
 * Loads ElggEntity attributes from DB or validates those passed in via constructor
 * @access private
 * @package    Elgg.Core
 * @subpackage DataModel
class ElggAttributeLoader {

	 * @var array names of attributes in all entities
	protected static $primary_attr_names = array(

	 * @var array names of secondary attributes required for the entity
	protected $secondary_attr_names = array();

	 * @var string entity type (not class) required for fetched primaries
	protected $required_type;

	 * @var array
	protected $initialized_attributes;

	 * @var string class of object being loaded
	protected $class;

	 * @var bool should access control be considered when fetching entity?
	public $requires_access_control = true;

	 * @var callable function used to load attributes from {prefix}entities table
	public $primary_loader = 'get_entity_as_row';

	 * @var callable function used to load attributes from secondary table
	public $secondary_loader = '';

	 * @var callable function used to load all necessary attributes
	public $full_loader = '';

	 * Constructor
	 * @param string $class             class of object being loaded
	 * @param string $required_type     entity type this is being used to populate
	 * @param array  $initialized_attrs attributes after initializeAttributes() has been run
	 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
	public function __construct($class, $required_type, array $initialized_attrs) {
		if (!is_string($class)) {
			throw new InvalidArgumentException('$class must be a class name.');
		$this->class = $class;

		if (!is_string($required_type)) {
			throw new InvalidArgumentException('$requiredType must be a system entity type.');
		$this->required_type = $required_type;

		$this->initialized_attributes = $initialized_attrs;
		unset($initialized_attrs['tables_split'], $initialized_attrs['tables_loaded']);
		$all_attr_names = array_keys($initialized_attrs);
		$this->secondary_attr_names = array_diff($all_attr_names, self::$primary_attr_names);

	 * Get primary attributes missing that are missing
	 * @param stdClass $row Database row
	 * @return array
	protected function isMissingPrimaries($row) {
		return array_diff(self::$primary_attr_names, array_keys($row)) !== array();

	 * Get secondary attributes that are missing
	 * @param stdClass $row Database row
	 * @return array
	protected function isMissingSecondaries($row) {
		return array_diff($this->secondary_attr_names, array_keys($row)) !== array();

	 * Check that the type is correct
	 * @param stdClass $row Database row
	 * @return void
	 * @throws InvalidClassException
	protected function checkType($row) {
		if ($row['type'] !== $this->required_type) {
			$msg = elgg_echo('InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar', array($row['guid'], $this->class));
			throw new InvalidClassException($msg);

	 * Get all required attributes for the entity, validating any that are passed in. Returns empty array
	 * if can't be loaded (Check $failure_reason).
	 * This function splits loading between "primary" attributes (those in {prefix}entities table) and
	 * "secondary" attributes (e.g. those in {prefix}objects_entity), but can load all at once if a
	 * combined loader is available.
	 * @param mixed $row a row loaded from DB (array or stdClass) or a GUID
	 * @return array will be empty if failed to load all attributes (access control or entity doesn't exist)
	 * @throws InvalidArgumentException|LogicException|IncompleteEntityException
	public function getRequiredAttributes($row) {
		if (!is_array($row) && !($row instanceof stdClass)) {
			// assume row is the GUID
			$row = array('guid' => $row);
		$row = (array) $row;
		if (empty($row['guid'])) {
			throw new InvalidArgumentException('$row must be or contain a GUID');

		// these must be present to support isFullyLoaded()
		foreach (array('tables_split', 'tables_loaded') as $key) {
			if (isset($this->initialized_attributes[$key])) {
				$row[$key] = $this->initialized_attributes[$key];

		$was_missing_primaries = $this->isMissingPrimaries($row);
		$was_missing_secondaries = $this->isMissingSecondaries($row);

		// some types have a function to load all attributes at once, it should be faster
		if (($was_missing_primaries || $was_missing_secondaries) && is_callable($this->full_loader)) {
			$fetched = (array) call_user_func($this->full_loader, $row['guid']);
			if (!$fetched) {
				return array();
			$row = array_merge($row, $fetched);
		} else {
			if ($was_missing_primaries) {
				if (!is_callable($this->primary_loader)) {
					throw new LogicException('Primary attribute loader must be callable');
				if ($this->requires_access_control) {
					$fetched = (array) call_user_func($this->primary_loader, $row['guid']);
				} else {
					$ignoring_access = elgg_set_ignore_access();
					$fetched = (array) call_user_func($this->primary_loader, $row['guid']);
				if (!$fetched) {
					return array();
				$row = array_merge($row, $fetched);

			// We must test type before trying to load the secondaries so that InvalidClassException
			// gets thrown. Otherwise the secondary loader will fail and return false.

			if ($was_missing_secondaries) {
				if (!is_callable($this->secondary_loader)) {
					throw new LogicException('Secondary attribute loader must be callable');
				$fetched = (array) call_user_func($this->secondary_loader, $row['guid']);
				if (!$fetched) {
					if ($row['type'] === 'site') {
						// A special case is needed for sites: When vanilla ElggEntities are created and
						// saved, these are stored w/ type "site", but with no sites_entity row. These
						// are probably only created in the unit tests.
						// @todo Don't save vanilla ElggEntities with type "site"

						$row = $this->filterAddedColumns($row);
						$row['guid'] = (int) $row['guid'];
						return $row;
					throw new IncompleteEntityException("Secondary loader failed to return row for {$row['guid']}");
				$row = array_merge($row, $fetched);

		$row = $this->filterAddedColumns($row);

		// Note: If there are still missing attributes, we're running on a 1.7 or earlier schema. We let
		// this pass so the upgrades can run.

		// guid needs to be an int  https://github.com/elgg/elgg/issues/4111
		$row['guid'] = (int) $row['guid'];

		return $row;

	 * Filter out keys returned by the query which should not appear in the entity's attributes
	 * @param array $row All columns from the query
	 * @return array Columns acceptable for the entity's attributes
	protected function filterAddedColumns($row) {
		// make an array with keys as acceptable attribute names
		$acceptable_attrs = self::$primary_attr_names;
		array_splice($acceptable_attrs, count($acceptable_attrs), 0, $this->secondary_attr_names);
		$acceptable_attrs = array_combine($acceptable_attrs, $acceptable_attrs);

		// @todo remove these when #4584 is in place
		$acceptable_attrs['tables_split'] = true;
		$acceptable_attrs['tables_loaded'] = true;

		foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
			if (!isset($acceptable_attrs[$key])) {
		return $row;