<?php /** * Elgg metadata * Functions to manage entity metadata. * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage DataModel.Metadata */ /** * Convert a database row to a new ElggMetadata * * @param stdClass $row An object from the database * * @return stdClass or ElggMetadata */ function row_to_elggmetadata($row) { if (!($row instanceof stdClass)) { return $row; } return new ElggMetadata($row); } /** * Get a specific metadata object. * * @param int $id The id of the metadata being retrieved. * * @return mixed False on failure or ElggMetadata */ function get_metadata($id) { global $CONFIG; $id = (int)$id; $access = get_access_sql_suffix("e"); $md_access = get_access_sql_suffix("m"); $query = "SELECT m.*, n.string as name, v.string as value from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m" . " JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e on e.guid = m.entity_guid" . " JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v on m.value_id = v.id" . " JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings n on m.name_id = n.id" . " where m.id=$id and $access and $md_access"; return row_to_elggmetadata(get_data_row($query)); } /** * Removes metadata on an entity with a particular name, optionally with a given value. * * @param int $entity_guid The entity GUID * @param string $name The name of the metadata * @param string $value The value of the metadata (useful to remove a single item of a set) * * @return bool Depending on success */ function remove_metadata($entity_guid, $name, $value = "") { global $CONFIG; $entity_guid = (int) $entity_guid; $name = sanitise_string($name); $value = sanitise_string($value); $name = get_metastring_id($name); if ($name === FALSE) { // name doesn't exist return FALSE; } $query = "SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata WHERE entity_guid = '$entity_guid' and name_id = '$name'"; if ($value != "") { $value = get_metastring_id($value); if ($value !== FALSE) { $query .= " AND value_id = '$value'"; } } if ($existing = get_data($query)) { foreach ($existing as $ex) { delete_metadata($ex->id); } return true; } return false; } /** * Create a new metadata object, or update an existing one. * * Metadata can be an array by setting allow_multiple to TRUE, but it is an * indexed array with no control over the indexing. * * @param int $entity_guid The entity to attach the metadata to * @param string $name Name of the metadata * @param string $value Value of the metadata * @param string $value_type 'text', 'integer', or '' for automatic detection * @param int $owner_guid GUID of entity that owns the metadata * @param int $access_id Default is ACCESS_PRIVATE * @param bool $allow_multiple Allow multiple values for one key. Default is FALSE * * @return int/bool id of metadata or FALSE if failure */ function create_metadata($entity_guid, $name, $value, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE, $allow_multiple = false) { global $CONFIG; $entity_guid = (int)$entity_guid; // name and value are encoded in add_metastring() //$name = sanitise_string(trim($name)); //$value = sanitise_string(trim($value)); $value_type = detect_extender_valuetype($value, sanitise_string(trim($value_type))); $time = time(); $owner_guid = (int)$owner_guid; $allow_multiple = (boolean)$allow_multiple; if (!isset($value)) { return FALSE; } if ($owner_guid == 0) { $owner_guid = get_loggedin_userid(); } $access_id = (int)$access_id; $id = false; $query = "SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata" . " WHERE entity_guid = $entity_guid and name_id=" . add_metastring($name) . " limit 1"; $existing = get_data_row($query); if ($existing && !$allow_multiple) { $id = (int)$existing->id; $result = update_metadata($id, $name, $value, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id); if (!$result) { return false; } } else { // Support boolean types if (is_bool($value)) { if ($value) { $value = 1; } else { $value = 0; } } // Add the metastrings $value = add_metastring($value); if (!$value) { return false; } $name = add_metastring($name); if (!$name) { return false; } // If ok then add it $query = "INSERT into {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata" . " (entity_guid, name_id, value_id, value_type, owner_guid, time_created, access_id)" . " VALUES ($entity_guid, '$name','$value','$value_type', $owner_guid, $time, $access_id)"; $id = insert_data($query); if ($id !