FALSE, 'settings' => FALSE, 'admin' => FALSE, ); protected $isAction = FALSE; protected $autoLogin = TRUE; /** * Constructor bootstraps the Elgg engine */ public function __construct() { // load ElggRewriteTester as we depend on it require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/ElggRewriteTester.php"); $this->isAction = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST'; $this->bootstrapConfig(); $this->bootstrapEngine(); elgg_set_viewtype('installation'); set_error_handler('_elgg_php_error_handler'); set_exception_handler('_elgg_php_exception_handler'); register_translations(dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/', TRUE); } /** * Dispatches a request to one of the step controllers * * @param string $step The installation step to run * * @return void */ public function run($step) { // check if this is a URL rewrite test coming in $this->processRewriteTest(); if (!in_array($step, $this->getSteps())) { $msg = elgg_echo('InstallationException:UnknownStep', array($step)); throw new InstallationException($msg); } $this->setInstallStatus(); $this->checkInstallCompletion($step); // check if this is an install being resumed $this->resumeInstall($step); $this->finishBootstraping($step); $params = $this->getPostVariables(); $this->$step($params); } /** * Set the auto login flag * * @param bool $flag Auto login * * @return void */ public function setAutoLogin(bool $flag) { $this->autoLogin = $value; } /** * A batch install of Elgg * * All required parameters must be passed in as an associative array. See * $requiredParams for a list of them. This creates the necessary files, * loads the database, configures the site settings, and creates the admin * account. If it fails, an exception is thrown. It does not check any of * the requirements as the multiple step web installer does. * * @param array $params Array of key value pairs * @param bool $createHtaccess Should .htaccess be created * * @return void * @throws InstallationException */ public function batchInstall(array $params, $createHtaccess = FALSE) { global $CONFIG; restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler(); $defaults = array( 'dbhost' => 'localhost', 'dbprefix' => 'elgg_', 'path' => $CONFIG->path, 'language' => 'en', 'siteaccess' => ACCESS_PUBLIC, ); $params = array_merge($defaults, $params); $requiredParams = array( 'dbuser', 'dbpassword', 'dbname', 'sitename', 'wwwroot', 'dataroot', 'displayname', 'email', 'username', 'password', ); foreach ($requiredParams as $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $params)) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:requiredfield', array($key)); throw new InstallationException($msg); } } // password is passed in once $params['password1'] = $params['password2'] = $params['password']; if ($createHtaccess) { $rewriteTester = new ElggRewriteTester(); if (!$rewriteTester->createHtaccess($CONFIG->path)) { throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('install:error:htaccess')); } } if (!$this->createSettingsFile($params)) { throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('install:error:settings')); } if (!$this->connectToDatabase()) { throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('install:error:databasesettings')); } if (!$this->installDatabase()) { throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('install:error:cannotloadtables')); } // load remaining core libraries $this->finishBootstraping('settings'); if (!$this->saveSiteSettings($params)) { throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('install:error:savesitesettings')); } if (!$this->createAdminAccount($params)) { throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('install:admin:cannot_create')); } } /** * Renders the data passed by a controller * * @param string $step The current step * @param array $vars Array of vars to pass to the view * * @return void */ protected function render($step, $vars = array()) { $vars['next_step'] = $this->getNextStep($step); $title = elgg_echo("install:$step"); $body = elgg_view("install/pages/$step", $vars); echo elgg_view_page( $title, $body, 'default', array( 'step' => $step, 'steps' => $this->getSteps(), ) ); exit; } /** * Step controllers */ /** * Welcome controller * * @param array $vars Not used * * @return void */ protected function welcome($vars) { $this->render('welcome'); } /** * Requirements controller * * Checks version of php, libraries, permissions, and rewrite rules * * @param array $vars Vars * * @return void */ protected function requirements($vars) { $report = array(); // check PHP parameters and libraries $this->checkPHP($report); // check URL rewriting $this->checkRewriteRules($report); // check for existence of settings file if ($this->checkSettingsFile($report) != TRUE) { // no file, so check permissions on engine directory $this->checkEngineDir($report); } // check the database later $report['database'] = array(array( 'severity' => 'info', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:database') )); // any failures? $numFailures = $this->countNumConditions($report, 'failure'); // any warnings $numWarnings = $this->countNumConditions($report, 'warning'); $params = array( 'report' => $report, 'num_failures' => $numFailures, 'num_warnings' => $numWarnings, ); $this->render('requirements', $params); } /** * Database set up controller * * Creates the settings.php file and creates the database tables * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted form variables * * @return void */ protected function database($submissionVars) { $formVars = array( 'dbuser' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'dbpassword' => array( 'type' => 'password', 'value' => '', 'required' => FALSE, ), 'dbname' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'dbhost' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'localhost', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'dbprefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'elgg_', 'required' => TRUE, ), ); if ($this->checkSettingsFile()) { // user manually created settings file so we fake out action test $this->isAction = TRUE; } if ($this->isAction) { do { // only create settings file if it doesn't exist if (!$this->checkSettingsFile()) { if (!$this->validateDatabaseVars($submissionVars, $formVars)) { // error so we break out of action and serve same page break; } if (!$this->createSettingsFile($submissionVars)) { break; } } // check db version and connect if (!$this->connectToDatabase()) { break; } if (!$this->installDatabase()) { break; } system_message(elgg_echo('install:success:database')); $this->continueToNextStep('database'); } while (FALSE); // PHP doesn't support breaking out of if statements } $formVars = $this->makeFormSticky($formVars, $submissionVars); $params = array('variables' => $formVars,); if ($this->checkSettingsFile()) { // settings file exists and we're here so failed to create database $params['failure'] = TRUE; } $this->render('database', $params); } /** * Site settings controller * * Sets the site name, URL, data directory, etc. * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * * @return void */ protected function settings($submissionVars) { global $CONFIG; $formVars = array( 'sitename' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'New Elgg site', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'siteemail' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => FALSE, ), 'wwwroot' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => elgg_get_site_url(), 'required' => TRUE, ), 'path' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $CONFIG->path, 'required' => TRUE, ), 'dataroot' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'siteaccess' => array( 'type' => 'access', 'value' => ACCESS_PUBLIC, 'required' => TRUE, ), ); // if Apache, we give user option of having Elgg create data directory //if (ElggRewriteTester::guessWebServer() == 'apache') { // $formVars['dataroot']['type'] = 'combo'; // $CONFIG->translations['en']['install:settings:help:dataroot'] = // $CONFIG->translations['en']['install:settings:help:dataroot:apache']; //} if ($this->isAction) { do { //if (!$this->createDataDirectory($submissionVars, $formVars)) { // break; //} if (!$this->validateSettingsVars($submissionVars, $formVars)) { break; } if (!$this->saveSiteSettings($submissionVars)) { break; } system_message(elgg_echo('install:success:settings')); $this->continueToNextStep('settings'); } while (FALSE); // PHP doesn't support breaking out of if statements } $formVars = $this->makeFormSticky($formVars, $submissionVars); $this->render('settings', array('variables' => $formVars)); } /** * Admin account controller * * Creates an admin user account * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * * @return void */ protected function admin($submissionVars) { $formVars = array( 'displayname' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'email' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'username' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'password1' => array( 'type' => 'password', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), 'password2' => array( 'type' => 'password', 'value' => '', 'required' => TRUE, ), ); if ($this->isAction) { do { if (!$this->validateAdminVars($submissionVars, $formVars)) { break; } if (!