<?php /** * XML-RPC handler. * * @warning This is very old code. Does it work at all? * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage XMLRPC * @link http://docs.elgg.org/Tutorials/XMLRPC * @todo Does this work? */ require_once("../start.php"); global $CONFIG; // Register the error handler error_reporting(E_ALL); set_error_handler('_php_xmlrpc_error_handler'); // Register a default exception handler set_exception_handler('_php_xmlrpc_exception_handler'); // Set some defaults $result = null; set_input('view', 'xml'); // Set default view regardless // Get the post data $input = get_post_data(); if ($input) { // Parse structures from xml $call = new XMLRPCCall($input); // Process call $result = trigger_xmlrpc_handler($call); } else { throw new CallException(elgg_echo('xmlrpc:noinputdata')); } if (!($result instanceof XMLRPCResponse)) { throw new APIException(elgg_echo('APIException:ApiResultUnknown')); } // Output result echo elgg_view_page("XML-RPC", elgg_view("xml-rpc/output", array('result' => $result)));