 * Elgg library
 * Contains important functionality core to Elgg
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author Curverider Ltd
 * @link http://elgg.org/

 * Getting directories and moving the browser

 * Adds messages to the session so they'll be carried over, and forwards the browser.
 * Returns false if headers have already been sent and the browser cannot be moved.
 * @param string $location URL to forward to browser to
 * @return nothing|false
function forward($location = "") {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (!headers_sent()) {
		$current_page = current_page_url();
		if (strpos($current_page, $CONFIG->wwwroot . "action") ===false)

		$_SESSION['messages'] = system_messages();
		if ((substr_count($location, 'http://') == 0) && (substr_count($location, 'https://') == 0)) {
			$location = $CONFIG->url . $location;

		header("Location: {$location}");

	return false;

 * Return the current page URL.
function current_page_url() {
	global $CONFIG;

	$url = parse_url($CONFIG->wwwroot);

	$page = $url['scheme'] . "://";

	// user/pass
	if ((isset($url['user'])) && ($url['user'])) {
		$page .= $url['user'];
	if ((isset($url['pass'])) && ($url['pass'])) {
		$page .= ":".$url['pass'];
	if (($url['user']) || $url['pass']) {
		$page .="@";

	$page .= $url['host'];

	if ((isset($url['port'])) && ($url['port'])) {
		$page .= ":" . $url['port'];

	$page = trim($page, "/");

	$page .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

	return $page;

 * Templating and visual functionality


 * Override the view mode detection for the elgg view system.
 * This function will force any further views to be rendered using $viewtype. Remember to call elgg_set_viewtype() with
 * no parameters to reset.
 * @param string $viewtype The view type, e.g. 'rss', or 'default'.
 * @return bool
function elgg_set_viewtype($viewtype = "") {


	return true;

 * Return the current view type used by the elgg view system.
 * By default, this function will return a value based on the default for your system or from the command line
 * view parameter. However, you may force a given view type by calling elgg_set_viewtype()
 * @return string The view.
function elgg_get_viewtype() {

	$viewtype = NULL;


	if ((empty($_SESSION['view'])) || ( (trim($CONFIG->view!="")) && ($_SESSION['view']!=$CONFIG->view) )) {
		$_SESSION['view'] = "default";
		// If we have a config default view for this site then use that instead of 'default'
		if (/*(is_installed()) && */(!empty($CONFIG->view)) && (trim($CONFIG->view)!="")) {
			$_SESSION['view'] = $CONFIG->view;

	if (empty($viewtype) && is_callable('get_input')) {
		$viewtype = get_input('view');

	if (empty($viewtype)) {
		$viewtype = $_SESSION['view'];

	return $viewtype;

 * Return the location of a given view.
 * @param string $view The view.
 * @param string $viewtype The viewtype
function elgg_get_view_location($view, $viewtype = '') {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (empty($viewtype)) {
		$viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype();

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype][$view])) {
		if (!isset($CONFIG->viewpath)) {
			return dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/views/";
		} else {
			return $CONFIG->viewpath;
	} else {
		return $CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype][$view];

	return false;

 * Handles templating views
 * @see set_template_handler
 * @param string $view The name and location of the view to use
 * @param array $vars Any variables that the view requires, passed as an array
 * @param boolean $bypass If set to true, elgg_view will bypass any specified alternative template handler; by default, it will hand off to this if requested (see set_template_handler)
 * @param boolean $debug If set to true, the viewer will complain if it can't find a view
 * @param string $viewtype If set, forces the viewtype for the elgg_view call to be this value (default: standard detection)
 * @return string The HTML content
function elgg_view($view, $vars = "", $bypass = false, $debug = false, $viewtype = '') {
	global $CONFIG;
	static $usercache;

	// basic checking for bad paths
	if (strpos($view, '..') !== false) {
			return false;

	$view_orig = $view;

	// Trigger the pagesetup event
	if (!isset($CONFIG->pagesetupdone)) {
		$CONFIG->pagesetupdone = true;

	if (!is_array($usercache)) {
			$usercache = array();

	if (empty($vars)) {
			$vars = array();

	// Load session and configuration variables into $vars
	// $_SESSION will always be an array if it is set
	if (isset($_SESSION) /*&& is_array($_SESSION)*/ ) {
		//= array_merge($vars, $_SESSION);
		$vars += $_SESSION;
	$vars['config'] = array();

	if (!empty($CONFIG)) {
		$vars['config'] = $CONFIG;

	$vars['url'] = $CONFIG->url;

	// Load page owner variables into $vars
	if (is_callable('page_owner')) {
		$vars['page_owner'] = page_owner();
	} else {
		$vars['page_owner'] = -1;

	if (($vars['page_owner'] != -1) && (is_installed())) {
		if (!isset($usercache[$vars['page_owner']])) {
			$vars['page_owner_user'] = get_entity($vars['page_owner']);
			$usercache[$vars['page_owner']] = $vars['page_owner_user'];
		} else {
			$vars['page_owner_user'] = $usercache[$vars['page_owner']];

	if (!isset($vars['js'])) {
		$vars['js'] = "";

	// If it's been requested, pass off to a template handler instead
	if ($bypass == false && isset($CONFIG->template_handler) && !empty($CONFIG->template_handler)) {
		$template_handler = $CONFIG->template_handler;
		if (is_callable($template_handler)) {
			return $template_handler($view, $vars);

	// Get the current viewtype
	if (empty($viewtype)) {
		$viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype();

	// Set up any extensions to the requested view
	if (isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view])) {
		$viewlist = $CONFIG->views->extensions[$view];
	} else {
		$viewlist = array(500 => $view);
	// Start the output buffer, find the requested view file, and execute it

	foreach($viewlist as $priority => $view) {
		$view_location = elgg_get_view_location($view, $viewtype);
		$view_file = "$view_location$viewtype/$view.php";
		$default_view_file = "{$view_location}default/$view.php";

		// try to include view
		if (!file_exists($view_file) || !include($view_file)) {
			// requested view does not exist
			$error = "$viewtype/$view view does not exist.";

			// attempt to load default view
			if ($viewtype != 'default') {
				if (file_exists($default_view_file) && include($default_view_file)) {
					// default view found
					$error .= " Using default/$view instead.";
				} else {
					// no view found at all
					$error = "Neither $viewtype/$view nor default/$view view exists.";

			// log warning
			elgg_log($error, 'WARNING');

	// Save the output buffer into the $content variable
	$content = ob_get_clean();

	// Plugin hook
	$content = trigger_plugin_hook('display', 'view',
		array('view' => $view_orig, 'vars' => $vars), $content);

	// Return $content
	return $content;

 * Returns whether the specified view exists
 * @param string $view The view name
 * @param string $viewtype If set, forces the viewtype
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function elgg_view_exists($view, $viewtype = '') {
	global $CONFIG;

	// Detect view type
	if (empty($viewtype)) {
			$viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype();

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype][$view])) {
		if (!isset($CONFIG->viewpath)) {
			$location = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/views/";
		} else {
			$location = $CONFIG->viewpath;
	} else {
		$location = $CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype][$view];

	if (file_exists($location . "{$viewtype}/{$view}.php")) {
		return true;