== false) { $obj = get_metadata($id); if (elgg_trigger_event('create', 'metadata', $obj)) { return $id; } else { delete_metadata($id); } } } return $id; } /** * Update a specific piece of metadata. * * @param int $id Metadata id * @param string $name Metadata name * @param string $value Metadata value * @param string $value_type Value type * @param int $owner_guid Owner guid * @param int $access_id Access ID * * @return bool */ function update_metadata($id, $name, $value, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id) { global $CONFIG; $id = (int)$id; if (!$md = get_metadata($id)) { return false; } if (!$md->canEdit()) { return false; } // If memcached then we invalidate the cache for this entry static $metabyname_memcache; if ((!$metabyname_memcache) && (is_memcache_available())) { $metabyname_memcache = new ElggMemcache('metabyname_memcache'); } if ($metabyname_memcache) { $metabyname_memcache->delete("{$md->entity_guid}:{$md->name_id}"); } $value_type = detect_extender_valuetype($value, sanitise_string(trim($value_type))); $owner_guid = (int)$owner_guid; if ($owner_guid == 0) { $owner_guid = get_loggedin_userid(); } $access_id = (int)$access_id; $access = get_access_sql_suffix(); // Support boolean types (as integers) if (is_bool($value)) { if ($value) { $value = 1; } else { $value = 0; } } // Add the metastring $value = add_metastring($value); if (!$value) { return false; } $name = add_metastring($name); if (!$name) { return false; } // If ok then add it $query = "UPDATE {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata" . " set value_id='$value', value_type='$value_type', access_id=$access_id," . " owner_guid=$owner_guid where id=$id and name_id='$name'"; $result = update_data($query); if ($result !== false) { $obj = get_metadata($id); if (elgg_trigger_event('update', 'metadata', $obj)) { return true; } else { delete_metadata($id); } } return $result; } /** * This function creates metadata from an associative array of "key => value" pairs. * * To achieve an array for a single key, pass in the same key multiple times with * allow_multiple set to TRUE. This creates an indexed array. It does not support * associative arrays and there is no guarantee on the ordering in the array. * * @param int $entity_guid The entity to attach the metadata to * @param string $name_and_values Associative array - a value can be a string, number, bool * @param string $value_type 'text', 'integer', or '' for automatic detection * @param int $owner_guid GUID of entity that owns the metadata * @param int $access_id Default is ACCESS_PRIVATE * @param bool $allow_multiple Allow multiple values for one key. Default is FALSE * * @return bool */ function create_metadata_from_array($entity_guid, array $name_and_values, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE, $allow_multiple = false) { foreach ($name_and_values as $k => $v) { $result = create_metadata($entity_guid, $k, $v, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id, $allow_multiple); if (!$result) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Delete a piece of metadata, where the current user has access. * * @param int $id The id of metadata to delete. * * @return bool */ function delete_metadata($id) { global $CONFIG; $id = (int)$id; $metadata = get_metadata($id); if ($metadata) { // Tidy up if memcache is enabled. static $metabyname_memcache; if ((!$metabyname_memcache) && (is_memcache_available())) { $metabyname_memcache = new ElggMemcache('metabyname_memcache'); } if ($metabyname_memcache) { $metabyname_memcache->delete("{$metadata->entity_guid}:{$metadata->name_id}"); } if (($metadata->canEdit()) && (elgg_trigger_event('delete', 'metadata', $metadata))) { return delete_data("DELETE from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata where id=$id"); } } return false; } /** * Get metadata objects by name. * * @param int $entity_guid Entity GUID * @param string $meta_name Metadata name * * @return mixed Either an ElggMetadata object, an array of ElggMetadata or false. */ function get_metadata_byname($entity_guid, $meta_name) { global $CONFIG; $meta_name = get_metastring_id($meta_name); if (empty($meta_name)) { return false; } $entity_guid = (int)$entity_guid; $access = get_access_sql_suffix("e"); $md_access = get_access_sql_suffix("m"); // If memcache is available then cache this (cache only by name for now // since this is the most common query) $meta = null; static $metabyname_memcache; if ((!$metabyname_memcache) && (is_memcache_available())) { $metabyname_memcache = new ElggMemcache('metabyname_memcache'); } if ($metabyname_memcache) { $meta = $metabyname_memcache->load("{$entity_guid}:{$meta_name}"); } if ($meta) { return $meta; } $query = "SELECT m.