$this->createAdminAccount($submissionVars, $this->autoLogin)) { break; } system_message(elgg_echo('install:success:admin')); $this->continueToNextStep('admin'); } while (FALSE); // PHP doesn't support breaking out of if statements } // bit of a hack to get the password help to show right number of characters global $CONFIG; $lang = get_current_language(); $CONFIG->translations[$lang]['install:admin:help:password1'] = sprintf($CONFIG->translations[$lang]['install:admin:help:password1'], $CONFIG->min_password_length); $formVars = $this->makeFormSticky($formVars, $submissionVars); $this->render('admin', array('variables' => $formVars)); } /** * Controller for last step * * @return void */ protected function complete() { $params = array(); if ($this->autoLogin) { $params['destination'] = 'admin'; } else { $params['destination'] = 'index.php'; } elgg_invalidate_simplecache(); $this->render('complete', $params); } /** * Step management */ /** * Get an array of steps * * @return array */ protected function getSteps() { return $this->steps; } /** * Forwards the browser to the next step * * @param string $currentStep Current installation step * * @return void */ protected function continueToNextStep($currentStep) { $this->isAction = FALSE; forward($this->getNextStepUrl($currentStep)); } /** * Get the next step as a string * * @param string $currentStep Current installation step * * @return string */ protected function getNextStep($currentStep) { $index = 1 + array_search($currentStep, $this->steps); if (isset($this->steps[$index])) { return $this->steps[$index]; } else { return null; } } /** * Get the URL of the next step * * @param string $currentStep Current installation step * * @return string */ protected function getNextStepUrl($currentStep) { global $CONFIG; $nextStep = $this->getNextStep($currentStep); return elgg_get_site_url() . "install.php?step=$nextStep"; } /** * Check the different install steps for completion * * @return void */ protected function setInstallStatus() { global $CONFIG; if (!is_readable("{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.php")) { return; } $this->loadSettingsFile(); // must be able to connect to database to jump install steps $dbSettingsPass = $this->checkDatabaseSettings( $CONFIG->dbuser, $CONFIG->dbpass, $CONFIG->dbname, $CONFIG->dbhost ); if ($dbSettingsPass == FALSE) { return; } if (!include_once("{$CONFIG->path}engine/lib/database.php")) { $msg = elgg_echo('InstallationException:MissingLibrary', array('database.php')); throw new InstallationException($msg); } // check that the config table has been created $query = "show tables"; $result = get_data($query); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $table) { $table = (array) $table; if (in_array("{$CONFIG->dbprefix}config", $table)) { $this->status['database'] = TRUE; } } if ($this->status['database'] == FALSE) { return; } } else { // no tables return; } // check that the config table has entries $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}config"; $result = get_data($query); if ($result && $result[0]->total > 0) { $this->status['settings'] = TRUE; } else { return; } // check that the users entity table has an entry $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}users_entity"; $result = get_data($query); if ($result && $result[0]->total > 0) { $this->status['admin'] = TRUE; } else { return; } } /** * Security check to ensure the installer cannot be run after installation * has finished. If this is detected, the viewer is sent to the front page. * * @param string $step Installation step to check against * * @return void */ protected function checkInstallCompletion($step) { if ($step != 'complete') { if (!in_array(FALSE, $this->status)) { // install complete but someone is trying to view an install page forward(); } } } /** * Check if this is a case of a install being resumed and figure * out where to continue from. Returns the best guess on the step. * * @param string $step Installation step to resume from * * @return string */ protected function resumeInstall($step) { global $CONFIG; // only do a resume from the first step if ($step !== 'welcome') { return; } if ($this->status['database'] == FALSE) { return; } if ($this->status['settings'] == FALSE) { forward("install.php?step=settings"); } if ($this->status['admin'] == FALSE) { forward("install.php?step=admin"); } // everything appears to be set up forward("install.php?step=complete"); } /** * Bootstraping */ /** * Load the essential libraries of the engine * * @return void */ protected function bootstrapEngine() { global $CONFIG; $lib_dir = $CONFIG->path . 'engine/lib/'; // bootstrapping with required files in a required order $required_files = array( 'elgglib.php', 'views.php', 'access.php', 'system_log.php', 'export.php', 'configuration.php', 'sessions.php', 'languages.php', 'input.php', 'cache.php', 'output.php' ); foreach ($required_files as $file) { $path = $lib_dir . $file; if (!include($path)) { echo "Could not load file '$path'. " . 