actions[$action])) {
if (isadminloggedin() || ($CONFIG->actions[$action]['access'] !== 'admin')) {
if (isloggedin() || ($CONFIG->actions[$action]['access'] === 'public')) {
// Trigger action event
// @todo This is only called before the primary action is called.
$event_result = true;
$event_result = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('action', $action, null, $event_result);
// Include action
// Event_result being false doesn't produce an error
// since i assume this will be handled in the hook itself.
// @todo make this better!
if ($event_result) {
if (!include($CONFIG->actions[$action]['file'])) {
register_error(elgg_echo('actionnotfound', array($action)));
} else {
} else {
} else {
register_error(elgg_echo('actionundefined', array($action)));
* Registers an action.
* Actions are registered to a single file in the system and are executed
* either by the URL or by calling
* {@link action()}.
* $file must be the full path of the file to register, or a path relative
* to the core actions/ dir.
* Actions should be namedspaced for your plugin. Example:
* elgg_register_action('myplugin/save_settings', ...);
* @tip Put action files under the actions/ directory of your plugin.
* @tip You don't need to include engine/start.php, call {@link gatekeeper()},
* or call {@link admin_gatekeeper()}.
* @internal Actions are saved in $CONFIG->actions as an array in the form:
* array(
* 'file' => '/location/to/file.php',
* 'access' => 'public', 'logged_in', or 'admin'
* )
* @param string $action The name of the action (eg "register", "account/settings/save")
* @param string $filename Optionally, the filename where this action is located
* @param string $access Who is allowed to execute this action
* @see action()
* @see
* @return true
function elgg_register_action($action, $filename = "", $access = 'logged_in') {
global $CONFIG;
// plugins are encouraged to call actions with a trailing / to prevent 301
// redirects but we store the actions without it
$action = rtrim($action, '/');
if (!isset($CONFIG->actions)) {
$CONFIG->actions = array();
if (empty($filename)) {
$path = "";
if (isset($CONFIG->path)) {
$path = $CONFIG->path;
$filename = $path . "actions/" . $action . ".php";
$CONFIG->actions[$action] = array(
'file' => $filename,
'access' => $access,
return true;
* @deprecated 1.8 Use {@link elgg_register_action()} instead
function register_action($action, $public = false, $filename = "", $admin_only = false) {
elgg_deprecated_notice("register_action() was deprecated by elgg_register_action()", 1.8);
if ($admin_only) {
$access = 'admin';
} elseif ($public) {
$access = 'public';
} else {
$access = 'logged_in';
return elgg_register_action($action, $filename, $access);
* Validate an action token.
* Calls to actions will automatically validate tokens.
* If tokens are not present or invalid, the action will be
* denied and the user will be redirected to the front page.
* Plugin authors should never have to manually validate action tokens.
* @access private
* @param bool $visibleerrors Emit {@link register_error()} errors on failure?
* @param mixed $token The token to test against. Default: $_REQUEST['__elgg_token']
* @param mixed $ts The time stamp to test against. Default: $_REQUEST['__elgg_ts']
* @return bool
* @see generate_action_token()
* @link
function validate_action_token($visibleerrors = TRUE, $token = NULL, $ts = NULL) {
if (!$token) {
$token = get_input('__elgg_token');
if (!$ts) {
$ts = get_input('__elgg_ts');
$session_id = session_id();
if (($token) && ($ts) && ($session_id)) {
// generate token, check with input and forward if invalid
$generated_token = generate_action_token($ts);
// Validate token
if ($token == $generated_token) {
$hour = 60 * 60;
$now = time();
// Validate time to ensure its not crazy
if (($ts > $now - $hour) && ($ts < $now + $hour)) {
// We have already got this far, so unless anything
// else says something to the contry we assume we're ok
$returnval = true;
$returnval = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('action_gatekeeper:permissions:check', 'all', array(
'token' => $token,
'time' => $ts
), $returnval);
if ($returnval) {
return true;
} else if ($visibleerrors) {
} else if ($visibleerrors) {
} else if ($visibleerrors) {
} else if ($visibleerrors) {
return FALSE;
* Validates the presence of action tokens.
* This function is called for all actions. If action tokens are missing,
* the user will be forwarded to the site front page and an error emitted.
* This function verifies form input for security features (like a generated token), and forwards
* the page if they are invalid.
* @access private
* @return mixed True if valid, or redirects to front page and exists.
function action_gatekeeper() {
if (validate_action_token()) {
return TRUE;
forward('', 'csrf');
* Generate an action token.
* Action tokens are based on timestamps as returned by {@link time()}.
* They are valid for one hour.
* Action tokens should be passed to all actions name __elgg_ts and __elgg_token.
* @warning Action tokens are required for all actions.
* @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp
* @see @elgg_view input/securitytoken
* @see @elgg_view input/form
* @example actions/manual_tokens.php
* @return string|false
function generate_action_token($timestamp) {
$site_secret = get_site_secret();
$session_id = session_id();
// Session token
$st = $_SESSION['__elgg_session'];
if (($site_secret) && ($session_id)) {
return md5($site_secret . $timestamp . $session_id . $st);
return FALSE;
* Initialise the site secret hash.
* Used during installation and saves as a datalist.
* @return mixed The site secret hash or false
* @access private
* @todo Move to better file.
function init_site_secret() {
$secret = md5(rand() . microtime());
if (datalist_set('__site_secret__', $secret)) {
return $secret;
return FALSE;
* Returns the site secret.
* Used to generate difficult to guess hashes for sessions and action tokens.
* @return string Site secret.
* @access private
* @todo Move to better file.
function get_site_secret() {
$secret = datalist_get('__site_secret__');
if (!$secret) {
$secret = init_site_secret();
return $secret;
* Check if an action is registered and its file exists.
* @param string $action Action name
* @return BOOL
* @since 1.8
function elgg_action_exist($action) {
global $CONFIG;
return (isset($CONFIG->actions[$action]) && file_exists($CONFIG->actions[$action]['file']));
* Initialize some ajaxy actions features
function actions_init() {
elgg_register_action('security/refreshtoken', '', 'public');
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('action', 'all', 'ajax_action_hook');
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('forward', 'all', 'ajax_forward_hook');
* Checks whether the request was requested via ajax
* @return bool whether page was requested via ajax
function elgg_is_xhr() {
&& strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest';
* Catch calls to forward() in ajax request and force an exit.
* Forces response is json of the following form:
* { * "current_url": "the.url.we/were/coming/from", * "forward_url": "the.url.we/were/going/to", * "system_messages": { * "messages": ["msg1", "msg2", ...], * "errors": ["err1", "err2", ...] * }, * "status": -1 //or 0 for success if there are no error messages present * } ** where "system_messages" is all message registers at the point of forwarding * * @param string $hook * @param string $type * @param string $reason * @param array $params * */ function ajax_forward_hook($hook, $type, $reason, $params) { if (elgg_is_xhr()) { //grab any data echo'd in the action $output = ob_get_clean(); //Avoid double-encoding in case data is json $json = json_decode($output); if (isset($json)) { $params['output'] = $json; } else { $params['output'] = $output; } //Grab any system messages so we can inject them via ajax too $params['system_messages'] = system_messages(NULL, ""); if (isset($params['system_messages']['errors'])) { $params['status'] = -1; } else { $params['status'] = 0; } header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($params); exit; } } /** * Buffer all output echo'd directly in the action for inclusion in the returned JSON. */ function ajax_action_hook() { if (elgg_is_xhr()) { ob_start(); } } elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'actions_init');