*, n.string as name, v.string as value" . " from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m" . " JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e ON e.guid = m.entity_guid" . " JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v on m.value_id = v.id" . " JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings n on m.name_id = n.id" . " where m.entity_guid=$entity_guid and m.name_id='$meta_name'" . " and $access and $md_access ORDER BY m.id ASC" ; $result = get_data($query, "row_to_elggmetadata"); if (!$result) { return false; } // Cache if memcache available if ($metabyname_memcache) { if (count($result) == 1) { $r = $result[0]; } else { $r = $result; } // This is a bit of a hack - we shorten the expiry on object // metadata so that it'll be gone in an hour. This means that // deletions and more importantly updates will filter through eventually. $metabyname_memcache->setDefaultExpiry(3600); $metabyname_memcache->save("{$entity_guid}:{$meta_name}", $r); } if (count($result) == 1) { return $result[0]; } return $result; } /** * Return all the metadata for a given GUID. * * @param int $entity_guid Entity GUID * * @return mixed */ function get_metadata_for_entity($entity_guid) { global $CONFIG; $entity_guid = (int)$entity_guid; $access = get_access_sql_suffix("e"); $md_access = get_access_sql_suffix("m"); $query = "SELECT m.*, n.string as name, v.string as value from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e ON e.guid = m.entity_guid JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v on m.value_id = v.id JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings n on m.name_id = n.id where m.entity_guid=$entity_guid and $access and $md_access"; return get_data($query, "row_to_elggmetadata"); } /** * Get the metadata where the entities they are referring to match a given criteria. * * @param mixed $meta_name Metadata name * @param mixed $meta_value Metadata value * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity. * @param int $limit Limit * @param int $offset Offset * @param string $order_by Optional ordering. * @param int $site_guid Site GUID. 0 for current, -1 for any * * @return mixed */ function find_metadata($meta_name = "", $meta_value = "", $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $order_by = "", $site_guid = 0) { global $CONFIG; $meta_n = get_metastring_id($meta_name); $meta_v = get_metastring_id($meta_value); $entity_type = sanitise_string($entity_type); $entity_subtype = get_subtype_id($entity_type, $entity_subtype); $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)$offset; if ($order_by == "") { $order_by = "e.time_created desc"; } $order_by = sanitise_string($order_by); $site_guid = (int) $site_guid; if ($site_guid == 0) { $site_guid = $CONFIG->site_guid; } $where = array(); if ($entity_type != "") { $where[] = "e.type='$entity_type'"; } if ($entity_subtype) { $where[] = "e.subtype=$entity_subtype"; } if ($meta_name != "") { if (!$meta_v) { // The value is set, but we didn't get a value... so something went wrong. return false; } $where[] = "m.name_id='$meta_n'"; } if ($meta_value != "") { // The value is set, but we didn't get a value... so something went wrong. if (!$meta_v) { return false; } $where[] = "m.value_id='$meta_v'"; } if ($site_guid > 0) { $where[] = "e.site_guid = {$site_guid}"; } $query = "SELECT m.*, n.string as name, v.string as value from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata m on e.guid = m.entity_guid JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings v on m.value_id = v.id JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings n on m.name_id = n.id where"; foreach ($where as $w) { $query .= " $w and "; } $query .= get_access_sql_suffix("e"); // Add access controls $query .= ' and ' . get_access_sql_suffix("m"); // Add access controls $query .= " order by $order_by limit $offset, $limit"; // Add order and limit return get_data($query, "row_to_elggmetadata"); } /** * Returns entities based upon metadata. Also accepts all * options available to elgg_get_entities(). Supports * the singular option shortcut. * * NB: Using metadata_names and metadata_values results in a * "names IN (...) AND values IN (...)" clause. This is subtly * differently than default multiple metadata_name_value_pairs, which use * "(name = value) AND (name = value)" clauses. * * When in doubt, use name_value_pairs. * * @see elgg_get_entities * @see elgg_get_entities_from_annotations * * @param array $options Array in format: * * metadata_names => NULL|ARR metadata names * * metadata_values => NULL|ARR metadata values * * metadata_name_value_pairs => NULL|ARR ( * name => 'name', * value => 'value', * 'operand' => '=', * 'case_sensitive' => TRUE * ) * Currently if multiple values are sent via * an array (value => array('value1', 'value2') * the pair's operand