added %s as a friend.", 'friends:add:failure' => "We couldn't add %s as a friend.", 'friends:remove:successful' => "You have successfully removed %s from your friends.", 'friends:remove:failure' => "We couldn't remove %s from your friends.", 'friends:none' => "No friends yet.", 'friends:none:you' => "You don't have any friends yet.", 'friends:none:found' => "No friends were found.", 'friends:of:none' => "Nobody has added this user as a friend yet.", 'friends:of:none:you' => "Nobody has added you as a friend yet. Start adding content and fill in your profile to let people find you!", 'friends:of:owned' => "People who have made %s a friend", 'friends:of' => "Friends of", 'friends:collections' => "Friend collections", 'collections:add' => "New collection", 'friends:collections:add' => "New friends collection", 'friends:addfriends' => "Select friends", 'friends:collectionname' => "Collection name", 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Friends in collection", 'friends:collectionedit' => "Edit this collection", 'friends:nocollections' => "You do not have any collections yet.", 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "Your collection has been deleted.", 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "We were unable to delete the collection. Either you don't have permission, or some other problem has occurred.", 'friends:collectionadded' => "Your collection was successfully created", 'friends:nocollectionname' => "You need to give your collection a name before it can be created.", 'friends:collections:members' => "Collection members", 'friends:collections:edit' => "Edit collection", 'friends:collections:edited' => "Saved collection", 'friends:collection:edit_failed' => 'Could not save collection.', 'friendspicker:chararray' => 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'avatar:create' => 'Create your avatar', 'avatar:edit' => 'Edit avatar', 'avatar:preview' => 'Preview', 'avatar:upload' => 'Upload a new avatar', 'avatar:current' => 'Current avatar', 'avatar:remove' => 'Remove your avatar and set the default icon', 'avatar:crop:title' => 'Avatar cropping tool', 'avatar:upload:instructions' => "Your avatar is displayed throughout the site. You can change it as often as you'd like. (File formats accepted: GIF, JPG or PNG)", 'avatar:create:instructions' => 'Click and drag a square below to match how you want your avatar cropped. A preview will appear in the box on the right. When you are happy with the preview, click \'Create your avatar\'. This cropped version will be used throughout the site as your avatar.', 'avatar:upload:success' => 'Avatar successfully uploaded', 'avatar:upload:fail' => 'Avatar upload failed', 'avatar:resize:fail' => 'Resize of the avatar failed', 'avatar:crop:success' => 'Cropping the avatar succeeded', 'avatar:crop:fail' => 'Avatar cropping failed', 'avatar:remove:success' => 'Removing the avatar succeeded', 'avatar:remove:fail' => 'Avatar remove failed', 'profile:edit' => 'Edit profile', 'profile:aboutme' => "About me", 'profile:description' => "About me", 'profile:briefdescription' => "Brief description", 'profile:location' => "Location", 'profile:skills' => "Skills", 'profile:interests' => "Interests", 'profile:contactemail' => "Contact email", 'profile:phone' => "Telephone", 'profile:mobile' => "Mobile phone", 'profile:website' => "Website", 'profile:twitter' => "Twitter username", 'profile:saved' => "Your profile was successfully saved.", 'profile:field:text' => 'Short text', 'profile:field:longtext' => 'Large text area', 'profile:field:tags' => 'Tags', 'profile:field:url' => 'Web address', 'profile:field:email' => 'Email address', 'profile:field:location' => 'Location', 'profile:field:date' => 'Date', 'admin:appearance:profile_fields' => 'Edit Profile Fields', 'profile:edit:default' => 'Edit profile fields', 'profile:label' => "Profile label", 'profile:type' => "Profile type", 'profile:editdefault:delete:fail' => 'Removed default profile item field failed', 'profile:editdefault:delete:success' => 'Profile field deleted', 'profile:defaultprofile:reset' => 'Profile fields reset to the system default', 'profile:resetdefault' => 'Reset default profile', 'profile:explainchangefields' => "You can replace the existing profile fields with your own using the form below. \n\n Give the new profile field a label, for example, 'Favorite team', then select the field type (eg. text, url, tags), and click the 'Add' button. To re-order the fields drag on the handle next to the field label. To edit a field label - click on the label's text to make it