new_album == TP_NEW_ALBUM) {
$new_album = true;
} else {
$new_album = false;
// post limit exceeded
if (count($_FILES) == 0) {
trigger_error('Tidypics warning: user exceeded post limit on image upload', E_USER_WARNING);
// test to make sure at least 1 image was selected by user
$num_images = 0;
foreach($_FILES as $key => $sent_file) {
if (!empty($sent_file['name'])) {
if ($num_images == 0) {
// have user try again
$uploaded_images = array();
$not_uploaded = array();
$error_msgs = array();
foreach($_FILES as $key => $sent_file) {
// skip empty entries
if (empty($sent_file['name'])) {
$name = $sent_file['name'];
$mime = $sent_file['type'];
if ($sent_file['error']) {
array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
if ($sent_file['error'] == 1) {
trigger_error('Tidypics warning: image exceeded server php upload limit', E_USER_WARNING);
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:image_mem'));
} else {
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:unk_error'));
// must be an image
if (!tp_upload_check_format($mime)) {
array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:not_image'));
// check quota
if (!tp_upload_check_quota($sent_file['size'], get_loggedin_userid())) {
array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:exceed_quota'));
// make sure file does not exceed memory limit
if (!tp_upload_check_max_size($sent_file['size'])) {
array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:image_mem'));
// make sure the in memory image size does not exceed memory available
$imginfo = getimagesize($sent_file['tmp_name']);
if (!tp_upload_memory_check($image_lib, $imginfo[0] * $imginfo[1])) {
array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:image_pixels'));
trigger_error('Tidypics warning: image memory size too large for resizing so rejecting', E_USER_WARNING);
//this will save to users folder in /image/ and organize by photo album
$file = new TidypicsImage();
$file->container_guid = $album_guid;
$file->access_id = $access_id;
//$file->title = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '.'));
$result = $file->save();
if (!$result) {
array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:save_error'));
$file->saveImageFile($sent_file['tmp_name'], $sent_file['size']);
array_push($uploaded_images, $file->guid);
// plugins can register to be told when a new image has been uploaded
trigger_elgg_event('upload', 'tp_image', $file);
// successful upload so check if this is a new album and throw river event/notification if so
if ($album->new_album == TP_NEW_ALBUM) {
$album->new_album = TP_OLD_ALBUM;
// we throw the notification manually here so users are not told about the new album until there
// is at least a few photos in it
object_notifications('create', 'object', $album);
add_to_river('river/object/album/create', 'create', $album->owner_guid, $album->guid);
if ($img_river_view == "all") {
add_to_river('river/object/image/create', 'create', $file->getObjectOwnerGUID(), $file->getGUID());
unset($file); // may not be needed but there seems to be a memory leak
} //end of for loop
if (count($not_uploaded) > 0) {
if (count($uploaded_images) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(elgg_echo("tidypics:partialuploadfailure"), count($not_uploaded), count($not_uploaded) + count($uploaded_images)) . '
} else {
$error = elgg_echo("tidypics:completeuploadfailure") . '
$num_failures = count($not_uploaded);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_failures; $i++) {
$error .= "{$not_uploaded[$i]}: {$error_msgs[$i]}
if (count($uploaded_images) == 0) {
//upload failed, so forward to previous page
} else {
// some images did upload so we fall through
} else {
if (count($uploaded_images)) {
// Create a new batch object to contain these photos
$batch = new ElggObject();
$batch->subtype = "tidypics_batch";
$batch->access_id = $access_id;
$batch->container_guid = $album_guid;
if ($batch->save()) {
foreach ($uploaded_images as $uploaded_guid) {
add_entity_relationship($uploaded_guid, "belongs_to_batch", $batch->getGUID());
if ($img_river_view == "batch" && $new_album == false) {
add_to_river('river/object/tidypics_batch/create', 'create', $batch->getObjectOwnerGUID(), $batch->getGUID());
if (count($uploaded_images) > 0) {
// plugins can register to be told when a Tidypics album has had images added
trigger_elgg_event('upload', 'tp_album', $album);
//forward to multi-image edit page
forward($CONFIG->wwwroot . 'mod/tidypics/pages/edit_multiple.php?files=' . implode('-', $uploaded_images));