	// If we got here then check whether this exists as an extension
	// Note that this currently does not recursively check whether the extended view exists also
	if (isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view])) {
		return true;

	return false;

 * Registers a view to be simply cached
 * Views cached in this manner must take no parameters and be login agnostic -
 * that is to say, they look the same no matter who is logged in (or logged out).
 * CSS and the basic jS views are automatically cached like this.
 * @param string $viewname View name
function elgg_view_register_simplecache($viewname) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views)) {
		$CONFIG->views = new stdClass;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views->simplecache)) {
		$CONFIG->views->simplecache = array();

	//if (elgg_view_exists($viewname))
	$CONFIG->views->simplecache[] = $viewname;

 * Regenerates the simple cache.
 * @see elgg_view_register_simplecache
function elgg_view_regenerate_simplecache() {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (isset($CONFIG->views->simplecache)) {
		if (!file_exists($CONFIG->dataroot . 'views_simplecache')) {
			@mkdir($CONFIG->dataroot . 'views_simplecache');

		if (!empty($CONFIG->views->simplecache) && is_array($CONFIG->views->simplecache)) {
			foreach($CONFIG->views->simplecache as $view) {
				$viewcontents = elgg_view($view);
				$viewname = md5(elgg_get_viewtype() . $view);
				if ($handle = fopen($CONFIG->dataroot . 'views_simplecache/' . $viewname, 'w')) {
					fwrite($handle, $viewcontents);

	datalist_set('simplecache_lastupdate', 0);

 * Enables the simple cache.
 * @see elgg_view_register_simplecache

function elgg_view_enable_simplecache() {
	global $CONFIG;
	if(!$CONFIG->simplecache_enabled) {
		$CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = 1;

 * Disables the simple cache.
 * @see elgg_view_register_simplecache
function elgg_view_disable_simplecache() {
	global $CONFIG;
	if ($CONFIG->simplecache_enabled) {
		$CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = 0;

		// purge simple cache
		if ($handle = opendir($CONFIG->dataroot.'views_simplecache')) {
			while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
				if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {

 * This is a factory function which produces an ElggCache object suitable for caching file load paths.
 * TODO: Can this be done in a cleaner way?
 * TODO: Swap to memcache etc?
function elgg_get_filepath_cache() {
	global $CONFIG;
	if (!$FILE_PATH_CACHE) $FILE_PATH_CACHE = new ElggFileCache($CONFIG->dataroot);


 * Function which resets the file path cache.
function elgg_filepath_cache_reset() {
	$cache = elgg_get_filepath_cache();
	return $cache->delete('view_paths');

 * Saves a filepath cache.
 * @param mixed $data
function elgg_filepath_cache_save($data) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if ($CONFIG->viewpath_cache_enabled) {
		$cache = elgg_get_filepath_cache();
		return $cache->save('view_paths', $data);

	return false;

 * Retrieve the contents of the filepath cache.
function elgg_filepath_cache_load() {
	global $CONFIG;

	if ($CONFIG->viewpath_cache_enabled) {
		$cache = elgg_get_filepath_cache();
		$cached_view_paths = $cache->load('view_paths');

		if ($cached_view_paths) {
			return $cached_view_paths;

	return NULL;

 * Enable the filepath cache.
function elgg_enable_filepath_cache() {
	global $CONFIG;

	$CONFIG->viewpath_cache_enabled = 1;

 * Disable filepath cache.
function elgg_disable_filepath_cache() {
	global $CONFIG;

	$CONFIG->viewpath_cache_enabled = 0;

 * Internal function for retrieving views used by elgg_view_tree
 * @param unknown_type $dir
 * @param unknown_type $base
 * @return unknown
function get_views($dir, $base) {
	$return = array();
	if (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) {
		if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
			while ($view = readdir($handle)) {
				if (!in_array($view, array('.','..','.svn','CVS'))) {
					if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $view)) {
						if ($val = get_views($dir . '/' . $view, $base . '/' . $view)) {
							$return = array_merge($return, $val);
					} else {
						$view = str_replace('.php','',$view);
						$return[] = $base . '/' . $view;
	return $return;

 * When given a partial view root (eg 'js' or 'page_elements'), returns an array of views underneath it
 * @param string $view_root The root view
 * @param string $viewtype Optionally specify a view type other than the current one.
 * @return array A list of view names underneath that root view
function elgg_view_tree($view_root, $viewtype = "") {
	global $CONFIG;
	static $treecache;

	// Get viewtype
	if (!$viewtype) {
		$viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype();

	// Has the treecache been initialised?
	if (!isset($treecache)) {
		$treecache = array();
	// A little light internal caching
	if (!empty($treecache[$view_root])) {
		return $treecache[$view_root];

	// Examine $CONFIG->views->locations
	if (isset($CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype])) {
		foreach($CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype] as $view => $path) {
			$pos = strpos($view,$view_root);
			if ($pos === 0) {
				$treecache[$view_root][] = $view;

	// Now examine core
	$location = $CONFIG->viewpath;
	$viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype();
	$root = $location . $viewtype . '/' . $view_root;

	if (file_exists($root) && is_dir($root)) {
		$val = get_views($root, $view_root);
		if (!is_array($treecache[$view_root])) {
			$treecache[$view_root] = array();
		$treecache[$view_root] = array_merge($treecache[$view_root], $val);

	return $treecache[$view_root];

 * When given an entity, views it intelligently.
 * Expects a view to exist called entity-type/subtype, or for the entity to have a parameter
 * 'view' which lists a different view to display.  In both cases, elgg_view will be called with
 * array('entity' => $entity) as its parameters, and therefore this is what the view should expect
 * to receive.
 * @param ElggEntity $entity The entity to display
 * @param boolean $full Determines whether or not to display the full version of an object, or a smaller version for use in aggregators etc
 * @param boolean $bypass If set to true, elgg_view will bypass any specified alternative template handler; by default, it will hand off to this if requested (see set_template_handler)
 * @param boolean $debug If set to true, the viewer will complain if it can't find a view
 * @return string HTML (etc) to display
function elgg_view_entity(ElggEntity $entity, $full = false, $bypass = true, $debug = false) {
	global $autofeed;
	$autofeed = true;

	// No point continuing if entity is null.
	if (!$entity) {
		return '';

	$view = $entity->view;
	if (is_string($view)) {
		return elgg_view($view,array('entity' => $entity), $bypass, $debug);

	$classes = array(
		'ElggUser' => 'user',
		'ElggObject' => 'object',
		'ElggSite' => 'site',
		'ElggGroup' => 'group'

	$entity_class = get_class($entity);

	if (isset($classes[$entity_class])) {
		$entity_type = $classes[$entity_class];
	} else {
		foreach($classes as $class => $type) {
			if ($entity instanceof $class) {
				$entity_type = $type;

	if (!isset($entity_class)) {
		return false;

	$subtype = $entity->getSubtype();
	if (empty($subtype)) {
		$subtype = $entity_type;