will be forced to "IN". * * metadata_name_value_pairs_operator => NULL|STR The operator to use for combining * (name = value) OPERATOR (name = value); default AND * * metadata_case_sensitive => BOOL Overall Case sensitive * * order_by_metadata => NULL|ARR array( * 'name' => 'metadata_text1', * 'direction' => ASC|DESC, * 'as' => text|integer * ) * Also supports array('name' => 'metadata_text1') * * metadata_owner_guids => NULL|ARR guids for metadata owners * * @return array * @since 1.7.0 */ function elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'metadata_names' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'metadata_values' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'metadata_name_value_pairs_operator'=> 'AND', 'metadata_case_sensitive' => TRUE, 'order_by_metadata' => array(), 'metadata_owner_guids' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $singulars = array('metadata_name', 'metadata_value', 'metadata_name_value_pair', 'metadata_owner_guid'); $options = elgg_normalise_plural_options_array($options, $singulars); if (!$options = elgg_entities_get_metastrings_options('metadata', $options)) { return FALSE; } return elgg_get_entities($options); } /** * Returns options to pass to elgg_get_entities() for metastrings operations. * * @param string $type Metastring type: annotations or metadata * @param array $options Options * * @return array * @since 1.7.0 */ function elgg_entities_get_metastrings_options($type, $options) { $valid_types = array('metadata', 'annotation'); if (!in_array($type, $valid_types)) { return FALSE; } // the options for annotations are singular (annotation_name) but the table // is plural (elgg_annotations) so rewrite for the table name. $n_table = ($type == 'annotation') ? 'annotations' : $type; $singulars = array("{$type}_name", "{$type}_value", "{$type}_name_value_pair", "{$type}_owner_guid"); $options = elgg_normalise_plural_options_array($options, $singulars); $clauses = elgg_get_entity_metadata_where_sql('e', $n_table, $options["{$type}_names"], $options["{$type}_values"], $options["{$type}_name_value_pairs"], $options["{$type}_name_value_pairs_operator"], $options["{$type}_case_sensitive"], $options["order_by_{$type}"], $options["{$type}_owner_guids"]); if ($clauses) { // merge wheres to pass to get_entities() if (isset($options['wheres']) && !is_array($options['wheres'])) { $options['wheres'] = array($options['wheres']); } elseif (!isset($options['wheres'])) { $options['wheres'] = array(); } $options['wheres'] = array_merge($options['wheres'], $clauses['wheres']); // merge joins to pass to get_entities() if (isset($options['joins']) && !is_array($options['joins'])) { $options['joins'] = array($options['joins']); } elseif (!isset($options['joins'])) { $options['joins'] = array(); } $options['joins'] = array_merge($options['joins'], $clauses['joins']); if ($clauses['orders']) { $order_by_metadata = implode(", ", $clauses['orders']); if (isset($options['order_by']) && $options['order_by']) { $options['order_by'] = "$order_by_metadata, {$options['order_by']}"; } else { $options['order_by'] = "$order_by_metadata, e.time_created DESC"; } } } return $options; } /** * Returns metadata name and value SQL where for entities. * NB: $names and $values are not paired. Use $pairs for this. * Pairs default to '=' operand. * * This function is reused for annotations because the tables are * exactly the same. * * @param string $e_table Entities table name * @param string $n_table Normalized metastrings table name (Where entities, * values, and names are joined. annotations / metadata) * @param arr|null $names Array of names * @param arr|null $values Array of values * @param arr|null $pairs Array of names / values / operands * @param and|or $pair_operator Operator to use to join the where clauses for pairs * @param bool $case_sensitive Case sensitive metadata names? * @param arr|null $order_by_metadata Array of names / direction * @param arr|null $owner_guids Array of owner GUIDs * * @return FALSE|array False on fail, array('joins', 'wheres') * @since 1.7.0 */ function elgg_get_entity_metadata_where_sql($e_table, $n_table, $names = NULL, $values = NULL, $pairs = NULL, $pair_operator = 'AND', $case_sensitive = TRUE, $order_by_metadata = NULL, $owner_guids = NULL) { global $CONFIG; // short circuit if nothing requested // 0 is a valid (if not ill-conceived) metadata name. // 0 is also a valid metadata value for FALSE, NULL, or 0 // 0 is also a valid(ish) owner_guid if ((!$names && $names !== 0) && (!$values && $values !== 0) && (!$pairs && $pairs !== 0) && (!$owner_guids && $owner_guids !== 0) && !