elgg.provide('elgg.ui'); elgg.ui.init = function () { elgg.ui.initHoverMenu(); //if the user clicks a system message, make it disappear $('.elgg-system-messages li').live('click', function() { $(this).stop().fadeOut('fast'); }); $('.elgg-system-messages li').animate({opacity: 0.9}, 6000); $('.elgg-system-messages li').fadeOut('slow'); $('[rel=toggle]').live('click', elgg.ui.toggles); $('[rel=popup]').live('click', elgg.ui.popsUp); $('.elgg-menu-page .elgg-menu-parent').live('click', elgg.ui.toggleMenu); $('.elgg-requires-confirmation').live('click', elgg.ui.requiresConfirmation); if ($('.elgg-input-date').length) { $('.elgg-input-date').datepicker(); } } /** * Toggles an element based on clicking a separate element * * Use rel="toggle" on the toggler element * Set the href to target the item you want to toggle (<a rel="toggle" href="#id-of-target">) * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.toggles = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // @todo might want to switch this to elgg.getSelectorFromUrlFragment(). var target = $(this).toggleClass('elgg-state-active').attr('href'); $(target).slideToggle('medium'); } /** * Pops up an element based on clicking a separate element * * Set the rel="popup" on the popper and set the href to target the * item you want to toggle (<a rel="popup" href="#id-of-target">) * * This function emits the getOptions, ui.popup hook that plugins can register for to provide custom * positioning for elements. The handler is passed the following params: * targetSelector: The selector used to find the popup * target: The popup jQuery element as found by the selector * source: The jquery element whose click event initiated a popup. * * The return value of the function is used as the options object to .position(). * Handles can also return false to abort the default behvior and override it with their own. * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.popsUp = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var target = elgg.getSelectorFromUrlFragment($(this).toggleClass('elgg-state-active').attr('href')); var $target = $(target); // emit a hook to allow plugins to position and control popups var params = { targetSelector: target, target: $target, source: $(this) }; var options = { my: 'center top', at: 'center bottom', of: $(this), collision: 'fit fit' } options = elgg.trigger_hook('getOptions', 'ui.popup', params, options); // allow plugins to cancel event if (!options) { return; } // hide if already open if ($target.is(':visible')) { $target.fadeOut(); $('body').die('click', elgg.ui.popupClose); return; } $target.appendTo('body') .fadeIn() .position(options); $('body') .die('click', elgg.ui.popupClose) .live('click', elgg.ui.popupClose); } /** * Catches clicks that aren't in a popup and closes all popups. */ elgg.ui.popupClose = function(event) { $eventTarget = $(event.target); var inTarget = false; var $popups = $('[rel=popup]'); // if the click event target isn't in a popup target, fade all of them out. $popups.each(function(i, e) { var target = elgg.getSelectorFromUrlFragment($(e).attr('href')) + ':visible'; var $target = $(target); if (!$target.is(':visible')) { return; } // didn't click inside the target if ($eventTarget.closest(target).length > 0) { inTarget = true; return false; } }); if (!inTarget) { $popups.each(function(i, e) { var $e = $(e); var $target = $(elgg.getSelectorFromUrlFragment($e.attr('href')) + ':visible'); if ($target.length > 0) { $target.fadeOut(); $e.removeClass('elgg-state-active'); } }); $('body').die('click', elgg.ui.popClose); } } /** * Toggles a child menu when the parent is clicked * * @param {Object} event * @return void */ elgg.ui.toggleMenu = function(event) { $(this).siblings().slideToggle('medium'); $(this).toggleClass('elgg-menu-closed elgg-menu-opened'); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Initialize the hover menu * * @param {Object} parent * @return void */ elgg.ui.initHoverMenu = function(parent) { if (!parent) { parent = document; } // avatar image menu link $(parent).find(".elgg-avatar").live('mouseover', function() { $(this).children(".elgg-icon-hover-menu").show(); }) .live('mouseout', function() { $(this).children(".elgg-icon-hover-menu").hide(); }); // avatar contextual menu $(".elgg-avatar > .elgg-icon-hover-menu").live('click', function(e) { // check if we've attached the menu to this element already var $hovermenu = $(this).data('hovermenu') || null; if (!$hovermenu) { var $hovermenu = $(this).parent().find(".elgg-menu-hover"); $(this).data('hovermenu', $hovermenu); } // close hovermenu if arrow is clicked & menu already open if ($hovermenu.css('display') == "block") { $hovermenu.fadeOut(); } else { $avatar = $(this).closest(".elgg-avatar"); // @todo Use jQuery-ui position library instead -- much simpler var offset = $avatar.offset(); var top = $avatar.height() + offset.top + 'px'; var left = $avatar.width() - 15 + offset.left + 'px'; $hovermenu.appendTo('body') .css('position', 'absolute') .css("top", top) .css("left", left) .fadeIn('normal'); } // hide any other open hover menus $(".elgg-menu-hover:visible").not($hovermenu).fadeOut(); }); // hide avatar menu when user clicks elsewhere $(document).click(function(event) { if ($(event.target).parents(".elgg-avatar").length == 0) { $(".elgg-menu-hover").fadeOut(); } }); } /** * Calls a confirm() and prevents default if denied. * * @param {Object} e * @return void */ elgg.ui.requiresConfirmation = function(e) { var confirmText = $(this).attr('rel') || elgg.echo('question:areyousure'); if (!confirm(confirmText)) { e.preventDefault(); } }; /** * Repositions the login popup * * @param {String} hook 'getOptions' * @param {String} type 'ui.popup' * @param {Object} params An array of info about the target and source. * @param {Object} options Options to pass to * * @return {Object} */ elgg.ui.LoginHandler = function(hook, type, params, options) { if (params.target.attr('id') == 'login-dropdown-box') { options.my = 'right top'; options.at = 'right bottom'; return options; } return null; }; elgg.register_hook_handler('init', 'system', elgg.ui.init); elgg.register_hook_handler('getOptions', 'ui.popup', elgg.ui.LoginHandler);