'Please check your Elgg installation for all required files.'; exit; } } } /** * Load remaining engine libraries and complete bootstraping (see start.php) * * @param string $step Which step to boot strap for. Required because * boot strapping is different until the DB is populated. * * @return void */ protected function finishBootstraping($step) { $dbIndex = array_search('database', $this->getSteps()); $adminIndex = array_search('admin', $this->getSteps()); $completeIndex = array_search('complete', $this->getSteps()); $stepIndex = array_search($step, $this->getSteps()); // To log in the user, we need to use the Elgg core session handling. // Otherwise, use default php session handling $useElggSession = ($stepIndex == $adminIndex && $this->isAction) || $stepIndex == $completeIndex; if (!$useElggSession) { session_name('Elgg_install'); session_start(); elgg_unregister_event_handler('boot', 'system', 'session_init'); } if ($stepIndex > $dbIndex) { // once the database has been created, load rest of engine global $CONFIG; $lib_dir = $CONFIG->path . 'engine/lib/'; $this->loadSettingsFile(); $lib_files = array( // these want to be loaded first apparently? 'database.php', 'actions.php', 'admin.php', 'annotations.php', 'calendar.php', 'cron.php', 'entities.php', 'extender.php', 'filestore.php', 'group.php', 'location.php', 'mb_wrapper.php', 'memcache.php', 'metadata.php', 'metastrings.php', 'navigation.php', 'notification.php', 'objects.php', 'opendd.php', 'pagehandler.php', 'pageowner.php', 'pam.php', 'plugins.php', 'private_settings.php', 'relationships.php', 'river.php', 'sites.php', 'statistics.php', 'tags.php', 'user_settings.php', 'users.php', 'upgrade.php', 'web_services.php', 'widgets.php', 'xml.php', 'xml-rpc.php', 'deprecated-1.7.php', 'deprecated-1.8.php', ); foreach ($lib_files as $file) { $path = $lib_dir . $file; if (!include_once($path)) { $msg = elgg_echo('InstallationException:MissingLibrary', array($file)); throw new InstallationException($msg); } } set_default_config(); elgg_trigger_event('boot', 'system'); elgg_trigger_event('init', 'system'); } } /** * Set up configuration variables * * @return void */ protected function bootstrapConfig() { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG)) { $CONFIG = new stdClass; } $CONFIG->wwwroot = $this->getBaseUrl(); $CONFIG->url = $CONFIG->wwwroot; $CONFIG->path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'; $CONFIG->lastcache = 0; $CONFIG->context = array(); } /** * Get the best guess at the base URL * * @note Cannot use current_page_url() because it depends on $CONFIG->wwwroot * @todo Should this be a core function? * * @return string */ protected function getBaseUrl() { $protocol = 'http'; if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $protocol = 'https'; } $port = ':' . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; if ($port == ':80' || $port == ':443') { $port = ''; } $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $cutoff = strpos($uri, 'install.php'); $uri = substr($uri, 0, $cutoff); $url = "$protocol://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}$port{$uri}"; return $url; } /** * Load settings.php * * @return void * @throws InstallationException */ protected function loadSettingsFile() { global $CONFIG; if (!include_once("{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.php")) { $msg = elgg_echo('InstallationException:CannotLoadSettings'); throw new InstallationException($msg); } } /** * Action handling methods */ /** * Return an associative array of post variables * (could be selective based on expected variables) * * Does not filter as person installing the site should not be attempting * XSS attacks. If filtering is added, it should not be done for passwords. * * @return array */ protected function getPostVariables() { $vars = array(); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $vars[$k] = $v; } return $vars; } /** * If form is reshown, remember previously submitted variables * * @param array $formVars Vars int he form * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * * @return array */ protected function makeFormSticky($formVars, $submissionVars) { foreach ($submissionVars as $field => $value) { $formVars[$field]['value'] = $value; } return $formVars; } /** * Requirement checks support methods */ /** * Check that the engine dir is writable * * @param array &$report The requirements report object * * @return bool */ protected function checkEngineDir(&$report) { global $CONFIG; $writable = is_writable("{$CONFIG->path}engine"); if (!