
 * Elgg Test Entity Getter Functions
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Test
class ElggCoreEntityGetterFunctionsTest extends ElggCoreUnitTest {
	 * Called before each test object.
	public function __construct() {
		$this->entities = array();
		$this->subtypes = array(
			'object' => array(),
			'user' => array(),
			'group' => array(),
			//'site'	=> array()

		// sites are a bit wonky.  Don't use them just now.
		$this->types = array('object', 'user', 'group');

		// create some fun objects to play with.
		// 5 with random subtypes
		for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
			$subtype = 'test_object_subtype_' . rand();
			$e = new ElggObject();
			$e->subtype = $subtype;

			$this->entities[] = $e;
			$this->subtypes['object'][] = $subtype;

		// and users
		for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
			$subtype = "test_user_subtype_" . rand();
			$e = new ElggUser();
			$e->username = "test_user_" . rand();
			$e->subtype = $subtype;

			$this->entities[] = $e;
			$this->subtypes['user'][] = $subtype;

		// and groups
		for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
			$subtype = "test_group_subtype_" . rand();
			$e = new ElggGroup();
			$e->subtype = $subtype;

			$this->entities[] = $e;
			$this->subtypes['group'][] = $subtype;


	 * Called after each test method.
	public function setUp() {
		return TRUE;

	 * Called after each test method.
	public function tearDown() {
		return TRUE;

	 * Called after each test object.
	public function __destruct() {
		global $CONFIG;

		foreach ($this->entities as $e) {

		// manually remove subtype entries since there is no way
		// to using the API.
		$subtype_arr = array();
		foreach ($this->subtypes as $type => $subtypes) {
			foreach ($subtypes as $subtype) {
				$subtype_arr[] = "'$subtype'";

		$subtype_str = implode(',', $subtype_arr);
		$q = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_subtypes WHERE subtype IN ($subtype_str)";


	 * Helpers for getting random types and subtypes *

	 * Get a random valid subtype
	 * @param int $num
	 * @return array
	public function getRandomValidTypes($num = 1) {
		$r = array();

		for ($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) {
			do {
				$t = $this->types[array_rand($this->types)];
			} while (in_array($t, $r) && count($r) < count($this->types));

			$r[] = $t;

		return $r;

	 * Get a random valid subtype (that we just created)
	 * @param array $type Type of objects to return valid subtypes for.
	 * @param int $num of subtypes.
	 * @return array
	public function getRandomValidSubtypes(array $types, $num = 1) {
		$r = array();

		for ($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) {
			do {
				// make sure at least one subtype of each type is returned.
				if ($i-1 < count($types)) {
					$type = $types[$i-1];
				} else {
					$type = $types[array_rand($types)];

				$k = array_rand($this->subtypes[$type]);
				$t = $this->subtypes[$type][$k];
			} while (in_array($t, $r));

			$r[] = $t;

		return $r;

	 * Return an array of invalid strings for type or subtypes.
	 * @param int $num
	 * @return arr
	public function getRandomInvalids($num = 1) {
		$r = array();

		for ($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) {
			$r[] = 'random_invalid_' . rand();

		return $r;

	 * Get a mix of valid and invalid types
	 * @param int $num
	 * @return array
	public function getRandomMixedTypes($num = 2) {
		$have_valid = $have_invalid = false;
		$r = array();

		// need at least one of each type.
		$valid_n = rand(1, $num-1);
		$r = array_merge($r, $this->getRandomValidTypes($valid_n));
		$r = array_merge($r, $this->getRandomInvalids($num - $valid_n));

		return $r;

	 * Get random mix of valid and invalid subtypes for types given.
	 * @param array $types
	 * @param int   $num
	 * @return array
	public function getRandomMixedSubtypes(array $types, $num = 2) {
		$types_c = count($types);
		$r = array();

		// this can be more efficient but I'm very sleepy...

