<?php /** * Elgg relationships. * Stub containing relationship functions, making import and export easier. * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage DataModel.Relationship */ /** * Convert a database row to a new ElggRelationship * * @param stdClass $row Database row from the relationship table * * @return stdClass or ElggMetadata */ function row_to_elggrelationship($row) { if (!($row instanceof stdClass)) { return $row; } return new ElggRelationship($row); } /** * Return a relationship. * * @param int $id The ID of a relationship * * @return mixed */ function get_relationship($id) { global $CONFIG; $id = (int)$id; $query = "SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships where id=$id"; return row_to_elggrelationship(get_data_row($query)); } /** * Delete a specific relationship. * * @param int $id The relationship ID * * @return bool */ function delete_relationship($id) { global $CONFIG; $id = (int)$id; $relationship = get_relationship($id); if (elgg_trigger_event('delete', 'relationship', $relationship)) { return delete_data("delete from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships where id=$id"); } return FALSE; } /** * Define an arbitrary relationship between two entities. * This relationship could be a friendship, a group membership or a site membership. * * This function lets you make the statement "$guid_one is a $relationship of $guid_two". * * @param int $guid_one First GUID * @param string $relationship Relationship name * @param int $guid_two Second GUID * * @return bool */ function add_entity_relationship($guid_one, $relationship, $guid_two) { global $CONFIG; $guid_one = (int)$guid_one; $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship); $guid_two = (int)$guid_two; $time = time(); // Check for duplicates if (check_entity_relationship($guid_one, $relationship, $guid_two)) { return false; } $result = insert_data("INSERT into {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships (guid_one, relationship, guid_two, time_created) values ($guid_one, '$relationship', $guid_two, $time)"); if ($result !== false) { $obj = get_relationship($result); if (elgg_trigger_event('create', $relationship, $obj)) { return true; } else { delete_relationship($result); } } return false; } /** * Determine if a relationship between two entities exists * and returns the relationship object if it does * * @param int $guid_one The GUID of the entity "owning" the relationship * @param string $relationship The type of relationship * @param int $guid_two The GUID of the entity the relationship is with * * @return object|false Depending on success */ function check_entity_relationship($guid_one, $relationship, $guid_two) { global $CONFIG; $guid_one = (int)$guid_one; $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship); $guid_two = (int)$guid_two; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships WHERE guid_one=$guid_one AND relationship='$relationship' AND guid_two=$guid_two limit 1"; $row = $row = get_data_row($query); if ($row) { return $row; } return false; } /** * Remove an arbitrary relationship between two entities. * * @param int $guid_one First GUID * @param string $relationship Relationship name * @param int $guid_two Second GUID * * @return bool */ function remove_entity_relationship($guid_one, $relationship, $guid_two) { global $CONFIG; $guid_one = (int)$guid_one; $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship); $guid_two = (int)$guid_two; $obj = check_entity_relationship($guid_one, $relationship, $guid_two); if ($obj == false) { return false; } if (elgg_trigger_event('delete', $relationship, $obj)) { $query = "DELETE from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships where guid_one=$guid_one and relationship='$relationship' and guid_two=$guid_two"; return delete_data($query); } else { return false; } } /** * Removes all arbitrary relationships originating from a particular entity * * @param int $guid_one The GUID of the entity * @param string $relationship The name of the relationship (optional) * @param bool $inverse Whether we're deleting inverse relationships (default false) * @param string $type The type of entity to the delete to (defaults to all) * * @return bool Depending on success */ function remove_entity_relationships($guid_one, $relationship = "", $inverse = false, $type = '') { global $CONFIG; $guid_one = (int) $guid_one; if (!empty($relationship)) { $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship); $where = "and er.relationship='$relationship'"; } else { $where = ""; } if (!empty($type)) { $type = sanitise_string($type); if (!$inverse) { $join = " join {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e on e.guid = er.guid_two "; } else { $join = " join {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e on e.guid = er.guid_one "; $where .= " and "; } $where .= " and e.type = '{$type}' "; } else { $join = ""; } if (!$inverse) { $sql = "DELETE er from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships as er {$join} where guid_one={$guid_one} {$where}"; return delete_data($sql); } else { $sql = "DELETE er from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships as er {$join} where guid_two={$guid_one} {$where}"; return delete_data($sql); } } /** * Get all the relationships for a given guid. * * @param int $guid The GUID of the relationship owner * @param bool $inverse_relationship Inverse relationship owners? * * @return mixed */ function get_entity_relationships($guid, $inverse_relationship = FALSE) { global $CONFIG; $guid = (int)$guid; $where = ($inverse_relationship ? "guid_two='$guid'" : "guid_one='$guid'"); $query = "SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships where {$where}"; return get_data($query, "row_to_elggrelationship"); } /** * Return entities matching a given query joining against a relationship. * * @param array $options Array in format: * * relationship => NULL|STR relationship * * relationship_guid => NULL|INT Guid of relationship to test * * inverse_relationship => BOOL Inverse the relationship * * @return array * @since 1.7.0 */ function elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options) { $defaults = array( 'relationship' => NULL, 'relationship_guid' => NULL, 'inverse_relationship' => FALSE ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $clauses = elgg_get_entity_relationship_where_sql('e.guid', $options['relationship'], $options['relationship_guid'], $options['inverse_relationship']); if ($clauses) { // merge wheres to pass to get_entities() if (isset($options['wheres']) && !is_array($options['wheres'])) { $options['wheres'] = array($options['wheres']); } elseif (!isset($options['wheres'])) { $options['wheres'] = array(); } $options['wheres'] = array_merge($options['wheres'], $clauses['wheres']); // merge joins to pass to get_entities() if (isset($options['joins']) && !is_array($options['joins'])) { $options['joins'] = array($options['joins']); } elseif (!isset($options['joins'])) { $options['joins'] = array(); } $options['joins'] = array_merge($options['joins'], $clauses['joins']); } return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); } /** * Returns sql appropriate for relationship joins and wheres * * @todo add support for multiple relationships and guids. * * @param string $column Column name the guid should be checked against. * Provide in table.column format. * @param string $relationship Relationship string * @param int $relationship_guid Entity guid to check * @param string $inverse_relationship Inverse relationship check? * * @return mixed * @since 1.7.0 */ function elgg_get_entity_relationship_where_sql($column, $relationship = NULL, $relationship_guid = NULL, $inverse_relationship = FALSE) { if ($relationship == NULL && $relationship_guid == NULL) { return ''; } global $CONFIG; $wheres = array(); $joins = array(); if ($inverse_relationship) { $joins[] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships r on r.guid_one = $column"; } else { $joins[] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships r on r.guid_two = $column"; } if ($relationship) { $wheres[] = "r.relationship = '" . sanitise_string($relationship) . "'"; } if ($relationship_guid) { if ($inverse_relationship) { $wheres[] = "r.guid_two = '$relationship_guid'"; } else { $wheres[] = "r.guid_one = '$relationship_guid'"; } } if ($where_str = implode(' AND ', $wheres)) { return array('wheres' => array("($where_str)"), 'joins' => $joins); } return ''; } /** * Returns a viewable list of entities by relationship * * @param array $options * * @see elgg_list_entities() * @see elgg_get_entities_from_relationship() * * @return string The viewable list of entities */ function elgg_list_entities_from_relationship(array $options = array()) { return elgg_list_entities($options, 'elgg_get_entities_from_relationship'); } /** * Gets the number of entities by a the number of entities related to them in a particular way. * This is a good way to get out the users with the most friends, or the groups with the * most members. * * @param array $options An options array compatible with * elgg_get_entities_from_relationship() * @return array * @since 1.8 */ function elgg_get_entities_from_relationship_count(array $options = array()) { $options['selects'][] = "COUNT(e.guid) as total"; $options['group_by'] = 'r.guid_two'; $options['order_by'] = 'total desc'; return elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options); } /** * Returns a list of entities by relationship count * * @see elgg_get_entities_from_relationship_count() * * @param array $options Options array * * @return array * @since 1.8 */ function elgg_list_entities_from_relationship_count($options) { return elgg_list_entities($options, 'elgg_get_entities_from_relationship_count'); } /** * Sets the URL handler for a particular relationship type * * @param string $function_name The function to register * @param string $relationship_type The relationship type. * * @return bool Depending on success */ function register_relationship_url_handler($function_name, $relationship_type = "all") { global $CONFIG; if (!is_callable($function_name)) { return false; } if (!isset($CONFIG->relationship_url_handler)) { $CONFIG->relationship_url_handler = array(); } $CONFIG->relationship_url_handler[$relationship_type] = $function_name; return true; } /** * Get the url for a given relationship. * * @param int $id Relationship ID * * @return string */ function get_relationship_url($id) { global $CONFIG; $id = (int)$id; if ($relationship = get_relationship($id)) { $view = elgg_get_viewtype(); $guid = $relationship->guid_one; $type = $relationship->relationship; $url = ""; $function = ""; if (isset($CONFIG->relationship_url_handler[$type])) { $function = $CONFIG->relationship_url_handler[$type]; } if (isset($CONFIG->relationship_url_handler['all'])) { $function = $CONFIG->relationship_url_handler['all']; } if (is_callable($function)) { $url = $function($relationship); } if ($url == "") { $nameid = $relationship->id; $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "export/$view/$guid/relationship/$nameid/"; } return $url; } return false; } /**** HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR RELATIONSHIPS OF TYPE 'ATTACHED' ****/ // @todo what is this? /** * Function to determine if the object trying to attach to other, has already done so * * @param int $guid_one This is the target object * @param int $guid_two This is the object trying to attach to $guid_one * * @return bool **/ function already_attached($guid_one, $guid_two) { if ($attached = check_entity_relationship($guid_one, "attached", $guid_two)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Function to get all objects attached to a particular object * * @param int $guid Entity GUID * @param string $type The type of object to return e.g. 'file', 'friend_of' etc * * @return an array of objects **/ function get_attachments($guid, $type = "") { $options = array( 'relationship' => 'attached', 'relationship_guid' => $guid, 'inverse_relationship' => false, 'types' => $type, 'subtypes' => '', 'owner_guid' => 0, 'order_by' => 'time_created desc', 'limit' => 10, 'offset' => 0, 'count' => false, 'site_guid' => 0 ); $attached = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options); return $attached; } /** * Function to remove a particular attachment between two objects * * @param int $guid_one This is the target object * @param int $guid_two This is the object to remove from $guid_one * * @return void **/ function remove_attachment($guid_one, $guid_two) { if (already_attached($guid_one, $guid_two)) { remove_entity_relationship($guid_one, "attached", $guid_two); } } /** * Function to start the process of attaching one object to another * * @param int $guid_one This is the target object * @param int $guid_two This is the object trying to attach to $guid_one * * @return true|void **/ function make_attachment($guid_one, $guid_two) { if (!(already_attached($guid_one, $guid_two))) { if (add_entity_relationship($guid_one, "attached", $guid_two)) { return true; } } } /** * Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "import" event. * * @param string $hook import * @param string $entity_type all * @param mixed $returnvalue Value from previous hook * @param mixed $params Array of params * * @return mixed * */ function import_relationship_plugin_hook($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) { $element = $params['element']; $tmp = NULL; if ($element instanceof ODDRelationship) { $tmp = new ElggRelationship(); $tmp->import($element); return $tmp; } } /** * Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "export" event. * * @param string $hook export * @param string $entity_type all * @param mixed $returnvalue Previous hook return value * @param array $params Parameters * * @elgg_event_handler export all * @return mixed */ function export_relationship_plugin_hook($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) { global $CONFIG; // Sanity check values if ((!is_array($params)) && (!isset($params['guid']))) { throw new InvalidParameterException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport')); } if (!is_array($returnvalue)) { throw new InvalidParameterException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue')); } $guid = (int)$params['guid']; $result = get_entity_relationships($guid); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $r) { $returnvalue[] = $r->export(); } } return $returnvalue; } /** * An event listener which will notify users based on certain events. * * @param string $event Event name * @param string $object_type Object type * @param mixed $object Object * * @return bool */ function relationship_notification_hook($event, $object_type, $object) { global $CONFIG; if ( ($object instanceof ElggRelationship) && ($event == 'create') && ($object_type == 'friend') ) { $user_one = get_entity($object->guid_one); $user_two = get_entity($object->guid_two); // Notify target user return notify_user($object->guid_two, $object->guid_one, elgg_echo('friend:newfriend:subject', array($user_one->name)), elgg_echo("friend:newfriend:body", array($user_one->name, $user_one->getURL())) ); } } /** Register the import hook */ elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler("import", "all", "import_relationship_plugin_hook", 3); /** Register the hook, ensuring entities are serialised first */ elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler("export", "all", "export_relationship_plugin_hook", 3); /** Register event to listen to some events **/ elgg_register_event_handler('create', 'friend', 'relationship_notification_hook');