<?php /** * Elgg system log. * Listens to events and writes crud events into the system log database. * * @package Elgg * @subpackage Core * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Marcus Povey * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008 * @link http://elgg.org/ */ /** * Interface that provides an interface which must be implemented by all objects wishing to be * recorded in the system log (and by extension the river). * * This interface defines a set of methods that permit the system log functions to hook in and retrieve * the necessary information and to identify what events can actually be logged. * * To have events involving your object to be logged simply implement this interface. * * @author Marcus Povey */ interface Loggable { /** * Return an identification for the object for storage in the system log. * This id must be an integer. * * @return int */ public function getSystemLogID(); /** * Return the class name of the object. * Added as a function because get_class causes errors for some reason. */ public function getClassName(); /** * For a given ID, return the object associated with it. * This is used by the river functionality primarily. * This is useful for checking access permissions etc on objects. */ public function getObjectFromID($id); } /** * Retrieve the system log based on a number of parameters. * * @param string $event The event you are searching on. * @param string $class The class of object it effects. * @param int $limit Maximum number of responses to return. * @param int $offset Offset of where to start. */ function get_system_log($event = "", $class = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { global $CONFIG; $event = sanitise_string($event); $class = sanitise_string($class); $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)$offset; $access = get_access_list(); $where = array(); if ($event != "") $where[] = "event='$event'"; if ($class!=="") $where[] = "object_class='$class'"; $query = "SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}system_log where 1 "; foreach ($where as $w) $query .= " and $w"; $query .= " order by time_created desc"; $query .= " limit $offset, $limit"; // Add order and limit return get_data($query); } /** * Log a system event related to a specific object. * * This is called by the event system and should not be called directly. * * @param $object The object you're talking about. * @param $event String The event being logged */ function system_log($object, $event) { global $CONFIG; if ($object instanceof Loggable) { // Has loggable interface, extract the necessary information and store $object_id = (int)$object->getSystemLogID(); $object_class = $object->getClassName(); $event = sanitise_string($event); $time = time(); // Create log return insert_data("INSERT into {$CONFIG->dbprefix}system_log (object_id, object_class, event, time_created) VALUES ('$object_id','$object_class','$event', '$time')"); } } /** * System log listener. * This function listens to all events in the system and logs anything appropriate. * * @param String $event * @param String $object_type * @param mixed $object */ function system_log_listener($event, $object_type, $object) { system_log($object, $event); return true; } /** Register event to listen to all events **/ register_event_handler('all','all','system_log_listener', 400); ?>