* @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008 * @link http://elgg.org/ */ // Result classes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @class GenericResult Result superclass. * @author Marcus Povey */ abstract class GenericResult { /** * The status of the result. * @var int */ private $status_code; /** * Message returned along with the status which is almost always an error message. * This must be human readable, understandable and localised. * @var string */ private $message; /** * Result store. * Attach result specific informaton here. * * @var mixed. Should probably be an object of some sort. */ private $result; /** * Set a status code and optional message. * * @param int $status The status code. * @param string $message The message. */ protected function setStatusCode($status, $message = "") { $this->status_code = $status; $this->message = $message; } /** * Set the result. * * @param mixed $result */ protected function setResult($result) { $this->result = $result; } protected function getStatusCode() { return $this->status_code; } protected function getStatusMessage() { return $this->message; } protected function getResult() { return $this->result; } /** * Serialise to a standard class. * * DEVNOTE: The API is only interested in data, we can not easily serialise * custom classes without the need for 1) the other side being PHP, 2) you need to have the class * definition installed, 3) its the right version! * * Therefore, I'm not bothering. * * Override this to include any more specific information, however api results should be attached to the * class using setResult(). * * @return stdClass Object containing the serialised result. */ public function toStdClass() { global $ERRORS; $result = new stdClass; $result->status = $this->getStatusCode(); if ($this->getStatusMessage()!="") $result->message = $this->getStatusMessage(); $resultdata = $this->getResult(); if (isset($resultdata)) $result->result = $resultdata; if (count($ERRORS)) $result->runtime_errors = $ERRORS; return $result; } } /** * @class SuccessResult * Generic success result class, extend if you want to do something special. * @author Marcus Povey */ class SuccessResult extends GenericResult { public static $RESULT_SUCCESS = 0; // Do not change this from 0 public function SuccessResult($result) { $this->setResult($result); $this->setStatusCode(SuccessResult::$RESULT_SUCCESS); } public static function getInstance($result) { // Return a new error object. return new SuccessResult($result); } } /** * @class ErrorResult * The error result class. * @author Marcus Povey */ class ErrorResult extends GenericResult { public static $RESULT_FAIL = -1 ; // Fail with no specific code public static $RESULT_FAIL_APIKEY_DISABLED = -30; public static $RESULT_FAIL_APIKEY_INACTIVE = -31; public static $RESULT_FAIL_APIKEY_INVALID = -32; public static $RESULT_FAIL_AUTHTOKEN = -20; // Invalid, expired or missing auth token public function ErrorResult($message, $code = "", Exception $exception = NULL) { if ($code == "") $code = GenericResult::$RESULT_FAIL; if ($exception!=NULL) $this->setResult($exception->__toString()); $this->setStatusCode($code, $message); } /** * Get a new instance of the ErrorResult. * * @param string $message * @param int $code * @param Exception $exception Optional exception for generating a stack trace. */ public static function getInstance($message, $code = "", Exception $exception = NULL) { // Return a new error object. return new ErrorResult($message, $code, $exception); } } // XML functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This function serialises an object recursively into an XML representation. * @param $data object The object to serialise. * @param $n int Level, only used for recursion. * @return string The serialised XML output. */ function serialise_object_to_xml($data, $name = "", $n = 0) { $classname = ($name=="" ? get_class($data) : $name); $vars = get_object_vars($data); $output = ""; if ($n==0) $output = "<$classname>"; foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { $output .= "<$key type=\"".gettype($value)."\">"; if (is_object($value)) $output .= serialise_object_to_xml($value, $key, $n+1); else if (is_array($value)) $output .= serialise_array_to_xml($value, $n+1); else $output .= htmlentities($value); $output .= "\n"; } if ($n==0) $output .= "\n"; return $output; } /** * Serialise an array. * * @param array $data * @param int $n Used for recursion * @return string */ function serialise_array_to_xml(array $data, $n = 0) { $output = ""; if ($n==0) $output = "\n"; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $item = "array_item"; if (is_numeric($key)) $output .= "<$item name=\"$key\" type=\"".gettype($value)."\">"; else { $item = $key; $output .= "<$item type=\"".gettype($value)."\">"; } if (is_object($value)) $output .= serialise_object_to_xml($value, $item, $n+1); else if (is_array($value)) $output .= serialise_array_to_xml($value, $n+1); else $output .= htmlentities($value); $output .= "\n"; } if ($n==0) $output = "\n"; return $output; } // Output functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS = array(); /** * Register an API output handler. * This function is used by the system and the plugins to register an output encoding method for * returning API results. * * @param string $form The format string, eg 'xml' or 'php' * @param string $function The function, which must be in the format function_name(stdClass $result) and return a string. * @return bool */ function register_api_outputhandler($form, $function) { global $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS; if ( ($form!="") && ($function!="")) { $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS[$form] = $function; return true; } return false; } /** * Output the result, with the given fault. * * @param GenericResult $result Result object. * @param string $format The format * @return string */ function output_result(GenericResult $result, $format) { global $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS; if ( (array_key_exists($format, $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS)) && (is_callable($API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS[$format])) ) return $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS[$format]($result->toStdClass()); // We got here, so no output format was found. Output an error $result = print_r($result, true); return <<< END Something went wrong...

API Output Error

Something went badly wrong while outputting the result of your request to '$format'. The result and any errors are displayed in raw text below.

END; } function xml_result_handler(stdClass $result) { header("Content-Type: text/xml"); return serialise_object_to_xml($result, "elgg"); } function php_result_handler(stdClass $result) { return serialize($result); } function json_result_handler(stdClass $result) { return json_encode($result); } function cvs_result_handler(stdClass $result) { throw new NotImplementedException("CVS View currently not implemented"); } // Register some format handlers register_api_outputhandler('xml', 'xml_result_handler'); register_api_outputhandler('php', 'php_result_handler'); register_api_outputhandler('json', 'json_result_handler'); register_api_outputhandler('cvs', 'cvs_result_handler'); // Error handler functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Define a global array of errors */ $ERRORS = array(); /** * PHP Error handler function. * This function acts as a wrapper to catch and report PHP error messages. * * @see http://uk3.php.net/set-error-handler * @param unknown_type $errno * @param unknown_type $errmsg * @param unknown_type $filename * @param unknown_type $linenum * @param unknown_type $vars */ function __php_api_error_handler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) { global $ERRORS; $error = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)") . ": \"" . $errmsg . "\" in file " . $filename . " (line " . $linenum . ")"; switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: error_log("ERROR: " . $error); $ERRORS[] = "ERROR: " .$error; // Since this is a fatal error, we want to stop any further execution but do so gracefully. throw new Exception("ERROR: " . $error); break; case E_WARNING : case E_USER_WARNING : error_log("WARNING: " . $error); $ERRORS[] = "WARNING: " .$error; break; default: error_log("DEBUG: " . $error); $ERRORS[] = "DEBUG: " .$error; } } /** * PHP Exception handler. * This is a generic exception handler for PHP exceptions. This will catch any * uncaught exception and return it as an ErrorResult in the requested format. * * @param Exception $exception */ function __php_api_exception_handler($exception) { error_log("*** FATAL EXCEPTION (API) *** : " . $exception); echo output_result( ErrorResult::getInstance( $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode() == 0 ? ErrorResult::$RESULT_FAIL : $exception->getCode(), $exception), get_input('format','php') // Attempt to get the requested format if passed. ); } ?>