$order_by_metadata) { return ''; } // join counter for incremental joins. $i = 1; // binary forces byte-to-byte comparision of strings, making // it case- and diacritical-mark- sensitive. // only supported on values. $binary = ($case_sensitive) ? ' BINARY ' : ''; $access = get_access_sql_suffix('n_table'); $return = array ( 'joins' => array (), 'wheres' => array(), 'orders' => array() ); // will always want to join these tables if pulling metastrings. $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}{$n_table} n_table on {$e_table}.guid = n_table.entity_guid"; $wheres = array(); // get names wheres and joins $names_where = ''; if ($names !== NULL) { if (!is_array($names)) { $names = array($names); } $sanitised_names = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { // normalise to 0. if (!$name) { $name = '0'; } $sanitised_names[] = '\'' . sanitise_string($name) . '\''; } if ($names_str = implode(',', $sanitised_names)) { $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msn on n_table.name_id = msn.id"; $names_where = "(msn.string IN ($names_str))"; } } // get values wheres and joins $values_where = ''; if ($values !== NULL) { if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } $sanitised_values = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { // normalize to 0 if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $sanitised_values[] = '\'' . sanitise_string($value) . '\''; } if ($values_str = implode(',', $sanitised_values)) { $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msv on n_table.value_id = msv.id"; $values_where = "({$binary}msv.string IN ($values_str))"; } } if ($names_where && $values_where) { $wheres[] = "($names_where AND $values_where AND $access)"; } elseif ($names_where) { $wheres[] = "($names_where AND $access)"; } elseif ($values_where) { $wheres[] = "($values_where AND $access)"; } // add pairs // pairs must be in arrays. if (is_array($pairs)) { // check if this is an array of pairs or just a single pair. if (isset($pairs['name']) || isset($pairs['value'])) { $pairs = array($pairs); } $pair_wheres = array(); // @todo when the pairs are > 3 should probably split the query up to // denormalize the strings table. foreach ($pairs as $index => $pair) { // @todo move this elsewhere? // support shortcut 'n' => 'v' method. if (!is_array($pair)) { $pair = array( 'name' => $index, 'value' => $pair ); } // must have at least a name and value if (!isset($pair['name']) || !isset($pair['value'])) { // @todo should probably return false. continue; } // case sensitivity can be specified per pair. // default to higher level setting. if (isset($pair['case_sensitive'])) { $pair_binary = ($pair['case_sensitive']) ? ' BINARY ' : ''; } else { $pair_binary = $binary; } if (isset($pair['operand'])) { $operand = sanitise_string($pair['operand']); } else { $operand = ' = '; } // for comparing $trimmed_operand = trim(strtolower($operand)); $access = get_access_sql_suffix("n_table{$i}"); // if the value is an int, don't quote it because str '15' < str '5' // if the operand is IN don't quote it because quoting should be done already. if (is_numeric($pair['value'])) { $value = sanitise_string($pair['value']); } else if (is_array($pair['value'])) { $values_array = array(); foreach ($pair['value'] as $pair_value) { if (is_numeric($pair_value)) { $values_array[] = sanitise_string($pair_value); } else { $values_array[] = "'" . sanitise_string($pair_value) . "'"; } } if ($values_array) { $value = '(' . implode(', ', $values_array) . ')'; } // @todo allow support for non IN operands with array of values. // will have to do more silly joins. $operand = 'IN'; } else if ($trimmed_operand == 'in') { $value = "({$pair['value']})"; } else { $value = "'" . sanitise_string($pair['value']) . "'"; } $name = sanitise_string($pair['name']); // @todo The multiple joins are only needed when the operator is AND $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}{$n_table} n_table{$i} on {$e_table}.guid = n_table{$i}.entity_guid"; $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msn{$i} on n_table{$i}.name_id = msn{$i}.id"; $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msv{$i} on n_table{$i}.value_id = msv{$i}.id"; $pair_wheres[] = "(msn{$i}.string = '$name' AND {$pair_binary}msv{$i}.string $operand $value AND $access)"; $i++; } if ($where = implode (" $pair_operator ", $pair_wheres)) { $wheres[] = "($where)"; } } // add owner_guids if ($owner_guids) { if (is_array($owner_guids)) { $sanitised = array_map('sanitise_int', $owner_guids); $owner_str = implode(',', $sanitised); } else { $owner_str = sanitise_int($owner_guids); } $wheres[] = "(n_table.owner_guid IN ($owner_str))"; } if ($where = implode(' AND ', $wheres)) { $return['wheres'][] = "($where)"; } if (is_array($order_by_metadata)) { if ((count($order_by_metadata) > 0) && !is_array($order_by_metadata[0])) { // singleton, so fix $order_by_metadata = array($order_by_metadata); } foreach ($order_by_metadata as $order_by) { if (is_array($order_by) && isset($order_by['name'])) { $name = sanitise_string($order_by['name']); if (isset($order_by['direction'])) { $direction = sanitise_string($order_by['direction']); } else { $direction = 'ASC'; } $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}{$n_table} n_table{$i} on {$e_table}.guid = n_table{$i}.entity_guid"; $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msn{$i} on n_table{$i}.name_id = msn{$i}.id"; $return['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msv{$i} on n_table{$i}.value_id = msv{$i}.id"; $access = get_access_sql_suffix("n_table{$i}"); $return['wheres'][] = "(msn{$i}.string = '$name' AND $access)"; if (isset($order_by['as']) && $order_by['as'] == 'integer') { $return['orders'][] = "CAST(msv{$i}.string AS SIGNED) $direction"; } else { $return['orders'][] = "msv{$i}.string $direction"; } $i++; } } } return $return; } /** * Return a list of entities based on the given search criteria. * * @deprecated 1.7 use elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(). * * @param mixed $meta_name Metadat name * @param mixed $meta_value Metadata value * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity. * @param int $owner_guid Owner GUID * @param int $limit Limit * @param int $offset Offset * @param string $order_by Optional ordering. * @param int $site_guid Site GUID. 0 for current, -1 for any. * @param bool $count Return a count instead of entities * @param bool $case_sensitive Metadata names case sensitivity * * @return int|array A list of entities, or a count if $count is set to true */ function get_entities_from_metadata($meta_name, $meta_value = "", $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $order_by = "", $site_guid = 0, $count = FALSE, $case_sensitive = TRUE) { elgg_deprecated_notice('get_entities_from_metadata() was deprecated by elgg_get_entities_from_metadata()!', 1.7); $options = array(); $options['metadata_names'] = $meta_name; if ($meta_value) { $options['metadata_values'] = $meta_value; } if ($entity_type) { $options['types'] = $entity_type; } if ($entity_subtype) { $options['subtypes'] = $entity_subtype; } if ($owner_guid) { if (is_array($owner_guid)) { $options['owner_guids'] = $owner_guid; } else { $options['owner_guid'] = $owner_guid; } } if ($limit) { $options['limit'] = $limit; } if ($offset) { $options['offset'] = $offset; } if ($order_by) { $options['order_by']; } if ($site_guid) { $options['site_guid']; } if ($count) { $options['count'] = $count; } // need to be able to pass false $options['metadata_case_sensitive'] = $case_sensitive; return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); } /** * Return a list of entities suitable for display based on the given search criteria. * * @see elgg_view_entity_list * * @deprecated 1.8 Use elgg_list_entities_from_metadata * * @param mixed $meta_name Metadata name to search on * @param mixed $meta_value The value to match, optionally * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity * @param int $owner_guid Owner GUID * @param int $limit Number of entities to display per page * @param bool $fullview WDisplay the full view (default: true) * @param bool $listtypetoggle Allow users to toggle to the gallery view. Default: true * @param bool $pagination Display pagination? Default: true * @param bool $case_sensitive Case sensitive metadata names? * * @return string * * @return string A list of entities suitable for display */ function list_entities_from_metadata($meta_name, $meta_value = "", $entity_type = ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, $entity_subtype = ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, $owner_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $fullview = true, $listtypetoggle = true, $pagination = true, $case_sensitive = true) { elgg_deprecated_notice('list_entities_from_metadata() was deprecated by elgg_list_entities_from_metadata()!', 1.8); $offset = (int) get_input('offset'); $limit = (int) $limit; $options = array( 'metadata_name' => $meta_name, 'metadata_value' => $meta_value, 'types' => $entity_type, 'subtypes' => $entity_subtype, 'owner_guid' => $owner_guid, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'count' => TRUE, 'metadata_case_sensitive' => $case_sensitive ); $count = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); $options['count'] = FALSE; $entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); return