<?php /** * Change profile image names to use guid rather than username */ function user_file_matrix_2010071001($guid) { // lookup the entity $user = get_entity($guid); if ($user->type != 'user') { // only to be used for user directories return FALSE; } if (!$user->time_created) { // no idea where this user has its files return FALSE; } $time_created = date('Y/m/d', $user->time_created); return "$time_created/$user->guid/"; } $sizes = array('large', 'medium', 'small', 'tiny', 'master', 'topbar'); global $DB_QUERY_CACHE, $DB_PROFILE, $ENTITY_CACHE, $CONFIG; $users = mysql_query("SELECT guid, username FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}users_entity WHERE username != ''"); while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($users)) { $DB_QUERY_CACHE = $DB_PROFILE = $ENTITY_CACHE = array(); $user_directory = user_file_matrix_2010071001($user->guid); if (!$user_directory) { continue; } $profile_directory = $CONFIG->dataroot . $user_directory . "profile/"; if (!file_exists($profile_directory)) { continue; } foreach ($sizes as $size) { $old_filename = "$profile_directory{$user->username}{$size}.jpg"; $new_filename = "$profile_directory{$user->guid}{$size}.jpg"; if (file_exists($old_filename)) { if (!rename($old_filename, $new_filename)) { error_log("Failed to rename profile photo for $user->username"); } } } }