/** * Hold security-related data here */ elgg.provide('elgg.security'); elgg.security.token = {}; elgg.security.tokenRefreshFailed = false; /** * Sets the currently active security token and updates all forms and links on the current page. * * @param {Object} json The json representation of a token containing __elgg_ts and __elgg_token * @return {Void} */ elgg.security.setToken = function(json) { //update the convenience object elgg.security.token = json; //also update all forms $('[name=__elgg_ts]').val(json.__elgg_ts); $('[name=__elgg_token]').val(json.__elgg_token); // also update all links that contain tokens and time stamps $('[href*="__elgg_ts"][href*="__elgg_token"]').each(function() { this.href = this.href .replace(/__elgg_ts=\d*/, '__elgg_ts=' + json.__elgg_ts) .replace(/__elgg_token=[0-9a-f]*/, '__elgg_token=' + json.__elgg_token); }); }; /** * Security tokens time out, so lets refresh those every so often. * * @todo handle error and bad return data */ elgg.security.refreshToken = function() { elgg.action('security/refreshtoken', function(data) { // @todo might want to move this to setToken() once http://trac.elgg.org/ticket/3127 // is implemented. It's here right now to avoid soggy code. if (!data || !(data.output.__elgg_ts && data.output.__elgg_token)) { elgg.register_error(elgg.echo('js:security:token_refresh_failed', [elgg.get_site_url()])); elgg.security.tokenRefreshFailed = true; // don't setToken because we refresh every 5 minutes and tokens are good for 1 // hour by default return; } // if had problems last time, let them know it's working now if (elgg.security.tokenRefreshFailed) { elgg.system_message(elgg.echo('js:security:token_refreshed', [elgg.get_site_url()])); elgg.security.tokenRefreshFailed = false; } elgg.security.setToken(data.output); }); }; /** * Add elgg action tokens to an object, URL, or query string. * * @param {Object|string} data * @return {Object} The new data object including action tokens * @private */ elgg.security.addToken = function(data) { // 'http://example.com?data=sofar' if (elgg.isString(data)) { // is this a full URL, relative URL, or just the query string? var parts = elgg.parse_url(data), args = {}, base = ''; if (parts['host'] == data) { if (data.indexOf('=') > -1) { // query string args = elgg.parse_str(data); } else { // relative URL base = data + '?'; } } else { // a URL if (typeof parts['query'] != 'undefined') { args = elgg.parse_str(parts['query']); } var split = data.split('?'); base = split[0] + '?'; } args["__elgg_ts"] = elgg.security.token.__elgg_ts; args["__elgg_token"] = elgg.security.token.__elgg_token; return base + jQuery.param(args); } // no input! acts like a getter if (elgg.isUndefined(data)) { return elgg.security.token; } // {...} if (elgg.isPlainObject(data)) { return elgg.extend(data, elgg.security.token); } // oops, don't recognize that! throw new TypeError("elgg.security.addToken not implemented for " + (typeof data) + "s"); }; elgg.security.init = function() { //refresh security token every 5 minutes //this is set in the js/elgg PHP view. setInterval(elgg.security.refreshToken, elgg.security.interval); }; elgg.register_hook_handler('boot', 'system', elgg.security.init);