elgg_view_entity_list($entities, $count, $offset, $limit, $fullview, $listtypetoggle, $pagination); } /** * Returns a list of entities filtered by provided metadata. * * @see elgg_get_entities_from_metadata * * @param array $options Options array * * @return array * @since 1.7.0 */ function elgg_list_entities_from_metadata($options) { return elgg_list_entities($options, 'elgg_get_entities_from_metadata'); } /** * Return entities from metadata * * @deprecated 1.7. Use elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(). * * @param mixed $meta_array Metadata name * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity. * @param int $owner_guid Owner GUID * @param int $limit Limit * @param int $offset Offset * @param string $order_by Optional ordering. * @param int $site_guid Site GUID. 0 for current, -1 for any. * @param bool $count Return a count instead of entities * @param bool $meta_array_operator Operator for metadata values * * @return int|array A list of entities, or a count if $count is set to true */ function get_entities_from_metadata_multi($meta_array, $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $order_by = "", $site_guid = 0, $count = false, $meta_array_operator = 'and') { elgg_deprecated_notice('get_entities_from_metadata_multi() was deprecated by elgg_get_entities_from_metadata()!', 1.7); if (!is_array($meta_array) || sizeof($meta_array) == 0) { return false; } $options = array(); $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = $meta_array; if ($entity_type) { $options['types'] = $entity_type; } if ($entity_subtype) { $options['subtypes'] = $entity_subtype; } if ($owner_guid) { if (is_array($owner_guid)) { $options['owner_guids'] = $owner_guid; } else { $options['owner_guid'] = $owner_guid; } } if ($limit) { $options['limit'] = $limit; } if ($offset) { $options['offset'] = $offset; } if ($order_by) { $options['order_by']; } if ($site_guid) { $options['site_guid']; } if ($count) { $options['count'] = $count; } $options['metadata_name_value_pairs_operator'] = $meta_array_operator; return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); } /** * Returns a viewable list of entities based on the given search criteria. * * @see elgg_view_entity_list * * @param array $meta_array Array of 'name' => 'value' pairs * @param string $entity_type The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' * @param string $entity_subtype The subtype of the entity. * @param int $owner_guid Owner GUID * @param int $limit Limit * @param bool $fullview WDisplay the full view (default: true) * @param bool $listtypetoggle Allow users to toggle to the gallery view. Default: true * @param bool $pagination Display pagination? Default: true * * @return string List of ElggEntities suitable for display */ function list_entities_from_metadata_multi($meta_array, $entity_type = "", $entity_subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $limit = 10, $fullview = true, $listtypetoggle = true, $pagination = true) { $offset = (int) get_input('offset'); $limit = (int) $limit; $count = get_entities_from_metadata_multi($meta_array, $entity_type, $entity_subtype, $owner_guid, $limit, $offset, "", $site_guid, true); $entities = get_entities_from_metadata_multi($meta_array, $entity_type, $entity_subtype, $owner_guid, $limit, $offset, "", $site_guid, false); return elgg_view_entity_list($entities, $count, $offset, $limit, $fullview, $listtypetoggle, $pagination); } /** * Clear all the metadata for a given entity, assuming you have access to that metadata. * * @param int $entity_guid Entity GUID * * @return bool */ function clear_metadata($entity_guid) { global $CONFIG; $entity_guid = (int)$entity_guid; if ($entity = get_entity($entity_guid)) { if ($entity->canEdit()) { return delete_data("DELETE from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata where entity_guid={$entity_guid}"); } } return false; } /** * Clear all annotations belonging to a given owner_guid * * @param int $owner_guid The owner * * @return bool */ function clear_metadata_by_owner($owner_guid) { global $CONFIG; $owner_guid = (int)$owner_guid; $metas = get_data("SELECT id from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata WHERE owner_guid=$owner_guid"); $deleted = 0; if (is_array($metas)) { foreach ($metas as $id) { // Is this the best way? if (delete_metadata($id->id)) { $deleted++; } } } return $deleted; } /** * Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "export" event. * * @param string $hook export * @param string $entity_type all * @param mixed $returnvalue Value returned from previous hook * @param mixed $params