 * Elgg database procedural code.
 * Includes functions for establishing and retrieving a database link,
 * reading data, writing data, upgrading DB schemas, and sanitizing input.
 * @package Elgg.Core
 * @subpackage Database

 * Query cache for all queries.
 * Each query and its results are stored in this array as:
 * <code>
 * $DB_QUERY_CACHE[$query] => array(result1, result2, ... resultN)
 * </code>
 * @global array $DB_QUERY_CACHE
$DB_QUERY_CACHE = array();

 * Queries to be executed upon shutdown.
 * These queries are saved to an array and executed using
 * a function registered by register_shutdown_function().
 * Queries are saved as an array in the format:
 * <code>
 * $DB_DELAYED_QUERIES[] = array(
 * 	'q' => str $query,
 * 	'l' => resource $dblink,
 * 	'h' => str $handler // a callback function
 * );
 * </code>
 * @global array $DB_DELAYED_QUERIES

 * Database connection resources.
 * Each database link created with establish_db_link($name) is stored in
 * $dblink as $dblink[$name] => resource.  Use get_db_link($name) to retrieve it.
 * @global array $dblink
global $dblink;
$dblink = array();

 * Database call count
 * Each call to the database increments this counter.
 * @global integer $dbcalls
global $dbcalls;
$dbcalls = 0;

 * Establish a connection to the database servser
 * Connect to the database server and use the Elgg database for a particular database link
 * @param string $dblinkname The type of database connection. Used to identify the
 * resource. eg "read", "write", or "readwrite".
 * @return void
 * @access private
function establish_db_link($dblinkname = "readwrite") {
	// Get configuration, and globalise database link
	global $CONFIG, $dblink, $DB_QUERY_CACHE, $dbcalls;

	if ($dblinkname != "readwrite" && isset($CONFIG->db[$dblinkname])) {
		if (is_array($CONFIG->db[$dblinkname])) {
			$index = rand(0, sizeof($CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]));
			$dbhost = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbhost;
			$dbuser = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbuser;
			$dbpass = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbpass;
			$dbname = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname][$index]->dbname;
		} else {
			$dbhost = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbhost;
			$dbuser = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbuser;
			$dbpass = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbpass;
			$dbname = $CONFIG->db[$dblinkname]->dbname;
	} else {
		$dbhost = $CONFIG->dbhost;
		$dbuser = $CONFIG->dbuser;
		$dbpass = $CONFIG->dbpass;
		$dbname = $CONFIG->dbname;

	// Connect to database
	if (!$dblink[$dblinkname] = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, true)) {
		$msg = elgg_echo('DatabaseException:WrongCredentials',
				array($dbuser, $dbhost, "****"));
		throw new DatabaseException($msg);

	if (!mysql_select_db($dbname, $dblink[$dblinkname])) {
		$msg = elgg_echo('DatabaseException:NoConnect', array($dbname));
		throw new DatabaseException($msg);

	// Set DB for UTF8
	mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");

	$db_cache_off = FALSE;
	if (isset($CONFIG->db_disable_query_cache)) {
		$db_cache_off = $CONFIG->db_disable_query_cache;

	// Set up cache if global not initialized and query cache not turned off
	if ((!$DB_QUERY_CACHE) && (!$db_cache_off)) {
		$DB_QUERY_CACHE = new ElggStaticVariableCache('db_query_cache');

 * Establish database connections
 * If the configuration has been set up for multiple read/write databases, set those
 * links up separately; otherwise just create the one database link.
 * @return void
 * @access private
function setup_db_connections() {
	global $CONFIG, $dblink;

	if (!empty($CONFIG->db->split)) {
	} else {

 * Display profiling information about db at NOTICE debug level upon shutdown.
 * @return void
 * @access private
function db_profiling_shutdown_hook() {
	global $dbcalls;

	// demoted to NOTICE as it corrupts javasript at DEBUG
	elgg_log("DB Queries for this page: $dbcalls", 'NOTICE');

