<?php /** * Elgg database * Contains database connection and transfer functionality * * @package Elgg * @subpackage Core * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2 * @author Curverider Ltd * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008 * @link http://elgg.org/ */ /** * Connect to the database server and use the Elgg database for a particular database link * * @param string $dblinkname Default "readwrite"; you can change this to set up additional global database links, eg "read" and "write" */ function establish_db_link($dblinkname = "readwrite") { // Get configuration, and globalise database link global $CONFIG, $dblink; if (!isset($dblink)) { $dblink = array(); } if ($dblinkname != "readwrite" && isset($CONFIG->db[$dblinkname])) { if (is_array($CONFIG->db[$dblinkname])) { $index = rand(0,sizeof($CONFIG->db[$dblinkname])); $dbhost = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbhost; $dbuser = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbuser; $dbpass = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbpass; $dbname = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbname; } else { $dbhost = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbhost; $dbuser = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbuser; $dbpass = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbpass; $dbname = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbname; } } else { $dbhost = $CONFIG->dbhost; $dbuser = $CONFIG->dbuser; $dbpass = $CONFIG->dbpass; $dbname = $CONFIG->dbname; } // Connect to database if (!$dblink[$dblinkname] = mysql_connect($CONFIG->dbhost, $CONFIG->dbuser, $CONFIG->dbpass, true)) throw new DatabaseException(sprintf(elgg_echo('DatabaseException:WrongCredentials'), $CONFIG->dbuser, $CONFIG->dbhost, $CONFIG->debug ? $CONFIG->dbpass : "****")); if (!mysql_select_db($CONFIG->dbname, $dblink[$dblinkname])) throw new DatabaseException(sprintf(elgg_echo('DatabaseException:NoConnect'), $CONFIG->dbname)); } /** * Establish all database connections * * If the configuration has been set up for multiple read/write databases, set those * links up separately; otherwise just create the one database link * */ function setup_db_connections() { // Get configuration and globalise database link global $CONFIG, $dblink; if (!empty($CONFIG->db->split)) { establish_db_link('read'); establish_db_link('write'); } else { establish_db_link('readwrite'); } } /** * Alias to setup_db_connections, for use in the event handler * * @param string $event The event type * @param string $object_type The object type * @param mixed $object Used for nothing in this context */ function init_db($event, $object_type, $object = null) { setup_db_connections(); return true; } /** * Gets the appropriate db link for the operation mode requested * * @param string $dblinktype The type of link we want - "read", "write" or "readwrite" (the default) * @return object Database link */ function get_db_link($dblinktype) { global $dblink; if (isset($dblink[$dblinktype])) { return $dblink[$dblinktype]; } else { return $dblink['readwrite']; } } /** * Explain a given query, useful for debug. */ function explain_query($query, $link) { if ($result = mysql_query("explain " . $query, $link)) { return mysql_fetch_object($result); } return false; } /** * Use this function to get data from the database * @param mixed $query The query being passed. * @param string $call Optionally, the name of a function to call back to on each row (which takes $row as a single parameter) * @return array An array of database result objects */ function get_data($query, $callback = "") { global $CONFIG, $dbcalls; //if (!callpath_gatekeeper($CONFIG->path . "engine/", true, true)) // throw new SecurityException(sprintf(elgg_echo('SecurityException:FunctionDenied'), 'get_data()')); $dblink = get_db_link('read'); $resultarray = array(); $dbcalls++; if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) { error_log("--- DB QUERY --- $query"); error_log("--- EXPLANATION --- " . print_r(explain_query($query,$dblink), true)); } if ($result = mysql_query("$query", $dblink)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if (!empty($callback) && is_callable($callback)) { $row = $callback($row); } if ($row) $resultarray[] = $row; } } if (mysql_errno($dblink)) throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error($dblink) . " QUERY: " . $query); if (empty($resultarray)) { if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) error_log("WARNING: DB query \"$query\" returned no results."); return false; } return $resultarray; } /** * Use this function to get a single data row from the database * @param mixed $query The query to run. * @return object A single database result object */ function get_data_row($query) { global $CONFIG, $dbcalls; // if (!callpath_gatekeeper($CONFIG->path . "engine/", true, true)) // throw new SecurityException(sprintf(elgg_echo('SecurityException:FunctionDenied'), 'get_data_row()')); $dblink = get_db_link('read'); $dbcalls++; if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) { error_log("--- DB QUERY --- $query"); error_log("--- EXPLANATION --- " . print_r(explain_query($query,$dblink), true)); } if ($result = mysql_query("$query", $dblink)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { