	 * Elgg memcache support.
	 * Requires php5-memcache to work.
	 * @package Elgg
	 * @subpackage API
	 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
	 * @author Curverider Ltd <info@elgg.com>
	 * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
	 * @link http://elgg.org/

	 * Memcache wrapper class.
	 * @author Curverider Ltd <info@elgg.com>
	class ElggMemcache extends ElggSharedMemoryCache
		 * Minimum version of memcached needed to run
		private static $MINSERVERVERSION = '1.1.12';
		 * Memcache object
		private $memcache;
		 * Expiry of saved items (default timeout after a day to prevent anything getting too stale)
		private $expires = 86400;
		 * The version of memcache running
		private $version = 0;
		 * Connect to memcache.
		 * @param string $cache_id The namespace for this cache to write to - note, namespaces of the same name are shared!
		function __construct($namespace = 'default')
			global $CONFIG;
			// Do we have memcache?
			if (!class_exists('Memcache'))
				throw new ConfigurationException(elgg_echo('memcache:notinstalled'));

			// Create memcache object
			$this->memcache	= new Memcache;
			// Now add servers
			if (!$CONFIG->memcache_servers)
				throw new ConfigurationException(elgg_echo('memcache:noservers'));
			if (is_callable($this->memcache, 'addServer'))
				foreach ($CONFIG->memcache_servers as $server)
					if (is_array($server))
							isset($server[1]) ? $server[1] : 11211,
							isset($server[2]) ? $server[2] : true,
							isset($server[3]) ? $server[3] : null,
							isset($server[4]) ? $server[4] : 1,
							isset($server[5]) ? $server[5] : 15,
							isset($server[6]) ? $server[6] : true
						$this->memcache->addServer($server, 11211);
				if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug == true))
				$server = $CONFIG->memcache_servers[0];
				if (is_array($server))
					$this->memcache->connect($server[0], $server[1]);
					$this->memcache->addServer($server, 11211);
			// Get version
			$this->version = $this->memcache->getversion();
			if (version_compare($this->version, ElggMemcache::$MINSERVERVERSION, '<'))
				throw new ConfigurationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('memcache:versiontoolow'), ElggMemcache::$MINSERVERVERSION, $this->version));
			// Set some defaults
			if (isset($CONFIG->memcache_expires))
				$this->expires = $CONFIG->memcache_expires;
		 * Set the default expiry.
		 * @param int $expires The lifetime as a unix timestamp or time from now. Defaults forever.
		public function setDefaultExpiry($expires = 0)
			$this->expires = $expires;
		 * Combine a key with the namespace.
		 * Memcache can only accept <250 char key. If the given key is too long it is shortened.
		 * @param string $key The key
		 * @return string The new key. 
		private function make_memcache_key($key)
			$prefix = $this->getNamespace() . ":";
			if (strlen($prefix.$key)> 250)
				$key = md5($key);
			return $prefix.$key;
		public function save($key, $data) 
			$key = $this->make_memcache_key($key);
			$result = $this->memcache->set($key, $data, null, $this->expires);	
			if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug == true) && (!$result))
				error_log("MEMCACHE: FAILED TO SAVE $key"); 
			return $result;			
		public function load($key, $offset = 0, $limit = null)
			$key = $this->make_memcache_key($key);

			$result = $this->memcache->get($key);
			if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug == true) && (!$result))
				error_log("MEMCACHE: FAILED TO LOAD $key");
			return $result;
		public function delete($key) 
			$key = $this->make_memcache_key($key);
			return $this->memcache->delete($key, 0);
		public function clear()
			// DISABLE clearing for now - you must use delete on a specific key.
			return true;
			//TODO: Namespaces as in #532
	 * Return true if memcache is available and configured.
	 * @return bool
	function is_memcache_available()
		global $CONFIG;
		static $memcache_available;
		if ((!isset($CONFIG->memcache)) || (!$CONFIG->memcache))
			return false;
		if (($memcache_available!==true) && ($memcache_available!==false)) // If we haven't set variable to something
			try {
				$tmp = new ElggMemcache();
				$memcache_available = true; // No exception thrown so we have memcache available
			} catch (Exception $e) { $memcache_available = false; }
		return $memcache_available;