		// want at least one of valid and invalid of each type sent.
		for ($i=0; $i < $types_c && $num > 0; $i++) {
			// make sure we have a valid and invalid for each type
			if (true) {
				$type = $types[$i];
				$r = array_merge($r, $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array($type), 1));
				$r = array_merge($r, $this->getRandomInvalids(1));

				$num -= 2;

		if ($num > 0) {
			$valid_n = rand(1, $num);
			$r = array_merge($r, $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types, $valid_n));
			$r = array_merge($r, $this->getRandomInvalids($num - $valid_n));

		return $r;

	 * Creates random annotations on $entity
	 * @param ElggEntity $entity
	 * @param int        $max
	public function createRandomAnnotations($entity, $max = 1) {
		$annotations = array();
		for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
			$name = 'test_annotation_name_' . rand();
			$value = rand();
			$id = create_annotation($entity->getGUID(), $name, $value, 'integer', $entity->getGUID());
			$annotations[] = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($id);

		return $annotations;

	 * check for getting a valid type in all ways we can.
	 * note that these aren't wonderful tests as there will be
	 * existing entities so we can't test against the ones we just created.
	 * So these just test that some are returned and match the type(s) requested.
	 * It could definitely be the case that the first 10 entities retrieved are all
	 * objects.  Maybe best to limit to 4 and group by type.
	public function testElggAPIGettersValidTypeUsingType() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$type = $type_arr[0];
		$options = array(
			'type' => $type,
			'group_by' => 'e.type'

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// should only ever return one object because of group by
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $type_arr));

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidTypeUsingTypesAsString() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$type = $type_arr[0];
		$options = array(
			'types' => $type,
			'group_by' => 'e.type'

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// should only ever return one object because of group by
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $type_arr));

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidTypeUsingTypesAsArray() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$type = $type_arr[0];
		$options = array(
			'types' => $type_arr,
			'group_by' => 'e.type'

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// should only ever return one object because of group by
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $type_arr));

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidTypeUsingTypesAsArrayPlural() {
		$num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($num);
		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'group_by' => 'e.type'

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// one of object and one of group
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $num);

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));

	 * Test mixed valid and invalid types.

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidAndInvalidTypes() {
		//@todo replace this with $this->getRandomMixedTypes().
		$t = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$valid = $t[0];

		$t = $this->getRandomInvalids();
		$invalid = $t[0];
		$options = array(
			'types' => array($invalid, $valid),
			'group_by' => 'e.type'

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// should only ever return one object because of group by
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		$this->assertIdentical($es[0]->getType(), $valid);

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidAndInvalidTypesPlural() {
		$valid_num = 2;
		$invalid_num = 3;
		$valid = $this->getRandomValidTypes($valid_num);
		$invalid = $this->getRandomInvalids($invalid_num);

		$types = array();
		foreach ($valid as $t) {
			$types[] = $t;

		foreach ($invalid as $t) {
			$types[] = $t;

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'group_by' => 'e.type'

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// should only ever return one object because of group by
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $valid_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $valid));

	 * Here we can use the subtypes we created to test more finely.
	 * Subtypes are bound to types, so we must pass a type.
	 * This is where the fun logic starts.

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidSubtypeUsingSubtypeSingularType() {
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtype' => $subtype

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $subtypes));

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidSubtypeUsingSubtypesAsStringSingularType() {
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtype' => $subtype

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $subtypes));

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidSubtypeUsingSubtypesAsArraySingularType() {
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $subtypes));

	public function testElggAPIGettersValidSubtypeUsingPluralSubtypesSingularType() {
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes();
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types, $subtype_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $subtype_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $subtypes));

	Because we're looking for type OR subtype (sorta)
	it's possible that we've pulled in entities that aren't
	of the subtype we've requested.
	There is no mechanism in elgg to retrieve a subtype without a type, so
	this combo gets trimmed down to only including subtypes that are valid to
	each particular type.
	public function testElggAPIGettersValidSubtypeUsingPluralSubtypesPluralTypes() {
		$type_num = 2;
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types, $subtype_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// this will unset all invalid subtypes for each type that that only
		// one entity exists of each.
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $subtype_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			// entities must at least be in the type.
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));

			// test that this is a valid subtype for the entity type.
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $this->subtypes[$e->getType()]));

	 * This combination will remove all invalid subtypes for this type.
	public function testElggAPIGettersValidSubtypeUsingPluralMixedSubtypesSingleType() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);

		//@todo replace this with $this->getRandomMixedSubtypes()
		// we want this to return an invalid subtype for the returned type.
		$subtype_types = $types;
		$i = 1;
		while ($i <= $subtype_num) {
			$type = $this->types[$i-1];

			if (!in_array($type, $subtype_types)) {
				$subtype_types[] = $type;

		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($subtype_types, $type_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		// this will unset all invalid subtypes for each type that that only
		// one entity exists of each.
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $type_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			// entities must at least be in the type.
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));

			// test that this is a valid subtype for the entity type.
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $this->subtypes[$e->getType()]));


	 * Valid type, valid subtype pairs
	public function testElggAPIGettersTSPValidTypeValidSubtype() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 1;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types, $subtype_num);

