 * Import a whole bunch of photos from flickr

// Load Elgg engine
include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . "/engine/start.php";

require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/flickr.php" );
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/phpFlickr/phpFlickr.php";
$f = new phpFlickr("26b2abba37182aca62fe0eb2c7782050");

$set_id = get_input( "set_id" );
$album_id = get_input( "album_id" );
$page_pp = get_input( "page" );
$return_url = get_input( "return_url" );
$user = get_loggedin_user();
$flickr_id = get_metadata_byname( $user->guid, "flickr_id" );

if( empty( $flickr_id )) {
	register_error( elgg_echo( 'flickr:errorusername2' ));
	forward( $return_url );
	die; //just in case

// Get the friendly URL of the user's photos
$photos_url = $f->urls_getUserPhotos( $flickr_id->value );
$photos = $f->photosets_getPhotos( $set_id, null, null, 10, $page_pp );

$photos_to_upload = array();
foreach ($photos["photoset"]["photo"] as $photo) {
	//check if we already have this image
	$meta = get_metadata_byname( $user->guid, $photo["id"] );
	if ($meta->value == 1) { //we've downloaded this already
		register_error( elgg_echo( 'flickr:errorimageimport' ));
	//store this so we don't download the same photo multiple times
	create_metadata( $user->guid, $photo["id"], "1", "text", $user->guid, ACCESS_PUBLIC );

	$photo_info = $f->photos_getInfo( $photo["id"], $photo["secret"] );
	$tags = array();
	foreach ($photo_info["tags"]["tag"] as $tag) {
		$tags[] = $tag["raw"];
	$tags = implode( ", ", $tags );
	$image_url = $f->buildPhotoURL( $photo );
	$photos_to_upload[ $photo_info["id"] . ".jpg" ] = array( "url"=> $image_url, "tags" => $tags, "title" => $photo_info["title"], "description" => $photo_info["description"], "flickr_page" => "$photos_url$photo[id]" );

	$body .= "<div class='tidypics_album_images'>";
	$body .= "$photo_info[title]<br />Views: $photo_info[views]<br />";
	$body .= "<a href=$photos_url$photo[id]>";
	$body .= "<img border='0' alt='$photo[title]' ".
		"src='$image_url' />";
	$body .= "</a>";
//	echo "<pre>"; var_dump( $photos_to_upload );; die;

 * Elgg multi-image uploader action
* This will upload up to 10 images at at time to an album

global $CONFIG;
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/resize.php";
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/exif.php";

// Make sure we're logged in 

// Get common variables
$access_id = (int) get_input("access_id");
$container_guid = (int) get_input('container_guid', 0);
$container_guid = intval ($album_id);

$album = get_entity($container_guid);

$maxfilesize = (float) get_plugin_setting('maxfilesize','tidypics'); 
if (!$maxfilesize)
	$maxfilesize = 5; // default to 5 MB if not set 
$maxfilesize = 1024 * 1024 * $maxfilesize; // convert to bytes from MBs

$quota = get_plugin_setting('quota','tidypics');
$quota = 1024 * 1024 * $quota;
$image_repo_size_md = get_metadata_byname($album->container_guid, "image_repo_size");
$image_repo_size = (int)$image_repo_size_md->value;

$image_lib = get_plugin_setting('image_lib', 'tidypics');
if (!$image_lib)
	$image_lib = "GD";

// post limit exceeded
if (count($_FILES) == 0) {
	trigger_error('Tidypics warning: user exceeded post limit on image upload', E_USER_WARNING);
	forward(get_input('forward_url', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));

// test to make sure at least 1 image was selected by user
$num_images = 0;
foreach($_FILES as $key => $sent_file) {
	if (!empty($sent_file['name']))
if ( count( $photos_to_upload ) == 0 ) {
	// have user try again
	forward(get_input('forward_url', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));
	die; //just in case

$uploaded_images = array();
$not_uploaded = array();
$error_msgs = array();

$img_river_view = get_plugin_setting('img_river_view', 'tidypics');

$accepted_formats = array(

//foreach($_FILES as $key => $sent_file) {
foreach( $photos_to_upload as $name => $photo ) {

	// skip empty entries 
	if (empty($sent_file['name']))
	$name = $sent_file['name'];
	$mime = $sent_file['type'];

	if ($sent_file['error']) {
		array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
		if ($sent_file['error'] == 1) {
			trigger_error('Tidypics warning: image exceed server php upload limit', E_USER_WARNING);
			array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:image_mem'));
		else {
			array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:unk_error'));
	//make sure file is an image
	if (!in_array($mime, $accepted_formats)) {
		array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
		array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:not_image'));

