-- Based on slow query table feedback ALTER TABLE `prefix_entity_relationships` DROP KEY `relationship`; ALTER TABLE `prefix_entity_relationships` ADD KEY `relationship` (`relationship`); ALTER TABLE `prefix_entity_relationships` DROP KEY `guid_two`; ALTER TABLE `prefix_entity_relationships` ADD KEY `guid_two` (`guid_two`); -- The following seemed to have been missed off upgrade ALTER TABLE `prefix_users_entity` DROP KEY `code`; ALTER TABLE `prefix_users_entity` ADD KEY `code` (`code`); -- Access collections missing keys ALTER TABLE `prefix_access_collections` DROP KEY `site_guid`; ALTER TABLE `prefix_access_collections` ADD KEY `site_guid` (`site_guid`); ALTER TABLE `prefix_access_collections` DROP KEY `owner_guid`; ALTER TABLE `prefix_access_collections` ADD KEY `owner_guid` (`owner_guid`);