		$pair = array($types[0] => $subtypes[0]);

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $type_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $subtypes));

	 * Valid type, multiple valid subtypes
	public function testElggAPIGettersTSPValidTypeValidPluralSubtype() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 3;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types, $subtype_num);

		$pair = array($types[0] => $subtypes);

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $subtype_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $subtypes));

	 * Valid type, both valid and invalid subtypes
	public function testElggAPIGettersTSPValidTypeMixedPluralSubtype() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$valid_subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$valid = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes($types, $valid_subtype_num);
		$invalid = $this->getRandomInvalids();

		$subtypes = array_merge($valid, $invalid);

		$pair = array($types[0] => $subtypes);

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$this->assertIsA($es, 'array');

		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), $valid_subtype_num);
		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getType(), $types));
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->getSubtype(), $valid));

	 * The original bug corrected returned
	 * all entities when invalid subtypes were passed.
	 * Because there's a huge numer of combinations that
	 * return entities, I'm only writing tests for
	 * things that should return false.
	 * I'm leaving the above in case anyone is inspired to
	 * write out the rest of the possible combinations

	 * Test invalid types with singular 'type'.
	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidTypeUsingType() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomInvalids();
		$type = $type_arr[0];

		$options = array(
			'type' => $type

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	 * Test invalid types with plural 'types'.
	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidTypeUsingTypesAsString() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomInvalids();
		$type = $type_arr[0];

		$options = array(
			'types' => $type

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	 * Test invalid types with plural 'types' and an array of a single type
	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidTypeUsingTypesAsArray() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomInvalids(1);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $type_arr

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	 * Test invalid types with plural 'types' and an array of a two types
	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidTypes() {
		$type_arr = $this->getRandomInvalids(2);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $type_arr

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidSubtypeValidType() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 1;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidSubtypeValidTypes() {
		$type_num = 2;
		$subtype_num = 1;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidSubtypesValidType() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersInvalidSubtypesValidTypes() {
		$type_num = 2;
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$options = array(
			'types' => $types,
			'subtypes' => $subtypes

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersTSPInvalidType() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$types = $this->getRandomInvalids($type_num);

		$pair = array();

		foreach ($types as $type) {
			$pair[$type] = NULL;

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersTSPInvalidTypes() {
		$type_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomInvalids($type_num);

		$pair = array();
		foreach ($types as $type) {
			$pair[$type] = NULL;

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersTSPValidTypeInvalidSubtype() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 1;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$pair = array($types[0] => $subtypes[0]);

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersTSPValidTypeInvalidSubtypes() {
		$type_num = 1;
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$pair = array($types[0] => array($subtypes[0], $subtypes[0]));

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersTSPValidTypesInvalidSubtypes() {
		$type_num = 2;
		$subtype_num = 2;
		$types = $this->getRandomValidTypes($type_num);
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomInvalids($subtype_num);

		$pair = array();
		foreach ($types as $type) {
			$pair[$type] = $subtypes;

		$options = array(
			'type_subtype_pairs' => $pair

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testElggApiGettersEntityNoSubtype() {
		// create an entity we can later delete.
		// order by guid and limit by 1 should == this entity.

		$e = new ElggObject();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'limit' => 1,
			'order_by' => 'guid desc'

		// grab ourself again to fill out attributes.
		$e = get_entity($e->getGUID());

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertIdentical($e->getGUID(), $entity->getGUID());


	public function testElggApiGettersEntityNoValueSubtypeNotSet() {
		// create an entity we can later delete.
		// order by time created and limit by 1 should == this entity.

		$e = new ElggObject();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => ELGG_ENTITIES_NO_VALUE,
			'limit' => 1,
			'order_by' => 'guid desc'

		// grab ourself again to fill out attributes.
		$e = get_entity($e->getGUID());

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertIdentical($e->getGUID(), $entity->getGUID());


	public function testElggApiGettersEntityNoValueSubtypeSet() {
		global $CONFIG;
		// create an entity we can later delete.
		// order by time created and limit by 1 should == this entity.