$writable) { $report['settings'] = array( array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:enginedir'), ) ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Check that the settings file exists * * @param array &$report The requirements report array * * @return bool */ protected function checkSettingsFile(&$report = array()) { global $CONFIG; if (!file_exists("{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.php")) { return FALSE; } if (!is_readable("{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.php")) { $report['settings'] = array( array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:readsettings'), ) ); } return TRUE; } /** * Check version of PHP, extensions, and variables * * @param array &$report The requirements report array * * @return void */ protected function checkPHP(&$report) { $phpReport = array(); $elgg_php_version = '5.2.0'; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $elgg_php_version, '<')) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:php:version', array($elgg_php_version, PHP_VERSION)) ); } $this->checkPhpExtensions($phpReport); $this->checkPhpDirectives($phpReport); if (count($phpReport) == 0) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'pass', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:php:success') ); } $report['php'] = $phpReport; } /** * Check the server's PHP extensions * * @param array &$phpReport The PHP requirements report array * * @return void */ protected function checkPhpExtensions(&$phpReport) { $extensions = get_loaded_extensions(); $requiredExtensions = array( 'mysql', 'json', 'xml', 'gd', ); foreach ($requiredExtensions as $extension) { if (!in_array($extension, $extensions)) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:php:extension', array($extension)) ); } } $recommendedExtensions = array( 'mbstring', ); foreach ($recommendedExtensions as $extension) { if (!in_array($extension, $extensions)) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'warning', 'message' => elgg_echo('install:check:php:extension:recommend', array($extension)) ); } } } /** * Check PHP parameters * * @param array &$phpReport The PHP requirements report array * * @return void */ protected function checkPhpDirectives(&$phpReport) { if (ini_get('open_basedir')) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'warning', 'message' => elgg_echo("install:check:php:open_basedir") ); } if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'warning', 'message' => elgg_echo("install:check:php:safe_mode") ); } if (ini_get('arg_separator.output') !== '&') { $separator = htmlspecialchars(ini_get('arg_separator.output')); $msg = elgg_echo("install:check:php:arg_separator", array($separator)); $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => $msg, ); } if (ini_get('register_globals')) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => elgg_echo("install:check:php:register_globals") ); } if (ini_get('session.auto_start')) { $phpReport[] = array( 'severity' => 'failure', 'message' => elgg_echo("install:check:php:session.auto_start") ); } } /** * Confirm that the rewrite rules are firing * * @param array &$report The requirements report array * * @return void */ protected function checkRewriteRules(&$report) { global $CONFIG; $tester = new ElggRewriteTester(); $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "rewrite.php"; $report['rewrite'] = array($tester->run($url, $CONFIG->path)); } /** * Check if the request is coming from the URL rewrite test on the * requirements page. * * @return void */ protected function processRewriteTest() { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'rewrite.php') !== FALSE) { echo 'success'; exit; } } /** * Count the number of failures in the requirements report * * @param array $report The requirements report array * @param string $condition 'failure' or 'warning' * * @return int */ protected function countNumConditions($report, $condition) { $count = 0; foreach ($report as $category => $checks) { foreach ($checks as $check) { if ($check['severity'] === $condition) { $count++; } } } return $count; } /** * Database support methods */ /** * Validate the variables for the database step * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * @param array $formVars Vars in the form * * @return bool */ protected function validateDatabaseVars($submissionVars, $formVars) { foreach ($formVars as $field => $info) { if ($info['required'] == TRUE && !$submissionVars[$field]) { $name = elgg_echo("install:database:label:$field"); register_error("$name is required"); return FALSE; } } return $this->checkDatabaseSettings( $submissionVars['dbuser'], $submissionVars['dbpassword'], $submissionVars['dbname'], $submissionVars['dbhost'] ); } /** * Confirm the settings for the database * * @param string $user Username * @param string $password Password * @param string $dbname Database name * @param string $host Host * * @return bool */ protected function checkDatabaseSettings($user, $password, $dbname, $host) { $mysql_dblink = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password, true); if ($mysql_dblink == FALSE) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:databasesettings')); return $FALSE; } $result = mysql_select_db($dbname, $mysql_dblink); // check MySQL version - must be 5.0 or > $required_version = 5.0; $version = mysql_get_server_info(); $points = explode('.', $version); if ($points[0] < $required_version) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:oldmysql', array($version))); return FALSE; } mysql_close($mysql_dblink); if (!