	$contents = '';
	if (elgg_view_exists("{$entity_type}/{$subtype}")) {
		$contents = elgg_view("{$entity_type}/{$subtype}", array(
				'entity' => $entity,
				'full' => $full
				), $bypass, $debug);
	if (empty($contents)) {
		$contents = elgg_view("{$entity_type}/default",array(
				'entity' => $entity,
				'full' => $full
				), $bypass, $debug);
	// Marcus Povey 20090616 : Speculative and low impact approach for fixing #964
	if ($full)  {
		$annotations = elgg_view_entity_annotations($entity, $full);

		if ($annotations) {
			$contents .= $annotations;
	return $contents;

 * When given an annotation, views it intelligently.
 * This function expects annotation views to be of the form annotation/name, where name
 * is the type of annotation.
 * @param ElggAnnotation $annotation The annotation to display
 * @param boolean $full Determines whether or not to display the full version of an object, or a smaller version for use in aggregators etc
 * @param boolean $bypass If set to true, elgg_view will bypass any specified alternative template handler; by default, it will hand off to this if requested (see set_template_handler)
 * @param boolean $debug If set to true, the viewer will complain if it can't find a view
 * @return string HTML (etc) to display
function elgg_view_annotation(ElggAnnotation $annotation, $bypass = true, $debug = false) {
	global $autofeed;
	$autofeed = true;

	$view = $annotation->view;
	if (is_string($view)) {
		return elgg_view($view,array('annotation' => $annotation), $bypass, $debug);

	$name = $annotation->name;
	$intname = (int) $name;
	if ("{$intname}" == "{$name}") {
		$name = get_metastring($intname);
	if (empty($name)) {
		return "";

	if (elgg_view_exists("annotation/{$name}")) {
		return elgg_view("annotation/{$name}",array('annotation' => $annotation), $bypass, $debug);
	} else {
		return elgg_view("annotation/default",array('annotation' => $annotation), $bypass, $debug);

 * Returns a view of a list of entities, plus navigation. It is intended that this function
 * be called from other wrapper functions.
 * @see list_entities
 * @see list_user_objects
 * @see list_user_friends_objects
 * @see list_entities_from_metadata
 * @see list_entities_from_metadata_multi
 * @see list_entities_from_relationships
 * @see list_site_members
 * @param array $entities List of entities
 * @param int $count The total number of entities across all pages
 * @param int $offset The current indexing offset
 * @param int $limit The number of entities to display per page
 * @param true|false $fullview Whether or not to display the full view (default: true)
 * @param true|false $viewtypetoggle Whether or not to allow users to toggle to gallery view
 * @param bool $pagination Whether pagination is offered.
 * @return string The list of entities
function elgg_view_entity_list($entities, $count, $offset, $limit, $fullview = true, $viewtypetoggle = true, $pagination = true) {
	$count = (int) $count;
	$offset = (int) $offset;
	$limit = (int) $limit;

	$context = get_context();

	$html = elgg_view('entities/entity_list',array(
		'entities' => $entities,
		'count' => $count,
		'offset' => $offset,
		'limit' => $limit,
		'baseurl' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
		'fullview' => $fullview,
		'context' => $context,
		'viewtypetoggle' => $viewtypetoggle,
		'viewtype' => get_input('search_viewtype','list'),
		'pagination' => $pagination

	return $html;

 * Returns a view of a list of annotations, plus navigation. It is intended that this function
 * be called from other wrapper functions.
 * @param array $annotations List of annotations
 * @param int $count The total number of annotations across all pages
 * @param int $offset The current indexing offset
 * @param int $limit The number of annotations to display per page
 * @return string The list of annotations
function elgg_view_annotation_list($annotations, $count, $offset, $limit) {
	$count = (int) $count;
	$offset = (int) $offset;
	$limit = (int) $limit;

	$html = "";

	$nav = elgg_view('navigation/pagination',array(
		'baseurl' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
		'offset' => $offset,
		'count' => $count,
		'limit' => $limit,
		'word' => 'annoff',
		'nonefound' => false,

	$html .= $nav;

	if (is_array($annotations) && sizeof($annotations) > 0) {
		foreach($annotations as $annotation) {
			$html .= elgg_view_annotation($annotation, "", false);

	if ($count) {
		$html .= $nav;

	return $html;

 * Display a selective rendered list of annotations for a given entity.
 * The list is produced as the result of the entity:annotate plugin hook and is designed to provide a
 * more generic framework to allow plugins to extend the generic display of entities with their own annotation
 * renderings.
 * This is called automatically by the framework.
 * @param ElggEntity $entity
 * @param bool $full
function elgg_view_entity_annotations(ElggEntity $entity, $full = true) {
	$classes = array(
		'ElggUser' => 'user',
		'ElggObject' => 'object',
		'ElggSite' => 'site',
		'ElggGroup' => 'group'

	$entity_class = get_class($entity);

	$annotations = trigger_plugin_hook('entity:annotate', $classes[$entity_class],
			'entity' => $entity,
			'full' => $full,

	return $annotations;

 * Displays an internal layout for the use of a plugin canvas.
 * Takes a variable number of parameters, which are made available
 * in the views as $vars['area1'] .. $vars['areaN'].
 * @param string $layout The name of the views in canvas/layouts/.
 * @return string The layout
function elgg_view_layout($layout) {
	$arg = 1;
	$param_array = array();
	while ($arg < func_num_args()) {
		$param_array['area' . $arg] = func_get_arg($arg);

	if (elgg_view_exists("canvas/layouts/{$layout}")) {
		return elgg_view("canvas/layouts/{$layout}",$param_array);
	} else {
		return elgg_view("canvas/default",$param_array);

 * Returns a view for the page title
 * @param string $title The page title
 * @param string $submenu Should a submenu be displayed? (default false, use not recommended)
 * @return string The HTML (etc)
function elgg_view_title($title, $submenu = false) {
	$title = elgg_view('page_elements/title', array('title' => $title, 'submenu' => $submenu));

	return $title;

 * Adds an item to the submenu
 * @param string $label The human-readable label
 * @param string $link The URL of the submenu item
 * @param boolean $onclick Used to provide a JS popup to confirm delete
function add_submenu_item($label, $link, $group = 'a', $onclick = false) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->submenu)) {
		$CONFIG->submenu = array();
	if (!isset($CONFIG->submenu[$group])) {
		$CONFIG->submenu[$group] = array();

	$item = new stdClass;
	$item->value = $link;
	$item->name = $label;
	$item->onclick = $onclick;
	$CONFIG->submenu[$group][] = $item;

 * Gets a formatted list of submenu items
 * @return string List of items
function get_submenu() {
	$submenu_total = "";
	global $CONFIG;

	if (isset($CONFIG->submenu) && $submenu_register = $CONFIG->submenu) {
		$preselected = false;
		$comparevals = array();
		$maxcompareval = 999999;


		foreach($submenu_register as $groupname => $submenu_register_group) {
			$submenu = "";

			foreach($submenu_register_group as $key => $item) {
				if ($preselected === false) {
					if (substr_count($item->value, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
						$preselected = $key;
						$preselectedgroup = $groupname;
						$selected = true;
					} else {
						$selected = false;
				} else {
					if ($key == $preselected && $groupname == $preselectedgroup) {
						$selected = true;
					} else {
						$selected = false;

				$submenu .= elgg_view('canvas_header/submenu_template',
										'href' => $item->value,
										'label' => $item->name,
										'onclick' => $item->onclick,
										'selected' => $selected,