		$subtype = 'subtype_' . rand();

		$e_subtype = new ElggObject();
		$e_subtype->subtype = $subtype;

		$e = new ElggObject();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => ELGG_ENTITIES_NO_VALUE,
			'limit' => 1,
			'order_by' => 'guid desc'

		// grab ourself again to fill out attributes.
		$e = get_entity($e->getGUID());

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		// this entity should NOT be the entity we just created
		// and should have no subtype
		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->subtype_id, 0);


		$q = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_subtypes WHERE subtype = '$subtype'";



	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNameValidSingle() {
		// create a new entity with a subtype we know
		// use an existing type so it will clean up automatically
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name' => $md_name

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $e->getGUID());
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $md_value);


	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNameValidMultiple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_names = array();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_names[] = $md_name;
		$e_guids = array();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_names[] = $md_name;

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_names' => $md_names

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 2);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $e_guids));

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNameInvalidSingle() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;

		$md_invalid_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name' => $md_invalid_name

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIdentical(array(), $entities);


	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNameInvalidMultiple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;

		$md_invalid_names = array();
		$md_invalid_names[] = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_invalid_names[] = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_names' => $md_invalid_names

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIdentical(array(), $entities);


	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNameMixedMultiple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_names = array();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_names[] = $md_name;
		$e_guids = array();

		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		// add a random invalid name.
		$md_names[] = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_names' => $md_names

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());

		foreach ($e_guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	// values
	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataValueValidSingle() {
		// create a new entity with a subtype we know
		// use an existing type so it will clean up automatically
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_value' => $md_value

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $e->getGUID());
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $md_value);


	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataValueValidMultiple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_values = array();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_values[] = $md_value;
		$e_guids = array();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_values[] = $md_value;

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_values' => $md_values

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 2);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $e_guids));

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataValueInvalidSingle() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;

		$md_invalid_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_value' => $md_invalid_value

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIdentical(array(), $entities);


	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataValueInvalidMultiple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;

		$md_invalid_values = array();
		$md_invalid_values[] = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_invalid_values[] = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_values' => $md_invalid_values

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIdentical(array(), $entities);


	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataValueMixedMultiple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_values = array();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$md_values[] = $md_value;
		$e_guids = array();

		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		// add a random invalid value.
		$md_values[] = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $md_value;
		$e_guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_values' => $md_values

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());

		foreach ($e_guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	// name_value_pairs

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNValidVEquals() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$guids = array();

		// our target
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_invalid_names = array();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(array(
				'name' => $md_name,
				'value' => $md_value

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $md_value);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNValidVEqualsTriple() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value2 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name3 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value3 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$guids = array();

		// our target
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$valid->$md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$valid->$md_name3 = $md_value3;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$invalid_md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$invalid_md_name3 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$e->$invalid_md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$e->$invalid_md_name3 = $md_value3;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name2 = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name3 = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_invalid_names = array();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
					'name' => $md_name,
					'value' => $md_value
					'name' => $md_name2,
					'value' => $md_value2
					'name' => $md_name3,
					'value' => $md_value3

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $md_value);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNValidVEqualsDouble() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value2 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$guids = array();

		// our target
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$valid->$md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$invalid_md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$e->$invalid_md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name2 = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_invalid_names = array();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
					'name' => $md_name,
					'value' => $md_value
					'name' => $md_name2,
					'value' => $md_value2

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $md_value);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	// this keeps locking up my database...
	function xtestElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNValidVEqualsStupid() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value2 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name3 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value3 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name3 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value3 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name4 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value4 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$md_name5 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value5 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$guids = array();

		// our target
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$valid->$md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$valid->$md_name3 = $md_value3;
		$valid->$md_name4 = $md_value4;
		$valid->$md_name5 = $md_value5;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$e->$md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$e->$md_name3 = $md_value3;
		$e->$md_name4 = $md_value4;
		$e->$md_name5 = $md_value5;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name2 = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name3 = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name4 = $invalid_md_value;
		$e->$md_name5 = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_invalid_names = array();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
					'name' => $md_name,
					'value' => $md_value
					'name' => $md_name2,
					'value' => $md_value2
					'name' => $md_name3,
					'value' => $md_value3
					'name' => $md_name4,
					'value' => $md_value4
					'name' => $md_name5,
					'value' => $md_value5

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 1);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertEqual($entity->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $md_value);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	 * Name value pair with valid name and invalid value
	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNInvalidV() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$guids = array();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_invalid_names = array();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(array(
				'name' => $md_name,
				'value' => 'test_metadata_value_' . rand()

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIdentical(array(), $entities);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	 * Name value pair with invalid name and valid value
	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPInvalidNValidV() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$guids = array();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_invalid_names = array();

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(array(
				'name' => 'test_metadata_name_' . rand(),
				'value' => $md_value

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIdentical(array(), $entities);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNValidVOperandIn() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$guids = array();
		$valid_guids = array();

		// our targets
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		$md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value2 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid2->$md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_valid_values = "'$md_value', '$md_value2'";