$result) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:nodatabase', array($dbname))); } return $result; } /** * Writes the settings file to the engine directory * * @param array $params Array of inputted params from the user * * @return bool */ protected function createSettingsFile($params) { global $CONFIG; $templateFile = "{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.example.php"; $template = file_get_contents($templateFile); if (!$template) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:readsettingsphp')); return FALSE; } foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $template = str_replace("{{" . $k . "}}", $v, $template); } $settingsFilename = "{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.php"; $result = file_put_contents($settingsFilename, $template); if (!$result) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:writesettingphp')); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Bootstrap database connection before entire engine is available * * @return bool */ protected function connectToDatabase() { global $CONFIG; if (!include_once("{$CONFIG->path}engine/settings.php")) { register_error(elgg_echo('InstallationException:CannotLoadSettings')); return FALSE; } if (!include_once("{$CONFIG->path}engine/lib/database.php")) { $msg = elgg_echo('InstallationException:MissingLibrary', array('database.php')); register_error($msg); return FALSE; } try { setup_db_connections(); } catch (Exception $e) { register_error($e->getMessage()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Create the database tables * * @return bool */ protected function installDatabase() { global $CONFIG; try { run_sql_script("{$CONFIG->path}engine/schema/mysql.sql"); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); if (strpos($msg, 'already exists')) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:tables_exist'); } register_error($msg); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Site settings support methods */ /** * Create the data directory if requested * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * @param array $formVars Variables in the form * @return bool */ protected function createDataDirectory(&$submissionVars, $formVars) { // did the user have option of Elgg creating the data directory if ($formVars['dataroot']['type'] != 'combo') { return TRUE; } // did the user select the option if ($submissionVars['dataroot'] != 'dataroot-checkbox') { return TRUE; } $dir = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['path']) . 'data'; if (file_exists($dir) || mkdir($dir, 0700)) { $submissionVars['dataroot'] = $dir; if (!file_exists("$dir/.htaccess")) { $htaccess = "Order Deny,Allow\nDeny from All\n"; if (!file_put_contents("$dir/.htaccess", $htaccess)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Validate the site settings form variables * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * @param array $formVars Vars in the form * * @return bool */ protected function validateSettingsVars($submissionVars, $formVars) { global $CONFIG; foreach ($formVars as $field => $info) { $submissionVars[$field] = trim($submissionVars[$field]); if ($info['required'] == TRUE && $submissionVars[$field] === '') { $name = elgg_echo("install:settings:label:$field"); register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:requiredfield', array($name))); return FALSE; } } // check that data root exists if (!file_exists($submissionVars['dataroot'])) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:datadirectoryexists', array($submissionVars['dataroot'])); register_error($msg); return FALSE; } // check that data root is writable if (!is_writable($submissionVars['dataroot'])) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:writedatadirectory', array($submissionVars['dataroot'])); register_error($msg); return FALSE; } if (!isset($CONFIG->data_dir_override) || !