			$submenu_total .= elgg_view('canvas_header/submenu_group', array(
										'submenu' => $submenu,
										'group_name' => $groupname


	return $submenu_total;

 * Automatically views comments and a comment form relating to the given entity
 * @param ElggEntity $entity The entity to comment on
 * @return string|false The HTML (etc) for the comments, or false on failure
function elgg_view_comments($entity){

	if (!($entity instanceof ElggEntity)) {
		return false;

	if ($comments = trigger_plugin_hook('comments',$entity->getType(),array('entity' => $entity),false)) {
		return $comments;
	} else {
		$comments = list_annotations($entity->getGUID(),'generic_comment');

		//display the comment form
		$comments .= elgg_view('comments/forms/edit',array('entity' => $entity));

		return $comments;

 * Count the number of comments attached to an entity
 * @param ElggEntity $entity
 * @return int Number of comments
function elgg_count_comments($entity) {
	if ($commentno = trigger_plugin_hook('comments:count', $entity->getType(),
		array('entity' => $entity), false)) {
		return $commentno;
	} else {
		return count_annotations($entity->getGUID(), "", "", "generic_comment");

 * Wrapper function to display search listings.
 * @param string $icon The icon for the listing
 * @param string $info Any information that needs to be displayed.
 * @return string The HTML (etc) representing the listing
function elgg_view_listing($icon, $info) {
	return elgg_view('entities/entity_listing',array('icon' => $icon, 'info' => $info));

 * Sets an alternative function to handle templates, which will be passed to by elgg_view.
 * This function must take the $view and $vars parameters from elgg_view:
 * 		function my_template_function(string $view, array $vars = array())
 * @see elgg_view
 * @param string $function_name The name of the function to pass to.
 * @return true|false
function set_template_handler($function_name) {
	global $CONFIG;
	if (!empty($function_name) && is_callable($function_name)) {
		$CONFIG->template_handler = $function_name;
		return true;
	return false;

 * Extends a view by adding other views to be displayed at the same time.
 * @param string $view The view to add to.
 * @param string $view_name The name of the view to extend
 * @param int $priority The priority, from 0 to 1000, to add at (lowest numbers will be displayed first)
function extend_view($view, $view_name, $priority = 501, $viewtype = '') {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views)) {
		$CONFIG->views = new stdClass;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views->extensions)) {
		$CONFIG->views->extensions = array();

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view])) {
		$CONFIG->views->extensions[$view][500] = "{$view}";

	while(isset($CONFIG->views->extensions[$view][$priority])) {

	$CONFIG->views->extensions[$view][$priority] = "{$view_name}";

 * Set an alternative base location for a view (as opposed to the default of $CONFIG->viewpath)
 * @param string $view The name of the view
 * @param string $location The base location path
function set_view_location($view, $location, $viewtype = '') {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (empty($viewtype)) {
		$viewtype = 'default';

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views)) {
		$CONFIG->views = new stdClass;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->views->locations)) {
		$CONFIG->views->locations = array($viewtype => array($view => $location));

	} else if (!isset($CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype])) {
		$CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype] = array($view => $location);

	} else {
		$CONFIG->views->locations[$viewtype][$view] = $location;

 * Auto-registers views from a particular starting location
 * @param string $view_base The base of the view name
 * @param string $folder The folder to begin looking in
 * @param string $base_location_path The base views directory to use with set_view_location
 * @param string $viewtype The type of view we're looking at (default, rss, etc)
function autoregister_views($view_base, $folder, $base_location_path, $viewtype) {
	if (!isset($i)) {
		$i = 0;

	if ($handle = opendir($folder)) {
		while ($view = readdir($handle)) {
			if (!in_array($view,array('.','..','.svn','CVS')) && !is_dir($folder . "/" . $view)) {
				if ((substr_count($view,".php") > 0) || (substr_count($view,".png") > 0)) {
					if (!empty($view_base)) {
						$view_base_new = $view_base . "/";
					} else {
						$view_base_new = "";

					set_view_location($view_base_new . str_replace(".php","",$view), $base_location_path, $viewtype);
			} else if (!in_array($view,array('.','..','.svn','CVS')) && is_dir($folder . "/" . $view)) {
				if (!empty($view_base)) {
					$view_base_new = $view_base . "/";
				} else {
					$view_base_new = "";
				autoregister_views($view_base_new . $view, $folder . "/" . $view, $base_location_path, $viewtype);

 * Returns a representation of a full 'page' (which might be an HTML page, RSS file, etc, depending on the current view)
 * @param unknown_type $title
 * @param unknown_type $body
 * @return unknown
function page_draw($title, $body, $sidebar = "") {

	// Draw the page
	$output = elgg_view('pageshells/pageshell', array(
		'title' => $title,
		'body' => $body,
		'sidebar' => $sidebar,
		'sysmessages' => system_messages(null,"")
	$split_output = str_split($output, 1024);

	foreach($split_output as $chunk) {
		echo $chunk;

 * Displays a UNIX timestamp in a friendly way (eg "less than a minute ago")
 * @param int $time A UNIX epoch timestamp
 * @return string The friendly time
function friendly_time($time) {
	$diff = time() - ((int) $time);

	if ($diff < 60) {
		return elgg_echo("friendlytime:justnow");
	} else if ($diff < 3600) {
		$diff = round($diff / 60);
		if ($diff == 0) {
			$diff = 1;
		if ($diff > 1) {
			return sprintf(elgg_echo("friendlytime:minutes"),$diff);
		return sprintf(elgg_echo("friendlytime:minutes:singular"),$diff);
	} else if ($diff < 86400) {
		$diff = round($diff / 3600);
		if ($diff == 0) {
			$diff = 1;
		if ($diff > 1) {
			return sprintf(elgg_echo("friendlytime:hours"),$diff);
		return sprintf(elgg_echo("friendlytime:hours:singular"),$diff);
	} else {
		$diff = round($diff / 86400);
		if ($diff == 0) {
			$diff = 1;
		if ($diff > 1) {
			return sprintf(elgg_echo("friendlytime:days"),$diff);

		return sprintf(elgg_echo("friendlytime:days:singular"),$diff);

 * When given a title, returns a version suitable for inclusion in a URL
 * @param string $title The title
 * @return string The optimised title
function friendly_title($title) {
	$title = trim($title);
	$title = strtolower($title);
	$title = preg_replace("/[^\w ]/","",$title);
	$title = str_replace(" ","-",$title);
	$title = str_replace("--","-",$title);
	return $title;

 * Library loading and handling

 * Recursive function designed to load library files on start
 * (NB: this does not include plugins.)
 * @param string $directory Full path to the directory to start with
 * @param string $file_exceptions A list of filenames (with no paths) you don't ever want to include
 * @param string $file_list A list of files that you know already you want to include
 * @return array Array of full filenames
function get_library_files($directory, $file_exceptions = array(), $file_list = array()) {
	$extensions_allowed = array('.php');
	/*if (is_file($directory) && !in_array($directory,$file_exceptions)) {
		$file_list[] = $directory;
	} else */
	if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
		while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
			if (in_array(strrchr($file, '.'), $extensions_allowed) && !in_array($file,$file_exceptions)) {
				$file_list[] = $directory . "/" . $file;
				//$file_list = get_library_files($directory . "/" . $file, $file_exceptions, $file_list);

	return $file_list;

