Project Lead:
Gabriel Monge-Franco (gabrielinux)

Original Author:
Jade Dominguez

See individual change logs for contributors to those builds

Version 1.5.1 Change List
Release Date: 03/29/2009
  * Gabriel Monge-Franco (
  * Cash Costello
  * VeniVidiVinco (  
* Updated Turkish language file
* Fixed permissions bug on all content caused by group override
* Added back the create album button to widgets 

Version 1.5 Change List
Release Date: 03/28/2009
  * Gabriel Monge-Franco (
  * Cash Costello
  * alfalive (
  * VeniVidiVinco (
Also thank you to those who tested the code in svn and provided feedback
* Fixed submenus on sidebar of album pages to make them consistent
* Fixed display issues for Elgg 1.5
* Using default site access now
* Pushing new album creation to river
* Fixed German language file
* Added Turkish
* Added notifications for new album creation
* Rewrote most of the page handlers to make cleaner 
* Fixed the access level bug on images
* Cleaned up css
* Fixed the group access bug on albums

Version 1.08.2 Change List
Release Date: 02/13/2008
  * Gabriel Monge-Franco (
* Fixed bug introduced in v1.08.1 that broke the picture upload (thanks to Karsten Schulze).
* Fixed empty variables in several files that were supposed to send the user back to the previous page, but didn't.
* Cleaned up change log (contributions.txt).
* Finally fixed the Polish language file!!! Yay!! :)

* TODO: Work around large image (high resolution) limit when creating thumbnails (an Elgg limitation... can probably be fixed by using PHP GD functions directly or ImageMagic if available)
  - The problem is with get_resized_image_from_existing_file().  Submitted a ticket to the Elgg tracking bug system.
  - Edit actions/upload.php when done. There is a dirty hack in place for now that needs to be removed once the above bug is fixed.
* TODO: disable public by default (input/accessRead.php) -- add setting to admin page that lets the site admin decide whether pictures can be public or not.
* TODO: allow group members to add pictures to group photo albums
* TODO: implement photo anotations
* TODO: look into replacing individual image views with lightbox2 or jQuery lightbox album views.
* TODO: create a new widget to show pictures (in slideshow) in a user's profile.
* TODO: add settings for group albums so that the group owner can select the number of albums to show.
* TODO: implement a way to move pictures from one album to another (should be pretty easy).
* TODO: add an "Add Photos" option to the user widget similar to the one in the group widget.
* TODO: implement automagic file resizing to meet the admin's maximum resolution and file size.

* OF NOTE: It is currently not possible to allow group members to edit an album created by another group member.  This is a bug with group permissions and it will probably not be fixed until [at least] Elgg v1.5 comes out.

Version 1.08.1 Change List
Release Date: 02/13/2008
  * Gabriel Monge-Franco (
  * LKLaRose (
  * Webgalli (
  * Karsten Schulze (
  * Cash (
* Fixed bug introduced in v1.08 that caused fake files to be created during thumbnail creation (thanks to Karsten Schulze).
* Reverted to old directory structure that saves pictures to /image/ALBUMGUID/picGUID (v1.08 saved to /image/ALBUMGUID__picGUID, thus keeping everything in one folder).
* Album directory is now deleted when the album is deleted (along with every picture inside of the album).
* Reverted thumbnail and small thumbnail to use picture cropping instead of scaling, so that sites that already use Tidypics can keep a consisting look and feel.
* Completed River integration by moving album and image directories to an "object" sub-directory (thanks to LKLaRose).
* Added status messages/graphics to give the user some feedback.
* Fixed bug in profile widget whereby the selected number of albums had no effect (thanks to @Webgalli and @cheltenham).
* Fixed bug introduced in v1.06 that prevented anonymous users from viewing a user's album (thanks to Karsten Schulze).
* Fixed more language file bugs (thanks to Karsten Schulze).
* Administrators can now set a file size limit from the plugin configuration (it has to be in Kilobytes).

* JUST PLAIN WEIRD:  Fixed Polish language file (thanks to @Vazco, Ian Medlock and Brett Profitt) and saved as UTF8 without BOM.  However, it still doesn't work.  Can somebody try saving it on a Polish box for me? :)

* TODO: fix Polish language file -- it seems to break the whole Elgg site! Maybe it needs to use HTML codes in place of international characters?
* TODO: Work around large image (high resolution) limit when creating thumbnails (an Elgg limitation... can probably be fixed by using PHP GD functions directly or ImageMagic if available)
  - The problem is with get_resized_image_from_existing_file().  Submitted a ticket to the Elgg tracking bug system.
  - Edit actions/upload.php when done. There is a dirty hack in place for now that needs to be removed once the above bug is fixed.
* TODO: disable public by default (input/accessRead.php) -- add setting to admin page that lets the site admin decide whether pictures can be public or not.
* TODO: allow group members to add pictures to group photo albums
* TODO: implement photo anotations
* TODO: look into replacing individual image views with lightbox2 or jQuery lightbox album views.
* TODO: create a new widget to show pictures (in slideshow) in a user's profile.
* TODO: add settings for group albums so that the group owner can select the number of albums to show.
* TODO: implement a way to move pictures from one album to another (should be pretty easy).

