elgg.provide('elgg.ui.widgets'); /** * Widgets initialization * * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.init = function() { // widget layout? if ($(".widget_column").length == 0) { return; } $(".widget_column").sortable({ items: 'div.widget', connectWith: '.widget_column', handle: 'div.drag_handle', forcePlaceholderSize: true, placeholder: 'widget_placeholder', opacity: 0.8, revert: 500, stop: elgg.ui.widgets.move }); $('#widget_add_button a').bind('click', function(event) { $('.widgets_add_panel').slideToggle('medium'); event.preventDefault(); }); $('.widgets_add_panel li.widget_available').click(elgg.ui.widgets.add); $('a.widget_delete_button').click(elgg.ui.widgets.remove); $('a.widget_edit_button').click(elgg.ui.widgets.editToggle); $('.widget_edit > form ').submit(elgg.ui.widgets.saveSettings); $('a.widget_collapse_button').click(elgg.ui.widgets.collapseToggle); elgg.ui.widgets.equalHeight(".widget_column"); }; /** * Adds a new widget * * Makes Ajax call to persist new widget and inserts the widget html * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.add = function(event) { // widget_type_ var type = $(this).attr('id'); type = type.substr(type.indexOf('widget_type_') + "widget_type_".length); // if multiple instances not allow, disable this widget type add button var multiple = $(this).attr('class').indexOf('widget_multiple') != -1; if (multiple == false) { $(this).addClass('widget_unavailable'); $(this).removeClass('widget_available'); $(this).unbind('click', elgg.ui.widgets.add); } elgg.action('widgets/add', { data: { handler: type, user_guid: elgg.get_loggedin_userid(), context: $("input[name='widget_context']").val() }, success: function(json) { $('#widget_col_1').prepend(json.output); var $widget = $('#widget_col_1').children(":first"); $widget.find('a.widget_delete_button').click(elgg.ui.widgets.remove); $widget.find('a.widget_edit_button').click(elgg.ui.widgets.editToggle); $widget.find('a.widget_collapse_button').click(elgg.ui.widgets.collapseToggle); $widget.find('.widget_edit > form ').submit(elgg.ui.widgets.saveSettings); } }); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Persist the widget's new position * * @param {Object} event * @param {Object} ui * * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.move = function(event, ui) { // widget_ var guidString = ui.item.attr('id'); guidString = guidString.substr(guidString.indexOf('widget_') + "widget_".length); // widget_col_ var col = ui.item.parent().attr('id'); col = col.substr(col.indexOf('widget_col_') + "widget_col_".length); elgg.action('widgets/move', { data: { guid: guidString, column: col, position: ui.item.index() } }); // @hack fixes jquery-ui/opera bug where draggable elements jump ui.item.css('top', 0); ui.item.css('left', 0); } /** * Removes a widget from the layout * * Event callback the uses Ajax to delete the widget and removes its HTML * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.remove = function(event) { var $widget = $(this).parent().parent(); // if widget type is single instance type, enable the add buton var type = $widget.attr('class'); // widget_instance_ type = type.substr(type.indexOf('widget_instance_') + "widget_instance_".length); $button = $('#widget_type_' + type); var multiple = $button.attr('class').indexOf('widget_multiple') != -1; if (multiple == false) { $button.addClass('widget_available'); $button.removeClass('widget_unavailable'); $button.unbind('click', elgg.ui.widgets.add); // make sure we don't bind twice $button.click(elgg.ui.widgets.add); } $widget.remove(); // widget_delete_button_ var id = $(this).attr('id'); id = id.substr(id.indexOf('widget_delete_button_') + "widget_delete_button_".length); elgg.action('widgets/delete', { data: { guid: id } }); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Toggle the edit panel of a widget * * Yes, I'm quite bad at selectors. * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.editToggle = function(event) { $(this).parent().parent().find('.widget_edit').slideToggle('medium'); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Toogle the collapse state of the widget * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.collapseToggle = function(event) { $(this).toggleClass('widget_collapsed'); $(this).parent().parent().find('.widget_container').slideToggle('medium'); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Save a widget's settings * * Uses Ajax to save the settings and updates the HTML. * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.saveSettings = function(event) { $(this).parent().slideToggle('medium'); var $widgetContent = $(this).parent().parent().children('.widget_content'); // @todo - change to ajax loader $widgetContent.html('loading'); elgg.action('widgets/save', { data: $(this).serialize(), success: function(json) { $widgetContent.html(json.output); } }); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Make all elements have the same min-height * * This addresses the issue of trying to drag a widget into a column that does * not have any widgets. * * @param {String} selector * @return void */ elgg.ui.widgets.equalHeight = function(selector) { var maxHeight = 0; $(selector).each(function() { if ($(this).height() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).height(); } }) $(selector).css('min-height', maxHeight); } elgg.register_event_handler('init', 'system', elgg.ui.widgets.init); // @todo look into removing the below functions - maybe a compatibility plugin //List active widgets for each page column elgg.ui.widgets.outputList = function(forElement) { return $("input[name='handler'], input[name='guid']", forElement).makeDelimitedList("value"); }; //Read each widgets collapsed/expanded state from cookie and apply elgg.ui.widgets.state = function(forWidget) { var thisWidgetState = elgg.session.cookie(forWidget); if (thisWidgetState === 'collapsed') { forWidget = "#" + forWidget; $(forWidget).find("div.collapsable_box_content").hide(); $(forWidget).find("a.toggle_box_contents").html('+'); $(forWidget).find("a.toggle_box_edit_panel").fadeOut('medium'); } }; //More info tooltip in widget gallery edit panel elgg.ui.widgets.moreinfo = function() { $("img.more_info").hover(function(e) { var widgetdescription = $("input[name='description']", this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode).val(); $("body").append("

" + widgetdescription + "

"); if (e.pageX < 900) { $("#widget_moreinfo") .css("top", (e.pageY + 10) + "px") .css("left", (e.pageX + 10) + "px") .fadeIn("medium"); } else { $("#widget_moreinfo") .css("top", (e.pageY + 10) + "px") .css("left", (e.pageX - 210) + "px") .fadeIn("medium"); } }, function() { $("#widget_moreinfo").remove(); }); }; //Toggle widgets contents and save to a cookie elgg.ui.widgets.toggleContent = function(e) { var thisWidgetName, targetContent = $('div.collapsable_box_content', this.parentNode.parentNode); if (targetContent.css('display') === 'none') { targetContent.slideDown(400); $(this).html('-'); $(this.parentNode).children(".toggle_box_edit_panel").fadeIn('medium'); // set cookie for widget panel open-state thisWidgetName = $(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode).attr('id'); elgg.session.cookie(thisWidgetName, 'expanded', {expires: 365}); } else { targetContent.slideUp(400); $(this).html('+'); $(this.parentNode).children(".toggle_box_edit_panel").fadeOut('medium'); // make sure edit pane is closed $(this.parentNode.parentNode).children(".collapsable_box_editpanel").hide(); // set cookie for widget panel closed-state thisWidgetName = $(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode).attr('id'); elgg.session.cookie(thisWidgetName, 'collapsed', {expires: 365}); } return false; }; /** * @deprecated Use elgg.ui.widgets.* */ var toggleContent = elgg.ui.widgets.toggleContent, widget_moreinfo = elgg.ui.widgets.moreinfo, widget_state = elgg.ui.widgets.state, outputWidgetList = elgg.ui.widgets.outputList;