$CONFIG->data_dir_override) { // check that data root is not subdirectory of Elgg root if (stripos($submissionVars['dataroot'], $submissionVars['path']) === 0) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:locationdatadirectory', array($submissionVars['dataroot'])); register_error($msg); return FALSE; } } // check that email address is email address if ($submissionVars['siteemail'] && !is_email_address($submissionVars['siteemail'])) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:emailaddress', array($submissionVars['siteemail'])); register_error($msg); return FALSE; } // @todo check that url is a url // @note filter_var cannot be used because it doesn't work on international urls return TRUE; } /** * Initialize the site including site entity, plugins, and configuration * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * * @return bool */ protected function saveSiteSettings($submissionVars) { global $CONFIG; // ensure that file path, data path, and www root end in / $submissionVars['path'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['path']); $submissionVars['dataroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['dataroot']); $submissionVars['wwwroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['wwwroot']); $site = new ElggSite(); $site->name = $submissionVars['sitename']; $site->url = $submissionVars['wwwroot']; $site->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $site->email = $submissionVars['siteemail']; $guid = $site->save(); if (!$guid) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:createsite')); return FALSE; } // bootstrap site info $CONFIG->site_guid = $guid; $CONFIG->site = $site; datalist_set('installed', time()); datalist_set('path', $submissionVars['path']); datalist_set('dataroot', $submissionVars['dataroot']); datalist_set('default_site', $site->getGUID()); datalist_set('version', get_version()); datalist_set('simplecache_enabled', 1); datalist_set('viewpath_cache_enabled', 1); // new installations have run all the upgrades $upgrades = elgg_get_upgrade_files($submissionVars['path'] . 'engine/lib/upgrades/'); datalist_set('processed_upgrades', serialize($upgrades)); set_config('view', 'default', $site->getGUID()); set_config('language', 'en', $site->getGUID()); set_config('default_access', $submissionVars['siteaccess'], $site->getGUID()); set_config('allow_registration', TRUE, $site->getGUID()); set_config('walled_garden', FALSE, $site->getGUID()); set_config('allow_user_default_access', '', $site->getGUID()); $this->enablePlugins(); // reset the views path in case of installing over an old data dir. $dataroot = $submissionVars['dataroot']; $CONFIG->dataroot = $dataroot; $cache = new ElggFileCache($dataroot); $cache->delete('view_paths'); return TRUE; } /** * Enable a set of default plugins * * @return void */ protected function enablePlugins() { elgg_generate_plugin_entities(); $plugins = elgg_get_plugins('any'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->getManifest()) { if ($plugin->getManifest()->getActivateOnInstall()) { $plugin->activate(); } } } } /** * Admin account support methods */ /** * Validate account form variables * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * @param array $formVars Form vars * * @return bool */ protected function validateAdminVars($submissionVars, $formVars) { foreach ($formVars as $field => $info) { if ($info['required'] == TRUE && !$submissionVars[$field]) { $name = elgg_echo("install:admin:label:$field"); register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:requiredfield', array($name))); return FALSE; } } if ($submissionVars['password1'] !== $submissionVars['password2']) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:admin:password:mismatch')); return FALSE; } if (trim($submissionVars['password1']) == "") { register_error(elgg_echo('install:admin:password:empty')); return FALSE; } $minLength = get_config('min_password_length'); if (strlen($submissionVars['password1']) < $minLength) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:admin:password:tooshort')); return FALSE; } // check that email address is email address if ($submissionVars['email'] && !is_email_address($submissionVars['email'])) { $msg = elgg_echo('install:error:emailaddress', array($submissionVars['email'])); register_error($msg); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Create a user account for the admin * * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars * @param bool $login Login in the admin user? * * @return bool */ protected function createAdminAccount($submissionVars, $login = FALSE) { global $CONFIG; $guid = register_user( $submissionVars['username'], $submissionVars['password1'], $submissionVars['displayname'], $submissionVars['email'] ); if (!$guid) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:admin:cannot_create')); return FALSE; } $user = get_entity($guid); if (!$user) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:loadadmin')); return FALSE; } elgg_set_ignore_access(TRUE); if ($user->makeAdmin() == FALSE) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:adminaccess')); } else { datalist_set('admin_registered', 1); } elgg_set_ignore_access(FALSE); // add validation data to satisfy user validation plugins create_metadata($guid, 'validated', TRUE, '', 0, ACCESS_PUBLIC); create_metadata($guid, 'validated_method', 'admin_user', '', 0, ACCESS_PUBLIC); if ($login) { if (login($user) == FALSE) { register_error(elgg_echo('install:error:adminlogin')); } } return TRUE; } }