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
					'name' => $md_name,
					'value' => $md_valid_values,
					'operand' => 'IN'
					'name' => $md_name2,
					'value' => $md_valid_values,
					'operand' => 'IN'
			'metadata_name_value_pairs_operator' => 'OR'

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 2);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $valid_guids));

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPValidNValidVPlural() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$guids = array();
		$valid_guids = array();

		// our targets
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		$md_name2 = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$md_value2 = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid2->$md_name2 = $md_value2;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();

		// make some bad ones
		$invalid_md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$invalid_md_name = $md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$invalid_md_value = 'test_metadata_value_' . rand();
		$e = new ElggObject();
		$e->subtype = $subtype;
		$e->$md_name = $invalid_md_value;
		$guids[] = $e->getGUID();

		$md_valid_values = array($md_value, $md_value2);

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
					'name' => $md_name,
					'value' => $md_valid_values,
					'operand' => 'IN'
					'name' => $md_name2,
					'value' => $md_valid_values,
					'operand' => 'IN'
			'metadata_name_value_pairs_operator' => 'OR'

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 2);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $valid_guids));

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPOrderByMDText() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$guids = array();
		$valid_guids = array();

		// our targets
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = 1;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid2->$md_name = 2;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();

		$valid3 = new ElggObject();
		$valid3->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid3->$md_name = 3;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid3->getGUID();

		$md_valid_values = array(1, 2, 3);

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			//'metadata_name' => $md_name,
			'order_by_metadata' => array('name' => $md_name, 'as' => 'integer')

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 3);

		$i = 1;
		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $valid_guids));
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $i);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	function testElggApiGettersEntityMetadataNVPOrderByMDString() {
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$md_name = 'test_metadata_name_' . rand();
		$guids = array();
		$valid_guids = array();

		// our targets
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid->$md_name = 'a';
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid->getGUID();

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid2->$md_name = 'b';
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();

		$valid3 = new ElggObject();
		$valid3->subtype = $subtype;
		$valid3->$md_name = 'c';
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid_guids[] = $valid3->getGUID();

		$md_valid_values = array('a', 'b', 'c');

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'metadata_name' => $md_name,
			'order_by_metadata' => array('name' => $md_name, 'as' => 'text')

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertIsa($entities, 'array');
		$this->assertEqual(count($entities), 3);

		$alpha = array('a', 'b', 'c');

		$i = 0;
		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $valid_guids));
			$this->assertEqual($entity->$md_name, $alpha[$i]);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	 * Annotations
	public function testElggApiGettersEntitiesFromAnnotation() {

		// grab a few different users to annotation
		// there will always be at least 2 here because of the construct.
		$users = elgg_get_entities(array('type' => 'user', 'limit' => 2));

		// create some test annotations
		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$annotation_name = 'test_annotation_name_' . rand();
		$annotation_value = rand(1000, 9999);
		$annotation_name2 = 'test_annotation_name_' . rand();
		$annotation_value2 = rand(1000, 9999);
		$guids = array();

		// our targets
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		create_annotation($valid->getGUID(), $annotation_name, $annotation_value, 'integer', $users[0]->getGUID());

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();
		create_annotation($valid2->getGUID(), $annotation_name2, $annotation_value2, 'integer', $users[1]->getGUID());

		$options = array(
			'annotation_owner_guid' => $users[0]->getGUID(),
			'annotation_name' => $annotation_name

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_annotations($options);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $guids));
			$annotations = $entity->getAnnotations($annotation_name);
			$this->assertEqual(count($annotations), 1);

			$this->assertEqual($annotations[0]->name, $annotation_name);
			$this->assertEqual($annotations[0]->value, $annotation_value);
			$this->assertEqual($annotations[0]->owner_guid, $users[0]->getGUID());

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	// Make sure metadata doesn't affect getting entities by relationship.  See #2274
	public function testElggApiGettersEntityRelationshipWithMetadata() {
		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		add_entity_relationship($guids[0], 'test', $guids[1]);

		$options = array(
			'relationship' => 'test',
			'relationship_guid' => $guids[0]

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertEqual($guids[1], $e->guid);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			$e = get_entity($guid);

	public function testElggApiGettersEntityRelationshipWithOutMetadata() {
		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		add_entity_relationship($guids[0], 'test', $guids[1]);

		$options = array(
			'relationship' => 'test',
			'relationship_guid' => $guids[0]

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertEqual($guids[1], $e->guid);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			$e = get_entity($guid);

	public function testElggApiGettersEntityRelationshipWithMetadataIncludingRealMetadata() {
		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		add_entity_relationship($guids[0], 'test', $guids[1]);

