elgg.provide('elgg.userpicker'); elgg.userpicker.init = function() { // binding autocomplete. // doing this as an each so we can past this to functions. $('.elgg-input-user-picker').each(function() { var _this = this; $(this).autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { var params = elgg.userpicker.getSearchParams(this); elgg.get('livesearch', { data: params, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { response(data); } }); }, minLength: 2, select: elgg.userpicker.addUser }) //@todo This seems convoluted .data("autocomplete")._renderItem = elgg.userpicker.formatItem; }); }; elgg.userpicker.formatItem = function(ul, item) { switch (item.type) { case 'user': case 'group': r = item.icon + item.name + ' - ' + item.desc; break; default: r = item.name + ' - ' + item.desc; break; } return $("
  • ") .data("item.autocomplete", item) .append(r) .appendTo(ul); }; elgg.userpicker.addUser = function(event, ui) { var info = ui.item; // do not allow users to be added multiple times if (!(info.guid in elgg.userpicker.userList)) { elgg.userpicker.userList[info.guid] = true; var picker = $(this).closest('.elgg-user-picker'); var users = picker.find('.elgg-user-picker-entries'); var internalName = users.find('[type=hidden]').attr('name'); // not sure why formatted isn't. var formatted = elgg.userpicker.formatItem(data); // add guid as hidden input and to list. var li = formatted + '
    ' + ''; $('
  • ').html(li).appendTo(users); $(this).val(''); } }; elgg.userpicker.removeUser = function(link, guid) { $(link).closest('.elgg-user-picker-entries > li').remove(); }; elgg.userpicker.getSearchParams = function(e) { if ($(e).closest('.elgg-user-picker').find('[name=match_on]').attr('checked')) { return {'match_on[]': 'friends'}; } else { return {'match_on[]': 'users'}; } } elgg.register_event_handler('init', 'system', elgg.userpicker.init);