url . $location; } header("Location: {$location}"); exit; } return false; } /** * Templating */ /** * Handles templating views * * @param string $view The name and location of the view to use * @param array $vars Any variables that the view requires, passed as an array * @param string $viewtype Optionally, the type of view that we're using (most commonly 'default') * @param boolean $debug If set to true, the viewer will complain if it can't find a view * @return string The HTML content */ function elgg_view($view, $vars = "", $viewtype = "", $debug = false) { global $CONFIG, $strings; static $usercache; if (!is_array($usercache)) { $usercache = array(); } if (empty($vars)) { $vars = array(); } // Load session and configuration variables if (is_array($_SESSION)) { $vars = array_merge($vars, $_SESSION); } if (!empty($CONFIG)) $vars = array_merge($vars, get_object_vars($CONFIG)); if (is_callable('page_owner')) { $vars['page_owner'] = page_owner(); } else { $vars['page_owner'] = -1; } if ($vars['page_owner'] != -1) { if (!isset($usercache[$vars['page_owner']])) { $vars['page_owner_user'] = get_user($vars['page_owner']); $usercache[$vars['page_owner']] = $vars['page_owner_user']; } else { $vars['page_owner_user'] = $usercache[$vars['page_owner']]; } } if (empty($_SESSION['view'])) { $_SESSION['view'] = "default"; } if (empty($viewtype) && is_callable('get_input')) $viewtype = get_input('view'); if (empty($viewtype)) { $viewtype = $_SESSION['view']; } if (isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view])) { $viewlist = $CONFIG->views->extensions[$view]; } else { $viewlist = array(500 => $view); } ob_start(); foreach($viewlist as $priority => $view) { if (!isset($CONFIG->views->locations[$view])) { $location = $CONFIG->viewpath; } else { $location = $CONFIG->views->locations[$view]; } if (!@include($location . "{$viewtype}/{$view}.php")) { $success = false; if ($viewtype != "default") { if (@include($location . "default/{$view}.php")) { $success = true; } } if (!$success && $CONFIG->debug == true) { echo " [This view ({$view}) does not exist] "; } } } $content = ob_get_clean(); return $content; } /** * Extends a view by adding other views to be displayed at the same time. * * @param string $view The view to add to. * @param string $view_name The name of the view to extend * @param int $priority The priority, from 0 to 1000, to add at (lowest numbers will be displayed first) */ function extend_view($view, $view_name, $priority = 501) { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG->views)) { $CONFIG->views = new stdClass; } if (!isset($CONFIG->views->extensions)) { $CONFIG->views->extensions = array(); } if (!isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view])) { $CONFIG->views->extensions[$view][500] = "{$view}"; } while(isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view][$priority])) { $priority++; } $CONFIG->views->extensions[$view][$priority] = "{$view_name}"; ksort($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view]); } /** * Set an alternative base location for a view (as opposed to the default of $CONFIG->viewpath) * * @param string $view The name of the view * @param string $location The base location path */ function set_view_location($view, $location) { global $CONFIG; if (!isset($CONFIG->views)) { $CONFIG->views = new stdClass; } if (!isset($CONFIG->views->locations)) { $CONFIG->views->locations = array($view => $location); } else { $CONFIG->views->locations[$view] = $location; } } /** * Returns a representation of a full 'page' (which might be an HTML page, RSS file, etc, depending on the current view) * * @param unknown_type $title * @param unknown_type $body * @return unknown */ function page_draw($title, $body) { return elgg_view('pageshell', array( 'title' => $title, 'body' => $body, 'messages' => system_messages(null,"") ) ); } /** * Library loading and handling */ /** * Recursive function designed to load library files on start * (NB: this does not include plugins.) * * @param string $directory Full path to the directory to start with * @param string $file_exceptions A list of filenames (with no paths) you don't ever want to include * @param string $file_list A list of files that you know already you want to include * @return array Array of full filenames */ function get_library_files($directory, $file_exceptions = array(), $file_list = array()) { if (is_file($directory) && !in_array($directory,$file_exceptions)) { $file_list[] = $directory; } else if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (!in_array($file,$file_exceptions)) { $file_list = get_library_files($directory . "/" . $file, $file_exceptions, $file_list); } } } return $file_list; } /** * Ensures that the installation has all the correct files, that PHP is configured correctly, and so on. * Leaves appropriate messages in the error register if not. * * @return true|false True if everything is ok (or Elgg is fit enough to run); false if not. */ function sanitised() { $sanitised = true; if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/settings.php")) { register_error(elgg_view("messages/sanitisation/settings")); $sanitised = false; } if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/.htaccess")) { if (!copy(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/htaccess_dist", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/.htaccess")) { register_error(elgg_view("messages/sanitisation/htaccess")); $sanitised = false; } } return $sanitised; } /** * Registers */ /** * Message register handling * If no parameter is given, the function returns the array of messages so far and empties it. * Otherwise, any message or array of messages is added. * * @param string|array $message Optionally, a single message or array of messages to add * @param string $register By default, "errors". This allows for different types of messages, eg errors. * @return true|false|array Either the array of messages, or a response regarding whether the message addition was successful */ function system_messages($message = null, $register = "messages", $count = false) { static $messages; if (!isset($messages)) { $messages = array(); } if (!isset($messages[$register]) && !empty($register)) { $messages[$register] = array(); } if (!