<?php /** * Elgg Menu Builder * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage Navigation * * @since 1.8.0 */ class ElggMenuBuilder { protected $menu = array(); protected $selected = null; /** * ElggMenuBuilder constructor * * @param string $name Identifier of the menu */ public function __construct($menu) { $this->menu = $menu; } /** * Get a prepared menu array * * @param mixed $sort_by * @return array */ public function getMenu($sort_by) { $this->selectFromContext(); $this->selected = $this->findSelected(); $this->setupSections(); $this->setupTrees(); $this->sort($sort_by); return $this->menu; } /** * Get the selected menu item * * @return ElggMenuItem */ public function getSelected() { return $this->selected; } /** * Select menu items for the current context * * @return void */ protected function selectFromContext() { if (!isset($this->menu)) { $this->menu = array(); return; } // get menu items for this context $selected_menu = array(); foreach ($this->menu as $menu_item) { if ($menu_item->inContext()) { $selected_menu[] = $menu_item; } } $this->menu = $selected_menu; } /** * Group the menu items into sections * @return void */ protected function setupSections() { $sectioned_menu = array(); foreach ($this->menu as $menu_item) { if (!isset($sectioned_menu[$menu_item->getSection()])) { $sectioned_menu[$menu_item->getSection()] = array(); } $sectioned_menu[$menu_item->getSection()][] = $menu_item; } $this->menu = $sectioned_menu; } /** * Create trees for each menu section * * @internal The tree is doubly linked (parent and children links) * @return void */ protected function setupTrees() { $menu_tree = array(); foreach ($this->menu as $key => $section) { $parents = array(); $children = array(); // divide base nodes from children foreach ($section as $menu_item) { $parent_name = $menu_item->getParentName(); if (!$parent_name) { $parents[$menu_item->getName()] = $menu_item; } else { $children[] = $menu_item; } } // attach children to parents $iteration = 0; $current_gen = $parents; while (count($children) && $iteration < 5) { foreach ($children as $index => $menu_item) { $parent_name = $menu_item->getParentName(); if (array_key_exists($parent_name, $current_gen)) { $next_gen[$menu_item->getName()] = $menu_item; $current_gen[$parent_name]->addChild($menu_item); $menu_item->setParent($current_gen[$parent_name]); unset($children[$index]); } } $current_gen = $next_gen; $iteration += 1; } // convert keys to indexes for first level of tree $parents = array_values($parents); $menu_tree[$key] = $parents; } $this->menu = $menu_tree; } /** * Find the menu item that is currently selected * * @return ElggMenuItem */ protected function findSelected() { // do we have a selected menu item already foreach ($this->menu as $menu_item) { if ($menu_item->getSelected()) { return $menu_item; } } // scan looking for a selected item foreach ($this->menu as $menu_item) { if ($menu_item->getURL()) { if (elgg_http_url_is_identical(full_url(), $menu_item->getURL())) { $menu_item->setSelected(true); return $menu_item; } } } return null; } /** * Sort the menu sections and trees * * @param mixed $sort_by Sort type as string or php callback * @return void */ protected function sort($sort_by) { // sort sections ksort($this->menu); switch ($sort_by) { case 'title': $sort_callback = array('ElggMenuBuilder', 'compareByTitle'); break; case 'name'; $sort_callback = array('ElggMenuBuilder', 'compareByName'); break; case 'order': // use registration order return; break; default: if (is_callable($sort_by)) { $sort_callback = $sort_by; } else { return; } break; } // sort each section foreach ($this->menu as $index => $section) { usort($section, $sort_callback); $this->menu[$index] = $section; // depth first traversal of tree foreach ($section as $root) { $stack = array(); array_push($stack, $root); while (!empty($stack)) { $node = array_pop($stack); $node->sortChildren($sort_callback); $children = $node->getChildren(); if ($children) { $stack = array_merge($stack, $children); } $p = count($stack); } } } } /** * Compare two menu items by their titles * * @param ElggMenuItem $a * @param ElggMenuItem $b * @return bool */ public static function compareByTitle($a, $b) { $a = $a->getTitle(); $b = $b->getTitle(); return strnatcmp($a, $b); } /** * Compare two menu items by their identifiers * * @param ElggMenuItem $a * @param ElggMenuItem $b * @return bool */ public static function compareByName($a, $b) { $a = $a->getName(); $b = $b->getName(); return strcmp($a, $b); } }