 * Execute any delayed queries upon shutdown.
 * @return void
 * @access private
function db_delayedexecution_shutdown_hook() {

	foreach ($DB_DELAYED_QUERIES as $query_details) {
		try {
			$link = $query_details['l'];

			if ($link == 'read' || $link == 'write') {
				$link = get_db_link($link);
			} elseif (!is_resource($link)) {
				elgg_log("Link for delayed query not valid resource or db_link type. Query: {$query_details['q']}", 'WARNING');
			$result = execute_query($query_details['q'], $link);
			if ((isset($query_details['h'])) && (is_callable($query_details['h']))) {
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			// Suppress all errors since these can't be dealt with here
			elgg_log($e, 'WARNING');

 * Returns (if required, also creates) a database link resource.
 * Database link resources are stored in the {@link $dblink} global.  These
 * resources are created by {@link setup_db_connections()}, which is called if
 * no links exist.
 * @param string $dblinktype The type of link we want: "read", "write" or "readwrite".
 * @return object Database link
 * @access private
function get_db_link($dblinktype) {
	global $dblink;

	if (isset($dblink[$dblinktype])) {
		return $dblink[$dblinktype];
	} else if (isset($dblink['readwrite'])) {
		return $dblink['readwrite'];
	} else {
		return get_db_link($dblinktype);

 * Execute an EXPLAIN for $query.
 * @param str   $query The query to explain
 * @param mixed $link  The database link resource to user.
 * @return mixed An object of the query's result, or FALSE
 * @access private
function explain_query($query, $link) {
	if ($result = execute_query("explain " . $query, $link)) {
		return mysql_fetch_object($result);

	return FALSE;

 * Execute a query.
 * $query is executed via {@link mysql_query()}.  If there is an SQL error,
 * a {@link DatabaseException} is thrown.
 * @internal
 * {@link $dbcalls} is incremented and the query is saved into the {@link $DB_QUERY_CACHE}.
 * @param string $query  The query
 * @param link   $dblink The DB link
 * @return The result of mysql_query()
 * @throws DatabaseException
 * @access private
function execute_query($query, $dblink) {
	global $CONFIG, $dbcalls;

	if ($query == NULL) {
		throw new DatabaseException(elgg_echo('DatabaseException:InvalidQuery'));

	if (!is_resource($dblink)) {
		throw new DatabaseException(elgg_echo('DatabaseException:InvalidDBLink'));


	$result = mysql_query($query, $dblink);

	if (mysql_errno($dblink)) {
		throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error($dblink) . "\n\n QUERY: " . $query);

	return $result;

 * Queue a query for execution upon shutdown.
 * You can specify a handler function if you care about the result. This function will accept
 * the raw result from {@link mysql_query()}.
 * @param string   $query   The query to execute
 * @param resource $dblink  The database link to use or the link type (read | write)
 * @param string   $handler A callback function to pass the results array to
 * @return true
 * @access private
function execute_delayed_query($query, $dblink, $handler = "") {

	if (!isset($DB_DELAYED_QUERIES)) {
		$DB_DELAYED_QUERIES = array();

	if (!is_resource($dblink) && $dblink != 'read' && $dblink != 'write') {
		return false;

	// Construct delayed query
	$delayed_query = array();
	$delayed_query['q'] = $query;
	$delayed_query['l'] = $dblink;
	$delayed_query['h'] = $handler;

	$DB_DELAYED_QUERIES[] = $delayed_query;

	return TRUE;

 * Write wrapper for execute_delayed_query()
 * @param string $query   The query to execute
 * @param string $handler The handler if you care about the result.
 * @return true
 * @uses execute_delayed_query()
 * @uses get_db_link()
 * @access private
function execute_delayed_write_query($query, $handler = "") {
	return execute_delayed_query($query, 'write', $handler);

 * Read wrapper for execute_delayed_query()
 * @param string $query   The query to execute
 * @param string $handler The handler if you care about the result.
 * @return true
 * @uses execute_delayed_query()
 * @uses get_db_link()
 * @access private
function execute_delayed_read_query($query, $handler = "") {
	return execute_delayed_query($query, 'read', $handler);

 * Retrieve rows from the database.
 * Queries are executed with {@link execute_query()} and results
 * are retrieved with {@link mysql_fetch_object()}.  If a callback
 * function $callback is defined, each row will be passed as the single
 * argument to $callback.  If no callback function is defined, the
 * entire result set is returned as an array.
 * @param mixed  $query    The query being passed.
 * @param string $callback Optionally, the name of a function to call back to on each row
 * @return array An array of database result objects or callback function results. If the query
 *               returned nothing, an empty array.
 * @access private
function get_data($query, $callback = "") {
	return elgg_query_runner($query, $callback, false);

