ElggEntity, 'relationship' => relationship, 'object' => ElggEntity) or * ('subject' => ElggEntity, 'object' => ElggEntity) */ public function __construct(ElggUser $subject, $event, $object) { $this->setSubject($subject); $this->setEvent($event); $this->setObject($object); } /** * Set the subject. * * @param ElggEntity $subject The subject. */ public function setSubject(ElggEntity $subject) { $this->subject = $subject; } /** * Return the user that created this event - the subject of the statement. * @return ElggUser */ public function getSubject() { return $this->subject; } /** * Return the user who initiated this event (an alias of getSubject(); * @return ElggUser */ public function getByUser() { return $this->getSubject(); } /** * Set the object. * * @param mixed $object ElggEntity or array. * @return bool */ public function setObject($object) { if (is_array($object)) { /*if ( (!isset($object['subject'])) || ( (!($object['subject'] instanceof ElggEntity)) || (!($object['subject'] instanceof ElggExtender)) ) ) return false; if ( (!isset($object['object'])) || (!($object['object'] instanceof ElggEntity)) ) return false; */ $this->object = $object; return true; } else if ($object instanceof ElggEntity) { $this->object = $object; return true; } return false; } /** * Return the accusitive object of the statement. This is either an object in isolation, or an array containing * the parts of the statement. * * E.g. * * For the statement "User X created object Y", this function will return object Y. * * However, for a statement "User X is now friends with User Y" you are essentially making the system level statement * "User X has created a relationship of type friend between Y and Z" (where X is almost always going to be the same as Y).. therefore * this function will return a three element array associative containing the relationship type, plus the elements the relationship * is between ['subject', 'relationship', 'object']. * * Also, if you are updating a bit of metadata about an object this a two element array: ['subject', 'object']. * Which is making the statement "User X updated some Metadata (subject) about object (object) Y * * @return mixed */ public function getObject() { return $this->object; } /** * Set the log event. * * @param string $event The event - e.g. "update". */ public function setEvent($event) { $this->log_event = $event; } /** * Return the event in the system log that this action relates to (eg, "create", "update"). * @return string */ public function getEvent() { return $this->log_event; } } /** * Perform a somewhat complicated query to extract river data from the system log based on available views. * * NOTE: Do not use this function directly. It is called elsewhere and is subject to change without warning. * * @param unknown_type $by_user * @param unknown_type $relationship * @param unknown_type $limit * @param unknown_type $offset * @return unknown */ function __get_river_from_log($by_user = "", $relationship = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { global $CONFIG; // Get all potential river events from available view $river_events = array(); $river_views = elgg_view_tree('river'); foreach ($river_views as $view) { $fragments = explode('/', $view); if ((isset($fragments[0])) && ($fragments[0] == 'river')) { if (isset($fragments[1])) { $f = array(); for ($n = 1; $n < count($fragments); $n++) { $val = sanitise_string($fragments[$n]); switch($n) { case 1: $key = 'type'; break; case 2: $key = 'subtype'; break; case 3: $key = 'event'; break; } $f[$key] = $val; } $river_events[] = $f; } } } // Construct query // Objects $n = 0; foreach ($river_events as $details) { // Get what we're talking about if ($details['subtype'] == 'default') $details['subtype'] = ''; if (($details['type']) && ($details['event'])) { if ($n>0) $obj_query .= " or "; $access = ""; if ($details['type']!='relationship') $access = " and " . get_access_sql_suffix('sl'); $obj_query .= "( sl.object_type='{$details['type']}' and sl.object_subtype='{$details['subtype']}' and sl.event='{$details['event']}' $access )"; $n++; } } // User $user = "sl.performed_by_guid in (".implode(',', $by_user).")"; // Relationship $relationship_query = ""; $relationship_join = ""; if ($relationship) { $relationship_join = " join {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships r on sl.performed_by_guid=r.entity_guid "; $relationship_query = "r.relationship = '$relationship'"; } $query = "SELECT sl.* from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}system_log sl $relationship_join where $user and $relationship_query ($obj_query) order by sl.time_created desc limit $offset, $limit"; echo $query; // fetch data from system log (needs optimisation) return get_data($query); } /** * Extract a list of river events from the current system log. * This function retrieves the objects from the system log and will attempt to render * the view "river/CLASSNAME/EVENT" where CLASSNAME is the class of the object the system event is referring to, * and EVENT is the event (create, update, delete etc). * * This view will be passed the log entry (as 'log_entry') and the object (as 'object') which will be accessable * through the $vars[] array. * * It returns an array of the result of each of these views. * * \TODO: Limit to just one user or just one user's friends * \TODO: Make this more efficient / reduce DB queries. * * @param int $by_user The user who initiated the event. * @param string $relationship Limit return results to only those users who $by_user has $relationship with. * @param int $limit Maximum number of events to show * @param int $offset An offset * @return array of river entities rendered with the appropriate view. */ function get_river_entries($by_user = "", $relationship = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { global $CONFIG; $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)$offset; $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship); if (is_array($by_user) && sizeof($by_user) > 0) { foreach($by_user as $key => $val) { $by_user[$key] = (int) $val; } } else { $by_user = array((int)$by_user); } // Get river data $log_data = __get_river_from_log($by_user, $relationship, $limit, $offset); // until count reached, loop through and render $river = array(); if ($log_data) { foreach ($log_data as $log) { // See if we have access to the object we're talking about $event = $log->event; $class = $log->object_class; $type = $log->object_type; $subtype = $log->object_subtype; $tmp = new $class(); $object = $tmp->getObjectFromID($log->object_id); $by_user_obj = get_entity($log->performed_by_guid); // Belts and braces if ($object instanceof $class) { $tam = ""; // Construct the statement $statement_object = $object; // Simple object, we don't need to do more // This is a relationship, slighty more complicated if ($object instanceof ElggRelationship) { $statement_object = array( 'subject' => get_entity($object->guid_one), 'relationship' => $object->relationship,// Didn' cast to int here deliberately 'object' => get_entity($object->guid_two) ); // Metadata or annotations, also slightly more complicated } else if ($object instanceof ElggExtender) { $statement_object = array( 'subject' => $object, 'object' => get_entity($object->entity_guid) ); } // Put together a river statement $statement = new ElggRiverStatement($by_user_obj, $event, $statement_object); // Now construct and call the appropriate views if ($subtype == "widget") { // Special case for widgets $subtype = "widget/" . $object->handler; } if ($subtype == '') $subtype = 'default'; $tam = elgg_view("river/$type/$subtype/$event", array( 'statement' => $statement )); // Giftwrap if (!empty($tam)) { $tam = elgg_view("river/wrapper",array( 'entry' => $tam, 'time' => $log->time_created, 'event' => $event, 'statement' => $statement )); } $river[] = $tam; } } } return $river; } /** * Extract entities from the system log and produce them as an OpenDD stream. * This stream can be subscribed to and reconstructed on another system as an activity stream. * * @param int $by_user The user who initiated the event. * @param string $relationship Limit return results to only those users who $by_user has $relationship with. * @param int $limit Maximum number of events to show * @param int $offset An offset * @return ODDDocument */ function get_river_entries_as_opendd($by_user = "", $relationship = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { global $CONFIG; $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)$offset; $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship); if (is_array($by_user) && sizeof($by_user) > 0) { foreach($by_user as $key => $val) { $by_user[$key] = (int) $val; } } else { $by_user = array((int)$by_user); } // Get river data $log_data = __get_river_from_log($by_user, $relationship, $limit, $offset); // River objects $river = new ODDDocument(); if ($log_data) { foreach ($log_data as $log) { $event = $log->event; $class = $log->object_class; $type = $log->object_type; $subtype = $log->object_subtype; $tmp = new $class(); $object = $tmp->getObjectFromID($log->object_id); $by_user_obj = get_entity($log->performed_by_guid); // Belts and braces if ($object instanceof $class) { $relationship_obj = NULL; // Handle updates of entities if ($object instanceof ElggEntity) { $relationship_obj = new ODDRelationship( guid_to_uuid($log->performed_by_guid), $log->event, guid_to_uuid($log->object_id) ); } // Handle updates of metadata if ($object instanceof ElggExtender) { $odd = $object->export(); $relationship_obj = new ODDRelationship( guid_to_uuid($log->performed_by_guid), $log->event, $odd->getAttribute('uuid') ); } // Handle updates of relationships if ($object instanceof ElggRelationship) { $odd = $object->export(); $relationship_obj = new ODDRelationship( guid_to_uuid($log->performed_by_guid), $log->event, $odd->getAttribute('uuid') ); } // If we have handled it then add it to the document if ($relationship_obj) { $relationship_obj->setPublished($log->time_created); $river->addElement($relationship_obj); } } } } return $river; } /** * Extract a list of river events from the current system log, from a given user's friends. * * @seeget_river_entries * @param int $by_user The user whose friends we're checking for. * @param int $limit Maximum number of events to show * @param int $offset An offset * @return array of river entities rendered with the appropriate view. */ function get_river_entries_friends($by_user, $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { $friendsarray = ""; if ($friends = get_user_friends($by_user, "", 9999)) { $friendsarray = array(); foreach($friends as $friend) { $friendsarray[] = $friend->getGUID(); } } return get_river_entries($friendsarray,"",$limit,$offset); } /** * Simplify drawing a river for a given user. * * @param int $guid The user * @param unknown_type $limit Limit * @param unknown_type $offset Offset * @param string $view Optional view to use to display the river (dashboard is assumed) */ function elgg_view_river($guid, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $view = 'river/dashboard') { return elgg_view($view, array('river' => get_river_entries($guid,"", $limit, $offset))); } /** * Simplify drawing a river for a given user, showing their friend's activity * * @param int $guid The user * @param unknown_type $limit Limit * @param unknown_type $offset Offset * @param string $view Optional view to use to display the river (dashboard is assumed) */ function elgg_view_friend_river($guid, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $view = 'river/dashboard') { return elgg_view($view, array('river' => get_river_entries_friends($guid, $limit, $offset))); } ?>