/* I'm not going to check filesize here because flickr has already resized it for me 
	// check quota
	if ($quota) {
		if ($image_repo_size + $sent_file['size'] > $quota) {
			array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
			array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:exceed_quota'));
	// make sure file does not exceed memory limit
	if ($sent_file['size'] > $maxfilesize) {
		array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
		array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:image_mem'));
	// make sure the in memory image size does not exceed memory available - GD only
	$imginfo = getimagesize($sent_file['tmp_name']);
	$mem_avail = ini_get('memory_limit');
	$mem_avail = rtrim($mem_avail, 'M');
	$mem_avail = $mem_avail * 1024 * 1024;
	if ($image_lib == 'GD') {
		$mem_required = ceil(5.35 * $imginfo[0] * $imginfo[1]);
		$mem_used = memory_get_usage();
		$mem_avail = $mem_avail - $mem_used - 2097152; // 2 MB buffer
		if ($mem_required > $mem_avail) {
			array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
			array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:image_pixels'));
			trigger_error('Tidypics warning: image memory size too large for resizing so rejecting', E_USER_WARNING);
	} else if ($image_lib == 'ImageMagickPHP') {
		// haven't been able to determine a limit like there is for GD
	$mime = "image/jpeg"; //not sure how to get this from the file if we aren't posting it
	//this will save to users folder in /image/ and organize by photo album
	$prefix = "image/" . $container_guid . "/";
	$file = new ElggFile();
	$filestorename = strtolower(time().$name);
	$file->setFilename($prefix.$filestorename . ".jpg"); //that's all flickr stores so I think this is safe
	$file->originalfilename = $name;
	$file->access_id = $access_id;
	if ($container_guid) {
		$file->container_guid = $container_guid;

	// get the file from flickr and save it locally
	$filename = $file->getFilenameOnFilestore(); 

	while ($a=fread($source,1024)) fwrite($destination,$a);

	$result = $file->save();

	if (!$result) {
		array_push($not_uploaded, $sent_file['name']);
		array_push($error_msgs, elgg_echo('tidypics:save_error'));
	//add tags
	create_metadata( $file->guid, "tags", $photo["tags"], "text", $user->guid, ACCESS_PUBLIC );
	//add title and description
	create_object_entity( $file->guid, $photo["title"], $photo["description"] );
	//get and store the exif data
	// resize photos to create thumbnails
	if ($image_lib == 'ImageMagick') { // ImageMagick command line
		if (tp_create_im_cmdline_thumbnails($file, $prefix, $filestorename) != true) {
			trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to create thumbnails - ImageMagick command line', E_USER_WARNING);
	} else if ($image_lib == 'ImageMagickPHP') {  // imagick php extension 
		if (tp_create_imagick_thumbnails($file, $prefix, $filestorename) != true) {
			trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to create thumbnails - ImageMagick PHP', E_USER_WARNING);
	} else { 
		if (tp_create_gd_thumbnails($file, $prefix, $filestorename) != true) {
			trigger_error('Tidypics warning: failed to create thumbnails - GD', E_USER_WARNING);
	} // end of image library selector

	//keep one file handy so we can add a notice to the river if single image option selected
	if(!$file_for_river) {
		$file_for_river = $file;

	array_push($uploaded_images, $file->guid);

	// update user/group size for checking quota
	$image_repo_size += $sent_file['size'];

	// successful upload so check if this is a new album and throw river event/notification if so
	if ($album->new_album == TP_NEW_ALBUM) {
		$album->new_album = TP_OLD_ALBUM;

		// we throw the notification manually here so users are not told about the new album until there
		// is at least a few photos in it
		object_notifications('create', 'object', $album);
		add_to_river('river/object/album/create', 'create', $album->owner_guid, $album->guid);

	if ($img_river_view == "all") {
		add_to_river('river/object/image/create', 'create', $file->getObjectOwnerGUID(), $file->getGUID());
	unset($file);  // may not be needed but there seems to be a memory leak

} //end of for loop
if (count($not_uploaded) > 0) {
	if (count($uploaded_images) > 0)
		$error = sprintf(elgg_echo("tidypics:partialuploadfailure"), count($not_uploaded), count($not_uploaded) + count($uploaded_images))  . '<br />';
		$error = elgg_echo("tidypics:completeuploadfailure") . '<br />';

	$num_failures = count($not_uploaded);
	for ($i = 0; $i < $num_failures; $i++) {
		$error .= "{$not_uploaded[$i]}: {$error_msgs[$i]} <br />";
	if (count($uploaded_images) == 0)
		forward(get_input('forward_url', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); //upload failed, so forward to previous page
	else {
		// some images did upload so we fall through
} else {

if (count($uploaded_images) && $img_river_view == "1") {
	if (function_exists('add_to_river')) {
		add_to_river('river/object/image/create', 'create', $file_for_river->getObjectOwnerGUID(), $file_for_river->getGUID());

// update image repo size
create_metadata($album->container_guid, "image_repo_size", $image_repo_size, 'integer', $album->container_guid);

// plugins can register to be told when a Tidypics album has had images added
trigger_elgg_event('upload', 'tp_album', $album);

//forward to multi-image edit page

$url = $CONFIG->wwwroot . 'mod/tidypics/pages/edit_multiple.php?files=' . implode('-', $uploaded_images);