 * Retrieve a single row from the database.
 * Similar to {@link get_data()} but returns only the first row
 * matched.  If a callback function $callback is specified, the row will be passed
 * as the only argument to $callback.
 * @param mixed  $query    The query to execute.
 * @param string $callback A callback function
 * @return mixed A single database result object or the result of the callback function.
 * @access private
function get_data_row($query, $callback = "") {
	return elgg_query_runner($query, $callback, true);

 * Handles returning data from a query, running it through a callback function,
 * and caching the results. This is for R queries (from CRUD).
 * @access private
 * @param string $query    The query to execute
 * @param string $callback An optional callback function to run on each row
 * @param bool   $single   Return only a single result?
 * @return array An array of database result objects or callback function results. If the query
 *               returned nothing, an empty array.
 * @since 1.8.0
 * @access private
function elgg_query_runner($query, $callback = null, $single = false) {

	// Since we want to cache results of running the callback, we need to
	// need to namespace the query with the callback and single result request.
	// http://trac.elgg.org/ticket/4049
	$hash = (string)$callback . (int)$single . $query;

	// Is cached?
		$cached_query = $DB_QUERY_CACHE[$hash];

		if ($cached_query !== FALSE) {
			elgg_log("DB query $query results returned from cache (hash: $hash)", 'NOTICE');
			return $cached_query;

	$dblink = get_db_link('read');
	$return = array();

	if ($result = execute_query("$query", $dblink)) {

		// test for callback once instead of on each iteration.
		// @todo check profiling to see if this needs to be broken out into
		// explicit cases instead of checking in the interation.
		$is_callable = is_callable($callback);
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
			if ($is_callable) {
				$row = $callback($row);

			if ($single) {
				$return = $row;
			} else {
				$return[] = $row;

	if (empty($return)) {
		elgg_log("DB query $query returned no results.", 'NOTICE');

	// Cache result
		$DB_QUERY_CACHE[$hash] = $return;
		elgg_log("DB query $query results cached (hash: $hash)", 'NOTICE');

	return $return;

 * Insert a row into the database.
 * @note Altering the DB invalidates all queries in {@link $DB_QUERY_CACHE}.
 * @param mixed $query The query to execute.
 * @return int|false The database id of the inserted row if a AUTO_INCREMENT field is
 *                   defined, 0 if not, and false on failure.
 * @access private
function insert_data($query) {

	elgg_log("DB query $query", 'NOTICE');
	$dblink = get_db_link('write');

	// Invalidate query cache

	elgg_log("Query cache invalidated", 'NOTICE');

	if (execute_query("$query", $dblink)) {
		return mysql_insert_id($dblink);

	return FALSE;

 * Update a row in the database.
 * @note Altering the DB invalidates all queries in {@link $DB_QUERY_CACHE}.
 * @param string $query The query to run.
 * @return bool
 * @access private
function update_data($query) {

	elgg_log("DB query $query", 'NOTICE');

	$dblink = get_db_link('write');

	// Invalidate query cache
		elgg_log("Query cache invalidated", 'NOTICE');

	if (execute_query("$query", $dblink)) {
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

 * Remove a row from the database.
 * @note Altering the DB invalidates all queries in {@link $DB_QUERY_CACHE}.
 * @param string $query The SQL query to run
 * @return int|false The number of affected rows or false on failure
 * @access private
function delete_data($query) {

	elgg_log("DB query $query", 'NOTICE');

	$dblink = get_db_link('write');

	// Invalidate query cache
		elgg_log("Query cache invalidated", 'NOTICE');

	if (execute_query("$query", $dblink)) {
		return mysql_affected_rows($dblink);

	return FALSE;

 * Return tables matching the database prefix {@link $CONFIG->dbprefix}% in the currently
 * selected database.
 * @return array|false List of tables or false on failure
 * @static array $tables Tables found matching the database prefix
 * @access private
function get_db_tables() {
	global $CONFIG;
	static $tables;

	if (isset($tables)) {
		return $tables;

		$result = get_data("show tables like '" . $CONFIG->dbprefix . "%'");
	} catch (DatabaseException $d) {
		// Likely we can't handle an exception here, so just return false.
		return FALSE;

