attributes['type'] = "object"; $this->attributes['title'] = ""; $this->attributes['description'] = ""; $this->attributes['tables_split'] = 2; } /** * Load or create a new ElggObject. * * If no arguments are passed, create a new entity. * If an argument is passed as an int, attempt to load that object by guid. * If an argument is passed as an object, assume that it is as database result object and attempt to load * by $obj->guid. * * @param mixed $guid If an int, load that GUID. If a db row then will attempt to load the rest of the data. * @throws IOException If passed an incorrect guid * @throws InvalidParameterException If passed an Elgg* Entity that isn't an ElggObject */ function __construct($guid = null) { $this->initialise_attributes(); if (!empty($guid)) { // Is $guid is a DB row - either a entity row, or a object table row. if ($guid instanceof stdClass) { // Load the rest if (!$this->load($guid->guid)) { throw new IOException(sprintf(elgg_echo('IOException:FailedToLoadGUID'), get_class(), $guid->guid)); } } // Is $guid is an ElggObject? Use a copy constructor else if ($guid instanceof ElggObject) { elgg_deprecated_notice('This type of usage of the ElggObject constructor was deprecated. Please use the clone method.', 1.7); foreach ($guid->attributes as $key => $value) { $this->attributes[$key] = $value; } } // Is this is an ElggEntity but not an ElggObject = ERROR! else if ($guid instanceof ElggEntity) { throw new InvalidParameterException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject')); } // We assume if we have got this far, $guid is an int else if (is_numeric($guid)) { if (!$this->load($guid)) { throw new IOException(sprintf(elgg_echo('IOException:FailedToLoadGUID'), get_class(), $guid)); } } else { throw new InvalidParameterException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue')); } } } /** * Loads the full ElggObject when given a guid. * * @param int $guid * @return bool * @throws InvalidClassException */ protected function load($guid) { // Test to see if we have the generic stuff if (!parent::load($guid)) { return false; } // Check the type if ($this->attributes['type']!='object') { throw new InvalidClassException(sprintf(elgg_echo('InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar'), $guid, get_class())); } // Load missing data $row = get_object_entity_as_row($guid); if (($row) && (!$this->isFullyLoaded())) { // If $row isn't a cached copy then increment the counter $this->attributes['tables_loaded'] ++; } // Now put these into the attributes array as core values $objarray = (array) $row; foreach($objarray as $key => $value) { $this->attributes[$key] = $value; } return true; } /** * Saves object-specific attributes. * * @internal Object attributes are saved in the objects_entity table. * * @return bool */ public function save() { // Save ElggEntity attributes if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Save ElggObject-specific attributes return create_object_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('title'), $this->get('description'), $this->get('container_guid')); } /** * Return sites that this object is a member of * * Site membership is determined by relationships and not site_guid.d * * @param string $subtype Optionally, the subtype of result we want to limit to * @param int $limit The number of results to return * @param int $offset Any indexing offset * @todo This should be moved to ElggEntity * @todo Unimplemented */ function getSites($subtype="", $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { return get_site_objects($this->getGUID(), $subtype, $limit, $offset); } /** * Add this object to a site * * @param int $site_guid The guid of the site to add it to * @return bool */ function addToSite($site_guid) { return add_site_object($this->getGUID(), $site_guid); } /** * Set the container for this object. * * @param int $container_guid The ID of the container. * @return bool */ function setContainer($container_guid) { $container_guid = (int)$container_guid; return $this->set('container_guid', $container_guid); } /** * Returns the container GUID of this object. * * @return int */ function getContainer() { return $this->get('container_guid'); } /** * Returns the contain entity for this object. * * @return mixed ElggGroup object or false. */ function getContainerEntity() { $result = get_entity($this->getContainer()); if (($result) && ($result instanceof ElggGroup)) { return $result; } return false; } /** * Get the collections associated with a object. * * @param string $subtype Optionally, the subtype of result we want to limit to * @param int $limit The number of results to return * @param int $offset Any indexing offset * @return unknown */ //public function getCollections($subtype="", $limit = 10, $offset = 0) { get_object_collections($this->getGUID(), $subtype, $limit, $offset); } /* * EXPORTABLE INTERFACE */ /** * Return an array of fields which can be exported. * * @return array */ public function getExportableValues() { return array_merge(parent::getExportableValues(), array( 'title', 'description', )); } }