 * Ensures that the installation has all the correct files, that PHP is configured correctly, and so on.
 * Leaves appropriate messages in the error register if not.
 * @return true|false True if everything is ok (or Elgg is fit enough to run); false if not.
function sanitised() {
	$sanitised = true;

	if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/settings.php")) {
		// See if we are being asked to save the file
		$save_vars = get_input('db_install_vars');
		$result = "";
		if ($save_vars) {
			$result = create_settings($save_vars, dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/settings.example.php");

			if (file_put_contents(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/settings.php", $result)) {
				// blank result to stop it being displayed in textarea
				$result = "";

		// Recheck to see if the file is still missing
		if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/settings.php")) {
			register_error(elgg_view("messages/sanitisation/settings", array('settings.php' => $result)));
			$sanitised = false;

	if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/.htaccess")) {
		if (!@copy(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/htaccess_dist", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/.htaccess")) {
			register_error(elgg_view("messages/sanitisation/htaccess", array('.htaccess' => file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/htaccess_dist"))));
			$sanitised = false;

	return $sanitised;

 * Registers

 * Adds an array with a name to a given generic array register.
 * For example, these are used for menus.
 * @param string $register_name The name of the top-level register
 * @param string $subregister_name The name of the subregister
 * @param mixed $subregister_value The value of the subregister
 * @param array $children_array Optionally, an array of children
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function add_to_register($register_name, $subregister_name, $subregister_value, $children_array = array()) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (empty($register_name) || empty($subregister_name)) {
		return false;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->registers)) {
		$CONFIG->registers = array();

	if (!isset($CONFIG->registers[$register_name])) {
		$CONFIG->registers[$register_name]  = array();

	$subregister = new stdClass;
	$subregister->name = $subregister_name;
	$subregister->value = $subregister_value;

	if (is_array($children_array)) {
		$subregister->children = $children_array;

	$CONFIG->registers[$register_name][$subregister_name] = $subregister;
	return true;

 * Returns a register object
 * @param string $register_name The name of the register
 * @param mixed $register_value The value of the register
 * @param array $children_array Optionally, an array of children
 * @return false|stdClass Depending on success
function make_register_object($register_name, $register_value, $children_array = array()) {
	if (empty($register_name) || empty($register_value)) {
		return false;

	$register = new stdClass;
	$register->name = $register_name;
	$register->value = $register_value;
	$register->children = $children_array;

	return $register;

 * If it exists, returns a particular register as an array
 * @param string $register_name The name of the register
 * @return array|false Depending on success
function get_register($register_name) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (isset($CONFIG->registers[$register_name])) {
		return $CONFIG->registers[$register_name];

	return false;

 * Adds an item to the menu register
 * @param string $menu_name The name of the top-level menu
 * @param string $menu_url The URL of the page
 * @param array $menu_children Optionally, an array of submenu items
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function add_menu($menu_name, $menu_url, $menu_children = array(), $context = "") {
	global $CONFIG;
	if (!isset($CONFIG->menucontexts)) {
		$CONFIG->menucontexts = array();

	if (empty($context)) {
		$context = get_plugin_name();

	$CONFIG->menucontexts[] = $context;
	return add_to_register('menu', $menu_name, $menu_url, $menu_children);

 * Returns a menu item for use in the children section of add_menu()
 * @param string $menu_name The name of the menu item
 * @param string $menu_url Its URL
 * @return stdClass|false Depending on success
function menu_item($menu_name, $menu_url) {
	return make_register_object($menu_name, $menu_url);

 * Message register handling
 * If no parameter is given, the function returns the array of messages so far and empties it.
 * Otherwise, any message or array of messages is added.
 * @param string|array $message Optionally, a single message or array of messages to add
 * @param string $register By default, "errors". This allows for different types of messages, eg errors.
 * @return true|false|array Either the array of messages, or a response regarding whether the message addition was successful

function system_messages($message = "", $register = "messages", $count = false) {
	if (!isset($_SESSION['msg'])) {
		$_SESSION['msg'] = array();
	if (!isset($_SESSION['msg'][$register]) && !empty($register)) {
		$_SESSION['msg'][$register] = array();
	if (!$count) {
		if (!empty($message) && is_array($message)) {
			$_SESSION['msg'][$register] = array_merge($_SESSION['msg'][$register], $message);
			var_export($_SESSION['msg']); exit;
			return true;
		} else if (!empty($message) && is_string($message)) {
			$_SESSION['msg'][$register][] = $message;
			return true;
		} else if (is_null($message)) {
			if ($register != "") {
				$returnarray = $_SESSION['msg'][$register];
				$_SESSION['msg'][$register] = array();
			} else {
				$returnarray = $_SESSION['msg'];
				$_SESSION['msg'] = array();
			return $returnarray;
	} else {
		if (!empty($register)) {
			return sizeof($_SESSION['msg'][$register]);
		} else {
			$count = 0;
			foreach($_SESSION['msg'] as $register => $submessages) {
				$count += sizeof($submessages);
			return $count;
	return false;

 * Counts the number of messages, either globally or in a particular register
 * @param string $register Optionally, the register
 * @return integer The number of messages
function count_messages($register = "") {
	return system_messages(null,$register,true);

 * An alias for system_messages($message) to handle standard user information messages
 * @param string|array $message Message or messages to add
 * @return true|false Success response
function system_message($message) {
	return system_messages($message, "messages");

 * An alias for system_messages($message) to handle error messages
 * @param string|array $message Error or errors to add
 * @return true|false Success response
function register_error($error) {
	return system_messages($error, "errors");

 * Event register
 * Adds functions to the register for a particular event, but also calls all functions registered to an event when required
 * Event handler functions must be of the form:
 * 		event_handler_function($event, $object_type, $object);
 * And must return true or false depending on success.  A false will halt the event in its tracks and no more functions will be called.
 * You can then simply register them using the following function. Optionally, this can be called with a priority nominally from 0 to 1000, where functions with lower priority values are called first (note that priorities CANNOT be negative):
 * 		register_elgg_event_handler($event, $object_type, $function_name [, $priority = 500]);
 * Note that you can also use 'all' in place of both the event and object type.
 * To trigger an event properly, you should always use:
 * 		trigger_elgg_event($event, $object_type [, $object]);
 * Where $object is optional, and represents the $object_type the event concerns. This will return true if successful, or false if it fails.
 * @param string $event The type of event (eg 'init', 'update', 'delete')
 * @param string $object_type The type of object (eg 'system', 'blog', 'user')
 * @param string $function The name of the function that will handle the event
 * @param int $priority A priority to add new event handlers at. Lower numbers will be called first (default 500)
 * @param boolean $call Set to true to call the event rather than add to it (default false)
 * @param mixed $object Optionally, the object the event is being performed on (eg a user)
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function events($event = "", $object_type = "", $function = "", $priority = 500, $call = false, $object = null) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->events)) {
		$CONFIG->events = array();
	} else if (!isset($CONFIG->events[$event]) && !empty($event)) {
		$CONFIG->events[$event] = array();
	} else if (!isset($CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type]) && !empty($event) && !empty($object_type)) {
		$CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type] = array();