	$tables = array();

	if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) {
		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$row = (array) $row;
			if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) {
				foreach ($row as $element) {
					$tables[] = $element;
	} else {
		return FALSE;

	return $tables;

 * Optimise a table.
 * Executes an OPTIMIZE TABLE query on $table.  Useful after large DB changes.
 * @param string $table The name of the table to optimise
 * @return bool
 * @access private
function optimize_table($table) {
	$table = sanitise_string($table);
	return update_data("optimize table $table");

 * Get the last database error for a particular database link
 * @param resource $dblink The DB link
 * @return string Database error message
 * @access private
function get_db_error($dblink) {
	return mysql_error($dblink);

 * Runs a full database script from disk.
 * The file specified should be a standard SQL file as created by
 * mysqldump or similar.  Statements must be terminated with ;
 * and a newline character (\n or \r\n) with only one statement per line.
 * The special string 'prefix_' is replaced with the database prefix
 * as defined in {@link $CONFIG->dbprefix}.
 * @warning Errors do not halt execution of the script.  If a line
 * generates an error, the error message is saved and the
 * next line is executed.  After the file is run, any errors
 * are displayed as a {@link DatabaseException}
 * @param string $scriptlocation The full path to the script
 * @return void
 * @throws DatabaseException
 * @access private
function run_sql_script($scriptlocation) {
	if ($script = file_get_contents($scriptlocation)) {
		global $CONFIG;

		$errors = array();

		// Remove MySQL -- style comments
		$script = preg_replace('/\-\-.*\n/', '', $script);

		// Statements must end with ; and a newline
		$sql_statements = preg_split('/;[\n\r]+/', $script);

		foreach ($sql_statements as $statement) {
			$statement = trim($statement);
			$statement = str_replace("prefix_", $CONFIG->dbprefix, $statement);
			if (!empty($statement)) {
				try {
					$result = update_data($statement);
				} catch (DatabaseException $e) {
					$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
		if (!empty($errors)) {
			$errortxt = "";
			foreach ($errors as $error) {
				$errortxt .= " {$error};";

			$msg = elgg_echo('DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues') . $errortxt;
			throw new DatabaseException($msg);
	} else {
		$msg = elgg_echo('DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound', array($scriptlocation));
		throw new DatabaseException($msg);

 * Format a query string for logging
 * @param string $query Query string
 * @return string
 * @access private
function elgg_format_query($query) {
	// remove newlines and extra spaces so logs are easier to read
	return preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $query);

 * Sanitise a string for database use, but with the option of escaping extra characters.
 * @param string $string           The string to sanitise
 * @param string $extra_escapeable Extra characters to escape with '\\'
 * @return string The escaped string
function sanitise_string_special($string, $extra_escapeable = '') {
	$string = sanitise_string($string);

	for ($n = 0; $n < strlen($extra_escapeable); $n++) {
		$string = str_replace($extra_escapeable[$n], "\\" . $extra_escapeable[$n], $string);

	return $string;

 * Sanitise a string for database use.
 * @param string $string The string to sanitise
 * @return string Sanitised string
function sanitise_string($string) {
	// @todo does this really need the trim?
	// there are times when you might want trailing / preceeding white space.
	return mysql_real_escape_string(trim($string));

 * Wrapper function for alternate English spelling
 * @param string $string The string to sanitise
 * @return string Sanitised string
function sanitize_string($string) {
	return sanitise_string($string);

 * Sanitises an integer for database use.
 * @param int  $int    Value to be sanitized
 * @param bool $signed Whether negative values should be allowed (true)
 * @return int
function sanitise_int($int, $signed = true) {
	$int = (int) $int;

	if ($signed === false) {
		if ($int < 0) {
			$int = 0;

	return (int) $int;

 * Sanitizes an integer for database use.
 * Wrapper function for alternate English spelling (@see sanitise_int)
 * @param int  $int    Value to be sanitized
 * @param bool $signed Whether negative values should be allowed (true)
 * @return int
function sanitize_int($int, $signed = true) {
	return sanitise_int($int, $signed);

 * Registers shutdown functions for database profiling and delayed queries.
 * @access private
function init_db() {

elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'init_db');