export() which expects a stdClass in return, otherwise it will attempt to * get the object variables using get_object_vars (which will only return public variables!) * @param $data object The object to serialise. * @param $n int Level, only used for recursion. * @return string The serialised XML output. */ function serialise_object_to_xml($data, $name = "", $n = 0) { $classname = ($name=="" ? get_class($data) : $name); $vars = method_exists($data, "export") ? get_object_vars($data->export()) : get_object_vars($data); $output = ""; if (($n==0) || ( is_object($data) && !($data instanceof stdClass))) $output = "<$classname>"; foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { $output .= "<$key type=\"".gettype($value)."\">"; if (is_object($value)) $output .= serialise_object_to_xml($value, $key, $n+1); else if (is_array($value)) $output .= serialise_array_to_xml($value, $n+1); else $output .= htmlentities($value); $output .= "\n"; } if (($n==0) || ( is_object($data) && !($data instanceof stdClass))) $output .= "\n"; return $output; } /** * Serialise an array. * * @param array $data * @param int $n Used for recursion * @return string */ function serialise_array_to_xml(array $data, $n = 0) { $output = ""; if ($n==0) $output = "\n"; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $item = "array_item"; if (is_numeric($key)) $output .= "<$item name=\"$key\" type=\"".gettype($value)."\">"; else { $item = $key; $output .= "<$item type=\"".gettype($value)."\">"; } if (is_object($value)) $output .= serialise_object_to_xml($value, "", $n+1); else if (is_array($value)) $output .= serialise_array_to_xml($value, $n+1); else $output .= htmlentities($value); $output .= "\n"; } if ($n==0) $output = "\n"; return $output; } /** * XML 2 Array function. * Taken from http://www.bytemycode.com/snippets/snippet/445/ * @license UNKNOWN - Please contact if you are the original author of this code. * @author UNKNOWN */ function xml2array($xml) { $xmlary = array(); $reels = '/<(\w+)\s*([^\/>]*)\s*(?:\/>|>(.*)<\/\s*\\1\s*>)/s'; $reattrs = '/(\w+)=(?:"|\')([^"\']*)(:?"|\')/'; preg_match_all($reels, $xml, $elements); foreach ($elements[1] as $ie => $xx) { $xmlary[$ie]["name"] = $elements[1][$ie]; if ($attributes = trim($elements[2][$ie])) { preg_match_all($reattrs, $attributes, $att); foreach ($att[1] as $ia => $xx) $xmlary[$ie]["attributes"][$att[1][$ia]] = $att[2][$ia]; } $cdend = strpos($elements[3][$ie], "<"); if ($cdend > 0) { $xmlary[$ie]["text"] = substr($elements[3][$ie], 0, $cdend - 1); } if (preg_match($reels, $elements[3][$ie])) $xmlary[$ie]["elements"] = __xml2array($elements[3][$ie]); else if ($elements[3][$ie]) { $xmlary[$ie]["text"] = $elements[3][$ie]; } } return $xmlary; } ?>