widgets)) $CONFIG->widgets = new stdClass; if (!isset($CONFIG->widgets->contexts)) { $CONFIG->widgets->contexts = array(); } if (!empty($context)) { $CONFIG->widgets->contexts[] = $context; } } /** * When given a widget entity and a new requested location, saves the new location * and also provides a sensible ordering for all widgets in that column * * @param ElggObject $widget The widget entity * @param int $order The order within the column * @param int $column The column (1 or 2) * @return true|false Depending on success */ function save_widget_location(ElggObject $widget, $order, $column) { if ($widget instanceof ElggObject) { if ($widget->subtype == "widget") { // If you can't move the widget, don't save a new location if (!$widget->draggable) return false; // Sanitise the column value if ($column != 1 || $column != 2) $column = 1; $widget->column = (int) $column; $ordertmp = array(); if ($entities = get_entities_from_metadata_multi(array( 'context' => $widget->context, 'column' => $column, ),'object','widget')) { foreach($entities as $entity) { $entityorder = $entity->order; if ($entityorder < $order) { $ordertmp[$entityorder] = $entity; } if ($entityorder >= $order) { $ordertmp[$entityorder + 10000] = $entity; } } } $ordertmp[$order] = $widget; ksort($ordertmp); $orderticker = 10; foreach($ordertmp as $orderval => $entity) { $entity->order = $orderticker; $orderticker += 10; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Get widgets for a particular context and column, in order of display * * @param int $user_guid The owner user GUID * @param string $context The context (profile, dashboard etc) * @param int $column The column (1 or 2) * @return array|false An array of widget ElggObjects, or false */ function get_widgets($user_guid, $context, $column) { if ($widgets = get_user_objects_by_metadata($user_guid, "widget", array( 'column' => $column, 'location' => $context, ), 10000)) { $widgetorder = array(); foreach($widgets as $widget) { $widgetorder[$widget->order] = $widget; } return $widgetorder; } return false; } /** * Displays a particular widget * * @param ElggObject $widget The widget to display * @return string The HTML for the widget, including JavaScript wrapper */ function display_widget(ElggObject $widget) { return elgg_view_entity($widget); } /** * Add a new widget * * @param int $user_guid User GUID to associate this widget with * @param string $handler The handler for this widget * @param string $context The page context for this widget * @param int $order The order to display this widget in * @param int $column The column to display this widget in (1 or 2) * @return true|false Depending on success */ function add_widget($user_guid, $handler, $context, $order = 0, $column = 1) { if (empty($user_guid) || empty($context) || empty($handler) || !widget_type_exists($handler)) return false; if ($user = get_user($user_guid)) { $widget = new ElggObject; $widget->handler = $handler; $widget->context = $context; if (!$widget->save()) return false; return save_widget_location($widget, $order, $column); } return false; } /** * Define a new widget type * * @param string $handler The identifier for the widget handler * @param string $name The name of the widget type * @param string $description A description for the widget type * @return true|false Depending on success */ function add_widget_type($handler, $name, $description) { if (!empty($handler) && !empty($name)) { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG->widgets)) $CONFIG->widgets = new stdClass; if (!isset($CONFIG->widgets->handlers)) $CONFIG->widgets->handlers = array(); $handlerobj = new stdClass; $handlerobj->name = $name; $handlerobj->description = $description; $CONFIG->widgets->handlers[$handler] = $handlerobj; return true; } return false; } /** * Determines whether or not widgets with the specified handler have been defined * * @param string $handler The widget handler identifying string * @return true|false Whether or not those widgets exist */ function widget_type_exists($handler) { global $CONFIG; if (!empty($CONFIG->widgets) && !empty($CONFIG->widgets->handlers) && is_array($CONFIG->widgets->handlers) && array_key_exists($handler, $CONFIG->widgets->handlers)) return true; return false; } /** * Returns an array of stdClass objects representing the defined widget types * * @return array A list of types defined (if any) */ function get_widget_types() { global $CONFIG; if (!empty($CONFIG->widgets) && !empty($CONFIG->widgets->handlers) && is_array($CONFIG->widgets->handlers)) { return $CONFIG->widgets->handlers; } return array(); } /** * Saves a widget's settings (by passing an array of (name => value) pairs to save_{$handler}_widget) * * @param int $widget_guid The GUID of the widget we're saving to * @param array $params An array of name => value parameters */ function save_widget_info($widget_guid, $params) { if ($widget = get_entity($widget_guid)) { if ($widget->subtype != "widget") return false; $handler = $widget->handler; if (empty($handler) || !widget_type_exists($handler)) return false; // Save the params to the widget if (is_array($params) && sizeof($params) > 0) { foreach($params as $name => $value) { if (!empty($name) && !in_array($name,array( 'guid','owner_guid','access_id','site_guid' ))) { $widget->$name = $value; } } } $function = "save_{$handler}_widget"; if (is_callable($function)) { return $function($params); } return true; } return false; } /** * Function to initialise widgets functionality on Elgg init * */ function widget_init() { register_action('widgets/save'); } // Register event register_elgg_event_handler('init','system','widgets_init'); ?>