$handler, 'segments' => $page, ); $params = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('route', $handler, NULL, $params); if ($params === false) { return true; } $handler = $params['handler']; $page = $params['segments']; if (isset($CONFIG->pagehandler) && !empty($handler) && isset($CONFIG->pagehandler[$handler])) { $function = $CONFIG->pagehandler[$handler]; call_user_func($function, $page, $handler); } return headers_sent(); } /** * Registers a page handler for a particular identifier * * For example, you can register a function called 'blog_page_handler' for handler type 'blog' * For all URLs http://yoururl/blog/*, the blog_page_handler() function will be called. * The part of the URL marked with * above will be exploded on '/' characters and passed as an * array to that function. * For example, the URL http://yoururl/blog/username/friends/ would result in the call: * blog_page_handler(array('username','friends'), blog); * * A request to register a page handler with the same identifier as previously registered * handler will replace the previous one. * * The context is set to the page handler identifier before the registered * page handler function is called. For the above example, the context is set to 'blog'. * * Requests not handled are forwarded to the front page with a reason of 404. * Plugins can register for the 'forward', '404' plugin hook. @see forward() * * @param string $handler The page type to handle * @param string $function Your function name * * @return true|false Depending on success */ function elgg_register_page_handler($handler, $function) { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG->pagehandler)) { $CONFIG->pagehandler = array(); } if (is_callable($function)) { $CONFIG->pagehandler[$handler] = $function; return true; } return false; } /** * Unregister a page handler for an identifier * * Note: to replace a page handler, call elgg_register_page_handler() * * @param string $handler The page type identifier * * @since 1.7.2 * @return void */ function elgg_unregister_page_handler($handler) { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG->pagehandler)) { return; } unset($CONFIG->pagehandler[$handler]); }