Params * * @return array */ function export_metadata_plugin_hook($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) { // Sanity check values if ((!is_array($params)) && (!isset($params['guid']))) { throw new InvalidParameterException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport')); } if (!is_array($returnvalue)) { throw new InvalidParameterException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue')); } $guid = (int)$params['guid']; $name = $params['name']; $result = get_metadata_for_entity($guid); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $r) { $returnvalue[] = $r->export(); } } return $returnvalue; } /** * Takes in a comma-separated string and returns an array of tags * which have been trimmed and set to lower case * * @param string $string Comma-separated tag string * * @return array|false An array of strings, or false on failure */ function string_to_tag_array($string) { if (is_string($string)) { $ar = explode(",", $string); // trim blank spaces $ar = array_map('trim', $ar); // make lower case : [Marcus Povey 20090605 - Using mb wrapper function // using UTF8 safe function where available] $ar = array_map('elgg_strtolower', $ar); // Remove null values $ar = array_filter($ar, 'is_not_null'); return $ar; } return false; } /** * Takes a metadata array (which has all kinds of properties) * and turns it into a simple array of strings * * @param array $array Metadata array * * @return array Array of strings */ function metadata_array_to_values($array) { $valuearray = array(); if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $element) { $valuearray[] = $element->value; } } return $valuearray; } /** * Get the URL for this metadata * * By default this links to the export handler in the current view. * * @param int $id Metadata ID * * @return mixed */ function get_metadata_url($id) { $id = (int)$id; if ($extender = get_metadata($id)) { return get_extender_url($extender); } return false; } /** * Mark entities with a particular type and subtype as having access permissions * that can be changed independently from their parent entity * * @param string $type The type - object, user, etc * @param string $subtype The subtype; all subtypes by default * * @return void */ function register_metadata_as_independent($type, $subtype = '*') { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG->independents)) { $CONFIG->independents = array(); } $CONFIG->independents[$type][$subtype] = true; } /** * Determines whether entities of a given type and subtype should not change * their metadata in line with their parent entity * * @param string $type The type - object, user, etc * @param string $subtype The entity subtype * * @return bool */ function is_metadata_independent($type, $subtype) { global $CONFIG; if (empty($CONFIG->independents)) { return false; } if (!empty($CONFIG->independents[$type][$subtype]) || !empty($CONFIG->independents[$type]['*'])) { return true; } return false; } /** * When an entity is updated, resets the access ID on all of its child metadata * * @param string $event The name of the event * @param string $object_type The type of object * @param ElggEntity $object The entity itself * * @return true */ function metadata_update($event, $object_type, $object) { if ($object instanceof ElggEntity) { if (!is_metadata_independent($object->getType(), $object->getSubtype())) { global $CONFIG; $access_id = (int) $object->access_id; $guid = (int) $object->getGUID(); $query = "update {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata set access_id = {$access_id} where entity_guid = {$guid}"; update_data($query); } } return true; } /** * Register a metadata url handler. * * @param string $function_name The function. * @param string $extender_name The name, default 'all'. * * @return bool */ function register_metadata_url_handler($function_name, $extender_name = "all") { return register_extender_url_handler($function_name, 'metadata', $extender_name); } /** Register the hook */ elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler("export", "all", "export_metadata_plugin_hook", 2); /** Call a function whenever an entity is updated **/ elgg_register_event_handler('update', 'all', 'metadata_update'); // unit testing elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('unit_test', 'system', 'metadata_test'); /** * Metadata unit test * * @param string $hook unit_test * @param string $type system * @param mixed $value Array of other tests * @param mixed $params Params * * @return array */ function metadata_test($hook, $type, $value, $params) { global $CONFIG; $value[] = $CONFIG->path . 'engine/tests/objects/metadata.php'; return $value; }