		$options = array(
			'relationship' => 'test',
			'relationship_guid' => $guids[0],
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'test',

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);
		$this->assertIdentical(count($es), 1);

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertEqual($guids[1], $e->guid);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			$e = get_entity($guid);

	public function testElggApiGettersEntityRelationshipWithMetadataIncludingFakeMetadata() {
		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		add_entity_relationship($guids[0], 'test', $guids[1]);

		$options = array(
			'relationship' => 'test',
			'relationship_guid' => $guids[0],
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'invalid',

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);


		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			$e = get_entity($guid);

	public function testElggApiGettersEntitySiteSingular() {
		global $CONFIG;

		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		// luckily this is never checked.
		$obj1->site_guid = 2;
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;
		$right_guid = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$obj2->site_guid = $CONFIG->site->guid;
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		$options = array(
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'test',
			'site_guid' => 2

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);
		$this->assertEqual(1, count($es));
		$this->assertEqual($right_guid, $es[0]->guid);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {

	public function testElggApiGettersEntitySiteSingularAny() {
		global $CONFIG;

		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		// luckily this is never checked.
		$obj1->site_guid = 2;
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$obj2->site_guid = $CONFIG->site->guid;
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		$options = array(
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'test',
			'site_guid' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE,
			'limit' => 2,
			'order_by' => 'e.guid DESC'

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);
		$this->assertEqual(2, count($es));

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->guid, $guids));

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {

	public function testElggApiGettersEntitySitePlural() {
		global $CONFIG;

		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		// luckily this is never checked.
		$obj1->site_guid = 2;
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$obj2->site_guid = $CONFIG->site->guid;
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;

		$options = array(
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'test',
			'site_guids' => array($CONFIG->site->guid, 2),
			'limit' => 2,
			'order_by' => 'e.guid DESC'

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);
		$this->assertEqual(2, count($es));

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->guid, $guids));

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {

	public function testElggApiGettersEntitySitePluralSomeInvalid() {
		global $CONFIG;

		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		// luckily this is never checked.
		$obj1->site_guid = 2;
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;
		$right_guid = $obj2->guid;

		$options = array(
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'test',
			// just created the first entity so nothing will be "sited" by it.
			'site_guids' => array($CONFIG->site->guid, $guids[0]),
			'limit' => 2,
			'order_by' => 'e.guid DESC'

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

		$this->assertEqual(1, count($es));
		$this->assertEqual($es[0]->guid, $right_guid);

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {

	public function testElggApiGettersEntitySitePluralAllInvalid() {
		global $CONFIG;

		$guids = array();

		$obj1 = new ElggObject();
		$obj1->test_md = 'test';
		// luckily this is never checked.
		$obj1->site_guid = 2;
		$guids[] = $obj1->guid;

		$obj2 = new ElggObject();
		$obj2->test_md = 'test';
		$guids[] = $obj2->guid;
		$right_guid = $obj2->guid;

		$options = array(
			'metadata_name' => 'test_md',
			'metadata_value' => 'test',
			// just created the first entity so nothing will be "sited" by it.
			'site_guids' => array($guids[0], $guids[1]),
			'limit' => 2,
			'order_by' => 'e.guid DESC'

		$es = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);


		foreach ($guids as $guid) {

	 * Private settings
	public function testElggApiGettersEntitiesFromPrivateSettings() {

		// create some test private settings
		$setting_name = 'test_setting_name_' . rand();
		$setting_value = rand(1000, 9999);
		$setting_name2 = 'test_setting_name_' . rand();
		$setting_value2 = rand(1000, 9999);

		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$guids = array();

		// our targets
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		set_private_setting($valid->getGUID(), $setting_name, $setting_value);
		set_private_setting($valid->getGUID(), $setting_name2, $setting_value2);

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();
		set_private_setting($valid2->getGUID(), $setting_name, $setting_value);
		set_private_setting($valid2->getGUID(), $setting_name2, $setting_value2);

		// simple test with name
		$options = array(
			'private_setting_name' => $setting_name

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_private_settings($options);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $guids));
			$value = get_private_setting($entity->getGUID(), $setting_name);
			$this->assertEqual($value, $setting_value);

		// simple test with value
		$options = array(
			'private_setting_value' => $setting_value

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_private_settings($options);

		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $guids));
			$value = get_private_setting($entity->getGUID(), $setting_name);
			$this->assertEqual($value, $setting_value);

