"Albums", 'lightbox:user' => "%s's albums", 'lightbox:friends' => "Friends' albums", 'lightbox:all' => "All site albums", 'lightbox:edit' => "Edit album info", 'lightbox:more' => "More albums", 'lightbox:group' => "Group albums", 'lightbox:num_albums' => "Number of albums to display", 'lightbox:via' => 'via images', 'photos:add' => "Create new album", 'lightbox:title' => "Title", 'lightbox:description' => "Description", 'lightbox:tags' => "Tags", 'lightbox:image:upload' => 'Upload and image', 'lightbox:image:upload:another' => 'Upload another image', 'lightbox:image:replace' => 'Replace image content (leave blank to not change image)', 'lightbox:image:title' => 'Title', 'lightbox:image:description' => 'Description', 'lightbox:widget' => "Albums widget", 'lightbox:widget:description' => "Showcase your albums", 'groups:enablelightbox' => 'Enable group albums', 'lightbox:download' => "Download this", 'lightbox:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to delete this album and all it's images?", 'lightbox:display:number' => "Number of albums to display", 'river:create:object:album' => '%s created the album %s', 'river:comment:object:album' => '%s commented on the album %s', 'river:comment:object:image' => '%s commented on the image %s', 'item:object:image' => 'Images', 'item:object:album' => 'Image albums', /** * Status messages */ 'lightbox:saved' => "Your album was successfully saved.", 'lightbox:image:saved' => "Your image was successfully saved.", 'lightbox:deleted' => "Your album was successfully deleted.", 'lightbox:image:deleted' => "This image was successfully deleted.", /** * Error messages */ 'lightbox:none' => "No albums.", 'lightbox:image:none' => "No images on this album.", 'lightbox:save:failed' => "Sorry; we could not save your album.", 'lightbox:delete:failed' => "Your album could not be deleted at this time.", 'lightbox:noaccess' => "You do not have permissions to change this album", 'lightbox:nofile' => "You must select an image", ); add_translation("en", $english);