 * Manages plugin packages under mod.
 * @todo This should eventually be merged into ElggPlugin.
 * Currently ElggPlugin objects are only used to get and save
 * plugin settings and user settings, so not every plugin
 * has an ElggPlugin object.  It's not implemented in ElggPlugin
 * right now because of conflicts with at least the constructor,
 * enable(), disable(), and private settings.
 * Around 1.9 or so we should each plugin over to using
 * ElggPlugin and merge ElggPluginPackage and ElggPlugin.
 * @package    Elgg.Core
 * @subpackage Plugins
 * @since      1.8
class ElggPluginPackage {

	 * The required files in the package
	 * @var array
	private $requiredFiles = array(
		'start.php', 'manifest.xml'

	 * Valid types for provides.
	 * @var array
	private $providesSupportedTypes = array(
		'plugin', 'php_extension'

	 * The type of requires/conflicts supported
	 * @var array
	private $depsSupportedTypes = array(
		'elgg_version', 'elgg_release', 'php_extension', 'php_ini', 'plugin', 'priority',

	 * An invalid plugin error.
	private $invalidPluginError = '';

	 * Any dependencies messages
	private $depsMsgs = array();

	 * The plugin's manifest object
	 * @var ElggPluginManifest
	protected $manifest;

	 * The plugin's full path
	 * @var string
	protected $path;

	 * Is the plugin valid?
	 * @var mixed Bool after validation check, null before.
	protected $valid = null;

	 * The plugin ID (dir name)
	 * @var string
	protected $id;

	 * Load a plugin package from mod/$id or by full path.
	 * @param string $plugin   The ID (directory name) or full path of the plugin.
	 * @param bool   $validate Automatically run isValid()?
	 * @return true
	 * @throws PluginException
	public function __construct($plugin, $validate = true) {
		$plugin_path = elgg_get_plugins_path();
		// @todo wanted to avoid another is_dir() call here.
		// should do some profiling to see how much it affects
		if (strpos($plugin, $plugin_path) === 0 || is_dir($plugin)) {
			// this is a path
			$path = sanitise_filepath($plugin);

			// the id is the last element of the array
			$path_array = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
			$id = array_pop($path_array);
		} else {
			// this is a plugin id
			// strict plugin names
			if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9\.\-_]/i', $id)) {
				throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidID', array($plugin)));

			$path = "{$plugin_path}$plugin/";
			$id = $plugin;

		if (!is_dir($path)) {
			throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidPath', array($path)));

		$this->path = $path;
		$this->id = $id;

		if ($validate && !$this->isValid()) {
			if ($this->invalidPluginError) {
				throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidPlugin:Details',
							array($plugin, $this->invalidPluginError)));
			} else {
				throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidPlugin', array($plugin)));

		return true;

	 * Validation and sanity checks *

	 * Checks if this is a valid Elgg plugin.
	 * Checks for requires files as defined at the start of this
	 * class.  Will check require manifest fields via ElggPluginManifest
	 * for Elgg 1.8 plugins.
	 * @note This doesn't check dependencies or conflicts.
	 * Use {@link ElggPluginPackage::canActivate()} or
	 * {@link ElggPluginPackage::checkDependencies()} for that.
	 * @return bool
	public function isValid() {
		if (isset($this->valid)) {
			return $this->valid;

		$valid = true;

		// check required files.
		$have_req_files = true;
		foreach ($this->requiredFiles as $file) {
			if (!is_readable($this->path . $file)) {
				$have_req_files = false;
				$this->invalidPluginError =
					elgg_echo('ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:MissingFile', array($file));

		// check required files
		if (!$have_req_files) {
			$valid = false;

		// check for valid manifest.
		if (!$this->loadManifest()) {
			$valid = false;

		// can't require or conflict with yourself or something you provide.
		// make sure provides are all valid.
		if (!$this->isSaneDeps()) {
			$valid = false;

		$this->valid = $valid;

		return $valid;

	 * Check the plugin doesn't require or conflict with itself
	 * or something provides.  Also check that it only list
	 * valid provides.  Deps are checked in checkDependencies()
	 * @note Plugins always provide themselves.
	 * @todo Don't let them require and conflict the same thing
	 * @return bool
	private function isSaneDeps() {
		// protection against plugins with no manifest file
		if (!$this->getManifest()) {
			return false;

