path . 'engine/lib/upgrades/')) { $upgrades = array(); while ($updatefile = readdir($handle)) { // Look for upgrades and add to upgrades list if (!is_dir($CONFIG->path . 'engine/lib/upgrades/' . $updatefile)) { if (preg_match('/([0-9]*)\.php/',$updatefile,$matches)) { $core_version = (int) $matches[1]; if ($core_version > $version) { $upgrades[] = $updatefile; } } } } // Sort and execute asort($upgrades); if (sizeof($upgrades) > 0) { foreach($upgrades as $upgrade) { try { @include($CONFIG->path . 'engine/lib/upgrades/' . $upgrade); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getmessage()); } } } return true; } return false; } /** * Get the current version information * * @param true|false $humanreadable Whether to return a human readable version (default: false) * @return string|false Depending on success */ function get_version($humanreadable = false) { global $CONFIG; if (@include($CONFIG->path . "version.php")) { if (!$humanreadable) return $version; return $release; } return false; } /** * Determines whether or not the database needs to be upgraded. * * @return true|false Depending on whether or not the db version matches the code version */ function version_upgrade_check() { $dbversion = (int) datalist_get('version'); $version = get_version(); if ($version > $dbversion) { return true; } return false; } /** * Upgrades Elgg * */ function version_upgrade() { $dbversion = (int) datalist_get('version'); // Upgrade database db_upgrade($dbversion); system_message(elgg_echo('upgrade:db')); // Upgrade core if (upgrade_code($dbversion)) system_message(elgg_echo('upgrade:core')); // Now we trigger an event to give the option for plugins to do something $upgrade_details = stdClass; $upgrade_details->from = $dbversion; $upgrade_details->to = get_version(); trigger_elgg_event('upgrade', 'upgrade', $upgrade_details); // Update the version datalist_set('version', get_version()); } ?>