<?php /** * ElggVolatileMetadataCache * In memory cache of known metadata values stored by entity. * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage Cache * * @access private */ class ElggVolatileMetadataCache { /** * The cached values (or null for known to be empty). If the portion of the cache * is synchronized, missing values are assumed to indicate that values do not * exist in storage, otherwise, we don't know what's there. * * @var array */ protected $values = array(); /** * Does the cache know that it contains all names fetch-able from storage? * The keys are entity GUIDs and either the value exists (true) or it's not set. * * @var array */ protected $isSynchronized = array(); /** * @var null|bool */ protected $ignoreAccess = null; /** * Cache metadata for an entity * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @param array $values The metadata values to cache * @return void */ public function saveAll($entity_guid, array $values) { if (!$this->getIgnoreAccess()) { $this->values[$entity_guid] = $values; $this->isSynchronized[$entity_guid] = true; } } /** * Get the metadata for an entity * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @return array */ public function loadAll($entity_guid) { if (isset($this->values[$entity_guid])) { return $this->values[$entity_guid]; } else { return array(); } } /** * Declare that there may be fetch-able metadata names in storage that this * cache doesn't know about * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @return void */ public function markOutOfSync($entity_guid) { unset($this->isSynchronized[$entity_guid]); } /** * Have all the metadata for this entity been cached? * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @return bool */ public function isSynchronized($entity_guid) { return isset($this->isSynchronized[$entity_guid]); } /** * Cache a piece of metadata * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @param string $name The metadata name * @param array|int|string|null $value The metadata value. null means it is * known that there is no fetch-able * metadata under this name * @param bool $allow_multiple Can the metadata be an array * @return void */ public function save($entity_guid, $name, $value, $allow_multiple = false) { if ($this->getIgnoreAccess()) { // we don't know if what gets saves here will be available to user once // access control returns, hence it's best to forget :/ $this->markUnknown($entity_guid, $name); } else { if ($allow_multiple) { if ($this->isKnown($entity_guid, $name)) { $existing = $this->load($entity_guid, $name); if ($existing !== null) { $existing = (array) $existing; $existing[] = $value; $value = $existing; } } else { // we don't know whether there are unknown values, so it's // safest to leave that assumption $this->markUnknown($entity_guid, $name); return; } } $this->values[$entity_guid][$name] = $value; } } /** * Warning: You should always call isKnown() beforehand to verify that this * function's return value should be trusted (otherwise a null return value * is ambiguous). * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @param string $name The metadata name * @return array|string|int|null null = value does not exist */ public function load($entity_guid, $name) { if (isset($this->values[$entity_guid]) && array_key_exists($name, $this->values[$entity_guid])) { return $this->values[$entity_guid][$name]; } else { return null; } } /** * Forget about this metadata entry. We don't want to try to guess what the * next fetch from storage will return * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @param string $name The metadata name * @return void */ public function markUnknown($entity_guid, $name) { unset($this->values[$entity_guid][$name]); $this->markOutOfSync($entity_guid); } /** * If true, load() will return an accurate value for this name * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @param string $name The metadata name * @return bool */ public function isKnown($entity_guid, $name) { if (isset($this->isSynchronized[$entity_guid])) { return true; } else { return (isset($this->values[$entity_guid]) && array_key_exists($name, $this->values[$entity_guid])); } } /** * Declare that metadata under this name is known to be not fetch-able from storage * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @param string $name The metadata name * @return array */ public function markEmpty($entity_guid, $name) { $this->values[$entity_guid][$name] = null; } /** * Forget about all metadata for an entity * * @param int $entity_guid The GUID of the entity * @return