		$conflicts = $this->getManifest()->getConflicts();
		$requires = $this->getManifest()->getRequires();
		$provides = $this->getManifest()->getProvides();

		foreach ($provides as $provide) {
			// only valid provide types
			if (!in_array($provide['type'], $this->providesSupportedTypes)) {
				$this->invalidPluginError =
					elgg_echo('ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidProvides', array($provide['type']));
				return false;

			// doesn't conflict or require any of its provides
			$name = $provide['name'];
			foreach (array('conflicts', 'requires') as $dep_type) {
				foreach (${$dep_type} as $dep) {
					if (!in_array($dep['type'], $this->depsSupportedTypes)) {
						$this->invalidPluginError =
							elgg_echo('ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidDependency', array($dep['type']));
						return false;

					// make sure nothing is providing something it conflicts or requires.
					if (isset($dep['name']) && $dep['name'] == $name) {
						$version_compare = version_compare($provide['version'], $dep['version'], $dep['comparison']);

						if ($version_compare) {
							$this->invalidPluginError =
									array($dep['type'], $dep['name'], $this->id));

							return false;

		return true;

	 * Manifest *

	 * Returns a parsed manifest file.
	 * @return ElggPluginManifest
	public function getManifest() {
		if (!$this->manifest) {
			if (!$this->loadManifest()) {
				return false;

		return $this->manifest;

	 * Loads the manifest into this->manifest as an
	 * ElggPluginManifest object.
	 * @return bool
	private function loadManifest() {
		$file = $this->path . 'manifest.xml';

		try {
			$this->manifest = new ElggPluginManifest($file, $this->id);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			return false;

		if ($this->manifest instanceof ElggPluginManifest) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Dependencies system *

	 * Returns if the Elgg system meets the plugin's dependency
	 * requirements.  This includes both requires and conflicts.
	 * Full reports can be requested.  The results are returned
	 * as an array of arrays in the form array(
	 * 	'type' => requires|conflicts,
	 * 	'dep' => array( dependency array ),
	 * 	'status' => bool if depedency is met,
	 * 	'comment' => optional comment to display to the user.
	 * )
	 * @param bool $full_report Return a full report.
	 * @return bool|array
	public function checkDependencies($full_report = false) {
		$requires = $this->getManifest()->getRequires();
		$conflicts = $this->getManifest()->getConflicts();
		$enabled_plugins = elgg_get_plugins('active');
		$this_id = $this->getID();
		$report = array();

		// first, check if any active plugin conflicts with us.
		foreach ($enabled_plugins as $plugin) {
			$temp_conflicts = $plugin->manifest->getConflicts();
			foreach ($temp_conflicts as $conflict) {
				if ($conflict['type'] == 'plugin' && $conflict['name'] == $this_id) {
					$result = $this->checkDepPlugin($conflict, $enabled_plugins, false);

					// rewrite the conflict to show the originating plugin
					$conflict['name'] = $plugin->manifest->getName();

					if (!$full_report && !$result['status']) {
						return $result['status'];
					} else {
						$report[] = array(
							'type' => 'conflicted',
							'dep' => $conflict,
							'status' => $result['status'],
							'value' => $this->getManifest()->getVersion()

		$check_types = array('requires', 'conflicts');

		if ($full_report) {
			$suggests = $this->getManifest()->getSuggests();
			$check_types[] = 'suggests';

		foreach ($check_types as $dep_type) {
			$inverse = ($dep_type == 'conflicts') ? true : false;

			foreach (${$dep_type} as $dep) {
				switch ($dep['type']) {
					case 'elgg_version':
						$result = $this->checkDepElgg($dep, get_version(), $inverse);

					case 'elgg_release':
						$result = $this->checkDepElgg($dep, get_version(true), $inverse);

					case 'plugin':
						$result = $this->checkDepPlugin($dep, $enabled_plugins, $inverse);

					case 'priority':
						$result = $this->checkDepPriority($dep, $enabled_plugins, $inverse);

					case 'php_extension':
						$result = $this->checkDepPhpExtension($dep, $inverse);

					case 'php_ini':
						$result = $this->checkDepPhpIni($dep, $inverse);

				// unless we're doing a full report, break as soon as we fail.
				if (!$full_report && !$result['status']) {
					return $result['status'];
				} else {
					// build report element and comment
					$report[] = array(
						'type' => $dep_type,
						'dep' => $dep,
						'status' => $result['status'],
						'value' => $result['value']

		if ($full_report) {
			// add provides to full report
			$provides = $this->getManifest()->getProvides();

			foreach ($provides as $provide) {
				$report[] = array(
					'type' => 'provides',
					'dep' => $provide,
					'status' => true,
					'value' => ''

			return $report;

		return true;