		// test pairs
		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtype' => $subtype,
			'private_setting_name_value_pairs' => array(
					'name' => $setting_name,
					'value' => $setting_value
					'name' => $setting_name2,
					'value' => $setting_value2

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_private_settings($options);
		$this->assertEqual(2, count($entities));
		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $guids));

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	 * Location
	public function testElggApiGettersEntitiesFromLocation() {

		// a test location that is out of this world
		$lat = 500;
		$long = 500;
		$delta = 5;

		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$subtype = $subtypes[0];
		$guids = array();

		// our objects
		$valid = new ElggObject();
		$valid->subtype = $subtype;
		$guids[] = $valid->getGUID();
		$valid->setLatLong($lat, $long);

		$valid2 = new ElggObject();
		$valid2->subtype = $subtype;
		$guids[] = $valid2->getGUID();
		$valid2->setLatLong($lat + 2 * $delta, $long + 2 * $delta);

		// limit to first object
		$options = array(
			'latitude' => $lat,
			'longitude' => $long,
			'distance' => $delta

		//global $CONFIG;
		//$CONFIG->debug = 'NOTICE';
		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_location($options);

		$this->assertEqual(1, count($entities));
		$this->assertEqual($entities[0]->getGUID(), $valid->getGUID());

		// get both objects
		$options = array(
			'latitude' => $lat,
			'longitude' => $long,
			'distance' => array('latitude' => 2 * $delta, 'longitude' => 2 * $delta)

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_location($options);

		$this->assertEqual(2, count($entities));
		foreach ($entities as $entity) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($entity->getGUID(), $guids));

		foreach ($guids as $guid) {
			if ($e = get_entity($guid)) {

	public function testElggGetEntitiesFromRelationshipCount() {
		$entities = $this->entities;
		$relationships = array();
		$count = count($entities);
		$max = $count - 1;
		$relationship_name = 'test_relationship_' . rand(0, 1000);

		for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
			do {
				$popular_entity = $entities[array_rand($entities)];
			} while (array_key_exists($popular_entity->guid, $relationships));

			$relationships[$popular_entity->guid] = array();

			for ($c = 0; $c < $max; $c++) {
				do {
					$fan_entity = $entities[array_rand($entities)];
				} while ($fan_entity->guid == $popular_entity->guid || in_array($fan_entity->guid, $relationships[$popular_entity->guid]));

				$relationships[$popular_entity->guid][] = $fan_entity->guid;
				add_entity_relationship($fan_entity->guid, $relationship_name, $popular_entity->guid);


		$options = array(
			'relationship' => $relationship_name,
			'limit' => $count

		$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship_count($options);

		foreach ($entities as $e) {
			$options = array(
				'relationship' => $relationship_name,
				'limit' => 100,
				'relationship_guid' => $e->guid,
				'inverse_relationship' => true

			$fan_entities = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options);

			$this->assertEqual(count($fan_entities), count($relationships[$e->guid]));

			foreach ($fan_entities as $fan_entity) {
				$this->assertTrue(in_array($fan_entity->guid, $relationships[$e->guid]));
				$this->assertNotIdentical(false, check_entity_relationship($fan_entity->guid, $relationship_name, $e->guid));

	public function testElggGetEntitiesByGuidSingular() {
		foreach ($this->entities as $e) {
			$options = array(
				'guid' => $e->guid
			$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

			$this->assertEqual(count($es), 1);
			$this->assertEqual($es[0]->guid, $e->guid);

	public function testElggGetEntitiesByGuidPlural() {
		$guids = array();

		foreach ($this->entities as $e) {
			$guids[] = $e->guid;

		$options = array(
			'guids' => $guids,
			'limit' => 100

		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$this->assertEqual(count($es), count($this->entities));

		foreach ($es as $e) {
			$this->assertTrue(in_array($e->guid, $guids));

	public function testElggGetEntitiesFromAnnotationsCalculateX() {
		$types = array(

		foreach ($types as $type) {
			$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 5);
			$name = 'test_annotation_' . rand(0, 9999);
			$values = array();
			$options = array(
				'type' => 'object',
				'subtypes' => $subtypes,
				'limit' => 5

			$es = elgg_get_entities($options);

			foreach ($es as $e) {
				$value = rand(0,9999);
				$e->annotate($name, $value);

				$value2 = rand(0,9999);
				$e->annotate($name, $value2);

				switch ($type) {
					case 'sum':
						$calc_value = $value + $value2;

					case 'avg':
						$calc_value = ($value + $value2) / 2;

					case 'min':
						$calc_value = min(array($value, $value2));

					case 'max':
						$calc_value = max(array($value, $value2));