editable. \n\n At any time you can revert back to the default profile set up, but you will lose any information already entered into custom fields on profile pages.", 'profile:editdefault:success' => 'New profile field added', 'profile:editdefault:fail' => 'Default profile could not be saved', 'profile:field_too_long' => 'Cannot save your profile information because the "%s" section is too long.', 'profile:noaccess' => "You do not have permission to edit this profile.", /** * Feeds */ 'feed:rss' => 'RSS feed for this page', /** * Links */ 'link:view' => 'view link', 'link:view:all' => 'View all', /** * River */ 'river' => "River", 'river:friend:user:default' => "%s is now a friend with %s", 'river:update:user:avatar' => '%s has a new avatar', 'river:update:user:profile' => '%s has updated their profile', 'river:noaccess' => 'You do not have permission to view this item.', 'river:posted:generic' => '%s posted', 'riveritem:single:user' => 'a user', 'riveritem:plural:user' => 'some users', 'river:ingroup' => 'in the group %s', 'river:none' => 'No activity', 'river:update' => 'Update for %s', 'river:widget:title' => "Activity", 'river:widget:description' => "Display latest activity", 'river:widget:type' => "Type of activity", 'river:widgets:friends' => 'Friends activity', 'river:widgets:all' => 'All site activity', /** * Notifications */ 'notifications:usersettings' => "Notification settings", 'notifications:methods' => "Select your notification methods.", 'notification:method:email' => 'Email', 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "Your notification settings were successfully saved.", 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "There was a problem saving your notification settings.", 'user.notification.get' => 'Return the notification settings for a given user.', 'user.notification.set' => 'Set the notification settings for a given user.', /** * Search */ 'search' => "Search", 'searchtitle' => "Search: %s", 'users:searchtitle' => "Searching for users: %s", 'groups:searchtitle' => "Searching for groups: %s", 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s with results matching %s", 'notfound' => "No results found.", 'next' => "Next", 'previous' => "Previous", 'viewtype:change' => "Change list type", 'viewtype:list' => "List view", 'viewtype:gallery' => "Gallery", 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Items with tags matching '%s':", 'user:search:startblurb' => "Users matching '%s':", 'user:search:finishblurb' => "To view more, click here.", 'group:search:startblurb' => "Groups matching '%s':", 'group:search:finishblurb' => "To view more, click here.", 'search:go' => 'Go', 'userpicker:only_friends' => 'Only friends', /** * Account */ 'account' => "Account", 'settings' => "Settings", 'tools' => "Tools", 'settings:edit' => 'Edit settings', 'register' => "Register", 'registerok' => "You have successfully registered for %s.", 'registerbad' => "Your registration was unsuccessful because of an unknown error.", 'registerdisabled' => "Registration has been disabled by the system administrator", 'register:fields' => 'All fields are required', 'registration:notemail' => 'The email address you provided does not appear to be a valid email address.', 'registration:userexists' => 'That username already exists', 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'Your username must be a minimum of %u characters long.', 'registration:usernametoolong' => 'Your username is too long. It can have a maximum of %u characters.', 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'The password must be a minimum of %u characters long.', 'registration:dupeemail' => 'This email address has already been registered.', 'registration:invalidchars' => 'Sorry, your username contains the character %s which is invalid. The following characters are invalid: %s', 'registration:emailnotvalid' => 'Sorry, the email address you entered is invalid on this system', 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => 'Sorry, the password you entered is invalid on this system', 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => 'Sorry, the username you entered is invalid on this system', 'adduser' => "Add User", 'adduser:ok' => "You have successfully added a new user.", 'adduser:bad' => "The new user could not be created.", 'user:set:name' => "Account name settings", 'user:name:label' => "My display name", 'user:name:success' => "Successfully changed your name on the system.", 'user:name:fail' => "Could not change your name on the system. Please make sure your name isn't too long and try