	 * Checks if $plugins meets the requirement by $dep.
	 * @param array $dep     An Elgg manifest.xml deps array
	 * @param array $plugins A list of plugins as returned by elgg_get_plugins();
	 * @param bool  $inverse Inverse the results to use as a conflicts.
	 * @return bool
	private function checkDepPlugin(array $dep, array $plugins, $inverse = false) {
		$r = elgg_check_plugins_provides('plugin', $dep['name'], $dep['version'], $dep['comparison']);

		if ($inverse) {
			$r['status'] = !$r['status'];

		return $r;

	 * Checks if $plugins meets the requirement by $dep.
	 * @param array $dep     An Elgg manifest.xml deps array
	 * @param array $plugins A list of plugins as returned by elgg_get_plugins();
	 * @param bool  $inverse Inverse the results to use as a conflicts.
	 * @return bool
	private function checkDepPriority(array $dep, array $plugins, $inverse = false) {
		// see if we exist as an ElggPlugin
		$this_plugin = elgg_get_plugin_from_id($this->getID());
		$this_priority = $this_plugin->getPriority();

		foreach ($plugins as $test_plugin) {
			if ($test_plugin->getID() == $dep['plugin']) {

		$test_plugin_priority = $test_plugin->getPriority();

		switch ($dep['priority']) {
			case 'before':
				$status = $this_priority < $test_plugin_priority;

			case 'after':
				$status = $this_priority > $test_plugin_priority;

				$status = false;

		// get the current value
		if ($this_priority < $test_plugin_priority) {
			$value = 'before';
		} else {
			$value = 'after';

		if ($inverse) {
			$status = !$status;

		return array(
			'status' => $status,
			'value' => $value

	 * Checks if $elgg_version meets the requirement by $dep.
	 * @param array $dep          An Elgg manifest.xml deps array
	 * @param array $elgg_version An Elgg version (either YYYYMMDDXX or X.Y.Z)
	 * @param bool  $inverse      Inverse the result to use as a conflicts.
	 * @return bool
	private function checkDepElgg(array $dep, $elgg_version, $inverse = false) {
		$status = version_compare($elgg_version, $dep['version'], $dep['comparison']);

		if ($inverse) {
			$status = !$status;

		return array(
			'status' => $status,
			'value' => $elgg_version

	 * Checks if the PHP extension in $dep is loaded.
	 * @todo Can this be merged with the plugin checker?
	 * @param array $dep     An Elgg manifest.xml deps array
	 * @param bool  $inverse Inverse the result to use as a conflicts.
	 * @return array An array in the form array(
	 * 	'status' => bool
	 * 	'value' => string The version provided
	 * )
	private function checkDepPhpExtension(array $dep, $inverse = false) {
		$name = $dep['name'];
		$version = $dep['version'];
		$comparison = $dep['comparison'];

		// not enabled.
		$status = extension_loaded($name);

		// enabled. check version.
		$ext_version = phpversion($name);

		if ($status) {
			// some extensions (like gd) don't provide versions. neat.
			// don't check version info and return a lie.
			if ($ext_version && $version) {
				$status = version_compare($ext_version, $version, $comparison);

			if (!$ext_version) {
				$ext_version = '???';

		// some php extensions can be emulated, so check provides.
		if ($status == false) {
			$provides = elgg_check_plugins_provides('php_extension', $name, $version, $comparison);
			$status = $provides['status'];
			$ext_version = $provides['value'];

		if ($inverse) {
			$status = !$status;

		return array(
			'status' => $status,
			'value' => $ext_version

	 * Check if the PHP ini setting satisfies $dep.
	 * @param array $dep     An Elgg manifest.xml deps array
	 * @param bool  $inverse Inverse the result to use as a conflicts.
	 * @return bool
	private function checkDepPhpIni($dep, $inverse = false) {
		$name = $dep['name'];
		$value = $dep['value'];
		$comparison = $dep['comparison'];

		// ini_get() normalizes truthy values to 1 but falsey values to 0 or ''.
		// version_compare() considers '' < 0, so normalize '' to 0.
		// ElggPluginManifest normalizes all bool values and '' to 1 or 0.
		$setting = ini_get($name);

		if ($setting === '') {
			$setting = 0;

		$status = version_compare($setting, $value, $comparison);

		if ($inverse) {
			$status = !$status;

		return array(
			'status' => $status,
			'value' => $setting

	 * Returns the Plugin ID
	 * @return string
	public function getID() {
		return $this->id;