void */ public function clear($entity_guid) { $this->values[$entity_guid] = array(); $this->markOutOfSync($entity_guid); } /** * Clear entire cache and mark all entities as out of sync * * @return void */ public function flush() { $this->values = array(); $this->isSynchronized = array(); } /** * Use this value instead of calling elgg_get_ignore_access(). By default that * function will be called. * * This setting makes this component a little more loosely-coupled. * * @param bool $ignore Whether to ignore access or not * @return void */ public function setIgnoreAccess($ignore) { $this->ignoreAccess = (bool) $ignore; } /** * Tell the cache to call elgg_get_ignore_access() to determing access status. * * @return void */ public function unsetIgnoreAccess() { $this->ignoreAccess = null; } /** * Get the ignore access value * * @return bool */ protected function getIgnoreAccess() { if (null === $this->ignoreAccess) { return elgg_get_ignore_access(); } else { return $this->ignoreAccess; } } /** * Invalidate based on options passed to the global *_metadata functions * * @param string $action Action performed on metadata. "delete", "disable", or "enable" * @param array $options Options passed to elgg_(delete|disable|enable)_metadata * "guid" if given, invalidation will be limited to this entity * "metadata_name" if given, invalidation will be limited to metadata with this name * @return void */ public function invalidateByOptions($action, array $options) { // remove as little as possible, optimizing for common cases if (empty($options['guid'])) { // safest to clear everything unless we want to make this even more complex :( $this->flush(); } else { if (empty($options['metadata_name'])) { // safest to clear the whole entity $this->clear($options['guid']); } else { switch ($action) { case 'delete': $this->markEmpty($options['guid'], $options['metadata_name']); break; default: $this->markUnknown($options['guid'], $options['metadata_name']); } } } } /** * Populate the cache from a set of entities * * @param int|array $guids Array of or single GUIDs * @return void */ public function populateFromEntities($guids) { if (empty($guids)) { return; } if (!is_array($guids)) { $guids = array($guids); } $guids = array_unique($guids); // could be useful at some point in future //$guids = $this->filterMetadataHeavyEntities($guids); $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $options = array( 'guids' => $guids, 'limit' => 0, 'callback' => false, 'joins' => array( "JOIN {$db_prefix}metastrings v ON n_table.value_id = v.id", "JOIN {$db_prefix}metastrings n ON n_table.name_id = n.id", ), 'selects' => array('n.string AS name', 'v.string AS value'), 'order_by' => 'n_table.entity_guid, n_table.time_created ASC', // @todo don't know why this is necessary 'wheres' => array(get_access_sql_suffix('n_table')), ); $data = elgg_get_metadata($options); // build up metadata for each entity, save when GUID changes (or data ends) $last_guid = null; $metadata = array(); $last_row_idx = count($data) - 1; foreach ($data as $i => $row) { $name = $row->name; $value = ($row->value_type === 'text') ? $row->value : (int) $row->value; $guid = $row->entity_guid; if ($guid !== $last_guid) { if ($last_guid) { $this->saveAll($last_guid, $metadata); } $metadata = array(); } if (isset($metadata[$name])) { $metadata[$name] = (array) $metadata[$name]; $metadata[$name][] = $value; } else { $metadata[$name] = $value; } if (($i == $last_row_idx)) { $this->saveAll($guid, $metadata); } $last_guid = $guid; } } /** * Filter out entities whose concatenated metadata values (INTs casted as string) * exceed a threshold in characters. This could be used to avoid overpopulating the * cache if RAM usage becomes an issue. * * @param array $guids GUIDs of entities to examine * @param int $limit Limit in characters of all metadata (with ints casted to strings) * @return array */ public function filterMetadataHeavyEntities(array $guids, $limit = 1024000) { $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $options = array( 'guids' => $guids, 'limit' => 0, 'callback' => false, 'joins' => "JOIN {$db_prefix}metastrings v ON n_table.value_id = v.id", 'selects' => array('SUM(LENGTH(v.string)) AS bytes'), 'order_by' => 'n_table.entity_guid, n_table.time_created ASC', 'group_by' => 'n_table.entity_guid', ); $data = elgg_get_metadata($options); // don't cache if metadata for entity is over 10MB (or rolled INT) foreach ($data as $row) { if ($row->bytes > $limit || $row->bytes < 0) { array_splice($guids, array_search($row->entity_guid, $guids), 1); } } return $guids; } }