* OF NOTE: It is currently not possible to allow group members to edit an album created by another group member.  This is a bug with group permissions and it will probably not be fixed until [at least] Elgg v1.5 comes out.

Version 1.08 Change List
Release Date: 02/08/2008
  * Gabriel Monge-Franco (
* Merged most (safe) changes made by other contributors in v1.07.
 - Did not include SWFuploader or JQuery due to the number of bugs reported.
* Changed ugly "new album" picture into something better looking.
* Fixed bug whereby image objects were deleted from the database, but they physical files remained on the server.
  - Since deleting directories was not possible without the use of unsafe file operations, albums no longer create new directories.  Instead, all pictures are saved as /image/ALBUMGUID__picturename.
* Fixed some bugs in the English, Spanish and German language files and added missing error messages.
* Thumbnails now display the default error image (same as new album) when the requested image cannot be found.
* Fixed a bug in the multi-edit form that did not allow image titles to be saved.
* Removed some customizations made to edit.php action in v1.07 since they removed the ability to add titles to images.
* Fixed bug introduced in v1.07 that prevented images from being set as album covers.
* Fixed miscellaneous bugs in group albums widget.
* Removed jQuery for now since it was making the albums too slow.  In the future, we should look into replacing individual image views with lightbox2 or jQuery lightbox album views.

* TODO: fix Polish language file -- it seems to break the whole Elgg site! Maybe it needs to use HTML codes in place of international characters?
* TODO: Work around 0.9MB source file size limit when creating thumbnails (an Elgg limitation... can probably be fixed by using PHP GD functions directly)
  - The problem is with get_resized_image_from_existing_file().  Submitted a ticket to the Elgg tracking bug system.
  - Edit actions/upload.php when done. There is a dirty hack in place for now that needs to be removed once the above bug is fixed.
* TODO: disable public by default (input/accessRead.php) -- add setting to admin page that lets the site admin decide whether pictures can be public or not.
* TODO: allow group members to add pictures to group photo albums
* TODO: implement photo anotations
* TODO: look into replacing individual image views with lightbox2 or jQuery lightbox album views.

* OF NOTE: It is currently not possible to allow group members to edit an album created by another group member.  This is a bug with group permissions and it will probably not be fixed until [at least] Elgg v1.5 comes out.

Version 1.07 Change List
Release Date: 02/03/2008
  * vazco (
  * simophin (
* About 10 missing translations added
* Translated to polish
* When no album is present, user can add a new album straight from the widget if he has the required rights
* Added some missing <p></p>
* Changed some  <? to <?php
* Unauthorized album edit taken care of
* Added jQuery Lightbox support, but commented out just in case someone won't want to use it (there may be some problems with the lightbox, since I'm not using it myself and I didn't test it)

Version 1.06 Change List
Release Date: 02/03/2008
  * Gabriel Monge-Franco (
* Forward all non-logged in users to World (public) pictures. This fixes a bug in which anonymous users would see a list of pictures titled, "'s pictures" (without a name).
* Forward requests to "owned" without an user ID to "owned/userid" when a user is logged in. This fixes a bug in which all users would see a list of pictures titled, "'s pictures" (without a name).
* Replaced several hard-coded strings to elgg_echo() functions so they can be translated.
* Re-enabled title entry in picture editing. Titles are only optional, so there is no reason to hide them, especially if some users may find them useful.  Moreover, lack of image titles makes list views awkward.
* Fixed multi-picture editing bug in which editing was disabled after uploading multiple pictures.
* Fixed several tags not conforming to standard PHP opening tags.
* Fixed some bugs in the English language file.
* Added Spanish and German translations (if you speak German, please double-check the language file!!!).
* Added a download link at the bottom of each picture to download the original file.
* Updated some icons and created missing ones.

* TODO: disable public by default (input/accessRead.php) -- add setting to admin page that lets the site admin decide whether pictures can be public or not.
* TODO: change ugly "new album" picture into something better looking.
* TODO: re-organize files to clean up the plug-in directory (e.g., move world.php to views/default)
* TODO: Fix bug whereby image objects are deleted from the database, but the physical files remain on the server.  The path can be found with $file->getFilename(), but would it be safe to execute shell commands directly???