	if (!$call) {
		if (!empty($event) && !empty($object_type) && is_callable($function)) {
			$priority = (int) $priority;
			if ($priority < 0) {
				$priority = 0;
			while (isset($CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type][$priority])) {
			$CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type][$priority] = $function;
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	} else {
		$return = true;
		if (!empty($CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type]) && is_array($CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type])) {
			foreach($CONFIG->events[$event][$object_type] as $eventfunction) {
				if ($eventfunction($event, $object_type, $object) === false) {
					return false;

		if (!empty($CONFIG->events['all'][$object_type]) && is_array($CONFIG->events['all'][$object_type])) {
			foreach($CONFIG->events['all'][$object_type] as $eventfunction) {
				if ($eventfunction($event, $object_type, $object) === false) {
					return false;

		if (!empty($CONFIG->events[$event]['all']) && is_array($CONFIG->events[$event]['all'])) {
			foreach($CONFIG->events[$event]['all'] as $eventfunction) {
				if ($eventfunction($event, $object_type, $object) === false) {
					return false;

		if (!empty($CONFIG->events['all']['all']) && is_array($CONFIG->events['all']['all'])) {
			foreach($CONFIG->events['all']['all'] as $eventfunction) {
				if ($eventfunction($event, $object_type, $object) === false) {
					return false;

		return $return;


	return false;

 * Alias function for events, that registers a function to a particular kind of event
 * @param string $event The event type
 * @param string $object_type The object type
 * @param string $function The function name
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function register_elgg_event_handler($event, $object_type, $function, $priority = 500) {
	return events($event, $object_type, $function, $priority);

 * Alias function for events, that triggers a particular kind of event
 * @param string $event The event type
 * @param string $object_type The object type
 * @param string $function The function name
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function trigger_elgg_event($event, $object_type, $object = null) {
	$return = true;
	$return1 = events($event, $object_type, "", null, true, $object);
	if (!is_null($return1)) {
		$return = $return1;
	return $return;

 * Register a function to a plugin hook for a particular entity type, with a given priority.
 * eg if you want the function "export_user" to be called when the hook "export" for "user" entities
 * is run, use:
 * 		register_plugin_hook("export", "user", "export_user");
 * "all" is a valid value for both $hook and $entity_type. "none" is a valid value for $entity_type.
 * The export_user function would then be defined as:
 * 		function export_user($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params);
 * Where $returnvalue is the return value returned by the last function returned by the hook, and
 * $params is an array containing a set of parameters (or nothing).
 * @param string $hook The name of the hook
 * @param string $entity_type The name of the type of entity (eg "user", "object" etc)
 * @param string $function The name of a valid function to be run
 * @param string $priority The priority - 0 is first, 1000 last, default is 500
 * @return true|false Depending on success
function register_plugin_hook($hook, $entity_type, $function, $priority = 500) {
	global $CONFIG;

	if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks)) {
		$CONFIG->hooks = array();
	} else if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks[$hook]) && !empty($hook)) {
		$CONFIG->hooks[$hook] = array();
	} else if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type]) && !empty($entity_type)) {
		$CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type] = array();

	if (!empty($hook) && !empty($entity_type) && is_callable($function)) {
		$priority = (int) $priority;
		if ($priority < 0) {
			$priority = 0;
		while (isset($CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type][$priority])) {
		$CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type][$priority] = $function;
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

 * Triggers a plugin hook, with various parameters as an array. For example, to provide
 * a 'foo' hook that concerns an entity of type 'bar', with a parameter called 'param1'
 * with value 'value1', that by default returns true, you'd call:
 * trigger_plugin_hook('foo', 'bar', array('param1' => 'value1'), true);
 * @see register_plugin_hook
 * @param string $hook The name of the hook to trigger
 * @param string $entity_type The name of the entity type to trigger it for (or "all", or "none")
 * @param array $params Any parameters. It's good practice to name the keys, i.e. by using array('name' => 'value', 'name2' => 'value2')
 * @param mixed $returnvalue An initial return value
 * @return mixed|null The cumulative return value for the plugin hook functions
function trigger_plugin_hook($hook, $entity_type, $params = null, $returnvalue = null) {
	global $CONFIG;

	//if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks) || !isset($CONFIG->hooks[$hook]) || !isset($CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type]))
	//	return $returnvalue;

	if (!empty($CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type]) && is_array($CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type])) {
		foreach($CONFIG->hooks[$hook][$entity_type] as $hookfunction) {
			$temp_return_value = $hookfunction($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params);
			if (!is_null($temp_return_value)) {
				$returnvalue = $temp_return_value;
	//if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks['all'][$entity_type]))
	//	return $returnvalue;

	if (!empty($CONFIG->hooks['all'][$entity_type]) && is_array($CONFIG->hooks['all'][$entity_type])) {
		foreach($CONFIG->hooks['all'][$entity_type] as $hookfunction) {
			$temp_return_value = $hookfunction($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params);
			if (!is_null($temp_return_value)) $returnvalue = $temp_return_value;
	//if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks[$hook]['all']))
	//	return $returnvalue;

	if (!empty($CONFIG->hooks[$hook]['all']) && is_array($CONFIG->hooks[$hook]['all'])) {
		foreach($CONFIG->hooks[$hook]['all'] as $hookfunction) {
			$temp_return_value = $hookfunction($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params);
			if (!is_null($temp_return_value)) {
				$returnvalue = $temp_return_value;
	//if (!isset($CONFIG->hooks['all']['all']))
	//	return $returnvalue;

	if (!empty($CONFIG->hooks['all']['all']) && is_array($CONFIG->hooks['all']['all'])) {
		foreach($CONFIG->hooks['all']['all'] as $hookfunction) {
			$temp_return_value = $hookfunction($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params);
			if (!is_null($temp_return_value)) {
				$returnvalue = $temp_return_value;

	return $returnvalue;

 * Error handling

 * PHP Error handler function.
 * This function acts as a wrapper to catch and report PHP error messages.
 * @see http://www.php.net/set-error-handler
 * @param int $errno The level of the error raised
 * @param string $errmsg The error message
 * @param string $filename The filename the error was raised in
 * @param int $linenum The line number the error was raised at
 * @param array $vars An array that points to the active symbol table at the point that the error occurred
function __elgg_php_error_handler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) {
	$error = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)") . ": \"$errmsg\" in file $filename (line $linenum)";

	switch ($errno) {
		case E_USER_ERROR:
			error_log("ERROR: $error");
			register_error("ERROR: $error");

			// Since this is a fatal error, we want to stop any further execution but do so gracefully.
			throw new Exception($error);

		case E_WARNING :
			error_log("WARNING: $error");

			global $CONFIG;
			if (isset($CONFIG->debug)) {
				error_log("NOTICE: $error");

	return true;

 * Throws a message to the Elgg logger
 * The Elgg log is currently implemented such that any messages sent at a level
 * greater than or equal to the debug setting will be dumped to the screen.
 * Note: No messages will be displayed unless debugging has been enabled.
 * @param str $message User message
 * @param str $level NOTICE | WARNING | ERROR | DEBUG
 * @return bool
function elgg_log($message, $level='NOTICE') {
	global $CONFIG;

