$(document).ready(function () { // elggtoolbar - close all drawer elements on pageload $('li.drawer ul').hide(); // elggtoolbar $('h2.drawer-handle').click(function () { $('li.drawer ul:visible').slideUp('medium').prev().removeClass('open'); $(this).addClass('open').next().slideDown('fast'); return false; }); // toggle widget box contents $('a.toggle_box_contents').bind('click', toggleContent); // toggle widget box edit panel $('a.toggle_box_edit_panel').click(function () { $(this.parentNode.parentNode).children("[class=collapsable_box_editpanel]").slideToggle("fast"); return false; }); // toggle customise edit panel $('a.toggle_customise_edit_panel').click(function () { $('div#customise_editpanel').slideToggle("fast"); return false; }); ////////////////// // WIDGET GALLERY // sortable widgets var els = ['#leftcolumn_widgets', '#middlecolumn_widgets', '#rightcolumn_widgets', '#widget_picker_gallery' ]; var $els = $(els.toString()); $els.sortable({ items: '.draggable_widget', handle: '.drag_handle', cursor: 'move', revert: true, opacity: 1.0, appendTo: 'body', placeholder: 'placeholder', connectWith: els, start:function(e,ui) { // prevent droppable drop function from running when re-sorting main lists //$('#middlecolumn_widgets').droppable("disable"); //$('#leftcolumn_widgets').droppable("disable"); }, stop: function(e,ui) { // refresh list before updating hidden fields with new widget order $(this).sortable( "refresh" ); var widgetNameRight = outputWidgetList('#middlecolumn_widgets'); var widgetNameMain = outputWidgetList('#leftcolumn_widgets'); document.getElementById('debugField1').value = widgetNameMain; document.getElementById('debugField2').value = widgetNameRight; } }); // bind more info buttons // it's wrapped in a function so it can be called when new widgets are created widget_moreinfo(); // setup hover class for dragged widgets $("#rightcolumn_widgets").droppable({ accept: ".draggable_widget", hoverClass: 'droppable-hover' }); $("#middlecolumn_widgets").droppable({ accept: ".draggable_widget", hoverClass: 'droppable-hover' }); $("#leftcolumn_widgets").droppable({ accept: ".draggable_widget", hoverClass: 'droppable-hover' }); }); /* end document ready function */ jQuery.fn.makeDelimitedList = function(elementAttribute) { var delimitedListArray = new Array(); var listDelimiter = "::"; // Loop over each element in the stack and add the elementAttribute to the array this.each(function(e) { var listElement = $(this); // Add the attribute value to our values array delimitedListArray[delimitedListArray.length] = listElement.attr(elementAttribute); } ); // Return value list by joining the array return(delimitedListArray.join(listDelimiter)); } function outputWidgetList(forElement) { return( $("input[@name='handler'], input[@name='guid']", forElement ).makeDelimitedList("value") ); } // toggle widget box contents var toggleContent = function(e) { var targetContent = $('div.collapsable_box_content', this.parentNode.parentNode); if (targetContent.css('display') == 'none') { targetContent.slideDown(400); $(this).html('-'); $(this.parentNode).children("[class=toggle_box_edit_panel]").fadeIn('medium'); } else { targetContent.slideUp(400); $(this).html('+'); $(this.parentNode).children("[class=toggle_box_edit_panel]").fadeOut('medium'); // make sure edit pane is closed $(this.parentNode.parentNode).children("[class=collapsable_box_editpanel]").hide(); } return false; }; // widget more info button function setupMoreInfoButton() { $('img.more_info').click(function () { // grab widget description from hidden field //var widgetdescription = $("input[@name='description']", this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode ).attr('value'); //document.getElementById('debugField3').value = widgetdescription; return false; }); } function widget_moreinfo() { $("img.more_info").hover(function(e) { var widgetdescription = $("input[@name='description']", this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode ).attr('value'); $("body").append("

"+ widgetdescription +"

"); if (e.pageX < 900) { $("#widget_moreinfo") .css("top",(e.pageY + 10) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + 10) + "px") .fadeIn("medium"); } else { $("#widget_moreinfo") .css("top",(e.pageY + 10) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX - 210) + "px") .fadeIn("medium"); } }, function() { $("#widget_moreinfo").remove(); }); $("img.more_info").mousemove(function(e) { //$("#widget_moreinfo") // .css("top",(e.pageY + 10) + "px") // .css("left",(e.pageX + 10) + "px"); }); };