again.", 'user:set:password' => "Account password", 'user:current_password:label' => 'Current password', 'user:password:label' => "Your new password", 'user:password2:label' => "Your new password again", 'user:password:success' => "Password changed", 'user:password:fail' => "Could not change your password on the system.", 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "The two passwords are not the same!", 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "Password is too short!", 'user:password:fail:incorrect_current_password' => 'The current password entered is incorrect.', 'user:resetpassword:unknown_user' => 'Invalid user.', 'user:resetpassword:reset_password_confirm' => 'Resetting your password will email a new password to your registered email address.', 'user:set:language' => "Language settings", 'user:language:label' => "Your language", 'user:language:success' => "Your language settings have been updated.", 'user:language:fail' => "Your language settings could not be saved.", 'user:username:notfound' => 'Username %s not found.', 'user:password:lost' => 'Lost password', 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Successfully requested a new password, email sent', 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'Could not request a new password.', 'user:password:text' => 'To request a new password, enter your username or email address below and click the Request button.', 'user:persistent' => 'Remember me', 'walled_garden:welcome' => 'Welcome to', /** * Administration */ 'menu:page:header:administer' => 'Administer', 'menu:page:header:configure' => 'Configure', 'menu:page:header:develop' => 'Develop', 'menu:page:header:default' => 'Other', 'admin:view_site' => 'View site', 'admin:loggedin' => 'Logged in as %s', 'admin:menu' => 'Menu', 'admin:configuration:success' => "Your settings have been saved.", 'admin:configuration:fail' => "Your settings could not be saved.", 'admin:configuration:dataroot:relative_path' => 'Cannot set "%s" as the dataroot because it is not an absolute path.', 'admin:unknown_section' => 'Invalid Admin Section.', 'admin' => "Administration", 'admin:description' => "The admin panel allows you to control all aspects of the system, from user management to how plugins behave. Choose an option below to get started.", 'admin:statistics' => "Statistics", 'admin:statistics:overview' => 'Overview', 'admin:statistics:server' => 'Server Info', 'admin:appearance' => 'Appearance', 'admin:administer_utilities' => 'Utilities', 'admin:develop_utilities' => 'Utilities', 'admin:users' => "Users", 'admin:users:online' => 'Currently Online', 'admin:users:newest' => 'Newest', 'admin:users:add' => 'Add New User', 'admin:users:description' => "This admin panel allows you to control user settings for your site. Choose an option below to get started.", 'admin:users:adduser:label' => "Click here to add a new user...", 'admin:users:opt:linktext' => "Configure users...", 'admin:users:opt:description' => "Configure users and account information. ", 'admin:users:find' => 'Find', 'admin:settings' => 'Settings', 'admin:settings:basic' => 'Basic Settings', 'admin:settings:advanced' => 'Advanced Settings', 'admin:site:description' => "This admin panel allows you to control global settings for your site. Choose an option below to get started.", 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Configure site...", 'admin:site:access:warning' => "Changing the access setting only affects the permissions on content created in the future.", 'admin:dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'admin:widget:online_users' => 'Online users', 'admin:widget:online_users:help' => 'Lists the users currently on the site', 'admin:widget:new_users' => 'New users', 'admin:widget:new_users:help' => 'Lists the newest users', 'admin:widget:content_stats' => 'Content statistics', 'admin:widget:content_stats:help' => 'Keep track of the content created by your users', 'widget:content_stats:type' => 'Content type', 'widget:content_stats:number' => 'Number', 'admin:widget:admin_welcome' => 'Welcome', 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:help' => "A short introduction to Elgg's admin area", 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:intro' => 'Welcome to Elgg! Right now you are looking at the administration dashboard. It\'s useful for tracking what\'s happening on the site.', 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:admin_overview' => "Navigation for the administration area is provided by the menu to the right. It is organized into" . " three sections: