0) { return get_entity($guid); } return FALSE; } /** * Set the guid of the entity that owns this page * * @param int $guid The guid of the page owner * * @since 1.8.0 */ function elgg_set_page_owner_guid($guid) { elgg_get_page_owner_guid($guid); } /** * Sets the page owner based on request * * Tries to figure out the page owner by looking at the URL or a request * parameter. The request parameters used are 'username' and 'owner_guid'. If * the page request is going through the page handling system, this function * attempts to figure out the owner if the url fits the patterns of: * pg//owner/ * pg//friends/ * pg//view/ * pg//add/ * pg//edit/ * pg//group/ * * * @param string $hook 'page_owner' * @param string $entity_type 'system' * @param int $returnvalue Previous function's return value * @param array $params no parameters * * @return int GUID */ function default_page_owner_handler($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) { if ($returnvalue) { return $returnvalue; } $username = get_input("username"); if ($username) { // @todo using a username of group: is deprecated if (substr_count($username, 'group:')) { preg_match('/group\:([0-9]+)/i', $username, $matches); $guid = $matches[1]; if ($entity = get_entity($guid)) { return $entity->getGUID(); } } if ($user = get_user_by_username($username)) { return $user->getGUID(); } } $owner = get_input("owner_guid"); if ($owner) { if ($user = get_entity($owner)) { return $user->getGUID(); } } $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // ignore the query $parts = parse_url($uri); if ($parts && isset($parts['path'])) { $path = $parts['path']; } else { return $returnvalue; } if (strpos($path, '/pg') === 0) { $segments = explode('/', $path); if (isset($segments[3]) && isset($segments[4])) { switch ($segments[3]) { case 'owner': case 'friends': $user = get_user_by_username($segments[4]); if ($user) { return $user->getGUID(); } break; case 'view': case 'edit': $entity = get_entity($segments[4]); if ($entity) { return $entity->getContainerGUID(); } break; case 'add': case 'group': $entity = get_entity($segments[4]); if ($entity) { return $entity->getGUID(); } break; } } } return $returnvalue; } /** * Sets the page context * * Views can modify their output based on the local context. You may want to * display a list of blogs on a blog page or in a small widget. The rendered * output could be different for those two contexts ('blog' vs 'widget'). * * Pages that pass through the page handling system set the context to the * first string after 'pg'. Example: http://elgg.org/pg/bookmarks/ results in * the initial context being set to 'bookmarks'. * * The context is a stack so that for a widget on a profile, the context stack * may contain first 'profile' and then 'widget'. * * If no context was been set, the default context returned is 'main'. * * @warning The context is not available until the page_handler runs (after * the 'init, system' event processing has completed). * * @param string $context The context of the page * @return bool * @since 1.8.0 */ function elgg_set_context($context) { global $CONFIG; $context = trim($context); if (empty($context)) { return false; } $context = strtolower($context); array_pop($CONFIG->context); array_push($CONFIG->context, $context); return true; } /** * Get the current context. * * Since context is a stack, this is equivalent to a peek. * * @return string|NULL * @since 1.8.0 */ function elgg_get_context() { global $CONFIG; return $CONFIG->context[count($CONFIG->context) - 1]; } /** * Push a context onto the top of the stack * * @param string $context The context string to add to the context stack * @since 1.8.0 */ function elgg_push_context($context) { global $CONFIG; array_push($CONFIG->context, $context); } /** * Removes and returns the top context string from the stack * * @return string|NULL * @since 1.8.0 */ function elgg_pop_context() { global $CONFIG; return array_pop($CONFIG->context); } /** * Check if this context exists anywhere in the stack * * This is useful for situations with more than one element in the stack. For * example, a widget has a context of 'widget'. If a widget view needs to render * itself differently based on being on the dashboard or profile pages, it * can check the stack. * * @param string $context The context string to check for * @return bool * @since 1.8.0 */ function elgg_in_context($context) { global $CONFIG; return in_array($context, $CONFIG->context); } /** * Initializes the page owner functions * * @note This is on the 'boot, system' event so that the context is set up quickly. * * @return void */ function page_owner_boot() { global $CONFIG; elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('page_owner', 'system', 'default_page_owner_handler'); if (preg_match("/\/pg\/([\w\-\_]+)/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches)) { $CONFIG->context = $matches[1]; } } elgg_register_event_handler('boot', 'system', 'page_owner_boot');