elgg.provide('elgg.userpicker'); /** * Userpicker initialization * * The userpicker is an autocomplete library for selecting multiple users or * friends. It works in concert with the view input/userpicker. * * @return void */ elgg.userpicker.init = function() { // binding autocomplete. // doing this as an each so we can pass this to functions. $('.elgg-input-user-picker').each(function() { $(this).autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { var params = elgg.userpicker.getSearchParams(this); elgg.get('livesearch', { data: params, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { response(data); } }); }, minLength: 2, html: "html", select: elgg.userpicker.addUser }) }); $('.elgg-userpicker-remove').live('click', elgg.userpicker.removeUser); } /** * Adds a user to the select user list * * elgg.userpicker.userList is defined in the input/userpicker view * * @param {Object} event * @param {Object} ui The object returned by the autocomplete endpoint * @return void */ elgg.userpicker.addUser = function(event, ui) { var info = ui.item; // do not allow users to be added multiple times if (!(info.guid in elgg.userpicker.userList)) { elgg.userpicker.userList[info.guid] = true; var users = $(this).siblings('.elgg-user-picker-list'); var li = '<input type="hidden" name="members[]" value="' + info.guid + '" />'; li += elgg.userpicker.viewUser(info); $('<li>').html(li).appendTo(users); } $(this).val(''); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Remove a user from the selected user list * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.userpicker.removeUser = function(event) { var item = $(this).closest('.elgg-user-picker-list > li'); var guid = item.find('[name="members[]"]').val(); delete elgg.userpicker.userList[guid]; item.remove(); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Render the list item for insertion into the selected user list * * The html in this method has to remain synced with the input/userpicker view * * @param {Object} info The object returned by the autocomplete endpoint * @return string */ elgg.userpicker.viewUser = function(info) { var deleteLink = "<a href='#' class='elgg-userpicker-remove'>X</a>"; var html = "<div class='elgg-image-block'>"; html += "<div class='elgg-image'>" + info.icon + "</div>"; html += "<div class='elgg-image-alt'>" + deleteLink + "</div>"; html += "<div class='elgg-body'>" + info.name + "</div>"; html += "</div"; return html; } /** * Get the parameters to use for autocomplete * * This grabs the value of the friends checkbox. * * @param {Object} obj Object for the autocomplete callback * @return Object */ elgg.userpicker.getSearchParams = function(obj) { if (obj.element.siblings('[name=match_on]').attr('checked')) { return {'match_on[]': 'friends', 'term' : obj.term}; } else { return {'match_on[]': 'users', 'term' : obj.term}; } } elgg.register_hook_handler('init', 'system', elgg.userpicker.init);