elgg.provide('elgg.ui'); elgg.ui.init = function () { $('a.collapsibleboxlink').click(elgg.ui.toggleCollapsibleBox); // set-up hover class for dragged widgets var cols = [ "#rightcolumn_widgets", "#middlecolumn_widgets", "#leftcolumn_widgets" ].join(','); $(cols).droppable({ accept: ".draggable_widget", hoverClass: 'droppable-hover' }); }; // reusable generic hidden panel elgg.ui.toggleCollapsibleBox = function () { $(this.parentNode.parentNode).children(".collapsible_box").slideToggle("fast"); return false; }; //define some helper jquery plugins (function($) { // ELGG TOOLBAR MENU $.fn.elgg_topbardropdownmenu = function(options) { var defaults = { speed: 350 }; options = $.extend(defaults, options || {}); this.each(function() { var root = this, zIndex = 5000; function getSubnav(ele) { if (ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li') { var subnav = $('> ul', ele); return subnav.length ? subnav[0] : null; } else { return ele; } } function getActuator(ele) { if (ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul') { return $(ele).parents('li')[0]; } else { return ele; } } function hide() { var subnav = getSubnav(this); if (!subnav) { return; } $.data(subnav, 'cancelHide', false); setTimeout(function() { if (!$.data(subnav, 'cancelHide')) { $(subnav).slideUp(100); } }, 250); } function show() { var subnav = getSubnav(this); if (!subnav) { return; } $.data(subnav, 'cancelHide', true); $(subnav).css({zIndex: zIndex++}).slideDown(options.speed); if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul') { var li = getActuator(this); $(li).addClass('hover'); $('> a', li).addClass('hover'); } } $('ul, li', this).hover(show, hide); $('li', this).hover( function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); $('> a', this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); $('> a', this).removeClass('hover'); } ); }); }; //Make delimited list $.fn.makeDelimitedList = function(elementAttribute) { var delimitedListArray = []; var listDelimiter = "::"; // Loop over each element in the stack and add the elementAttribute to the array this.each(function(e) { var listElement = $(this); // Add the attribute value to our values array delimitedListArray[delimitedListArray.length] = listElement.attr(elementAttribute); } ); // Return value list by joining the array return(delimitedListArray.join(listDelimiter)); }; })(jQuery); $(function() { elgg.ui.init(); });