	// only log when debugging is enabled
	if (isset($CONFIG->debug)) {
		// debug to screen or log?
		$to_screen = !($CONFIG->debug == 'NOTICE');

		switch ($level) {
			case 'ERROR':
				// always report
				elgg_dump("$level: $message", $to_screen);
			case 'WARNING':
			case 'DEBUG':
				// report execept if user wants only errors
				if ($CONFIG->debug != 'ERROR') {
					elgg_dump("$level: $message", $to_screen);
			case 'NOTICE':
				// only report when lowest level is desired
				if ($CONFIG->debug == 'NOTICE') {
					elgg_dump("$level: $message", FALSE);

		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

 * Extremely generic var_dump-esque wrapper
 * Immediately dumps the given $value to the screen as a human-readable string.
 * The $value can instead be written to the system log through the use of the
 * $to_screen flag.
 * @param mixed $value
 * @param bool $to_screen
 * @return void
function elgg_dump($value, $to_screen = TRUE) {
	if ($to_screen == TRUE) {
		echo '<pre>';
		echo '</pre>';

 * Custom exception handler.
 * This function catches any thrown exceptions and handles them appropriately.
 * @see http://www.php.net/set-exception-handler
 * @param Exception $exception The exception being handled
function __elgg_php_exception_handler($exception) {
	error_log("*** FATAL EXCEPTION *** : " . $exception);

	ob_end_clean(); // Wipe any existing output buffer

	$body = elgg_view("messages/exceptions/exception",array('object' => $exception));
	page_draw(elgg_echo('exception:title'), $body);

 * Data lists

$DATALIST_CACHE = array();

 * Get the value of a particular piece of data in the datalist
 * @param string $name The name of the datalist
 * @return string|false Depending on success
function datalist_get($name) {

	// We need this, because sometimes datalists are received before the database is created
	if (!is_db_installed()) {
		return false;

	$name = sanitise_string($name);
	if (isset($DATALIST_CACHE[$name])) {
		return $DATALIST_CACHE[$name];

	// If memcache enabled then cache value in memcache
	$value = null;
	static $datalist_memcache;
	if ((!$datalist_memcache) && (is_memcache_available())) {
		$datalist_memcache = new ElggMemcache('datalist_memcache');
	if ($datalist_memcache) {
		$value = $datalist_memcache->load($name);
	if ($value) {
		return $value;

	// [Marcus Povey 20090217 : Now retrieving all datalist values on first load as this saves about 9 queries per page]
	$result = get_data("SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}datalists");
	if ($result) {
		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$DATALIST_CACHE[$row->name] = $row->value;

			// Cache it if memcache is available
			if ($datalist_memcache) {
				$datalist_memcache->save($row->name, $row->value);

		if (isset($DATALIST_CACHE[$name])) {
			return $DATALIST_CACHE[$name];

	/*if ($row = get_data_row("SELECT value from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}datalists where name = '{$name}' limit 1")) {
		$DATALIST_CACHE[$name] = $row->value;

		// Cache it if memcache is available
		if ($datalist_memcache) $datalist_memcache->save($name, $row->value);

		return $row->value;

	return false;

 * Sets the value for a system-wide piece of data (overwriting a previous value if it exists)
 * @param string $name The name of the datalist
 * @param string $value The new value
 * @return true
function datalist_set($name, $value) {


	$name = sanitise_string($name);
	$value = sanitise_string($value);

	// If memcache is available then invalidate the cached copy
	static $datalist_memcache;
	if ((!$datalist_memcache) && (is_memcache_available())) {
		$datalist_memcache = new ElggMemcache('datalist_memcache');

	if ($datalist_memcache) {

	//delete_data("delete from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}datalists where name = '{$name}'");
	insert_data("INSERT into {$CONFIG->dbprefix}datalists set name = '{$name}', value = '{$value}' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value='{$value}'");

	$DATALIST_CACHE[$name] = $value;

	return true;

 * Runs a function once - not per page load, but per installation.
 * If you like, you can also set the threshold for the function execution - i.e.,
 * if the function was executed before or on $timelastupdatedcheck, this
 * function will run it again.
 * @param string $functionname The name of the function you want to run.
 * @param int $timelastupdatedcheck Optionally, the UNIX epoch timestamp of the execution threshold
 * @return true|false Depending on success.
function run_function_once($functionname, $timelastupdatedcheck = 0) {
	if ($lastupdated = datalist_get($functionname)) {
		$lastupdated = (int) $lastupdated;
	} else {
		$lastupdated = 0;
	if (is_callable($functionname) && $lastupdated <= $timelastupdatedcheck) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

 * Privilege elevation and gatekeeper code

 * Gatekeeper function which ensures that a we are being executed from
 * a specified location.
 * To use, call this function with the function name (and optional file location) that it has to be called
 * from, it will either return true or false.
 * e.g.
 * function my_secure_function()
 * {
 * 		if (!call_gatekeeper("my_call_function"))
 * 			return false;
 * 		... do secure stuff ...
 * }
 * function my_call_function()
 * {
 * 		// will work
 * 		my_secure_function();
 * }
 * function bad_function()
 * {
 * 		// Will not work
 * 		my_secure_function();
 * }
 * @param mixed $function The function that this function must have in its call stack,
 * 		to test against a method pass an array containing a class and method name.
 * @param string $file Optional file that the function must reside in.
function call_gatekeeper($function, $file = "") {
	// Sanity check
	if (!$function) {
		return false;

	// Check against call stack to see if this is being called from the correct location
	$callstack = debug_backtrace();
	$stack_element = false;

	foreach ($callstack as $call) {
		if (is_array($function)) {
			if (
				(strcmp($call['class'], $function[0]) == 0) &&
				(strcmp($call['function'], $function[1]) == 0)
			) {
				$stack_element = $call;
		} else {
			if (strcmp($call['function'], $function) == 0) {
				$stack_element = $call;

	if (!$stack_element) {
		return false;

	// If file then check that this it is being called from this function
	if ($file) {
		$mirror = null;

		if (is_array($function)) {
			$mirror = new ReflectionMethod($function[0], $function[1]);
		} else {
			$mirror = new ReflectionFunction($function);

		if ((!$mirror) || (strcmp($file,$mirror->getFileName())!=0)) {
			return false;

	return true;

 * This function checks to see if it is being called at somepoint by a function defined somewhere
 * on a given path (optionally including subdirectories).
 * This function is similar to call_gatekeeper() but returns true if it is being called by a method or function which has been defined on a given path or by a specified file.
 * @param string $path The full path and filename that this function must have in its call stack If a partial path is given and $include_subdirs is true, then the function will return true if called by any function in or below the specified path.
 * @param bool $include_subdirs Are subdirectories of the path ok, or must you specify an absolute path and filename.
 * @param bool $strict_mode If true then the calling method or function must be directly called by something on $path, if false the whole call stack is searched.
function callpath_gatekeeper($path, $include_subdirs = true, $strict_mode = false) {
	global $CONFIG;