				$values[$e->guid] = $calc_value;

			$order = array_keys($values);

			$options = array(
				'type' => 'object',
				'subtypes' => $subtypes,
				'limit' => 5,
				'annotation_name' => $name,
				'calculation' => $type

			$es = elgg_get_entities_from_annotation_calculation($options);

			foreach ($es as $i => $e) {
				$value = 0;
				$as = $e->getAnnotations($name);
				// should only ever be 2
				$this->assertEqual(2, count($as));

				$value = $as[0]->value;
				$value2 = $as[1]->value;

				switch ($type) {
					case 'sum':
						$calc_value = $value + $value2;

					case 'avg':
						$calc_value = ($value + $value2) / 2;

					case 'min':
						$calc_value = min(array($value, $value2));

					case 'max':
						$calc_value = max(array($value, $value2));

				$this->assertEqual($e->guid, $order[$i]);
				$this->assertEqual($values[$e->guid], $calc_value);

	public function testElggGetEntitiesFromAnnotationCalculationCount() {
		// add two annotations with a unique name to an entity
		// then count the number of entities with that annotation name

		$subtypes = $this->getRandomValidSubtypes(array('object'), 1);
		$name = 'test_annotation_' . rand(0, 9999);
		$values = array();
		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtypes' => $subtypes,
			'limit' => 1
		$es = elgg_get_entities($options);
		$entity = $es[0];
		$value = rand(0, 9999);
		$entity->annotate($name, $value);
		$value = rand(0, 9999);
		$entity->annotate($name, $value);

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'object',
			'subtypes' => $subtypes,
			'annotation_name' => $name,
			'calculation' => 'count',
			'count' => true,
		$count = elgg_get_entities_from_annotation_calculation($options);
		$this->assertEqual(1, $count);

	public function testElggGetAnnotationsAnnotationNames() {
		$options = array('annotation_names' => array());
		$a_e_map = array();

		// create test annotations on a few entities.
		for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
			do {
				$e = $this->entities[array_rand($this->entities)];
			} while(in_array($e->guid, $a_e_map));
			$annotations = $this->createRandomAnnotations($e);

			foreach($annotations as $a) {
				$options['annotation_names'][] = $a->name;
				$a_e_map[$a->id] = $e->guid;

		$as = elgg_get_annotations($options);

		$this->assertEqual(count($a_e_map), count($as));

		foreach ($as as $a) {
			$this->assertEqual($a_e_map[$a->id], $a->entity_guid);

	public function testElggGetAnnotationsAnnotationValues() {
		$options = array('annotation_values' => array());
		$a_e_map = array();

		// create test annotations on a few entities.
		for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
			do {
				$e = $this->entities[array_rand($this->entities)];
			} while(in_array($e->guid, $a_e_map));
			$annotations = $this->createRandomAnnotations($e);

			foreach($annotations as $a) {
				$options['annotation_values'][] = $a->value;
				$a_e_map[$a->id] = $e->guid;

		$as = elgg_get_annotations($options);

		$this->assertEqual(count($a_e_map), count($as));

		foreach ($as as $a) {
			$this->assertEqual($a_e_map[$a->id], $a->entity_guid);

	public function testElggGetAnnotationsAnnotationOwnerGuids() {
		$options = array('annotation_owner_guids' => array());
		$a_e_map = array();

		// create test annotations on a single entity
		for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
			do {
				$e = $this->entities[array_rand($this->entities)];
			} while(in_array($e->guid, $a_e_map));

			// remove annotations left over from previous tests.
			elgg_delete_annotations(array('annotation_owner_guid' => $e->guid));
			$annotations = $this->createRandomAnnotations($e);

			foreach($annotations as $a) {
				$options['annotation_owner_guids'][] = $e->guid;
				$a_e_map[$a->id] = $e->guid;

		$as = elgg_get_annotations($options);
		$this->assertEqual(count($a_e_map), count($as));

		foreach ($as as $a) {
			$this->assertEqual($a_e_map[$a->id], $a->owner_guid);

	public function testElggGetEntitiesBadWheres() {
		$options = array(
			'container_guid' => 'abc'

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

	public function testEGEEmptySubtypePlurality() {
		$options = array(
			'type' => 'user',
			'subtypes' => ''

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'user',
			'subtype' => ''

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'user',
			'subtype' => array('')

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);

		$options = array(
			'type' => 'user',
			'subtypes' => array('')

		$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);