attributes['subtype'] = "file"; } /** * Loads an ElggFile entity. * * @param int $guid GUID of the ElggFile object */ public function __construct($guid = null) { parent::__construct($guid); // Set default filestore $this->filestore = $this->getFilestore(); } /** * Set the filename of this file. * * @param string $name The filename. * * @return void */ public function setFilename($name) { $this->filename = $name; } /** * Return the filename. * * @return string */ public function getFilename() { return $this->filename; } /** * Return the filename of this file as it is/will be stored on the * filestore, which may be different to the filename. * * @return string */ public function getFilenameOnFilestore() { return $this->filestore->getFilenameOnFilestore($this); } /** * Return the size of the filestore associated with this file * * @param string $prefix Storage prefix * @param int $container_guid The container GUID of the checked filestore * * @return int */ public function getFilestoreSize($prefix = '', $container_guid = 0) { if (!$container_guid) { $container_guid = $this->container_guid; } $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->getSize($prefix, $container_guid); } /** * Get the mime type of the file. * * @return string */ public function getMimeType() { if ($this->mimetype) { return $this->mimetype; } // @todo Guess mimetype if not here } /** * Set the mime type of the file. * * @param string $mimetype The mimetype * * @return bool */ public function setMimeType($mimetype) { return $this->mimetype = $mimetype; } /** * Set the optional file description. * * @param string $description The description. * * @return bool */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * Open the file with the given mode * * @param string $mode Either read/write/append * * @return resource File handler */ public function open($mode) { if (!$this->getFilename()) { throw new IOException(elgg_echo('IOException:MissingFileName')); } // See if file has already been saved // seek on datastore, parameters and name? // Sanity check if ( ($mode != "read") && ($mode != "write") && ($mode != "append") ) { $msg = elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode', array($mode)); throw new InvalidParameterException($msg); } // Get the filestore $fs = $this->getFilestore(); // Ensure that we save the file details to object store //$this->save(); // Open the file handle $this->handle = $fs->open($this, $mode); return $this->handle; } /** * Write data. * * @param string $data The data * * @return bool */ public function write($data) { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->write($this->handle, $data); } /** * Read data. * * @param int $length Amount to read. * @param int $offset The offset to start from. * * @return mixed Data or false */ public function read($length, $offset = 0) { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->read($this->handle, $length, $offset); } /** * Gets the full contents of this file. * * @return mixed The file contents. */ public function grabFile() { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->grabFile($this); } /** * Close the file and commit changes * * @return bool */ public function close() { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); if ($fs->close($this->handle)) { $this->handle = NULL; return true; } return false; } /** * Delete this file. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); if ($fs->delete($this)) { return parent::delete(); } } /** * Seek a position in the file. * * @param int $position Position in bytes * * @return bool */ public function seek($position) { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->seek($this->handle, $position); } /** * Return the current position of the file. * * @return int The file position */ public function tell() { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->tell($this->handle); } /** * Return the size of the file in bytes. * * @return int */ public function size() { return $this->filestore->getFileSize($this); } /** * Return a boolean value whether the file handle is at the end of the file * * @return bool */ public function eof() { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->eof($this->handle); } /** * Returns if the file exists * * @return bool */ public function exists() { $fs = $this->getFilestore(); return $fs->exists($this); } /** * Set a filestore. * * @param ElggFilestore $filestore The file store. * * @return void */ public function setFilestore(ElggFilestore $filestore) { $this->filestore = $filestore; } /** * Return a filestore suitable for saving this file. * This filestore is either a pre-registered filestore, * a filestore as recorded in metadata or the system default. * * @return ElggFilestore */ protected function getFilestore() { // Short circuit if already set. if ($this->filestore) { return $this->filestore; } // ask for entity specific filestore // saved as filestore::className in metadata. // need to get all filestore::* metadata because the rest are "parameters" that // get passed to filestore::setParameters() if ($this->guid) { $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $options = array( 'guid' => $this->guid, 'where' => array("n.string LIKE 'filestore::%'"), 'join' => "JOIN {$db_prefix}metastrings n on n_table.name_id =" ); $mds = elgg_get_metadata($options); $parameters = array(); foreach ($mds as $md) { list($foo, $name) = explode("::", $md->name); if ($name == 'filestore') { $filestore = $md->value; } $parameters[$name] = $md->value; } } // need to check if filestore is set because this entity is loaded in save() // before the filestore metadata is saved. if (isset($filestore)) { if (!class_exists($filestore)) { $msg = elgg_echo('ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile', array($filestore, $this->guid)); throw new ClassNotFoundException($msg); } $this->filestore = new $filestore(); $this->filestore->setParameters($parameters); } // this means the entity hasn't been saved so fallback to default if (!$this->filestore) { $this->filestore = get_default_filestore(); } return $this->filestore; } /** * Save the file * * Write the file's data to the filestore and save * the corresponding entity. * * @see ElggObject::save() * * @return bool */ public function save() { if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Save datastore metadata $params = $this->filestore->getParameters(); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $this->setMetaData("filestore::$k", $v); } // Now make a note of the filestore class $this->setMetaData("filestore::filestore", get_class($this->filestore)); return true; } }