return $row; } } if (mysql_errno($dblink)) throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error($dblink) . " QUERY: " . $query); if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) error_log("WARNING: DB query \"$query\" returned no results."); return false; } /** * Use this function to insert database data; returns id or false * * @param mixed $query The query to run. * @return int $id the database id of the inserted row. */ function insert_data($query) { global $CONFIG, $dbcalls; //if (!callpath_gatekeeper($CONFIG->path . "engine/", true, true)) // throw new SecurityException(sprintf(elgg_echo('SecurityException:FunctionDenied'), 'insert_data()')); $dblink = get_db_link('write'); $dbcalls++; if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) { error_log("--- DB QUERY --- $query"); } if (mysql_query("$query", $dblink)) return mysql_insert_id($dblink); if (mysql_errno($dblink)) throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error($dblink) . " QUERY: " . $query); return false; } /** * Update database data * * @param mixed $query The query to run. * @return int|false Either the number of affected rows, or false on failure */ function update_data($query) { global $dbcalls, $CONFIG; //if (!callpath_gatekeeper($CONFIG->path . "engine/", true, true)) // throw new SecurityException(sprintf(elgg_echo('SecurityException:FunctionDenied'), 'update_data()')); $dblink = get_db_link('write'); $dbcalls++; if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) { error_log("--- DB QUERY --- $query"); } if (mysql_query("$query", $dblink)) return mysql_affected_rows(); if (mysql_errno($dblink)) throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error($dblink) . " QUERY: " . $query); return false; } /** * Use this function to delete data * * @param mixed $query The SQL query to run * @return int|false Either the number of affected rows, or false on failure */ function delete_data($query) { global $dbcalls, $CONFIG; //if (!callpath_gatekeeper($CONFIG->path . "engine/", true, true)) // throw new SecurityException(sprintf(elgg_echo('SecurityException:FunctionDenied'), 'delete_data()')); $dblink = get_db_link('write'); $dbcalls++; if ((isset($CONFIG->debug)) && ($CONFIG->debug==true)) { error_log("--- DB QUERY --- $query"); } if (mysql_query("$query", $dblink)) return mysql_affected_rows(); if (mysql_errno($dblink)) throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error($dblink) . " QUERY: " . $query); return false; } /** * Returns the number of rows returned by the last select statement, without the need to re-execute the query. * * CANDIDATE FOR DELETION? * * @return int The number of rows returned by the last statement */ function count_last_select() { $row = get_data_row("SELECT found_rows() as count"); if ($row) return $row->count; return 0; } /** * Get the tables currently installed in the Elgg database * * @return array List of tables */ function get_db_tables() { global $CONFIG; $result = get_data("show tables"); $tables = array(); if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) { foreach($result as $row) { $row = (array) $row; if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) foreach($row as $element) { $tables[] = $element; } } } else return false; return $tables; } /** * Get the last database error for a particular database link * * @param database link $dblink * @return string Database error message */ function get_db_error($dblink) { return mysql_error($dblink); } /** * Runs a full database script from disk * * @uses $CONFIG * @param string $scriptlocation The full path to the script */ function run_sql_script($scriptlocation) { if ($script = file_get_contents($scriptlocation)) { global $CONFIG; $errors = array(); $script = preg_replace('/\-\-.*\n/', '', $script); $sql_statements = preg_split('/;[\n\r]+/', $script); foreach($sql_statements as $statement) { $statement = trim($statement); $statement = str_replace("prefix_",$CONFIG->dbprefix,$statement); if (!empty($statement)) { $result = update_data($statement); } } if (!empty($errors)) { $errortxt = ""; foreach($errors as $error) $errortxt .= " {$error};"; throw new DatabaseException(elgg_echo('DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues') . $errortxt); } } else { throw new DatabaseException(sprintf(elgg_echo('DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound'), $scriptlocation)); } } /** * Sanitise a string for database use * * @param string $string The string to sanitise * @return string Sanitised string */ function sanitise_string($string) { return mysql_real_escape_string(trim($string)); } /** * Wrapper function for Americans * * @param string $string The string to sanitise * @return string Sanitised string * @uses sanitise_string */ function sanitize_string($string) { return sanitise_string($string); } /** * Sanitises an integer for database use * * @param int $int * @return int Sanitised integer */ function sanitise_int($int) { return (int) $int; } /** * Wrapper function for Americans * * @param int $int * @return int Sanitised integer * @uses sanitise_string */ function sanitize_int($int) { return (int) $int; } // Stuff for initialisation register_elgg_event_handler('boot','system','init_db',0); ?>