$count) { if (!empty($message) && is_array($message)) { $messages[$register] = array_merge($messages[$register], $message); return true; } else if (!empty($message) && is_string($message)) { $messages[$register][] = $message; return true; } else if (!is_string($message) && !is_array($message)) { if (!empty($register)) { $returnarray = $messages[$register]; $messages[$register] = array(); } else { $returnarray = $messages; $messages = array(); } return $returnarray; } } else { if (!empty($register)) { return sizeof($messages[$register]); } else { $count = 0; foreach($messages as $register => $submessages) { $count += sizeof($submessages); } return $count; } } return false; } /** * Counts the number of messages, either globally or in a particular register * * @param string $register Optionally, the register * @return integer The number of messages */ function count_messages($register = "") { return system_messages(null,$register,true); } /** * An alias for system_messages($message) to handle standard user information messages * * @param string|array $message Message or messages to add * @return true|false Success response */ function system_message($message) { return system_messages($message, "messages"); } /** * An alias for system_messages($message) to handle error messages * * @param string|array $message Error or errors to add * @return true|false Success response */ function register_error($error) { return system_messages($error, "errors"); } /** * Event register * Adds functions to the register for a particular event, but also calls all functions registered to an event when required * * Event handler functions must be of the form: * * event_handler_function($event, $object_type, $object); * * And must return true or false depending on success. A false will halt the event in its tracks and no more functions will be called. * * You can then simply register them using the following function. Optionally, this can be called with a priority nominally from 0 to 1000, where functions with lower priority values are called first (note that priorities CANNOT be negative): * * register_event_handler($event, $object_type, $function_name [, $priority = 500]); * * Note that you can also use 'all' in place of both the event and object type. * * To trigger an event properly, you should always use: * * trigger_event($event, $object_type [, $object]); * * Where $object is optional, and represents the $object_type the event concerns. This will return true if successful, or false if it fails. * * @param string $event The type of event (eg 'init', 'update', 'delete') * @param string $object_type The type of object (eg 'system', 'blog', 'user') * @param string $function The name of the function that will handle the event * @param int $priority A priority to add new event handlers at. Lower numbers will be called first (default 500) * @param boolean $call Set to true to call the event rather than add to it (default false) * @param mixed $object Optionally, the object the event is being performed on (eg a user) * @return true|false Depending on success */ function events($event = "", $object_type = "", $function = "", $priority = 500, $call = false, $object = null) { static $events; if (!isset($events)) { $events = array(); } else if (!isset($events[$event]) && !empty($event)) { $events[$event] = array(); } else if (!isset($events[$event][$object_type]) && !empty($event) && !empty($object_type)) { $events[$event][$object_type] = array(); } if (!$call) { if (!empty($event) && !empty($object_type) && is_callable($function)) { $priority = (int) $priority; if ($priority < 0) $priority = 0; while (isset($events[$event][$object_type][$priority])) { $priority++; } $events[$event][$object_type][$priority] = $function; ksort($events[$event][$object_type]); return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (!empty($events[$event][$object_type]) && is_array($events[$event][$object_type])) { foreach($events[$event][$object_type] as $eventfunction) { if (!$eventfunction($event, $object_type, $object)) { return false; } } return true; } } return false; } /** * Alias function for events, that registers a function to a particular kind of event * * @param string $event The event type * @param string $object_type The object type * @param string $function The function name * @return true|false Depending on success */ function register_event_handler($event, $object_type, $function, $priority = 500) { return events($event, $object_type, $function, $priority); } /** * Alias function for events, that triggers a particular kind of event * * @param string $event The event type * @param string $object_type The object type * @param string $function The function name * @return true|false Depending on success */ function trigger_event($event, $object_type, $object = null) { if (events($event, $object_type, "", null, true, $object) && events('all', $object_type, "", null, true, $object) && events($event, 'all', "", null, true, $object) && events('all', 'all', "", null, true, $object)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Error handling */ /** * PHP Error handler function. * This function acts as a wrapper to catch and report PHP error messages. * * @see http://www.php.net/set-error-handler * @param int $errno The level of the error raised * @param string $errmsg The error message * @param string $filename The filename the error was raised in * @param int $linenum The line number the error was raised at * @param array $vars An array that points to the active symbol table at the point that the error occurred */ function __elgg_php_error_handler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) { $error = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)") . ": \"" . $errmsg . "\" in file " . $filename . " (line " . $linenum . ")"; switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: error_log("ERROR: " . $error); register_error("ERROR: " . $error); // Since this is a fatal error, we want to stop any further execution but do so gracefully. throw new Exception("ERROR: " . $error); break; case E_WARNING : case E_USER_WARNING : error_log("WARNING: " . $error); // register_error("WARNING: " . $error); break; default: error_log("DEBUG: " . $error); // register_error("DEBUG: " . $error); } echo "$error
"; return true; } /** * Custom exception handler. * This function catches any thrown exceptions and handles them appropriately. * * @see http://www.php.net/set-exception-handler * @param Exception $exception The exception being handled */ function __elgg_php_exception_handler($exception) { $body = elgg_view("messages/exceptions/exception",array('object' => $exception)); echo page_draw("We've encountered a problem.", $body); } ?>