"Tasks", 'tasks:owner' => "%s's tasks", 'tasks:friends' => "Friends' tasks", 'tasks:all' => "All site tasks", 'tasks:add' => "Add task", 'tasks:addlist' => "Add list", 'tasks:lists' => "Task lists", 'tasks:lists:owner' => "%s's task lists", 'tasks:lists:friends' => "Friends' task lists", 'tasks:lists:all' => "All site task lists", 'tasks:group' => "Group tasks", 'groups:enabletasks' => 'Enable group tasks', 'tasks:edit' => "Edit this task", 'tasks:delete' => "Delete this task", 'tasks:view' => "View task", 'tasks:lists:add' => "Add a task list", 'tasks:lists:edit' => "Edit this task list", 'tasks:lists:delete' => "Delete this task list", 'tasks:lists:view' => "View task list", 'tasks:via' => "via tasks", 'item:object:tasklist_top' => 'Task lists top', 'item:object:tasklist' => 'Task lists ', 'item:object:task' => 'Tasks', 'tasks:nogroup' => 'This group does not have any tasks yet', 'tasks:more' => 'More tasks', 'tasks:none' => 'No tasks created yet', 'tasks:lists:none' => 'No task list created yet', 'tasks:this' => 'Task this', 'tasks:this:moreinfo' => 'You can find more info %s.', 'tasks:this:moreinfo:here' => 'here', 'tasks:this:referer:comment' => 'Created new task: %s.', 'tasks:priority:low' => 'Low priority', 'tasks:priority:normal' => 'Normal priority', 'tasks:priority:high' => 'High prioritiy', 'tasks:participant' => '%s participant', 'tasks:participants' => '%s participants', 'tasks:participants:see' => 'See who is participating in it', /** * River **/ 'river:create:object:task' => '%s created a task %s', 'river:create:object:tasklist' => '%s created a task list %s', 'river:create:object:tasklist_top' => '%s created a task list %s', 'river:update:object:task' => '%s updated a task %s', 'river:update:object:tasklist' => '%s updated a task list %s', 'river:update:object:tasklist_top' => '%s updated a task list %s', 'river:comment:object:task' => '%s commented on a task titled %s', 'river:comment:object:tasklist' => '%s commented on a task list titled %s', 'river:comment:object:tasklist_top' => '%s commented on a task list titled %s', 'river:assign:object:task' => "%s assigned herself the task titled %s", 'river:activate:object:task' => "%s set as active the task titled %s", 'river:assign_and_activate:object:task' => "%s assigned herself and set as active the task titled %s", 'river:deactivate:object:task' => "%s unset as active the task titled %s", 'river:mark_as_done:object:task' => "%s set as done the task titled %s", 'river:reopen:object:task' => "%s reopened the task titled %s", 'river:leave:object:task' => "%s left to do the task titled %s", 'river:close:object:task' => "%s closed the task titled %s", /** * Form fields */ 'tasks:title' => 'Name', 'tasks:description' => 'Description', 'tasks:list_guid' => 'List', 'tasks:priority' => 'Priority', 'tasks:tags' => 'Tags', 'tasks:elapsed_time' => 'Elapsed time', 'tasks:remaining_time' => 'Remaining time (time to finish the task)', 'tasks:access_id' => 'Who can see this task?', 'tasks:changehistory' => 'Change history', 'tasks:comments:post' => 'Save changes', 'tasks:add:gofull' => 'View full form', 'tasks:state:actions' => 'Actions', 'tasks:state:action:noaction' => 'Leave as %s', 'tasks:state:action:assign' => 'Accept this task', 'tasks:state:action:leave' => 'Leave this task', 'tasks:state:action:activate' => 'Set as your active task', 'tasks:state:action:deactivate' => 'Unset as your active task', 'tasks:state:action:assign_and_activate' => 'Accept this task and set as your active one', 'tasks:state:action:mark_as_done' => 'Mark this task as done', 'tasks:state:action:close' => 'Close this task', 'tasks:state:action:reopen' => 