	$path = sanitise_string($path);

	if ($path) {
		$callstack = debug_backtrace();

		foreach ($callstack as $call) {
			$call['file'] = str_replace("\\","/",$call['file']);

			if ($include_subdirs) {
				if (strpos($call['file'], $path) === 0) {

					if ($strict_mode) {
						$callstack[1]['file'] = str_replace("\\","/",$callstack[1]['file']);
						if ($callstack[1] === $call) { return true; }
					} else {
						return true;
			} else {
				if (strcmp($path, $call['file'])==0) {
					if ($strict_mode) {
						if ($callstack[1] === $call) {
							return true;
					} else {
						return true;

		return false;

	if (isset($CONFIG->debug)) {
		system_message("Gatekeeper'd function called from {$callstack[1]['file']}:{$callstack[1]['line']}\n\nStack trace:\n\n" . print_r($callstack, true));

	return false;

 * Returns true or false depending on whether a PHP .ini setting is on or off
 * @param string $ini_get_arg The INI setting
 * @return true|false Depending on whether it's on or off
function ini_get_bool($ini_get_arg) {
	$temp = ini_get($ini_get_arg);

	if ($temp == '1' or strtolower($temp) == 'on') {
		return true;
	return false;

 * Function to be used in array_filter which returns true if $string is not null.
 * @param string $string
 * @return bool
function is_not_null($string) {
	if (($string==='') || ($string===false) || ($string===null)) {
		return false;

	return true;

 * Normalise the singular keys in an options array
 * to the plural keys.
 * @param $options
 * @param $singulars
 * @return array
function elgg_normalise_plural_options_array($options, $singulars) {
	foreach ($singulars as $singular) {
		$plural = $singular . 's';

		// normalize the singular to plural
		if (isset($options[$singular]) && $options[$singular] !== NULL && $options[$singular] !== FALSE) {
			if (isset($options[$plural])) {
				if (is_array($options[$plural])) {
					$options[$plural][] = $options[$singlar];
				} else {
					$options[$plural] = array($options[$plural], $options[$singular]);
			} else {
				$options[$plural] = array($options[$singular]);
		$options[$singular] = NULL;

	return $options;

 * Get the full URL of the current page.
 * @return string The URL
function full_url() {
	$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "";
	$protocol = substr(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), 0, strpos(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/")) . $s;
	$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
	return $protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $port . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

 * Useful function found in the comments on the PHP man page for ip2long.
 * Returns 1 if an IP matches a given range.
 * TODO: Check licence... assuming this is PD since it was found several places on the interwebs..
 * please check or rewrite.
 * Matches:
 *  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx        (exact)
 *  xxx.xxx.xxx.[yyy-zzz]  (range)
 *  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/nn    (nn = # bits, cisco style -- i.e. /24 = class C)
 * Does not match:
 * xxx.xxx.xxx.xx[yyy-zzz]  (range, partial octets not supported)
function test_ip($range, $ip) {
	$result = 1;

	# IP Pattern Matcher
	# J.Adams <jna@retina.net>
	# Matches:
	# xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx        (exact)
	# xxx.xxx.xxx.[yyy-zzz]  (range)
	# xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/nn    (nn = # bits, cisco style -- i.e. /24 = class C)
	# Does not match:
	# xxx.xxx.xxx.xx[yyy-zzz]  (range, partial octets not supported)

	if (ereg("([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)",$range,$regs)) {
		# perform a mask match
		$ipl = ip2long($ip);
		$rangel = ip2long($regs[1] . "." . $regs[2] . "." . $regs[3] . "." . $regs[4]);

		$maskl = 0;

		for ($i = 0; $i< 31; $i++) {
			if ($i < $regs[5]-1) {
				$maskl = $maskl + pow(2,(30-$i));

		if (($maskl & $rangel) == ($maskl & $ipl)) {
			return 1;
		} else {
			return 0;
	} else {
		# range based
		$maskocts = split("\.",$range);
		$ipocts = split("\.",$ip);

		# perform a range match
		for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
			if (ereg("\[([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)\]",$maskocts[$i],$regs)) {
				if ( ($ipocts[$i] > $regs[2]) || ($ipocts[$i] < $regs[1])) {
					$result = 0;
			} else {
				if ($maskocts[$i] <> $ipocts[$i]) {
					$result = 0;

	return $result;

 * Match an IP address against a number of ip addresses or ranges, returning true if found.
 * @param array $networks
 * @param string $ip
 * @return bool
function is_ip_in_array(array $networks, $ip) {
	global $SYSTEM_LOG;

	foreach ($networks as $network) {
		if (test_ip(trim($network), $ip)) {
			return true;

	return false;

 * An interface for objects that behave as elements within a social network that have a profile.
interface Friendable {
	 * Adds a user as a friend
	 * @param int $friend_guid The GUID of the user to add
	public function addFriend($friend_guid);

	 * Removes a user as a friend
	 * @param int $friend_guid The GUID of the user to remove
	public function removeFriend($friend_guid);

	 * Determines whether or not the current user is a friend of this entity
	public function isFriend();

	 * Determines whether or not this entity is friends with a particular entity
	 * @param int $user_guid The GUID of the entity this entity may or may not be friends with
	public function isFriendsWith($user_guid);

	 * Determines whether or not a foreign entity has made this one a friend
	 * @param int $user_guid The GUID of the foreign entity
	public function isFriendOf($user_guid);

	 * Returns this entity's friends
	 * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to return
	 * @param int $limit The number of entities to return
	 * @param int $offset Indexing offset
	public function getFriends($subtype = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0);

	 * Returns entities that have made this entity a friend
	 * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to return
	 * @param int $limit The number of entities to return
	 * @param int $offset Indexing offset
	public function getFriendsOf($subtype = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0);

	 * Returns objects in this entity's container
	 * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to return
	 * @param int $limit The number of entities to return
	 * @param int $offset Indexing offset
	public function getObjects($subtype="", $limit = 10, $offset = 0);

	 * Returns objects in the containers of this entity's friends
	 * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to return
	 * @param int $limit The number of entities to return
	 * @param int $offset Indexing offset
	public function getFriendsObjects($subtype = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0);

	 * Returns the number of object entities in this entity's container
	 * @param string $subtype The subtype of entity to count
	public function countObjects($subtype = "");

 * Server javascript pages.
 * @param $page
 * @return unknown_type
function js_page_handler($page) {
	if (is_array($page) && sizeof($page)) {
		$js = str_replace('.js','',$page[0]);
		$return = elgg_view('js/' . $js);

		header('Content-type: text/javascript');
		header('Expires: ' . date('r',time() + 864000));
		header("Pragma: public");
		header("Cache-Control: public");
		header("Content-Length: " . strlen($return));

		echo $return;

 * This function is a shutdown hook registered on startup which does nothing more than trigger a
 * shutdown event when the script is shutting down, but before database connections have been dropped etc.
function __elgg_shutdown_hook() {

	trigger_elgg_event('shutdown', 'system');

	$time = (float)(microtime(TRUE) - $START_MICROTIME);
	elgg_log("Page {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} generated in $time seconds", 'DEBUG');

 * Register functions for Elgg core
 * @return unknown_type
function elgg_init() {
	// Page handler for JS

	// Register an event triggered at system shutdown

 * Boot Elgg
 * @return unknown_type
function elgg_boot() {
	// Actions


 * Some useful constant definitions