'Reopen this task', 'tasks:assigned' => 'Assigned tasks', 'tasks:unassigned' => 'Unassigned tasks', 'tasks:closed' => 'Closed tasks', 'tasks:lists:title' => 'Name', 'tasks:lists:description' => 'Description', 'tasks:lists:startdate' => 'Start date', 'tasks:enddate' => 'End date (deadline)', 'tasks:lists:tags' => 'Tags', 'tasks:lists:access_id' => 'Who can see this task list?', /** * Status and error messages */ 'tasks:noaccess' => 'No access to task', 'tasks:cantedit' => 'You cannot edit this task', 'tasks:saved' => 'Task saved', 'tasks:notsaved' => 'Task could not be saved', 'tasks:error:no_title' => 'You must specify a title for this task.', 'tasks:delete:success' => 'The task was successfully deleted.', 'tasks:delete:failure' => 'The task could not be deleted.', 'tasks:status:changed' => 'The state of the task has been changed successfully', 'tasks:lists:noaccess' => 'No access to task list', 'tasks:lists:cantedit' => 'You cannot edit this task list', 'tasks:lists:saved' => 'Task list saved', 'tasks:lists:notsaved' => 'Task list could not be saved', 'tasks:lists:error:no_title' => 'You must specify a title for this task list.', 'tasks:lists:delete:success' => 'The task list was successfully deleted.', 'tasks:lists:delete:failure' => 'The task list could not be deleted.', /** * Task */ 'tasks:strapline:new' => 'Reported %s by %s', 'tasks:strapline:assigned' => 'Assigned %s to %s', 'tasks:strapline:unassigned' => 'Unassigned %s to %s', 'tasks:strapline:active' => 'Assigned %s to %s', 'tasks:strapline:done' => 'Done %s by %s', 'tasks:strapline:closed' => 'Closed %s by %s', 'tasks:strapline:reopened' => 'Reopened %s by %s', /** * Task list */ 'tasks:lists:strapline' => 'Created %s by %s. ', 'tasks:lists:deadline' => 'Deadline %s', 'tasks:lists:graph:total' => '%s tasks', 'tasks:lists:graph:remaining' => '%s remaining', 'tasks:lists:graph:assigned' => '%s assigned', 'tasks:lists:graph:active' => '%s active', /** * Change history */ 'tasks:history:assign' => "assgined herself this task", 'tasks:history:activate' => "set this as her active task", 'tasks:history:deactivate' => "unset this as her active task", 'tasks:history:assign_and_activate' => "assigned and set this as her active task", 'tasks:history:mark_as_done' => "set this task as done", 'tasks:history:reopen' => "reopened this task", 'tasks:history:leave' => "left to do this task", 'tasks:history:close' => "closed this task (won't do)", /** * Widget **/ 'tasks:active' => "Active tasks", 'tasks:num' => 'Number of tasks to display', 'tasks:widget:description' => "This is a list of your tasks.", /** * Submenu items */ 'tasks:label:view' => "View task", 'tasks:label:edit' => "Edit task", 'tasks:lists:label:view' => "View task list", 'tasks:lists:label:edit' => "Edit task list", /** * Sidebar items */ 'tasks:sidebar:this' => "This list", 'tasks:sidebar:children' => "List tasks", 'tasks:sidebar:list' => "List", 'tasks:navigation' => 'Tasks', 'tasks:newchild' => "Create a subtask", 'tasks:backtolist' => "Back to '%s'", /** * Times */ 'friendlytime:future:minutes' => "in %s minutes", 'friendlytime:future:minutes:singular' => "in a minute", 'friendlytime:future:hours' => "in %s hours", 'friendlytime:future:hours:singular' => "in an hour", 'friendlytime:future:days' => "in %s days", 'friendlytime:future:days:singular' => "tomorrow", /** * Comments */ 'tasks:email:subject' => 'Task changed state', 'tasks:email:body' => "%s changed your task \"%s\" state to %s. %s To reply or view the original item, click here: %s To view %s's profile, click here: %s You cannot reply to this email.", ); add_translation("en", $english);